►Nboost | Extend boost::program_options namespace to include platform specific functions for parsing command line arguments |
►Nopenstudio | All OpenStudio code is placed in the openstudio namespace |
CAirState | The AirState object represents a moist air state |
CApplicationSingleton | Singleton application wide configuration management |
CAttribute | An attribute is a name value pair where the value can be a bool, double, int, string, or vector of other attributes |
CAttributeDescription | AttributeDescription describes what an acceptable Attribute is in a given context |
CAttributeValueType | A listing of data types that can be held in an Attribute |
CAWSComputerInformation | |
CAWSProvider | AWSProvider is a CloudProvider that provides access to Amazon EC2 and CloudWatch services |
CAWSSession | AWSSession is a CloudSession |
CAWSSettings | AWSSettings is a CloudSettings |
CbaseUnitConversionFactor | A struct to store all the information necessary to convert from one base unit to another |
CBCL | This is a generic interface that can be used for searching either the local or remote bcl |
CBCLComponent | |
CBCLComponentNameGreater | |
CBCLComponentNameLess | |
CBCLCost | This gives information about a cost in a BCL search result |
CBCLFacet | This gives information about items from a BCL facet from a meta search result |
CBCLFile | This gives information about a single file in a BCL search result |
CBCLFileReference | BCLFileReference is a class for tracking files that come with BCL components and measures |
CBCLMeasure | BCLMeasure is a class for managing the contents of a BCL Measure directory including the xml description file |
CBCLMeasureArgument | BCLMeasureArgument is a class representing an argument of a measure |
CBCLMetaSearchResult | This gives information about a meta search result |
CBCLProvenance | This gives information about the provenance of a single file in a BCL search result |
CBCLSearchResult | This gives information about an item in a BCL search result |
CBCLTaxonomyTerm | This gives information about a taxonomy term from the taxonomy |
CBCLXML | BCLXML is a class for accessing the common XML structures of BCLComponent and BCLMeasure |
CBCLXMLType | Enumeration of the BCL XML file types |
CBoundingBox | BoundingBox is an axis aligned cuboid that can check for intersections with another BoundingBox |
CBTUExpnt | Structure to hold BTUUnit exponents needed for BTUUnit construction |
CBTUUnit | BTUUnit is a Unit with baseUnits fixed by its constructors, see BTUExpnt |
CBuildingSector | Commercial or residential |
CCalendar | Calendar is a description of a year, noting special days like holidays, special periods like seasons, and daylight savings time |
CCalibrationBillingPeriod | CalibrationBillingPeriod is wrapper around Attribute for storing information about model calibration |
CCalibrationResult | CalibrationResult is wrapper around Attribute for storing information about model calibration |
CCalibrationUtilityBill | CalibrationUtilityBill is wrapper around Attribute for storing information about model calibration |
CCelsiusUnit | CelsiusUnit is a TemperatureUnit that supports absolute temperatures in degrees Celsius |
CCFMExpnt | Structure to hold CFMUnit exponents needed for CFMUnit construction |
CCFMUnit | CFMUnit is a Unit with baseUnits fixed by its constructors, see CFMExpnt |
CCloudProvider | CloudProvider is an abstract base class for classes that provide cloud resources |
CCloudSession | CloudSession returns the information needed to identify and reconnect to compute nodes started by a previous CloudProvider |
CCloudSettings | CloudSettings returns the information needed to use a CloudProvider (e.g. username, password, etc) |
CCostLineItem | |
CCostObject | |
CDataError | |
CDataErrorLess | Set comparator for DataError |
CDataErrorType | Lists the ways in which an Idf field, object, or collection of objects can be invalid as compared to its Idd |
CDate | Date is an absolute unit of time, resolution to the day Date is simple wrapper around boost::gregorian::date |
CDateCompare | DateCompare compares two dates, returns true if lhs is less than rhs |
CDateTime | DateTime is an absolute unit of time, resolution to the second date is a valid Date time is normalized to 0 <= time < 24 hrs |
CDayOfWeek | DayOfWeek is an enumeration of the days of the week: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday |
CDocumentFormat | Document output formats supported by OpenStudio |
CEconomics | |
CEndUseCategoryType | End use categories reported by OpenStudio |
