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openstudio Namespace Reference

All OpenStudio code is placed in the openstudio namespace. More...




class  AirState
 The AirState object represents a moist air state. More...
class  Attribute
 An attribute is a name value pair where the value can be a bool, double, int, string, or vector of other attributes. More...
struct  AttributeDescription
 AttributeDescription describes what an acceptable Attribute is in a given context. More...
class  AttributeValueType
 A listing of data types that can be held in an Attribute. More...
struct  baseUnitConversionFactor
 A struct to store all the information necessary to convert from one base unit to another. More...
class  BCL
 This is a generic interface that can be used for searching either the local or remote bcl. More...
class  BCLComponent
struct  BCLComponentNameGreater
struct  BCLComponentNameLess
class  BCLCost
 This gives information about a cost in a BCL search result. More...
class  BCLFacet
 This gives information about items from a BCL facet from a meta search result. More...
class  BCLFile
 This gives information about a single file in a BCL search result. More...
class  BCLFileReference
 BCLFileReference is a class for tracking files that come with BCL components and measures. More...
class  BCLMeasure
 BCLMeasure is a class for managing the contents of a BCL Measure directory including the xml description file. More...
class  BCLMeasureArgument
 BCLMeasureArgument is a class representing an argument of a measure. More...
class  BCLMeasureOutput
 BCLMeasureOutput is a class representing an output of a measure. More...
class  BCLMetaSearchResult
 This gives information about a meta search result. More...
class  BCLProvenance
 This gives information about the provenance of a single file in a BCL search result. More...
class  BCLSearchResult
 This gives information about an item in a BCL search result. More...
class  BCLTaxonomyTerm
 This gives information about a taxonomy term from the taxonomy. More...
class  BCLXML
 BCLXML is a class for accessing the common XML structures of BCLComponent and BCLMeasure. More...
class  BCLXMLType
 Enumeration of the BCL XML file types. More...
class  BoundingBox
 BoundingBox is an axis aligned cuboid that can check for intersections with another BoundingBox. More...
struct  BTUExpnt
 Structure to hold BTUUnit exponents needed for BTUUnit construction. More...
class  BTUUnit
 BTUUnit is a Unit with baseUnits fixed by its constructors, see BTUExpnt. More...
class  BuildingSector
 Commercial or residential. More...
class  Calendar
 Calendar is a description of a year, noting special days like holidays, special periods like seasons, and daylight savings time. More...
class  CalibrationBillingPeriod
 CalibrationBillingPeriod is wrapper around Attribute for storing information about model calibration. More...
class  CalibrationResult
 CalibrationResult is wrapper around Attribute for storing information about model calibration. More...
class  CalibrationUtilityBill
 CalibrationUtilityBill is wrapper around Attribute for storing information about model calibration. More...
class  CelsiusUnit
 CelsiusUnit is a TemperatureUnit that supports absolute temperatures in degrees Celsius. More...
struct  CFMExpnt
 Structure to hold CFMUnit exponents needed for CFMUnit construction. More...
class  CFMUnit
 CFMUnit is a Unit with baseUnits fixed by its constructors, see CFMExpnt. More...
class  Chain
class  CSVFile
 Class for reading and writing CSV files. More...
class  CustomOutputAdapter
class  DataError
struct  DataErrorLess
 Set comparator for DataError. More...
class  DataErrorType
 Lists the ways in which an Idf field, object, or collection of objects can be invalid as compared to its Idd. More...
class  Date
 Date is an absolute unit of time, resolution to the day Date is simple wrapper around boost::gregorian::date. More...
class  DateCompare
 DateCompare compares two dates, returns true if lhs is less than rhs. More...
class  DateTime
 DateTime is an absolute unit of time, resolution to the second date is a valid Date time is normalized to 0 <= time < 24 hrs. More...
class  DayOfWeek
 DayOfWeek is an enumeration of the days of the week: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. More...
class  DocumentFormat
 Document output formats supported by OpenStudio. More...
class  Edge
class  EndUseCategoryType
 End use categories reported by OpenStudio. More...
class  EndUseFuelType
 Fuel types reported by OpenStudio. More...
class  EndUses
 EndUses is wrapper around Attribute for storing information about end uses. More...
class  EndUseType
 End uses that can be metered by EnergyPlus. More...
class  EnvironmentIdentifier
 Small class to let users identify a SqlFile environment period either by type or by name. More...
class  EnvironmentType
 Frequencies at which report variables may be specified. More...
class  EpwComputedField
class  EpwDataField
class  EpwDataPoint
 EpwDataPoint is one line from the EPW file. More...
class  EpwDesignCondition
 EpwDesignCondition is one line from the EPW file. More...
class  EpwDesignField
class  EpwFile
 EpwFile parses a weather file in EPW format. More...
class  EpwHoliday
class  EulerAngles
 Euler angles specify an orientation in space, they characterize: a rotation of psi radians about the x-axis followed by a rotation of theta radians about the y-axis followed by a rotation of phi radians about the z-axis. More...
class  Exception
 Base class for exceptions. More...
class  Face
class  FaceNode
class  FahrenheitUnit
 FahrenheitUnit is a TemperatureUnit that supports absolute temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit. More...
struct  FieldIndexLess
class  FileLogSink
class  FileReference
class  FileReferenceType
 Type of files we expect to handle with FileReference. More...
struct  FirstOfPairLess
class  FloorplanJS
 FloorplanJS is an adapter for the FloorspaceJS JSON format. More...
class  FloorplanObject
 FloorplanObject is used to update data in a FloorplanJS object. More...
class  FuelType
 EnergyPlus meterable fuel types. More...
struct  GetFirstOfPair
struct  GetSecondOfPair
struct  GPDExpnt
 Structure to hold GPDUnit exponents needed for GPDUnit construction. More...
class  GPDUnit
 GPDUnit is a Unit with baseUnits fixed by its constructors, see GPDExpnt. More...
struct  IcharCompare
 Small functor object for case insensitive char compare. More...
class  IddUnitString
class  IdfExtensibleGroup
 IdfExtensibleGroup wraps a single set of extensible fields in an IdfObject. More...
class  IdfFile
 IdfFile provides parsing and printing of text files in EnergyPlus Input Data File (IDF) format. More...
class  IdfObject
 IdfObject holds and manipulates data in the EnergyPlus Idd/Idf format. More...
class  IdfObjectDiff
 IdfObjectDiff represents a change to an IdfObject. More...
struct  IdfObjectImplLess
 Function object for sorting objects by impl. More...
struct  IdfObjectNameLess
 Function object for sorting objects by name. More...
struct  IdfObjectTypeLess
 Function object for sorting by IddObjectType. More...
class  IdfObjectWatcher
 IdfObjectWatcher watches an IdfObject for signals emitted on changes. More...
class  ImfFile
 ImfFile represents an Imf file. More...
struct  IndexLess
class  InstallLocationType
 EnergyPlus meter install location. More...
struct  InterpInfo
 Data structure for holding interpolation information. More...
class  IntersectionResult
 IntersectionResult contains detailed information about an intersection. More...
struct  IPExpnt
 Structure to hold IPUnit exponents needed for IPUnit construction. More...
class  IPUnit
 IPUnit is a Unit with baseUnits fixed by its constructors, see IPExpnt. More...
struct  IstringCompare
 Small functor object for case insensitive std::string compare. More...
struct  IstringEqual
 Small functor object for case insensitive std::string equality. More...
struct  IstringFind
 Small functor object for case insensitive std::string equality. More...
struct  IstringPairCompare
 Small functor object for case insensitive std::string compare in pairs of std::string, tests first strings then seconds. More...
class  KeyValueIdentifier
 Small class to let users identify one or more key values by name or regex. More...
class  LevelEvent
class  LineLinear2d
class  LocalBCL
class  LoggerSingleton
 Singleton logger class. More...
class  LogMessage
 LogMessage encapsulates a single logging message. More...
class  LogSink
 LogSink is a class for managing sinks for log messages, e.g. files, streams, etc. More...
class  MeasureBadgeType
class  MeasureStep
 Base class for defining a step in an OpenStudio Workflow. More...
class  MeasureType
 Enumeration of the types of BCLMeasure, by input file type. More...
struct  Misc1Expnt
 Structure to hold Misc1Unit exponents needed for Misc1Unit construction. More...
class  Misc1Unit
 Misc1Unit is a Unit with baseUnits fixed by its constructors, see Misc1Expnt. More...
class  MonthOfYear
 MonthOfYear is an enumeration of months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. More...
struct  MPHExpnt
 Structure to hold MPHUnit exponents needed for MPHUnit construction. More...
class  MPHUnit
 MPHUnit is a Unit with baseUnits fixed by its constructors, see MPHExpnt. More...
class  NameFinder
 Functor object for finding objects by name. More...
class  NthDayOfWeekInMonth
 NthDayOfWeekInMonth is an enum for the nth DayOfWeek in MonthOfYear (e.g. More...
class  ObjectOrderBase
 Base class for ordering objects. More...
struct  ObjectPointer
 Data structure for specifying connections between IdfWorkspace and other object collections. More...
class  OSOptionalQuantity
 OSOptionalQuantity class to be used in OpenStudio ModelObject properties. More...
class  OSQuantityVector
 Represents a vector of quantities all with the same units. More...
class  Plane
 Plane defines an infinite plane in 3D space. More...
class  Point3d
struct  Point3dComparer
class  PointLatLon
class  ProgressBar
 ProgressBar is a pure virtual class providing virtual methods setRange, setValue, and setWindowTitle which may be overridden. More...
class  Quantity
 Quantity class defines value, unit pairs. More...
class  QuantityConverterSingleton
 Singleton for converting quantities to different unit systems or to targeted units . More...
class  QuantityFactorySingleton
class  Queue
 Thread safe Queue for message processing. More...
struct  queue_read_canceled
 Exception thrown if the user attempts to read data from openstudio::Queue<>, but the Queue is canceled or shutdown. More...
struct  queue_read_empty
 Exception thrown if the user attempts to read data from openstudio::Queue<> with a non-blocking call and there is no data available. More...
class  QueueEvent
class  Ray2d
class  RemoteBCL
 Class for accessing the remote BCL. More...
class  RemoteQueryResponse
 This class is used to capture the xml response of a query and store it for later processing. More...
class  ReportingFrequency
 Frequencies at which report variables may be specified. More...
class  RubyException
class  RunOptions
 Base class for defining a run options for a OpenStudio Workflow. More...
struct  Scale
 Structure for holding scale prefixes such as kilo and centi. More...
class  ScaleFactorySingleton
 Singleton that creates scales based on std::string or exponent. More...
class  Scope
 Indicates whether a ValidityReport or DataError pertains to a single field, a single object, or the entire collection. More...
struct  SecondOfPairLess
struct  SIExpnt
 Structure to hold SIUnit exponents needed for SIUnit construction. More...
class  Singleton
class  SIUnit
 SIUnit is a Unit with baseUnits are fixed by its constructors, see SIExpnt. More...
class  SplitCandidate
class  SqlFile
 SqlFile class is a transaction script around the sql output of EnergyPlus. More...
class  SqlFileTimeSeriesQuery
 Class to hold information about one or more SqlFile time series of interest. More...
class  StandardsJSON
 Class for accessing the OpenStudio Standards (OSW) JSON format. More...
class  StepResult
 Possible outcomes of running a WorkflowStep. More...
class  StrictnessLevel
 Specifies the desired amount of validity. More...
class  StringStreamLogSink
class  StructNameFinder
 Functor object for finding objects by name. More...
struct  SummaryData
class  System
struct  TemperatureConversionRule
class  TemperatureUnit
 TemperatureUnit is an abstract Unit for handling temperatures. More...
struct  ThermExpnt
 Structure to hold ThermUnit exponents needed for ThermUnit construction. More...
class  ThermUnit
 ThermUnit is a Unit with baseUnits Btu, ft, h, R, and people. More...
class  ThreeBoundingBox
 ThreeBoundingBox includes information about a bounding box. More...
class  ThreeGeometry
 ThreeGeometry holds the geometry for an object. More...
class  ThreeGeometryData
 ThreeGeometryData holds the geometry data for an object. More...
class  ThreeMaterial
 ThreeMaterial defines a rendering material. More...
class  ThreeModelObjectMetadata
 ThreeModelObjectMetadata includes metadata about an OpenStudio ModelObject not associated with a ThreeSceneChild in the ThreeJS scene. More...
class  ThreeScene
 ThreeScene is an adapter for a scene in the three.js geometry format, defined at: More...
class  ThreeSceneChild
 ThreeSceneChild is a child object of a ThreeSceneObject. More...
class  ThreeSceneMetadata
 ThreeSceneMetadata includes metadata about an OpenStudio Model Object. More...
class  ThreeSceneObject
 ThreeSceneObject is the root object in a ThreeScene. More...
class  ThreeUserData
 ThreeUserData decorates a ThreeSceneChild with additional information. More...
class  Time
 Time is a relative unit of time, resolution to the second Time is simple wrapper around boost::posix_time::time_duration Internally totalSeconds is the primary definition of time (i.e. More...
class  TimeCompare
 TimeCompare compares two times, returns true if lhs is less than rhs. More...
class  TimeSeries
 TimeSeries is a series of values each reported at a single time. More...
class  TimeSeriesIdentifier
 Small class to let users identify a time series by name, or a set of time series by regex. More...
class  Transformation
class  Unit
 Base class that holds unit information in the form of (string,exponent) pairs. More...
class  UnitFactorySingleton
 Singleton that creates units based on std::string representation. More...
class  UnitSystem
 Unit systems supported by OpenStudio's runtime units utility. More...
class  UnzipFile
class  UpdateManager
 Class for checking whether a new version of OpenStudio is available for download. More...
class  UUID
 Universally Unique Identifier. More...
class  ValidityReport
class  ValueFinder
 Functor object for finding objects by value. More...
class  Variant
 A Variant is a flexible type that can hold several types of values. More...
class  VariantType
 A listing of data types that can be held in a Variant. More...
class  Vector3d
struct  VectorStruct
 Workaround to get Vector typedef, More...
class  VersionString
class  Vertex
struct  WhExpnt
 Structure to hold WhUnit exponents needed for WhUnit construction. More...
class  WhUnit
 WhUnit is a Unit with baseUnits W, h, m, K, and people. More...
class  WorkflowJSON
 Class for accessing the OpenStudio Workflow (OSW) JSON format. More...
class  WorkflowStep
 Base class for defining a step in an OpenStudio Workflow. More...
class  WorkflowStepResult
 Class for documenting the outcome of running a UserScript or a Ruleset. More...
class  WorkflowStepValue
 Class for storing a value set by OSRunner::registerValue. More...
class  Workspace
 Workspace holds a collection of interconnected WorkspaceObjects. More...
class  WorkspaceExtensibleGroup
 WorkspaceExtensibleGroup wraps a set of extensible fields in a WorkspaceObject. More...
class  WorkspaceObject
 WorkspaceObject holds and manipulates data objects in Energyplus IDF format in the context of a Workspace. More...
class  WorkspaceObjectDiff
 WorkspaceObjectDiff represents a change to an WorkspaceObjectDiff. More...
struct  WorkspaceObjectNameGreater
struct  WorkspaceObjectNameLess
class  WorkspaceObjectOrder
 Public interface of WorkspaceObjectOrder. More...
class  WorkspaceObjectWatcher
class  WorkspaceWatcher
 WorkspaceWatcher watches a Workspace for signals emitted on changes. More...
struct  YearDescription
 YearDescription describes a year with several optional parameters. More...
class  ZipFile


