This is the complete list of members for openstudio::RemoteBCL, including all inherited members.
authKey() const | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
BCL(QObject *parent=nullptr) | openstudio::BCL | protected |
checkForComponentUpdates() | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
checkForMeasureUpdates() | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
componentDownloaded(const std::string &uid, const boost::optional< BCLComponent > &component) const | openstudio::RemoteBCL | signal |
componentsWithUpdates() const | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
devAuthKey() const | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
downloadComponent(const std::string &uid) | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
downloadData() | openstudio::RemoteBCL | protectedslot |
downloadMeasure(const std::string &uid) | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
getComponent(const std::string &uid, const std::string &versionId="") const override | openstudio::RemoteBCL | virtual |
getMeasure(const std::string &uid, const std::string &versionId="") const override | openstudio::RemoteBCL | virtual |
initializeSSL(const openstudio::path &t_pathToSSLLibraries=openstudio::path()) | openstudio::RemoteBCL | static |
isOnline() const | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
lastComponentDownload() const | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
lastMeasureDownload() const | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
lastMetaSearch() const | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
lastSearch() const | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
lastTotalResults() const | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
measureDownloaded(const std::string &uid, const boost::optional< BCLMeasure > &measure) const | openstudio::RemoteBCL | signal |
measuresWithUpdates() const | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
metaSearchCompleted(const boost::optional< BCLMetaSearchResult > &metaSearchResult) const | openstudio::RemoteBCL | signal |
metaSearchComponentLibrary(const std::string &searchTerm, const std::string &componentType, const std::string &filterType="nrel_component") const | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
metaSearchComponentLibrary(const std::string &searchTerm, const unsigned componentTypeTID, const std::string &filterType="nrel_component") const | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
numResultPages() const | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
onDownloadComplete(QNetworkReply *reply) | openstudio::RemoteBCL | protectedslot |
onMetaSearchResponseComplete(QNetworkReply *reply) | openstudio::RemoteBCL | protectedslot |
onSearchResponseComplete(QNetworkReply *reply) | openstudio::RemoteBCL | protectedslot |
prodAuthKey() const | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
RemoteBCL() | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
remoteDevelopmentUrl() const | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
remoteProductionUrl() const | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
remoteUrl() const | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
resultsPerQuery() const | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
searchCompleted(const std::vector< BCLSearchResult > &searchResults) const | openstudio::RemoteBCL | signal |
searchComponentLibrary(const std::string &searchTerm, const std::string &componentType, const unsigned page=0) const | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
searchComponentLibrary(const std::string &searchTerm, const unsigned componentTypeTID, const unsigned page=0) const | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
searchMeasureLibrary(const std::string &searchTerm, const std::string &componentType, const unsigned page=0) const | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
searchMeasureLibrary(const std::string &searchTerm, const unsigned componentTypeTID, const unsigned page=0) const | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
setDevAuthKey(const std::string &devAuthKey) | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
setProdAuthKey(const std::string &prodAuthKey) | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
startComponentLibraryMetaSearch(const std::string &searchTerm, const std::string &componentType, const std::string &filterType) | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
startComponentLibraryMetaSearch(const std::string &searchTerm, const unsigned componentTypeTID, const std::string &filterType) | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
startComponentLibrarySearch(const std::string &searchTerm, const std::string &componentType, const std::string &filterType, const unsigned page=0) | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
startComponentLibrarySearch(const std::string &searchTerm, const unsigned componentTypeTID, const std::string &filterType, const unsigned page=0) | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
updateComponents() | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
updateMeasures() | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
useRemoteDevelopmentUrl() | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
useRemoteProductionUrl() | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
waitForComponentDownload(int msec=50000) const | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
waitForMeasureDownload(int msec=50000) const | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
waitForMetaSearch(int msec=50000) const | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
waitForSearch(int msec=50000) const | openstudio::RemoteBCL | |
~BCL() | openstudio::BCL | virtual |
~RemoteBCL() | openstudio::RemoteBCL | virtual |