CEndUseFuelType | Fuel types reported by OpenStudio |
CEndUses | EndUses is wrapper around Attribute for storing information about end uses |
CEndUseType | End uses that can be metered by EnergyPlus |
CEnvironmentIdentifier | Small class to let users identify a SqlFile environment period either by type or by name |
CEnvironmentType | Frequencies at which report variables may be specified |
CEpwComputedField | |
CEpwDataField | |
CEpwDataPoint | EpwDataPoint is one line from the EPW file |
CEpwFile | EpwFile parses a weather file in EPW format |
CEulerAngles | Euler angles specify an orientation in space, they characterize: a rotation of psi radians about the x-axis followed by a rotation of theta radians about the y-axis followed by a rotation of phi radians about the z-axis |
CException | Base class for exceptions |
CFahrenheitUnit | FahrenheitUnit is a TemperatureUnit that supports absolute temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit |
CFieldIndexLess | |
CFileLogSink | |
CFileReference | |
CFileReferenceType | Type of files we expect to handle with FileReference |
CFirstOfPairLess | |
CFuelType | EnergyPlus meterable fuel types |
CGetFirstOfPair | |
CGetSecondOfPair | |
CGPDExpnt | Structure to hold GPDUnit exponents needed for GPDUnit construction |
CGPDUnit | GPDUnit is a Unit with baseUnits fixed by its constructors, see GPDExpnt |
CIcharCompare | Small functor object for case insensitive char compare |
CIddUnitString | |
CIdfExtensibleGroup | IdfExtensibleGroup wraps a single set of extensible fields in an IdfObject |
CIdfFile | IdfFile provides parsing and printing of text files in EnergyPlus Input Data File (IDF) format |
CIdfObject | IdfObject holds and manipulates data in the EnergyPlus Idd/Idf format |
CIdfObjectDiff | IdfObjectDiff represents a change to an IdfObject |
CIdfObjectImplLess | Function object for sorting objects by impl |
CIdfObjectNameLess | Function object for sorting objects by name |
CIdfObjectTypeLess | Function object for sorting by IddObjectType |
CIdfObjectWatcher | IdfObjectWatcher watches an IdfObject for signals emitted on changes |
CImfFile | ImfFile represents an Imf file |
CIndexLess | |
CInstallLocationType | EnergyPlus meter install location |
CInterpInfo | Data structure for holding interpolation information |
CIntersectionResult | IntersectionResult contains detailed information about an intersection |
CIPExpnt | Structure to hold IPUnit exponents needed for IPUnit construction |
CIPUnit | IPUnit is a Unit with baseUnits fixed by its constructors, see IPExpnt |
CIstringCompare | Small functor object for case insensitive std::string compare |
CIstringEqual | Small functor object for case insensitive std::string equality |
CIstringFind | Small functor object for case insensitive std::string equality |
CIstringPairCompare | Small functor object for case insensitive std::string compare in pairs of std::string, tests first strings then seconds |
CKeyValueIdentifier | Small class to let users identify one or more key values by name or regex |
CLocalBCL | |
CLoggerSingleton | Singleton logger class |
CLogMessage | LogMessage encapsulates a single logging message |
CLogSink | LogSink is a class for managing sinks for log messages, e.g. files, streams, etc |
CMeasureBadgeType | |
CMeasureType | Enumeration of the types of BCLMeasure, by input file type |
CMisc1Expnt | Structure to hold Misc1Unit exponents needed for Misc1Unit construction |
CMisc1Unit | Misc1Unit is a Unit with baseUnits fixed by its constructors, see Misc1Expnt |
CMonthOfYear | MonthOfYear is an enumeration of months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December |
CMPHExpnt | Structure to hold MPHUnit exponents needed for MPHUnit construction |
CMPHUnit | MPHUnit is a Unit with baseUnits fixed by its constructors, see MPHExpnt |
CNameFinder | Functor object for finding objects by name |
CNthDayOfWeekInMonth | NthDayOfWeekInMonth is an enum for the nth DayOfWeek in MonthOfYear (e.g |
CObjectOrderBase | Base class for ordering objects |
CObjectPointer | Data structure for specifying connections between IdfWorkspace and other object collections |
COSOptionalQuantity | OSOptionalQuantity class to be used in OpenStudio ModelObject properties |
COSQuantityVector | Represents a vector of quantities all with the same units |
COSServer | OSServer is a class for accessing the rails server started on machines provided by a CloudProvider |