typedef std::vector< BCLMeasureBCLMeasureVector
typedef std::vector< bool > BoolVector
typedef std::vector< BoundingBoxBoundingBoxVector
typedef std::vector< CalendarCalendarVector
 vector of Calendar More...
typedef std::vector< DateTimeDateTimeVector
 vector of DateTime More...
typedef std::vector< DateDateVector
 vector of Date More...
typedef std::set< double > DoubleSet
typedef std::vector< double > DoubleVector
typedef std::vector< EulerAnglesEulerAnglesVector
typedef openstudio::UUID Handle
 Objects can be identified by Handle. More...
typedef std::map< Handle, HandleHandleMap
 Maps Handles to Handles. More...
typedef std::set< HandleHandleSet
 Set of Handles. Enforces uniqueness within a list. More...
typedef std::vector< HandleHandleVector
 Vector of Handles. More...
typedef ObjectPointer< Handle,
 ObjectPointer with source and target as Handles. More...
typedef std::vector< HHPointerHHPointerVector
typedef ObjectPointer< Handle,
unsigned > 
 ObjectPointer with source as Handle, target as index in IdfObjectVector. More...
typedef std::vector< HUPointerHUPointerVector
typedef std::vector< IdfFileIdfFileVector
 vector of idf file More...
typedef std::vector< ImfFileImfFileVector
 vector of imf file More...
typedef std::set< intIntSet
typedef std::vector< intIntVector
typedef std::set< std::string,
 Set of strings with case-insensitive comparison. More...
typedef std::string LogChannel
 LogChannel identifies a logger. More...
typedef openstudio::Singleton
< LoggerSingleton
< LogLevel > 
 Type of logger used. More...
< boost::log::sinks::text_ostream_backend > 
 Type of stream sink used. More...
< double > 
 Matrix. More...
typedef boost::optional
< AttributeValueType
typedef boost::optional
< BCLMeasure
typedef boost::optional
typedef boost::optional
< BoundingBox
typedef boost::optional
< BuildingSector
typedef boost::optional< CalendarOptionalCalendar
 optional Calendar More...
typedef boost::optional
< DataErrorType
typedef boost::optional< DateOptionalDate
 optional Date More...
typedef boost::optional< DateTimeOptionalDateTime
 optional DateTime More...
typedef boost::optional
< DayOfWeek
typedef boost::optional
< DocumentFormat
typedef boost::optional< double > OptionalDouble
typedef boost::optional
< EndUseCategoryType
typedef boost::optional
< EndUseFuelType
typedef boost::optional
< EndUseType
typedef boost::optional
< openstudio::EnvironmentIdentifier
typedef boost::optional
< EnvironmentType
typedef boost::optional
< EpwComputedField
typedef boost::optional
< EpwDataField
typedef boost::optional
< EpwDesignField
typedef boost::optional
< EulerAngles
typedef boost::optional
< FileReferenceType
typedef boost::optional< FuelTypeOptionalFuelType
typedef boost::optional< HandleOptionalHandle
 Optional Handle. More...
typedef boost::optional
< HandleVector
 Optional HandleVector. More...
typedef boost::optional< IdfFileOptionalIdfFile
 optional idf file More...
typedef boost::optional< ImfFileOptionalImfFile
 optional imf file More...
typedef boost::optional
< InstallLocationType
typedef boost::optional< intOptionalInt
typedef boost::optional
< openstudio::KeyValueIdentifier
typedef boost::optional
< MeasureBadgeType
typedef boost::optional
< MeasureType
typedef boost::optional
< MonthOfYear
typedef boost::optional
< NthDayOfWeekInMonth
typedef boost::optional< pathOptionalPath
 Optional path. More...
typedef boost::optional< PlaneOptionalPlane
 optional Plane More...
typedef boost::optional< Point3dOptionalPoint3d
typedef boost::optional
< PointLatLon
typedef boost::optional
< ReportingFrequency
typedef boost::optional< ScopeOptionalScope
typedef boost::optional< SqlFileOptionalSqlFile
 optional SqlFile More...
typedef boost::optional
< StepResult
typedef boost::optional
< StrictnessLevel
typedef boost::optional
< std::string > 
typedef boost::optional< TimeOptionalTime
 optional Time More...
typedef boost::optional
< TimeSeries
typedef boost::optional
< openstudio::TimeSeriesIdentifier
typedef boost::optional
< Transformation
typedef boost::optional
< UnitSystem
typedef boost::optional< unsigned > OptionalUnsigned
typedef boost::optional< UUIDOptionalUUID
 optional UUID More...
typedef boost::optional
< VariantType
typedef boost::optional< Vector3dOptionalVector3d
typedef boost::optional
< VersionString
typedef std::variant
< std::monostate, bool, double,
int, unsigned, std::string,
std::vector< Attribute > > 
typedef boost::filesystem::path path
typedef std::pair< path, pathPathPair
typedef std::vector< PlanePlaneVector
 vector of Plane More...
typedef std::vector< Point3dPoint3dVector
typedef std::vector
< Point3dVector
typedef std::vector< PointLatLonPointLatLonVector
typedef openstudio::Singleton
< QuantityFactorySingleton
typedef std::set
< ReportingFrequency
typedef std::vector
< ReportingFrequency
 ScalarVector. More...
typedef std::function< const
Scale &()> 
 Function pointer to a constant scale object. More...
typedef openstudio::Singleton
< ScaleFactorySingleton
typedef std::pair
< ScaleConstant, double > 
 Return type for scale multiplication and division. More...
typedef std::vector
< SqlFileTimeSeriesQuery
typedef std::pair< std::string,
std::string > 
typedef std::set< std::string > StringSet
typedef std::vector< std::string > StringVector
typedef std::vector< TimeSeriesTimeSeriesVector
typedef std::vector< TimeTimeVector
 vector of Time More...
typedef std::vector
< Transformation
typedef ObjectPointer
< unsigned, Handle
 ObjectPointer with source as index in IdfObjectVector, target as Handle. More...
typedef std::vector< UHPointerUHPointerVector
typedef std::set< unsigned > UnsignedSet
typedef std::vector< unsigned > UnsignedVector
typedef std::vector< UUIDUUIDVector
 vector of UUID More...
typedef VectorStruct::VectorType Vector
 Vector. More...
typedef std::vector< Vector3dVector3dVector


enum  FloatFormat { FloatFormat::fixed, FloatFormat::general, FloatFormat::general_capital }
enum  ThreeSide { FrontSide = 0, BackSide = 1, DoubleSide = 2 }
 enum for materials More...


