▼CEnumBase | |
Copenstudio::measure::OSArgumentType | Listing of OSArgument data types |
Copenstudio::measure::OSDomainType | Methods for restricting the domain of an OSArgument |
Copenstudio::measure::OSOutputType | Listing of OSOutput data types, values match OSArgumentType |
Copenstudio::measure::OSArgument | OSArgument is an argument to an OSMeasure |
▼Copenstudio::measure::OSMeasure | OSMeasure is an abstract base class for a user script |
Copenstudio::measure::EnergyPlusMeasure | EnergyPlusMeasure is an abstract base class for OSMeasures that operate on EnergyPlus Workspaces |
Copenstudio::measure::ModelMeasure | ModelMeasure is an abstract base class for UserScripts that operate on OpenStudio Models |
Copenstudio::measure::ReportingMeasure | ReportingMeasure is an abstract base class for UserScripts that generate reports |
Copenstudio::measure::OSMeasureInfo | OSMeasureInfo contains information that can be extracted from an OSMeasure by a parser |
▼Copenstudio::measure::OSMeasureInfoGetter | Interface class for using embedded Ruby to extract arguments from an OSMeasure |
Copenstudio::measure::EmbeddedRubyMeasureInfoGetter< RubyInterpreterType > | Should only be instantiated in C++ Applications |
Copenstudio::measure::OSOutput | OSOutput is an output of an OSMeasure |
Copenstudio::measure::OSRunner | OSRunner is a concrete base class for application-specific classes that run OSMeasures |