CPathWatcher | Class for watching either a file or directory, QFileSystemWatcher has issues when watching many files so it is not recommended to use too many of these objects |
CPlane | Plane defines an infinite plane in 3D space |
CPoint3d | |
CProgressBar | ProgressBar wraps a QProgressBar and provides virtual methods setRange, setValue, and setWindowTitle(QString) which may be overridden |
CQuantity | Quantity class defines value, unit pairs |
CQuantityConverterSingleton | Singleton for converting quantities to different unit systems or to targeted units |
CQuantityFactorySingleton | |
CQueue | Thread safe Queue for message processing |
Cqueue_read_canceled | Exception thrown if the user attempts to read data from openstudio::Queue<>, but the Queue is canceled or shutdown |
Cqueue_read_empty | Exception thrown if the user attempts to read data from openstudio::Queue<> with a non-blocking call and there is no data available |
CRemoteBCL | Class for accessing the remote BCL |
CRemoteQueryResponse | This class is used to capture the xml response of a query and store it for later processing |
CReportingFrequency | Frequencies at which report variables may be specified |
CRubyException | |
CScale | Structure for holding scale prefixes such as kilo and centi |
CScaleFactorySingleton | Singleton that creates scales based on std::string or exponent |
CScope | Indicates whether a ValidityReport or DataError pertains to a single field, a single object, or the entire collection |
CSecondOfPairLess | |
CSIExpnt | Structure to hold SIUnit exponents needed for SIUnit construction |
CSingleton | |
CSIUnit | SIUnit is a Unit with baseUnits are fixed by its constructors, see SIExpnt |
CSqlFile | SqlFile class is a transaction script around the sql output of EnergyPlus |
CSqlFileTimeSeriesQuery | Class to hold information about one or more SqlFile time series of interest |
CStrictnessLevel | Specifies the desired amount of validity |
CStringStreamLogSink | |
CStructNameFinder | Functor object for finding objects by name |
CSummaryData | |
CSystem | |
CTag | |
CTemperatureConversionRule | |
CTemperatureUnit | TemperatureUnit is an abstract Unit for handling temperatures |
CTemporaryDirectory | |
CThermExpnt | Structure to hold ThermUnit exponents needed for ThermUnit construction |
CThermUnit | ThermUnit is a Unit with baseUnits Btu, ft, h, R, and people |
CTime | Time is a relative unit of time, resolution to the second Time is simple wrapper around boost::posix_time::time_duration Internally totalSeconds is the primary definition of time (i.e |
CTimeCompare | TimeCompare compares two times, returns true if lhs is less than rhs |
CTimeSeries | TimeSeries is a series of values each reported at a single time |
CTimeSeriesIdentifier | Small class to let users identify a time series by name, or a set of time series by regex |
CTransformation | |
CUnit | Base class that holds unit information in the form of (string,exponent) pairs |
CUnitFactorySingleton | Singleton that creates units based on std::string representation |
CUnitSystem | Unit systems supported by OpenStudio's runtime units utility |
CUnzipFile | |
CUpdateManager | Class for checking whether a new version of OpenStudio is available for download |
CURLSearchPath | |
CVagrantProvider | VagrantProvider is a CloudProvider that provides access to local Vagrant virtual machines for testing |
CVagrantSession | VagrantSession is a CloudSession |
CVagrantSettings | VagrantSettings is a CloudSettings |
CValidityReport | |
CValueFinder | Functor object for finding objects by value |
CVector3d | |
CVectorStruct | Workaround to get Vector typedef, http://www.gotw.ca/gotw/079.htm |
CVersionString | |
CWhExpnt | Structure to hold WhUnit exponents needed for WhUnit construction |
CWhUnit | WhUnit is a Unit with baseUnits W, h, m, K, and people |
CWorkspace | Workspace holds a collection of interconnected WorkspaceObjects |
CWorkspaceExtensibleGroup | WorkspaceExtensibleGroup wraps a set of extensible fields in a WorkspaceObject |
CWorkspaceObject | WorkspaceObject holds and manipulates data objects in Energyplus IDF format in the context of a Workspace |
CWorkspaceObjectDiff | WorkspaceObjectDiff represents a change to an WorkspaceObjectDiff |
CWorkspaceObjectNameGreater | |
CWorkspaceObjectNameLess | |
CWorkspaceObjectOrder | Public interface of WorkspaceObjectOrder |
CWorkspaceObjectWatcher | |
CWorkspaceWatcher | WorkspaceWatcher watches a Workspace for signals emitted on changes |
CYearDescription | YearDescription describes a year with several optional parameters |
CZipFile | |
CQObject | |