static void addFaceBack (std::shared_ptr< Vertex > newVertex, std::shared_ptr< Vertex > va, std::shared_ptr< Vertex > vb, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Face > > &faces)
static void addFaceLeft (std::shared_ptr< Vertex > newVertex, std::shared_ptr< Vertex > va, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Face > > &faces)
static void addFaceRight (std::shared_ptr< Vertex > newVertex, std::shared_ptr< Vertex > vb, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Face > > &faces)
static void addMultiBackFaces (std::vector< std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent > > &edgeList, std::shared_ptr< Vertex > edgeVertex, std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > > &sLav, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent > > &queue, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Face > > &faces)
static void addPush (std::shared_ptr< FaceNode > node, std::shared_ptr< FaceNode > newNode)
static std::shared_ptr< FaceNodeaddSplitFaces (std::shared_ptr< FaceNode > lastFaceNode, Chain &chainBegin, Chain &chainEnd, std::shared_ptr< Vertex > newVertex, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Face > > &faces, std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > > &sLav)
void addThreeMaterial (std::vector< ThreeMaterial > &materials, std::map< std::string, std::string > &materialMap, const ThreeMaterial &material)
 Add a ThreeMaterial to a list of materials and map of material name to material. More...
bool applicationIsRunningFromBuildDirectory ()
static void applyGableLogicRidgeTwoAnglesBackward (std::vector< std::vector< Point3d > > &surfaces)
static void applyGableLogicRidgeTwoAnglesForward (std::vector< std::vector< Point3d > > &surfaces)
static void applyGableLogicRidgeTwoAnglesInside (std::vector< std::vector< Point3d > > &surfaces)
static void applyGableLogicTriangles (std::vector< std::vector< Point3d > > &surfaces)
static void applyGableLogicTwoRidgesTwoOppositeAngles (std::vector< std::vector< Point3d > > &surfaces)
static void applyGables (std::vector< std::vector< Point3d > > &surfaces)
Handle applyHandleMap (const Handle &original, const HandleMap &handleMap)
 Returns the handle that corresponds to original, where original is a handleMap key and the returned value is the corresponding value. More...
HandleVector applyHandleMap (const HandleVector &original, const HandleMap &handleMap)
 Returns the HandleVector equivalent to original, where original is a vector of handleMap keys, and the return vector consists of the corresponding handleMap values. More...
bool applyViewAndDaylightingGlassRatios (double viewGlassToWallRatio, double daylightingGlassToWallRatio, double desiredViewGlassSillHeight, double desiredDaylightingGlassHeaderHeight, double exteriorShadingProjectionFactor, double interiorShelfProjectionFactor, const std::vector< Point3d > &surfaceVertices, std::vector< Point3d > &viewVertices, std::vector< Point3d > &daylightingVertices, std::vector< Point3d > &exteriorShadingVertices, std::vector< Point3d > &interiorShelfVertices)
 Sets view and daylighting window, overhang and light shelf vertices by reference. Returns true if successful, false otherwise. More...
static double area (std::vector< Point3d > &polygon)
static bool areSameLav (std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > &lav1, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > &lav2)
void assertKey (const Json::Value &value, const std::string &key)
 assert key is present, throws if key is not found More...
void assertKeyAndType (const Json::Value &value, const std::string &key, const Json::ValueType &valueType)
 assert key is present and type is correct, throws if key not found or type is not correct More...
static int assertMaxNumberOfIterations (int count)
void assertType (const Json::Value &value, const std::string &key, const Json::ValueType &valueType)
 assert type is correct if key is present, throws if type is not correct More...
const Scaleatto ()
 Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^{-18) More...
static Ray2d calcBisector (Point3d &p, std::shared_ptr< Edge > e1, std::shared_ptr< Edge > e2)
static boost::optional
< SplitCandidate
calcCandidatePointForSplit (std::shared_ptr< Vertex > vertex, std::shared_ptr< Edge > edge)
static double calcDistance (Point3d &intersect, std::shared_ptr< Edge > currentEdge)
static std::vector
< SplitCandidate
calcOppositeEdges (std::shared_ptr< Vertex > vertex, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Edge > > &edges)
static Vector3d calcVectorBisector (Vector3d &norm1, Vector3d &norm2)
template<typename T , typename U >
std::vector< std::vector< T > > castArray (const std::vector< std::vector< U > > &original)
const Scalecenti ()
 Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^{-2}. More...
const Scalecentimilli ()
 Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^{-5}. More...
bool checkKey (const Json::Value &value, const std::string &key)
 check key is present, return false if key is not found More...
bool checkKeyAndType (const Json::Value &value, const std::string &key, const Json::ValueType &valueType)
 check key is present and type is correct, return false if key not found or type is not correct More...
template<class T >
bool checkPtrVecEqual (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< T > > &a, const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< T > > &b)
 Test equality between objects in two vectors of pointers. More...
std::string checksum (const std::string &s)
 return 8 character hex checksum of string More...
std::string checksum (std::istream &is)
 return 8 character hex checksum of istream More...
std::string checksum (const path &p)
 return 8 character hex checksum of file contents More...
bool checkType (const Json::Value &value, const std::string &key, const Json::ValueType &valueType)
 check type is correct if key is present, return false if type is not correct More...
static std::shared_ptr< EdgechooseLessParallelVertexEdge (std::shared_ptr< Vertex > vertex, std::shared_ptr< Edge > edge)
static int chooseOppositeEdgeLavIndex (std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > &edgeLavs, std::shared_ptr< Edge > oppositeEdge, Point3d &center, std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > > &sLav)
bool circularEqual (const std::vector< Point3d > &points1, const std::vector< Point3d > &points2, double tol=0.001)
 check if two vectors of points are equal (within tolerance) irregardless of initial ordering. More...
path completeAndNormalize (const path &p)
path completePathToFile (const path &p, const path &base=path(), const std::string &ext=std::string(), bool warnOnMismatch=false)
 Returns completed path if p is a path to a file on this system. More...
std::string componentFileExtension ()
 Single location for storing the default extension for Component serialization files. More...
static boost::optional< double > computeCloserEdgeEvent (std::shared_ptr< Vertex > vertex, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent > > &queue, std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > > &sLav)
static void computeEdgeEvents (std::shared_ptr< Vertex > previousVertex, std::shared_ptr< Vertex > nextVertex, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent > > &queue)
static void computeEvents (std::shared_ptr< Vertex > vertex, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent > > &queue, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Edge > > &edges, std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > > &sLav)
static boost::optional< Point3dcomputeIntersectionBisectors (std::shared_ptr< Vertex > vertexPrevious, std::shared_ptr< Vertex > vertexNext)
static void computeSplitEvents (std::shared_ptr< Vertex > vertex, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Edge > > &edges, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent > > &queue, boost::optional< double > distanceSquared)
std::vector< std::vector
< Point3d > > 
computeTriangulation (const std::vector< Point3d > &vertices, const std::vector< std::vector< Point3d > > &holes, double tol=0.001)
 compute triangulation of vertices, holes are removed in the triangulation requires that vertices and holes are in clockwise order on the z = 0 plane (i.e. More...
static void connectFaces (std::shared_ptr< FaceNode > firstFaceNode, std::shared_ptr< FaceNode > secondFaceNode)
bool containsAtomicUnit (const std::string &s)
 Returns true if s contains an atomic unit. More...
bool containsCompoundUnit (const std::string &s)
 Returns true if s contains a compound unit. More...
bool containsDirectScaledUnit (const std::string &s)
 Returns true if s contains a direct scaled unit. More...
bool containsFixedPrecisionValue (const std::string &s)
 Returns true if s contains a FixedPrecisionValue. More...
bool containsQuantity (const std::string &s)
 Returns true if s contains a quantity. More...
bool containsScaledUnit (const std::string &s)
 Returns true if s contains a scaled unit. More...
bool containsScientificNotationValue (const std::string &s)
 Returns true if s contains a ScientificNotationValue. More...
bool containsUnit (const std::string &s)
 Returns true if s contains a scaled unit. More...
std::string convertIddName (const std::string &s)
 Convert IDD object and field names to something reasonable for computers. More...
bool copyDirectory (const path &source, const path &destination)
 Recursively copy a directory, not subject to MAX_PATH. More...
static void correctBisectorDirection (std::shared_ptr< Ray2d > bisector, std::shared_ptr< Vertex > beginNextVertex, std::shared_ptr< Vertex > endPreviousVertex, std::shared_ptr< Edge > beginEdge, std::shared_ptr< Edge > endEdge)
int crc16 (const char *ptr, int count)
 returns the CRC-16 checksum of the first len bytes of data. Replaces Qt implementation qChecksum. More...
static std::vector< ChaincreateChains (std::vector< std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent > > &cluster, std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > > &sLav)
static std::vector
< std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent > > 
createEdgeChain (std::vector< std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent > > &edgeCluster)
static std::shared_ptr
< QueueEvent
createEdgeEvent (Point3d &point, std::shared_ptr< Vertex > previousVertex, std::shared_ptr< Vertex > nextVertex)
static LevelEvent createLevelEvent (Point3d &eventCenter, double distance, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent > > &eventCluster, std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > > &sLav)
static std::shared_ptr< VertexcreateMultiSplitVertex (std::shared_ptr< Edge > nextEdge, std::shared_ptr< Edge > previousEdge, Point3d &center, double distance)
static void createOppositeEdgeChains (std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > > &sLav, std::vector< Chain > &chains, Point3d &center)
static std::shared_ptr< VertexcreateOppositeEdgeVertex (std::shared_ptr< Vertex > newVertex)
boost::optional< QuantitycreateQuantity (const std::string &quantityString)
 Creates a Quantity object from quantityString (a string that matches openstudio::regexQuantity()). More...
boost::optional< QuantitycreateQuantity (const std::string &quantityString, UnitSystem system)
boost::optional< QuantitycreateQuantity (double value, const std::string &unitString)
 Creates a general Quantity object corresponding to value * unitString. More...
boost::optional< QuantitycreateQuantity (double value, const std::string &unitString, UnitSystem system)
Transformation createRotation (const Vector3d &axis, double radians)
 create rotation about origin defined by axis and angle (radians) More...
Transformation createRotation (const Point3d &origin, const Vector3d &axis, double radians)
 create rotation about point defined by axis and angle (radians) More...
Transformation createRotation (const EulerAngles &angles)
 create rotation specified by Euler angles More...
Transformation createTranslation (const Vector3d &translation)
 create translation along vector More...
std::string createUniqueName (const std::string &prefix)
 create a unique name, prefix << " " << UUID. More...
UUID createUUID ()
 create a UUID More...
Vector createVector (const std::vector< double > &values)
 Helper function to construct Vector from std::vector<double>. More...
Vector createVector (const std::vector< long > &values)
 Helper function to construct Vector from std::vector<long> More...
static std::vector
< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > 
cutLavPart (std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > &lav, std::shared_ptr< Vertex > startVertex, std::shared_ptr< Vertex > endVertex)
DayOfWeek dayOfWeek (const std::string &day)
 Convert string to DayOfWeek. Accepts full string or first three letters. More...
const Scaledeci ()
 Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^{-1}. More...
const Scaledecimilli ()
 Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^{-4}. More...
std::pair< std::string, intdecomposeAtomicUnitString (const std::string &s)
 Returns baseUnit string and integer exponent. More...
std::pair< std::vector
< std::string >, std::vector
< std::string > > 
decomposeCompoundUnitString (const std::string &s)
 Returns vectors of strings, where each string contains atomic unit. More...
std::pair< std::string,
std::pair< unsigned,
std::string > > 
decomposeDirectScaledUnit (const std::string &s)
 Decomposes a direct scaled unit string into numerator, exponent of scale in denominator (3 for /1000), and denominator. More...
std::pair< std::string,
std::string > 
decomposeQuantityString (const std::string &s)
 Returns value string as .first and unit string as .second. More...
std::pair< std::string,
std::string > 
decomposeScaledUnitString (const std::string &s)
 Returns scale abbreviation as .first and compoundUnitString as .second. More...
double degToRad (double degrees)
 convert degrees to radians More...
const Scaledeka ()
 Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^1. More...
std::string documentFileExtension ()
static std::vector
< std::vector< Point3d > > 
doShedRoof (std::vector< Point3d > &polygon, double roofPitchDegrees, double directionDegrees)
static std::vector
< std::vector< Point3d > > 
doStraightSkeleton (std::vector< Point3d > &polygon, double roofPitchDegrees)
static bool edgeBehindBisector (std::shared_ptr< Ray2d > bisector, LineLinear2d &edge)
std::set< std::string > environmentPeriods (const std::vector< SqlFileTimeSeriesQuery > &queries)
 If all queries have been vetted, returns the set of unique environment names. More...
template<class T >
bool equal (T val1, T val2, T tol=std::numeric_limits< T >::epsilon())
std::vector< std::string > eraseEmptyElements (const std::vector< std::string > &sv)
TimeSeries evaluateTimeSeriesFromTimeSeriesVectorFunctor (const boost::function1< TimeSeries, const std::vector< TimeSeries > & > &functor, const std::vector< TimeSeries > &timeSeriesVector)
 Evaluates functor(timeSeriesVector). More...
const Scaleexa ()
 Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^18. More...
std::pair< std::string,
std::string > 
extractScaleAbbreviation (const std::string &str)
 If possible, extracts scale abbreviation from the front of str, returning abbreviation in .first and remainder of string in .second. More...
static std::vector
< std::vector< Point3d > > 
facesToPoint3d (std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Face > > &faces, double roofPitchDegrees, double zcoord)
const Scalefemto ()
 Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^{-15}. More...
template<class T >
bool fieldIndexEqualTo (const T &object, unsigned value)
template<class T >
boost::optional< T > findByName (const std::vector< T > &vec, const std::string &name, bool caseSensitive=false)
 Template function for finding objects in a vector T by name. More...
template<class T >
std::shared_ptr< T > findByName (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< T > > &vec, const std::string &name, bool caseSensitive=false)
 Template function for finding objects in a vector of shared_ptr<T> by name. More...
std::vector< std::vector
< unsigned > > 
findConnectedComponents (const Matrix &matrix)
 get the connected components from an NxN adjacency matrix (1.0 for i-j connected, 0.0 for i-j not connected) More...
template<class T >
boost::optional< intfindIndexByName (const std::vector< T > &vec, const std::string &name, bool caseSensitive=false)
 Template function for finding index of object in a vector<T> by name. More...
path findInSystemPath (const path &p)
 Tries to locate a file in your PATH, returning unchanged if p isn't just a filename (has a parent_path) or if not found. More...
template<class T >
std::vector< T >::iterator findIteratorByName (std::vector< T > &vec, const std::string &name, bool caseSensitive=false)
 Template function for finding index of object in a vector<T> by name. More...
static std::shared_ptr< VertexfindOppositeEdgeLav (std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > > &sLav, std::shared_ptr< Edge > oppositeEdge, Point3d &center)
template<class T >
boost::optional< T > findStructByName (const std::vector< T > &vec, const std::string &name, bool caseSensitive=false)
 Template function for finding objects in a vector T by name. More...
template<class T >
std::shared_ptr< T > findStructByName (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< T > > &vec, const std::string &name, bool caseSensitive=false)
 Template function for finding objects in a vector of shared_ptr<T> by name. More...
template<class T >
boost::optional< intfindStructIndexByName (const std::vector< T > &vec, const std::string &name, bool caseSensitive=false)
 Template function for finding index of object in a vector<T> by name. More...
template<class T >
std::vector< T >::iterator findStructIteratorByName (std::vector< T > &vec, const std::string &name, bool caseSensitive=false)
 Template function for finding index of object in a vector<T> by name. More...
template<class T , class U >
bool firstOfPairEqual (const std::pair< T, U > &pair, const T &value)
 Test equality of provided value with first element in a pair. More...
template<class T >
bool firstOfPairIStringEqual (const std::pair< std::string, T > &pair, const std::string &value)
 Test istringEqual of provided string with first element in a pair. More...
int floor0 (double value)
 round towards zero, need to move this More...
std::string floorplanToThreeJS (const std::string &json, bool openstudioFormat)
 convienence method, converts a FloorplanJS JSON string to a ThreeJS JSON string More...
std::string formatSuperAndSubscripts (const std::string &str, DocumentFormat fmt)
std::string formatText (const std::string &str, DocumentFormat fmt)
std::string formatUnderscore (const std::string &str)
 Ensures that underscores will remain as underscores (not changed to subscripts). More...
std::string formatUnitString (const std::string &str, DocumentFormat fmt)
 Applies formatSuperAndSubscripts, and replaces '*' with small dot. More...
std::string fromThreeUUID (const std::string &uuid)
Point3dVector fromThreeVector (const std::vector< double > &vertices)
std::vector< std::vector
< Point3d > > 
generateGableRoof (std::vector< Point3d > &polygon, double roofPitchDegrees)
 Generate gable roof polygons. More...
std::vector< std::vector
< Point3d > > 
generateHipRoof (std::vector< Point3d > &polygon, double roofPitchDegrees)
 Generate hip roof polygons. More...
std::vector< std::vector
< Point3d > > 
generateShedRoof (std::vector< Point3d > &polygon, double roofPitchDegrees, double directionDegrees)
 Generate shed roof polygons. More...
double getAngle (const Vector3d &vector1, const Vector3d &vector2)
 return angle (in radians) between two vectors More...
openstudio::path getApplicationBuildDirectory ()
openstudio::path getApplicationDirectory ()
openstudio::path getApplicationPath ()
openstudio::path getApplicationSourceDirectory ()
boost::optional< double > getArea (const std::vector< Point3d > &points)
 compute area from surface as Point3dVector More...
boost::optional< Point3dgetCentroid (const std::vector< Point3d > &points)
 compute centroid from surface as Point3dVector More...
Point3d getCombinedPoint (const Point3d &point3d, std::vector< Point3d > &allPoints, double tol=0.001)
 if point3d is within tol of any existing points then returns existing point otherwise adds point3d to allPoints and returns point3d More...
path getCompanionFolder (const path &osmPath)
boost::optional< BCLComponentgetComponent (const std::string &uid, const std::string &versionId="")
 Uses LocalBCL and RemoteBCL to get a component from the BCL. More...
double getDistance (const Point3d &point1, const Point3d &point2)
 return distance between two points More...
double getDistanceLatLon (double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2)
 compute distance in meters between two points on the Earth's surface lat and lon are specified in degrees More...
double getDistancePointToLineSegment (const Point3d &point, const std::vector< Point3d > &lineSegment)
 return distance between a point and a line segment returns 0 if lineSegment does not have length 2 More...
double getDistancePointToTriangle (const Point3d &point, const std::vector< Point3d > &triangle)
 return distance between a point and a triangle returns 0 if triangle does not have length 3 More...
double getDistanceSquared (const Point3d &point1, const Point3d &point2)
 return distance squared between two points faster than getDistance; can be used to compare distances More...
static std::shared_ptr< VertexgetEdgeInLav (std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > &lav, std::shared_ptr< Edge > oppositeEdge)
openstudio::path getEnergyPlusDirectory ()
openstudio::path getEnergyPlusExecutable ()
std::string getFileExtension (const path &p)
 Get p's extension as a string with the dot removed. More...
static std::vector< Point3dgetGableTopAndBottomVertices (std::vector< Point3d > &surface)
path getLastLevelDirectoryName (const path &directory)
boost::optional< BCLMeasuregetMeasure (const std::string &uid, const std::string &versionId="")
 Uses LocalBCL and RemoteBCL to get a measure from the BCL. More...
boost::optional< Vector3dgetNewallVector (const std::vector< Point3d > &points)
 compute Newall vector from surface as Point3dVector, direction is same as outward normal magnitude is twice the area More...
std::string getObjectThreeMaterialName (const std::string &iddObjectType, const std::string &name)
 convert object name to material name More...
openstudio::path getOpenStudioCLI ()
openstudio::path getOpenStudioModule ()
openstudio::path getOpenStudioModuleDirectory ()
static int getOppositeGableIndex (std::vector< std::vector< Point3d > > &surfaces, std::vector< unsigned > connectedSurfaces, unsigned gableIndexNum)
boost::optional< Vector3dgetOutwardNormal (const std::vector< Point3d > &points)
 compute outward normal from surface as Point3dVector More...
openstudio::path getPerlExecutable ()
openstudio::path getRadianceDirectory ()
static std::vector< Point3dgetShedLine (std::vector< Point3d > &polygon, double directionDegrees)
std::string getSurfaceTypeThreeMaterialName (const std::string &surfaceType)
 convert surface type to material name More...
std::string getThreeMaterialId (const std::string &materialName, std::map< std::string, std::string > &materialMap)
 Get a material id out of material map. More...
const Scalegiga ()
 Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^9. More...
template<class T >
bool greaterThanOrEqual (T val1, T val2, T tol=std::numeric_limits< T >::epsilon())
static std::vector< LevelEventgroupLevelEvents (std::vector< std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent > > &levelEvents, std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > > &sLav)
template<class T , class U >
bool handleEquals (const T &object, const U &handle)
const Scalehecto ()
 Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^2. More...
const Scalehectokilo ()
 Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^5. More...
std::string iddObjectNameToIdfObjectName (const std::string &s)
 Convert IDD object name to default name for IDF objects of this type. More...
static void initEvents (std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > > &sLav, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent > > &queue, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Edge > > &edges)
static double initPolygon (std::vector< Point3d > &polygon)
static void initSlav (std::vector< Point3d > &polygon, std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > > &sLav, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Edge > > &edges, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Face > > &faces)
double interp (const Vector &x, const Vector &y, const Matrix &v, double xi, double yi, InterpMethod interpMethod=LinearInterp, ExtrapMethod extrapMethod=NoneExtrap)
 common methods More...
Vector interp (const Vector &x, const Vector &y, const Matrix &v, const Vector &xi, double yi, InterpMethod interpMethod=LinearInterp, ExtrapMethod extrapMethod=NoneExtrap)
 linear interpolation of the function v = f(x, y) at points xi, yi assumes that x and y are strictly increasing More...
Vector interp (const Vector &x, const Vector &y, const Matrix &v, double xi, const Vector &yi, InterpMethod interpMethod=LinearInterp, ExtrapMethod extrapMethod=NoneExtrap)
 linear interpolation of the function v = f(x, y) at points xi, yi assumes that x and y are strictly increasing More...
Matrix interp (const Vector &x, const Vector &y, const Matrix &v, const Vector &xi, const Vector &yi, InterpMethod interpMethod=LinearInterp, ExtrapMethod extrapMethod=NoneExtrap)
 linear interpolation of the function v = f(x, y) at points xi, yi assumes that x and y are strictly increasing More...
< IntersectionResult
intersect (const std::vector< Point3d > &polygon1, const std::vector< Point3d > &polygon2, double tol)
 intersect two polygons, requires that all vertices are in clockwise order on the z = 0 plane (i.e. in face coordinates but reversed) More...
bool intersects (const std::vector< Point3d > &polygon1, const std::vector< Point3d > &polygon2, double tol)
 returns true if polygon1 intersects polygon2, requires that all vertices are in clockwise order on the z = 0 plane (i.e. More...
template<class T >
bool invert (const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< T > &input, boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< T > &inverse)
 Matrix inversion routine, using lu_factorize and lu_substitute in uBLAS to invert a matrix */. More...
bool isAtomicUnit (const std::string &s)
 Returns true if s is an atomic unit. More...
static bool isClockwisePolygon (std::vector< Point3d > &polygon)
bool isCompoundUnit (const std::string &s)
 Returns true if s is a compound unit. More...
bool isDirectScaledUnit (const std::string &s)
 Returns true if s is a direct scaled unit. More...
bool isEmptyDirectory (const path &dirName)
 Determines if a directory is empty, returns false if directory does not exist, not subject to MAX_PATH. More...
bool isFixedPrecisionValue (const std::string &s)
 Returns true if s is a FixedPrecisionValue. More...
static bool isInEdgeChain (std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent > split, Chain &chain)
static bool isInsidePolygon (Point3d &point, std::vector< Point3d > &points)
 Test if point is inside polygon. More...
template<class _enum_name >
bool isMember (const _enum_name &e, const StringVector &strValues)
bool isNetworkPath (const path &p)
 Determines if a path is on a network drive. More...
bool isNetworkPathAvailable (const path &p)
 Determines if a path is on a network drive and if that network resources is available. More...
template<class T >
bool isPrime (T val)
bool isQuantity (const std::string &s)
 Returns true if s is a quantity. More...
bool isScaledUnit (const std::string &s)
 Returns true if s is a scaled unit. More...
bool isScientificNotationValue (const std::string &s)
 Returns true if s is a ScientificNotationValue. More...
bool istringEqual (const std::string &x, const std::string &y)
 Test equality between two strings without regard to case. More...
bool istringLess (const std::string &x, const std::string &y)
 Compare two strings without regard to case. More...
bool isUnit (const std::string &s)
 Returns true if s is a unit. More...
boost::optional< std::vector
< Point3d > > 
join (const std::vector< Point3d > &polygon1, const std::vector< Point3d > &polygon2, double tol)
 compute the union of two overlapping polygons, requires that all vertices are in clockwise order on the z = 0 plane (i.e. in face coordinates but reversed) More...
std::vector< std::vector
< Point3d > > 
joinAll (const std::vector< std::vector< Point3d > > &polygons, double tol)
 compute the union of many polygons, requires that all vertices are in clockwise order on the z = 0 plane (i.e. in face coordinates but reversed) More...
const Scalekilo ()
 Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^3. More...
template<class T >
bool lessThanOrEqual (T val1, T val2, T tol=std::numeric_limits< T >::epsilon())
static std::vector< LevelEventloadAndGroupLevelEvents (std::vector< std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent > > &queue, std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > > &sLav)
static std::vector
< std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent > > 
loadLevelEvents (std::vector< std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent > > &queue)
Matrix log (const Matrix &v)
 take the natural logarithm of Matrix elements, componentwise More...
Matrix log (const Matrix &v, double base)
 take the logarithm of Matrix elements with respect to base, componentwise More...
static openstudio::LogChannel logChannel ()
void logFree (LogLevel level, const std::string &channel, const std::string &message)
 convenience function for SWIG, prefer macros in C++ More...
static void makeCounterClockwise (std::vector< Point3d > &polygon)
bool makeParentFolder (const path &p, const path &base=path(), bool recursive=false)
 As necessary, makes the parent folder for path p. More...
std::vector< ThreeMaterialmakeStandardThreeMaterials ()
 Create the standard ThreeMaterials. More...
ThreeMaterial makeThreeMaterial (const std::string &name, unsigned color, double opacity, unsigned side, unsigned shininess=50, const std::string &type="MeshPhongMaterial")
 Create a ThreeMaterial. More...
double maximum (const Matrix &matrix)
 maximum of all elements More...
double mean (const Matrix &matrix)
 mean of all elements More...
const Scalemega ()
 Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^6. More...
static void mergeBeforeBaseVertex (std::shared_ptr< Vertex > base, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > &baseList, std::shared_ptr< Vertex > merged, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > &mergedList)
 Add all vertex from "merged" lav into "base" lav. More...
const Scalemicro ()
 Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^{-6}. More...
const Scalemilli ()
 Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^{-3}. More...
double minimum (const Matrix &matrix)
 minimum of all elements More...
std::string modelFileExtension ()
 Single location for storing the default extension for Model serialization files. More...
bool moduleIsRunningFromBuildDirectory ()
unsigned month (MonthOfYear monthOfYear)
 convert MonthOfYear to unsigned More...
MonthOfYear monthOfYear (const std::string &month)
 Converts string to MonthOfYear. Accepts full string or first three letters. More...
MonthOfYear monthOfYear (unsigned month)
 convert unsigned to MonthOfYear More...
static void moveNodes (std::shared_ptr< FaceNode > firstNode, std::shared_ptr< FaceNode > secondNode)
std::vector< Point3dmoveVerticesTowardsPoint (const std::vector< Point3d > &vertices, const Point3d &point, double distance)
 move all vertices towards point by distance, pass negative distance to move away from point no guarantee that resulting polygon will be valid More...
static void multiEdgeEvent (LevelEvent &event, std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > > &sLav, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent > > &queue, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Edge > > &edges, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Face > > &faces)
static void multiSplitEvent (LevelEvent &event, std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > > &sLav, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent > > &queue, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Edge > > &edges, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Face > > &faces)
const Scalemyria ()
 Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^4. More...
const Scalenano ()
 Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^{-9}. More...
const ScalenotDefined ()
 Static constant indicating that the scale was not found. More...
NthDayOfWeekInMonth nthDayOfWeekInMonth (const std::string &nth)
 Convert string to NthDayOfWeekInMonth. Accepts full string, also accepts 1, 1st, 2, 2nd, etc. More...
NthDayOfWeekInMonth nthDayOfWeekInMonth (const Date &date)
 return nthDayOfWeekInMonth for given date More...
unsigned numFractionalDigits (const std::string &str)
 Returns the number of digits past the decimal point in str. More...
unsigned numFractionalDigits (double value, unsigned numSigFigs)
 Returns the number of significant digits past the decimal point in value, given numSigFigs. More...
std::pair< unsigned, unsigned > numFractionalDigits (const std::vector< double > &values, unsigned numSigFigs)
 Returns the minimum and maximum number of significant digits past the decimal point in values, given numSigFigs. More...
std::string objectName (const IdfObject &obj)
 Returns if it exists. More...
const Scaleone ()
 Static constant defining no scale (1.0). More...
unsigned openstudioFaceFormatId ()
 identifies ThreeJS faces in OpenStudio format (e.g. unlimited number of vertices) More...
bool operator!= (const Matrix &lhs, const Matrix &rhs)
bool operator!= (const UUID &lhs, const UUID &rhs)
bool operator!= (const Scale &firstScale, const Scale &secondScale)
 Inequality operator for Scales. More...
bool operator!= (const Quantity &lQuantity, const Quantity &rQuantity)
bool operator!= (const Unit &lUnit, const Unit &rUnit)
 Inequality for units. More...
ScaleOpReturnType operator* (const Scale &firstScale, const Scale &secondScale)
 Multiplication of scales. More...
Vector3d operator* (double mult, const Vector3d &vec)
 multiplication by a scalar More...
Quantity operator* (const Quantity &lQuantity, const Quantity &rQuantity)
 Multiply Quantities. More...
Quantity operator* (const Quantity &lQuantity, double d)
 Multiply a Quantity by a double. More...
Quantity operator* (double d, const Quantity &rQuantity)
 Multiply a Quantity by a double. More...
Unit operator* (const Unit &lUnit, const Unit &rUnit)
 Unit multiplication. More...
TimeSeries operator* (double d, const TimeSeries &series)
 double * TimeSeries More...
Quantity operator+ (const Quantity &lQuantity, const Quantity &rQuantity)
 Add Quantities. More...
Vector3d operator- (const Vector3d &vec)
 negation More...
Quantity operator- (const Quantity &rQuantity)
 Negate a Quantity. More...
Quantity operator- (const Quantity &lQuantity, const Quantity &rQuantity)
 Subtract Quantities. More...
ScaleOpReturnType operator/ (const Scale &firstScale, const Scale &secondScale)
 Division of scales. More...
Quantity operator/ (const Quantity &lQuantity, const Quantity &rQuantity)
 Divide Quantities. More...
Quantity operator/ (const Quantity &lQuantity, double d)
 Divide a Quantity by a double. More...
Quantity operator/ (double d, const Quantity &rQuantity)
 Divide a double by a Quantity. More...
Unit operator/ (const Unit &lUnit, const Unit &rUnit)
 Unit division. More...
bool operator< (const UUID &lhs, const UUID &rhs)
bool operator< (const Scale &firstScale, const Scale &secondScale)
 Less than operator for Scales. More...
::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &os, const path &p)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const boost::optional< double > &x)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const boost::optional< unsigned > &x)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const boost::optional< int > &x)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const boost::optional< std::string > &x)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const StrictnessLevel &e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const DocumentFormat &e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const InstallLocationType &e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const VariantType &e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const UUID &uuid)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ReportingFrequency &e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Scale &s)
 Outputs all information about Scale s. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const OSAttributeVariant &attribute)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const MeasureType &e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const BCLXMLType &e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Scope &e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const StepResult &e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const MeasureBadgeType &e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const FileReferenceType &e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const DayOfWeek &e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const EulerAngles &angles)
 ostream operator More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const EnvironmentType &e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Point3d &point)
 ostream operator More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const UnitSystem &e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const AttributeValueType &e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const FuelType &e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ScaleFactorySingleton &factory)
 Prints scales that are registered in the factory (and thus available for use in Units and Quantities). More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const StandardsJSON &standardsJSON)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const std::vector< Point3d > &pointVector)
 ostream operator More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Variant &variant)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const MonthOfYear &e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Vector3d &vec)
 ostream operator More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const EndUseFuelType &e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const RunOptions &runOptions)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Plane &plane)
 ostream operator More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const DataErrorType &e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const std::vector< Vector3d > &vecVector)
 ostream operator More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const PointLatLon &point)
 ostream operator More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const std::vector< PointLatLon > &pointVector)
 ostream operator More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Transformation &t)
 ostream operator More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ImfFile &imfFile)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const EpwDataField &e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const NthDayOfWeekInMonth &e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const EpwComputedField &e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const CSVFile &csvFile)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const EndUseCategoryType &e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const WorkflowStep &workflowStep)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const DateTime &dateTime)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const VersionString &version)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Time &time)
 std::ostream operator<< More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const EndUseType &e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const SqlFileTimeSeriesQuery &query)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const BuildingSector &e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const EpwDesignField &e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const IdfFile &idfFile)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Unit &u)
 Print u to a stream. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const WorkflowJSON &workflowJSON)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Date &date)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const WorkflowStepResult &workflowStepResult)
bool operator<= (const Scale &firstScale, const Scale &secondScale)
 Less than or equal operator for Scales. More...
bool operator== (const Matrix &lhs, const Matrix &rhs)
 new operators More...
bool operator== (const UUID &lhs, const UUID &rhs)
bool operator== (const Scale &firstScale, const Scale &secondScale)
 Equality operator for Scales. More...
bool operator== (const Quantity &lQuantity, const Quantity &rQuantity)
bool operator> (const UUID &lhs, const UUID &rhs)
bool operator> (const Scale &firstScale, const Scale &secondScale)
 Greater than operator for Scales. More...
bool operator>= (const Scale &firstScale, const Scale &secondScale)
 Greater than or equal operator for Scales. More...
static Vector3d orthogonalProjection (Vector3d &unitVector, Vector3d &vectorToProject)
Matrix outerProd (const Vector &lhs, const Vector &rhs)
 outer product More...
Unit parseUnitString (const std::string &unitString)
 Parses unit string into a Unit object. More...
bool pathBeginsWith (const openstudio::path &t_shorter, const openstudio::path &t_longer)
 Helper to determine if a path begins with another path. More...
const char pathDelimiter ()
 Returns the delimiter for the $PATH env variable. More...
template<class T >
std::vector< unsigned > permutation (const T &original, const T &newOrder)
 Returns the permutation that transforms sequence container original into newOrder. More...
template<class T >
permute (const T &original, const std::vector< unsigned > &order)
 Returns the contents of original reorders as per order. More...
const Scalepeta ()
 Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^15. More...
static void pickEvent (LevelEvent &event, std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > > &sLav, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent > > &queue, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Edge > > &edges, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Face > > &faces)
const Scalepico ()
 Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^{-12}. More...
bool pointInPolygon (const Point3d &point, const std::vector< Point3d > &polygon, double tol)
 returns true if point is inside polygon, requires that all vertices are in clockwise order on the z = 0 plane (i.e. in face coordinates but reversed) More...
ScaleOpReturnType pow (const Scale &scale, int expNum, int expDenom=1)
 Raise scale to an integer power. More...
Quantity pow (const Quantity &rQuantity, int expNum, int expDenom=1)
 Raise rQuantity to a rational power. More...
Unit pow (const Unit &rUnit, int expNum, int expDenom=1)
 Calculate rUnit^(expNum/expDenom). More...
std::ostream & printPathInformation (std::ostream &os, const path &p)
 Print information about path p available through openstudio::filesystem. More...
std::string printScales ()
 Wrapper around << for SWIG bindings. More...
static void processTwoNodeLavs (std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > > &sLav, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent > > &queue, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Face > > &faces)
Matrix prod (const Matrix &lop, const Matrix &rop)
 matrix product More...
Vector prod (const Matrix &m, const Vector &v)
 vector product More...
double radToDeg (double radians)
 convert radians to degrees More...
Matrix randMatrix (double a, double b, unsigned M, unsigned N)
 generates a M x N Matrix whose elements come from the uniform distribution on [a,b]. More...
const boost::regex & regexAtomicUnit ()
 Atomic unit: kN^2, s, ms. Limits unit strings to 10 characters. More...
const boost::regex & regexBaseUnit ()
 Base unit: kg, kN, etc. Limits unit strings to 10 characters. More...
const boost::regex & regexCompoundUnit ()
 Compound unit: kg*m^2/s^2, kN, s, 1/s. More...
const boost::regex & regexDirectScaledUnit ()
 Textual scaled unit: people/1000 ft^2. More...
const boost::regex & regexEmbeddedAtomicUnit ()
 Atomic unit embedded in larger string. More...
const boost::regex & regexEmbeddedCompoundUnit ()
 Compound unit embedded in larger string. More...
const boost::regex & regexEmbeddedDirectScaledUnit ()
 Textual scaled unit embedded in larger string. More...
const boost::regex & regexEmbeddedFixedPrecisionValue ()
 Fixed precision value embedded in larger string. More...
const boost::regex & regexEmbeddedQuantity ()
 Quantity embedded in larger string. More...
const boost::regex & regexEmbeddedScaledUnit ()
 Scaled unit embedded in larger string. More...
const boost::regex & regexEmbeddedScientificNotationValue ()
const boost::regex & regexEmbeddedUnit ()
 Unit embedded in larger string. More...
const boost::regex & regexExponent ()
 Exponent: 0, 1, -2, etc. More...
const boost::regex & regexFixedPrecisionValue ()
 Fixed precision values: 23, 0.126, .1. More...
const boost::regex & regexQuantity ()
 Quantity: 3 kN, -1.021D-2 k(m^2), 2 Hz, 3.0 1/ms, 3.0/ms. More...
const boost::regex & regexScaledUnit ()
 Scaled unit: k(kg^2/m^2). More...
const boost::regex & regexScientificNotationValue ()
 Scientific notation values: 23E10, 1.2E+0, 0.361D-32, .3E100. More...
const boost::regex & regexUnit ()
 Unit: kg/s, kBtu/h, k(m^2), 1/m^2. More...
template<class T >
double relativeError (T expected, T actual, T tol=std::numeric_limits< T >::epsilon())
path relativePath (const path &p, const path &base)
 Determines the relative path to p from base, if possible. More...
path relocatePath (const path &originalPath, const path &originalBase, const path &newBase)
std::string removeBraces (const UUID &uuid)
 create a std::string without curly brackets from a UUID More...
std::vector< Point3dremoveCollinear (const std::vector< Point3d > &points, double tol=0.001)
 removes collinear points More...
std::vector< Point3dremoveCollinearLegacy (const std::vector< Point3d > &points, double tol=0.001)
 removes collinear points, tolerance is for length of cross product after normalizing each line segment More...
bool removeDirectory (const path &dirName)
 Recursively remove a directory, not subject to MAX_PATH. More...
static void removeEmptyLav (std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > > &sLav)
static void removeEventsUnderHeight (std::vector< std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent > > &queue, double levelHeight)
std::vector< Point3dremoveSpikes (const std::vector< Point3d > &polygon, double tol)
 removes spikes from a polygon, requires that all vertices are in clockwise order on the z = 0 plane (i.e. in face coordinates but reversed) More...
std::vector< Point3dreorderULC (const std::vector< Point3d > &points)
 reorder points to upper-left-corner convention More...
std::string replace (std::string input, const std::string &before, const std::string &after)
< openstudio::ReportingFrequency
reportingFrequencies (const std::vector< openstudio::SqlFileTimeSeriesQuery > &queries)
 If all queries have been vetted, returns the set of unique ReportingFrequencies . More...
std::vector< Point3dreverse (const std::vector< Point3d > &vertices)
 reverse order of vertices More...
std::string rulesetFileExtension ()
 Single location for storing the default extension for rulesengine::Ruleset serialization files. More...
ScaleOpReturnType scaleOpHelperFunction (int desiredExponent)
 Returns scale with desiredExponent, if possible. More...
template<class T , class U >
bool secondOfPairEqual (const std::pair< T, U > &pair, const U &value)
 Test equality of provided value with second element in a pair. More...
template<class T >
bool secondOfPairIStringEqual (const std::pair< T, std::string > &pair, const std::string &value)
 Test equality of provided value with second element in a pair. More...
bool selfIntersects (const std::vector< Point3d > &polygon, double tol)
 returns true polygon intersects iteself, requires that all vertices are in clockwise order on the z = 0 plane (i.e. More...
path setFileExtension (const path &p, const std::string &ext, bool replaceOnMismatch=false, bool warnOnMismatch=true)
 Set p's extension to ext. More...
static void setZcoordsToZero (std::vector< Point3d > &polygon)
std::vector< Point3dsimplify (const std::vector< Point3d > &vertices, bool removeCollinear, double tol)
 simplify a list of vertices, requires that all vertices are in clockwise order on the z = 0 plane (i.e. in face coordinates) More...
template<typename T >
std::vector< T > sortByObjectName (std::vector< T > objects)
std::vector< std::string > splitEMSLineToTokens (const std::string &line, const std::string &delimiters=" +-*/^=<>&|")
 This takes the line of an EMS Program or Subroutine, and will split it into tokens, Before returning, it filters out the reserved keywords (IF, WHILE, RETURN, RUN, etc) and any function (starts with '@') As a result, what is returned is the only "words" that could be potential objects for UUID substitution. More...
std::vector< std::string > splitString (const std::string &string, char delimiter)
 Split a string into a vector of strings given a delimiter character. More...
boost::regex subscript ()
std::vector< std::vector
< Point3d > > 
subtract (const std::vector< Point3d > &polygon, const std::vector< std::vector< Point3d > > &holes, double tol)
 subtract all holes from polygon, requires that all vertices are in clockwise order on the z = 0 plane (i.e. in face coordinates but reversed) More...
double sum (const Matrix &matrix)
 sum of all elements More...
TimeSeries sum (const std::vector< TimeSeries > &timeSeriesVector)
boost::function1< TimeSeries,
const std::vector< TimeSeries > & > 
sumTimeSeriesFunctor ()
 Returns std::function pointer to sum(const std::vector<TimeSeries>&). More...
boost::regex superscript ()
std::string tableFileExtension ()
path tempDir ()
 path to a temporary directory. More...
const Scaletera ()
 Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^12. More...
std::set< std::string > timeSeriesNames (const std::vector< SqlFileTimeSeriesQuery > &queries)
 If all queries have been vetted, returns the set of unique time series names. More...
std::string toCamelCase (const std::string &s)
 Replace all non-letters and digits with spaces, and then remove spaces by to make camel case. More...
IdfObject toIdfObject (const EpwFile &epwFile)
std::string toLowerCamelCase (const std::string &s)
 Make camel case then downcase the first letter. More...
std::string toNeatString (double value, unsigned numFractionalDigits=0, bool applyCommas=true)
 Prints value with numFractionalDigits, inserting commas to separate into thousands, millions, etc. More...
std::string toNeatStringBySigFigs (double value, unsigned numSigFigs=3, bool applyCommas=true)
 Prints value in numSigFigs, inserting commas to separate into thousands, millions, etc. More...
double toNumSigFigs (double value, unsigned numSigFigs)
 Rounds value to a number of significant figures (rather than to a particular decimal place). More...
path toPath (const char *s)
 UTF-8 encoded char* to path. More...
path toPath (const std::string &s)
 UTF-8 encoded std::string to path. More...
std::vector< double > toStandardVector (const Vector &values)
std::string toString (const std::string &s)
 string to std::string. More...
std::string toString (const char *s)
 char* to std::string. More...
std::string toString (const path &p)
 path to std::string. More...
std::string toString (const UUID &uuid)
 create a std::string from a UUID More...
std::string toString (const std::wstring &w)
 wstring to std::string. More...
std::string toString (const wchar_t *w)
 wchar_t* to std::string. More...
std::string toString (double v)
 Double to std::string at full precision. More...
std::string toString (std::istream &s)
 Load data in istream into string. More...
std::string toSystemFilename (const path &p)
 UTF-8 encoded std::string for opening fstreams. More...
unsigned toThreeColor (unsigned r, unsigned g, unsigned b)
 convert RGB to unsigned More...
unsigned toThreeColor (const std::string &s)
 convert string to unsigned More...
std::vector< double > toThreeMatrix (const Transformation &matrix)
 format a Transformation matrix More...
Transformation toThreeMatrix (const std::vector< double > &matrix)
std::string toThreeUUID (const std::string &uuid)
 format a UUID, to limit dependencies UUIDs must be generated outside of this code More...
std::vector< double > toThreeVector (const Point3dVector &vertices)
 format a list of vertices More...
std::string toUnderscoreCase (const std::string &s)
 Make underscore case. More...
std::string toUpperCamelCase (const std::string &s)
 Make camel case then upcase the first letter. More...
UUID toUUID (const std::string &str)
 create a UUID from a std::string, does not throw, may return a null UUID More...
std::wstring toWString (const std::string &s)
 string to std::wstring. More...
template<class T , class U >
bool uuidEquals (const T &object, const U &uuid)
const boost::regex & uuidInString ()
 Find version 4 UUIDs in a string. More...
template<class T , class U >
bool uuidsAndVersionsEqual (const T &left, const U &right)
template<class T , class U >
bool uuidsEqual (const T &left, const U &right)
boost::optional< std::string > windowsDriveLetter (const path &p)
 Returns the drive letter, e.g. More...
bool within (const Point3d &point1, const std::vector< Point3d > &polygon2, double tol)
 returns true if geometry1 is completely within polygon2, requires that all vertices are in clockwise order on the z = 0 plane (i.e. More...
bool within (const std::vector< Point3d > &geometry1, const std::vector< Point3d > &polygon2, double tol)
const Scaleyocto ()
 Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^{-24}. More...
const Scaleyotta ()
 Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^24. More...
const Scalezepto ()
 Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^{-21}. More...
const Scalezetta ()
 Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^21. More...
bool operator== (const Vector &lhs, const Vector &rhs)
bool operator!= (const Vector &lhs, const Vector &rhs)
Create Functions Used by UnitFactory
GPDUnit createGPDCycle ()
 relates GPDUnit More...
GPDUnit createGPDCurrency ()
 relates GPDUnit More...
IPUnit createIPCycle ()
 relates IPUnit More...
IPUnit createIPCurrency ()
 relates IPUnit More...
Misc1Unit createMisc1Cycle ()
 relates Misc1Unit More...
Misc1Unit createMisc1Currency ()
 relates Misc1Unit More...


constexpr double DAYS_PER_SECOND = HOURS_PER_SECOND/24.0
constexpr double EPSILON = 1E-10
constexpr unsigned HOURS_PER_DAY = 24
constexpr unsigned MINUTES_PER_HOUR = 60
constexpr double MINUTES_PER_SECOND = 1.0/60.0
constexpr unsigned SECONDS_PER_MINUTE = 60


enum  InterpMethod { LinearInterp, NearestInterp, HoldLastInterp, HoldNextInterp }
 Enum to specify the interpolation method. More...
enum  ExtrapMethod { NoneExtrap, NearestExtrap }
 Enum to specify the extrapolation method. More...
InterpInfo interpInfo (const Vector &x, double xi)
 Linear interpolation of the function y = f(x) at point xi. More...
double interp (const Vector &x, const Vector &y, double xi, InterpMethod interpMethod=LinearInterp, ExtrapMethod extrapMethod=NoneExtrap)
 Linear interpolation of the function y = f(x) at point xi. More...
Vector interp (const Vector &x, const Vector &y, const Vector &xi, InterpMethod interpMethod=LinearInterp, ExtrapMethod extrapMethod=NoneExtrap)
 Linear interpolation of the function y = f(x) at points xi. More...

Common Methods and Vector Operations

std::function< double(const
Vector &)> 
sumVectorFunctor ()
 Returns std::function pointer to sum(const Vector&). More...
std::function< double(const
Vector &)> 
maximumVectorFunctor ()
 Returns std::function pointer to maximum(const Vector&). More...
std::function< double(const
Vector &)> 
minimumVectorFunctor ()
 Returns std::function pointer to minimum(const Vector&). More...
std::function< double(const
Vector &)> 
meanVectorFunctor ()
 Returns std::function pointer to mean(const Vector&). More...
std::function< double(const
Vector &)> 
varianceVectorFunctor ()
 Returns std::function pointer to variance(const Vector&). More...
std::function< double(const
Vector &)> 
stdDevVectorFunctor ()
 Returns std::function pointer to stdDev(const Vector&). More...
Vector randVector (double a, double b, unsigned N)
 Generates a Vector of N points randomly drawn between and including a and b. More...
Vector linspace (double a, double b, unsigned N)
 Generates a Vector of N points linearly spaced between and including a and b. More...
Vector deltaSpace (double a, double b, double delta)
 Generates a Vector linearly spaced points starting at a and ending before or at b with interval delta. More...
Vector logspace (double a, double b, unsigned N, double base=10.0)
 Generates a Vector of N points logarithmically spaced between and including base^a and base^b. More...
Vector log (const Vector &x)
 Take the natural logarithm of elements of a Vector. More...
Vector log (const Vector &x, double base)
 Take the logarithm of elements of a Vector with certain base. More...
Vector cumsum (const Vector &x, double runningSum=0.0)
 Compute the cumulative sum of a Vector. More...
double dot (const Vector &lhs, const Vector &rhs)
 Returns the dot product between lhs and rhs. More...
double sum (const Vector &vector)
 Returns the sum of vector's values. More...
double maximum (const Vector &vector)
 Returns the largest element of vector. More...
double minimum (const Vector &vector)
 Returns the smallest element of vector. More...
double mean (const Vector &vector)
 Returns the mean of vector's values. More...
double variance (const Vector &vector)
 Returns the sample variance of vector's values. More...
double stdDev (const Vector &vector)
 Returns the standard deviation of vector's values. More...
double evaluateDoubleFromVectorFunctor (const std::function< double(const Vector &)> &functor, const Vector &vector)
 Evaluates functor(vector). More...

Detailed Description

All OpenStudio code is placed in the openstudio namespace.

OpenStudio utilities are placed directly in the openstudio namespace; higher level sub-projects are placed in sub-namespaces (e.g. openstudio::model).

Typedef Documentation

typedef std::vector<bool> openstudio::BoolVector
typedef std::vector<Calendar> openstudio::CalendarVector

vector of Calendar

typedef std::vector<DateTime> openstudio::DateTimeVector

vector of DateTime

typedef std::vector<Date> openstudio::DateVector

vector of Date

typedef std::set<double> openstudio::DoubleSet
typedef std::vector<double> openstudio::DoubleVector

Objects can be identified by Handle.

typedef std::map<Handle,Handle> openstudio::HandleMap

Maps Handles to Handles.

typedef std::set<Handle> openstudio::HandleSet

Set of Handles. Enforces uniqueness within a list.

typedef std::vector<Handle> openstudio::HandleVector

Vector of Handles.

ObjectPointer with source and target as Handles.

For Workspace, both objects must be in a workspace.

typedef std::vector<HHPointer> openstudio::HHPointerVector

ObjectPointer with source as Handle, target as index in IdfObjectVector.

For Workspace, source will be within workspace, target will be outside of workspace.

typedef std::vector<HUPointer> openstudio::HUPointerVector
typedef std::vector<IdfFile> openstudio::IdfFileVector

vector of idf file

typedef std::vector<ImfFile> openstudio::ImfFileVector

vector of imf file

typedef std::set<int> openstudio::IntSet
typedef std::vector<int> openstudio::IntVector
typedef std::set<std::string,IstringCompare> openstudio::IStringSet

Set of strings with case-insensitive comparison.

typedef std::string openstudio::LogChannel

LogChannel identifies a logger.

typedef boost::log::sources::severity_channel_logger_mt<LogLevel> openstudio::LoggerType

Type of logger used.

typedef boost::log::sinks::synchronous_sink<boost::log::sinks::text_ostream_backend> openstudio::LogSinkBackend

Type of stream sink used.

typedef boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<double> openstudio::Matrix


typedef boost::optional<BCLMeasure> openstudio::OptionalBCLMeasure
typedef boost::optional< BCLXMLType > openstudio::OptionalBCLXMLType
typedef boost::optional<BoundingBox> openstudio::OptionalBoundingBox
typedef boost::optional<Calendar> openstudio::OptionalCalendar

optional Calendar

typedef boost::optional<Date> openstudio::OptionalDate

optional Date

typedef boost::optional<DateTime> openstudio::OptionalDateTime

optional DateTime

typedef boost::optional< DayOfWeek > openstudio::OptionalDayOfWeek
typedef boost::optional<double> openstudio::OptionalDouble
typedef boost::optional< EndUseType > openstudio::OptionalEndUseType
typedef boost::optional< EpwDataField > openstudio::OptionalEpwDataField
typedef boost::optional<EulerAngles> openstudio::OptionalEulerAngles
typedef boost::optional< FuelType > openstudio::OptionalFuelType
typedef boost::optional<Handle> openstudio::OptionalHandle

Optional Handle.

Optional HandleVector.

typedef boost::optional<IdfFile> openstudio::OptionalIdfFile

optional idf file

typedef boost::optional<ImfFile> openstudio::OptionalImfFile

optional imf file

typedef boost::optional<int> openstudio::OptionalInt
typedef boost::optional< MeasureType > openstudio::OptionalMeasureType
typedef boost::optional< MonthOfYear > openstudio::OptionalMonthOfYear
typedef boost::optional<path> openstudio::OptionalPath

Optional path.

typedef boost::optional<Plane> openstudio::OptionalPlane

optional Plane

typedef boost::optional<Point3d> openstudio::OptionalPoint3d
typedef boost::optional<PointLatLon> openstudio::OptionalPointLatLon
typedef boost::optional< Scope > openstudio::OptionalScope
typedef boost::optional<SqlFile> openstudio::OptionalSqlFile

optional SqlFile

typedef boost::optional< StepResult > openstudio::OptionalStepResult
typedef boost::optional<std::string> openstudio::OptionalString
typedef boost::optional<Time> openstudio::OptionalTime

optional Time

typedef boost::optional<TimeSeries> openstudio::OptionalTimeSeries
typedef boost::optional< UnitSystem > openstudio::OptionalUnitSystem
typedef boost::optional<unsigned> openstudio::OptionalUnsigned
typedef boost::optional<UUID> openstudio::OptionalUUID

optional UUID

typedef boost::optional< VariantType > openstudio::OptionalVariantType
typedef boost::optional<Vector3d> openstudio::OptionalVector3d
typedef std::variant<std::monostate, bool, double, int, unsigned, std::string, std::vector<Attribute> > openstudio::OSAttributeVariant
typedef boost::filesystem::path openstudio::path
typedef std::pair<path,path> openstudio::PathPair
typedef std::vector<Plane> openstudio::PlaneVector

vector of Plane

typedef std::vector<Point3d> openstudio::Point3dVector


typedef std::function<const Scale& ()> openstudio::ScaleConstant

Function pointer to a constant scale object.

Implemented as function pointer to ensure timely instantiation.

typedef std::pair<ScaleConstant,double> openstudio::ScaleOpReturnType

Return type for scale multiplication and division.

See the corresponding operators for its use.

typedef std::pair<std::string,std::string> openstudio::StringPair
typedef std::set<std::string> openstudio::StringSet
typedef std::vector<std::string> openstudio::StringVector
typedef std::vector<Time> openstudio::TimeVector

vector of Time

ObjectPointer with source as index in IdfObjectVector, target as Handle.

For Workspace, source will be outside of workspace, target will be within workspace.

typedef std::vector<UHPointer> openstudio::UHPointerVector
typedef std::set<unsigned> openstudio::UnsignedSet
typedef std::vector<unsigned> openstudio::UnsignedVector
typedef std::vector<UUID> openstudio::UUIDVector

vector of UUID


typedef std::vector<Vector3d> openstudio::Vector3dVector

Enumeration Type Documentation

Enum to specify the extrapolation method.


Enum to specify the interpolation method.


enum for materials


Function Documentation

static void openstudio::addFaceBack ( std::shared_ptr< Vertex >  newVertex,
std::shared_ptr< Vertex >  va,
std::shared_ptr< Vertex >  vb,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Face > > &  faces 
static void openstudio::addFaceLeft ( std::shared_ptr< Vertex >  newVertex,
std::shared_ptr< Vertex >  va,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Face > > &  faces 
static void openstudio::addFaceRight ( std::shared_ptr< Vertex >  newVertex,
std::shared_ptr< Vertex >  vb,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Face > > &  faces 
static void openstudio::addMultiBackFaces ( std::vector< std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent > > &  edgeList,
std::shared_ptr< Vertex >  edgeVertex,
std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > > &  sLav,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent > > &  queue,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Face > > &  faces 
static void openstudio::addPush ( std::shared_ptr< FaceNode >  node,
std::shared_ptr< FaceNode >  newNode 
static std::shared_ptr<FaceNode> openstudio::addSplitFaces ( std::shared_ptr< FaceNode >  lastFaceNode,
Chain &  chainBegin,
Chain &  chainEnd,
std::shared_ptr< Vertex >  newVertex,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Face > > &  faces,
std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > > &  sLav 
void openstudio::addThreeMaterial ( std::vector< ThreeMaterial > &  materials,
std::map< std::string, std::string > &  materialMap,
const ThreeMaterial &  material 

Add a ThreeMaterial to a list of materials and map of material name to material.

bool openstudio::applicationIsRunningFromBuildDirectory ( )
True if the application is running from the build directory
static void openstudio::applyGableLogicRidgeTwoAnglesBackward ( std::vector< std::vector< Point3d > > &  surfaces)
static void openstudio::applyGableLogicRidgeTwoAnglesForward ( std::vector< std::vector< Point3d > > &  surfaces)
static void openstudio::applyGableLogicRidgeTwoAnglesInside ( std::vector< std::vector< Point3d > > &  surfaces)
static void openstudio::applyGableLogicTriangles ( std::vector< std::vector< Point3d > > &  surfaces)
static void openstudio::applyGableLogicTwoRidgesTwoOppositeAngles ( std::vector< std::vector< Point3d > > &  surfaces)
static void openstudio::applyGables ( std::vector< std::vector< Point3d > > &  surfaces)
Handle openstudio::applyHandleMap ( const Handle &  original,
const HandleMap &  handleMap 

Returns the handle that corresponds to original, where original is a handleMap key and the returned value is the corresponding value.

If original is not a handleMap key, then the return value .isNull().

HandleVector openstudio::applyHandleMap ( const HandleVector &  original,
const HandleMap &  handleMap 

Returns the HandleVector equivalent to original, where original is a vector of handleMap keys, and the return vector consists of the corresponding handleMap values.

Handles in original that are not listed in handleMap are discarded (silently–compare .size() if all values should be preserved).

bool openstudio::applyViewAndDaylightingGlassRatios ( double  viewGlassToWallRatio,
double  daylightingGlassToWallRatio,
double  desiredViewGlassSillHeight,
double  desiredDaylightingGlassHeaderHeight,
double  exteriorShadingProjectionFactor,
double  interiorShelfProjectionFactor,
const std::vector< Point3d > &  surfaceVertices,
std::vector< Point3d > &  viewVertices,
std::vector< Point3d > &  daylightingVertices,
std::vector< Point3d > &  exteriorShadingVertices,
std::vector< Point3d > &  interiorShelfVertices 

Sets view and daylighting window, overhang and light shelf vertices by reference. Returns true if successful, false otherwise.

static double openstudio::area ( std::vector< Point3d > &  polygon)
static bool openstudio::areSameLav ( std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > &  lav1,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > &  lav2 
void openstudio::assertKey ( const Json::Value &  value,
const std::string &  key 

assert key is present, throws if key is not found

void openstudio::assertKeyAndType ( const Json::Value &  value,
const std::string &  key,
const Json::ValueType &  valueType 

assert key is present and type is correct, throws if key not found or type is not correct

static int openstudio::assertMaxNumberOfIterations ( int  count)
void openstudio::assertType ( const Json::Value &  value,
const std::string &  key,
const Json::ValueType &  valueType 

assert type is correct if key is present, throws if type is not correct

const Scale& openstudio::atto ( )

Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^{-18)

static Ray2d openstudio::calcBisector ( Point3d &  p,
std::shared_ptr< Edge >  e1,
std::shared_ptr< Edge >  e2 
static boost::optional<SplitCandidate> openstudio::calcCandidatePointForSplit ( std::shared_ptr< Vertex >  vertex,
std::shared_ptr< Edge >  edge 
static double openstudio::calcDistance ( Point3d &  intersect,
std::shared_ptr< Edge >  currentEdge 
static std::vector<SplitCandidate> openstudio::calcOppositeEdges ( std::shared_ptr< Vertex >  vertex,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Edge > > &  edges 
static Vector3d openstudio::calcVectorBisector ( Vector3d &  norm1,
Vector3d &  norm2 
template<typename T , typename U >
std::vector< std::vector<T> > openstudio::castArray ( const std::vector< std::vector< U > > &  original)
const Scale& openstudio::centi ( )

Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^{-2}.

const Scale& openstudio::centimilli ( )

Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^{-5}.

bool openstudio::checkKey ( const Json::Value &  value,
const std::string &  key 

check key is present, return false if key is not found

bool openstudio::checkKeyAndType ( const Json::Value &  value,
const std::string &  key,
const Json::ValueType &  valueType 

check key is present and type is correct, return false if key not found or type is not correct

template<class T >
bool openstudio::checkPtrVecEqual ( const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< T > > &  a,
const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< T > > &  b 

Test equality between objects in two vectors of pointers.

std::string openstudio::checksum ( const std::string &  s)

return 8 character hex checksum of string

std::string openstudio::checksum ( std::istream &  is)

return 8 character hex checksum of istream

std::string openstudio::checksum ( const path &  p)

return 8 character hex checksum of file contents

bool openstudio::checkType ( const Json::Value &  value,
const std::string &  key,
const Json::ValueType &  valueType 

check type is correct if key is present, return false if type is not correct

static std::shared_ptr<Edge> openstudio::chooseLessParallelVertexEdge ( std::shared_ptr< Vertex >  vertex,
std::shared_ptr< Edge >  edge 
static int openstudio::chooseOppositeEdgeLavIndex ( std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > &  edgeLavs,
std::shared_ptr< Edge >  oppositeEdge,
Point3d &  center,
std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > > &  sLav 
bool openstudio::circularEqual ( const std::vector< Point3d > &  points1,
const std::vector< Point3d > &  points2,
double  tol = 0.001 

check if two vectors of points are equal (within tolerance) irregardless of initial ordering.

path openstudio::completeAndNormalize ( const path &  p)
path openstudio::completePathToFile ( const path &  p,
const path &  base = path(),
const std::string &  ext = std::string(),
bool  warnOnMismatch = false 

Returns completed path if p is a path to a file on this system.

Otherwise, returns an empty path. If base is not empty, completion is done relative to base. If ext is not empty, and p has no extension, then p's extension is set to ext. If ext is not empty and p has an extension, then a warning may be logged if they do not match.

std::string openstudio::componentFileExtension ( )

Single location for storing the default extension for Component serialization files.

(That is, the file extension to be used for Idf files following the IddFileType::OpenStudio Idd, and containing a single Component.)

static boost::optional<double> openstudio::computeCloserEdgeEvent ( std::shared_ptr< Vertex >  vertex,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent > > &  queue,
std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > > &  sLav 
static void openstudio::computeEdgeEvents ( std::shared_ptr< Vertex >  previousVertex,
std::shared_ptr< Vertex >  nextVertex,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent > > &  queue 
static void openstudio::computeEvents ( std::shared_ptr< Vertex >  vertex,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent > > &  queue,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Edge > > &  edges,
std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > > &  sLav 
static boost::optional<Point3d> openstudio::computeIntersectionBisectors ( std::shared_ptr< Vertex >  vertexPrevious,
std::shared_ptr< Vertex >  vertexNext 
static void openstudio::computeSplitEvents ( std::shared_ptr< Vertex >  vertex,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Edge > > &  edges,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent > > &  queue,
boost::optional< double >  distanceSquared 
std::vector<std::vector<Point3d> > openstudio::computeTriangulation ( const std::vector< Point3d > &  vertices,
const std::vector< std::vector< Point3d > > &  holes,
double  tol = 0.001 

compute triangulation of vertices, holes are removed in the triangulation requires that vertices and holes are in clockwise order on the z = 0 plane (i.e.

in face coordinates but reversed)

static void openstudio::connectFaces ( std::shared_ptr< FaceNode >  firstFaceNode,
std::shared_ptr< FaceNode >  secondFaceNode 
bool openstudio::containsAtomicUnit ( const std::string &  s)

Returns true if s contains an atomic unit.

Other text is tolerated as long as it is separated from the unit by whitespace, *, /, (, or )

bool openstudio::containsCompoundUnit ( const std::string &  s)

Returns true if s contains a compound unit.

Other text is tolerated as long as the compound unit is set off by whitespace or parentheses.

bool openstudio::containsDirectScaledUnit ( const std::string &  s)

Returns true if s contains a direct scaled unit.

Other text is tolerated as long as the direct scaled unit is set off by spaces, newline characters, or matching parentheses or brackes. May be terminated with a '. ', ', ', or ';'.

bool openstudio::containsFixedPrecisionValue ( const std::string &  s)

Returns true if s contains a FixedPrecisionValue.

Other text separated by whitespace is tolerated, but ScientificNotationValues and the like are not.

bool openstudio::containsQuantity ( const std::string &  s)

Returns true if s contains a quantity.

Other text is tolerated as long as the scaled unit is set off by spaces or newline characters. May be terminated with a '. ', ', ', or ';'.

bool openstudio::containsScaledUnit ( const std::string &  s)

Returns true if s contains a scaled unit.

Other text is tolerated as long as the scaled unit is set off by spaces or newline characters. May be terminated with a '. ', ', ', or ';'.

bool openstudio::containsScientificNotationValue ( const std::string &  s)

Returns true if s contains a ScientificNotationValue.

Other text is tolerated as long as it is separated from the value by whitespace.

bool openstudio::containsUnit ( const std::string &  s)

Returns true if s contains a scaled unit.

Other text is tolerated as long as the scaled unit is set off by spaces or newline characters. May be terminated with a '. ', ', ', or ';'.

std::string openstudio::convertIddName ( const std::string &  s)

Convert IDD object and field names to something reasonable for computers.

bool openstudio::copyDirectory ( const path &  source,
const path &  destination 

Recursively copy a directory, not subject to MAX_PATH.

static void openstudio::correctBisectorDirection ( std::shared_ptr< Ray2d >  bisector,
std::shared_ptr< Vertex >  beginNextVertex,
std::shared_ptr< Vertex >  endPreviousVertex,
std::shared_ptr< Edge >  beginEdge,
std::shared_ptr< Edge >  endEdge 
int openstudio::crc16 ( const char *  ptr,
int  count 

returns the CRC-16 checksum of the first len bytes of data. Replaces Qt implementation qChecksum.

static std::vector<Chain> openstudio::createChains ( std::vector< std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent > > &  cluster,
std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > > &  sLav 
static std::vector< std::shared_ptr<QueueEvent> > openstudio::createEdgeChain ( std::vector< std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent > > &  edgeCluster)
static std::shared_ptr<QueueEvent> openstudio::createEdgeEvent ( Point3d &  point,
std::shared_ptr< Vertex >  previousVertex,
std::shared_ptr< Vertex >  nextVertex 
GPDUnit openstudio::createGPDCurrency ( )

relates GPDUnit

GPDUnit openstudio::createGPDCycle ( )

relates GPDUnit

IPUnit openstudio::createIPCurrency ( )

relates IPUnit

IPUnit openstudio::createIPCycle ( )

relates IPUnit

static LevelEvent openstudio::createLevelEvent ( Point3d &  eventCenter,
double  distance,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent > > &  eventCluster,
std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > > &  sLav 
Misc1Unit openstudio::createMisc1Currency ( )

relates Misc1Unit

Misc1Unit openstudio::createMisc1Cycle ( )

relates Misc1Unit

static std::shared_ptr<Vertex> openstudio::createMultiSplitVertex ( std::shared_ptr< Edge >  nextEdge,
std::shared_ptr< Edge >  previousEdge,
Point3d &  center,
double  distance 
static void openstudio::createOppositeEdgeChains ( std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > > &  sLav,
std::vector< Chain > &  chains,
Point3d &  center 
static std::shared_ptr<Vertex> openstudio::createOppositeEdgeVertex ( std::shared_ptr< Vertex >  newVertex)
boost::optional<Quantity> openstudio::createQuantity ( const std::string &  quantityString)

Creates a Quantity object from quantityString (a string that matches openstudio::regexQuantity()).

boost::optional<Quantity> openstudio::createQuantity ( const std::string &  quantityString,
UnitSystem  system 
boost::optional<Quantity> openstudio::createQuantity ( double  value,
const std::string &  unitString 

Creates a general Quantity object corresponding to value * unitString.

boost::optional<Quantity> openstudio::createQuantity ( double  value,
const std::string &  unitString,
UnitSystem  system 
Transformation openstudio::createRotation ( const Vector3d &  axis,
double  radians 

create rotation about origin defined by axis and angle (radians)

Transformation openstudio::createRotation ( const Point3d &  origin,
const Vector3d &  axis,
double  radians 

create rotation about point defined by axis and angle (radians)

Transformation openstudio::createRotation ( const EulerAngles &  angles)

create rotation specified by Euler angles

Transformation openstudio::createTranslation ( const Vector3d &  translation)

create translation along vector

std::string openstudio::createUniqueName ( const std::string &  prefix)

create a unique name, prefix << " " << UUID.

UUID openstudio::createUUID ( )

create a UUID

Vector openstudio::createVector ( const std::vector< double > &  values)

Helper function to construct Vector from std::vector<double>.

Vector openstudio::createVector ( const std::vector< long > &  values)

Helper function to construct Vector from std::vector<long>

Vector openstudio::cumsum ( const Vector &  x,
double  runningSum = 0.0 

Compute the cumulative sum of a Vector.

static std::vector< std::shared_ptr<Vertex> > openstudio::cutLavPart ( std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > &  lav,
std::shared_ptr< Vertex >  startVertex,
std::shared_ptr< Vertex >  endVertex 
DayOfWeek openstudio::dayOfWeek ( const std::string &  day)

Convert string to DayOfWeek. Accepts full string or first three letters.

const Scale& openstudio::deci ( )

Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^{-1}.

const Scale& openstudio::decimilli ( )

Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^{-4}.

std::pair<std::string,int> openstudio::decomposeAtomicUnitString ( const std::string &  s)

Returns baseUnit string and integer exponent.

Precondition: isAtomicUnit(s) == true. Throws otherwise.

std::pair< std::vector<std::string>,std::vector<std::string> > openstudio::decomposeCompoundUnitString ( const std::string &  s)

Returns vectors of strings, where each string contains atomic unit.

First vector is numerator, second is denominator. Precondition: isCompoundUnit(s) == true. Throws otherwise.

std::pair<std::string,std::pair<unsigned,std::string> > openstudio::decomposeDirectScaledUnit ( const std::string &  s)

Decomposes a direct scaled unit string into numerator, exponent of scale in denominator (3 for /1000), and denominator.

std::pair<std::string,std::string> openstudio::decomposeQuantityString ( const std::string &  s)

Returns value string as .first and unit string as .second.

Precondition: isQuantity(s) == true. Throws otherwise.

std::pair<std::string,std::string> openstudio::decomposeScaledUnitString ( const std::string &  s)

Returns scale abbreviation as .first and compoundUnitString as .second.

Precondition: isScaledUnit(s) == true. Throws otherwise.

double openstudio::degToRad ( double  degrees)

convert degrees to radians

const Scale& openstudio::deka ( )

Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^1.

Vector openstudio::deltaSpace ( double  a,
double  b,
double  delta 

Generates a Vector linearly spaced points starting at a and ending before or at b with interval delta.

std::string openstudio::documentFileExtension ( )
static std::vector< std::vector<Point3d> > openstudio::doShedRoof ( std::vector< Point3d > &  polygon,
double  roofPitchDegrees,
double  directionDegrees 
static std::vector< std::vector<Point3d> > openstudio::doStraightSkeleton ( std::vector< Point3d > &  polygon,
double  roofPitchDegrees 
double openstudio::dot ( const Vector &  lhs,
const Vector &  rhs 

Returns the dot product between lhs and rhs.

static bool openstudio::edgeBehindBisector ( std::shared_ptr< Ray2d >  bisector,
LineLinear2d &  edge 
std::set<std::string> openstudio::environmentPeriods ( const std::vector< SqlFileTimeSeriesQuery > &  queries)

If all queries have been vetted, returns the set of unique environment names.

Otherwise, returns an empty set.

template<class T >
bool openstudio::equal ( val1,
tol = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon() 
std::vector<std::string> openstudio::eraseEmptyElements ( const std::vector< std::string > &  sv)
double openstudio::evaluateDoubleFromVectorFunctor ( const std::function< double(const Vector &)> &  functor,
const Vector &  vector 

Evaluates functor(vector).

For use in SWIG bindings.

TimeSeries openstudio::evaluateTimeSeriesFromTimeSeriesVectorFunctor ( const boost::function1< TimeSeries, const std::vector< TimeSeries > & > &  functor,
const std::vector< TimeSeries > &  timeSeriesVector 

Evaluates functor(timeSeriesVector).

For use in SWIG bindings.

const Scale& openstudio::exa ( )

Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^18.

std::pair<std::string,std::string> openstudio::extractScaleAbbreviation ( const std::string &  str)

If possible, extracts scale abbreviation from the front of str, returning abbreviation in .first and remainder of string in .second.

Otherwise, returns empty strings.

static std::vector< std::vector<Point3d> > openstudio::facesToPoint3d ( std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Face > > &  faces,
double  roofPitchDegrees,
double  zcoord 
const Scale& openstudio::femto ( )

Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^{-15}.

template<class T >
bool openstudio::fieldIndexEqualTo ( const T &  object,
unsigned  value 
template<class T >
boost::optional<T> openstudio::findByName ( const std::vector< T > &  vec,
const std::string &  name,
bool  caseSensitive = false 

Template function for finding objects in a vector T by name.

template<class T >
std::shared_ptr<T> openstudio::findByName ( const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< T > > &  vec,
const std::string &  name,
bool  caseSensitive = false 

Template function for finding objects in a vector of shared_ptr<T> by name.

std::vector<std::vector<unsigned> > openstudio::findConnectedComponents ( const Matrix &  matrix)

get the connected components from an NxN adjacency matrix (1.0 for i-j connected, 0.0 for i-j not connected)

template<class T >
boost::optional<int> openstudio::findIndexByName ( const std::vector< T > &  vec,
const std::string &  name,
bool  caseSensitive = false 

Template function for finding index of object in a vector<T> by name.

path openstudio::findInSystemPath ( const path &  p)

Tries to locate a file in your PATH, returning unchanged if p isn't just a filename (has a parent_path) or if not found.

template<class T >
std::vector<T>::iterator openstudio::findIteratorByName ( std::vector< T > &  vec,
const std::string &  name,
bool  caseSensitive = false 

Template function for finding index of object in a vector<T> by name.

static std::shared_ptr<Vertex> openstudio::findOppositeEdgeLav ( std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > > &  sLav,
std::shared_ptr< Edge >  oppositeEdge,
Point3d &  center 
template<class T >
boost::optional<T> openstudio::findStructByName ( const std::vector< T > &  vec,
const std::string &  name,
bool  caseSensitive = false 

Template function for finding objects in a vector T by name.

template<class T >
std::shared_ptr<T> openstudio::findStructByName ( const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< T > > &  vec,
const std::string &  name,
bool  caseSensitive = false 

Template function for finding objects in a vector of shared_ptr<T> by name.

template<class T >
boost::optional<int> openstudio::findStructIndexByName ( const std::vector< T > &  vec,
const std::string &  name,
bool  caseSensitive = false 

Template function for finding index of object in a vector<T> by name.

template<class T >
std::vector<T>::iterator openstudio::findStructIteratorByName ( std::vector< T > &  vec,
const std::string &  name,
bool  caseSensitive = false 

Template function for finding index of object in a vector<T> by name.

template<class T , class U >
bool openstudio::firstOfPairEqual ( const std::pair< T, U > &  pair,
const T &  value 

Test equality of provided value with first element in a pair.

template<class T >
bool openstudio::firstOfPairIStringEqual ( const std::pair< std::string, T > &  pair,
const std::string &  value 

Test istringEqual of provided string with first element in a pair.

int openstudio::floor0 ( double  value)

round towards zero, need to move this

std::string openstudio::floorplanToThreeJS ( const std::string &  json,
bool  openstudioFormat 

convienence method, converts a FloorplanJS JSON string to a ThreeJS JSON string

std::string openstudio::formatSuperAndSubscripts ( const std::string &  str,
DocumentFormat  fmt 
std::string openstudio::formatText ( const std::string &  str,
DocumentFormat  fmt 
std::string openstudio::formatUnderscore ( const std::string &  str)

Ensures that underscores will remain as underscores (not changed to subscripts).

std::string openstudio::formatUnitString ( const std::string &  str,
DocumentFormat  fmt 

Applies formatSuperAndSubscripts, and replaces '*' with small dot.

Does nothing for fmt == DocumentFormat::COUT.

std::string openstudio::fromThreeUUID ( const std::string &  uuid)
Point3dVector openstudio::fromThreeVector ( const std::vector< double > &  vertices)
std::vector< std::vector<Point3d> > openstudio::generateGableRoof ( std::vector< Point3d > &  polygon,
double  roofPitchDegrees 

Generate gable roof polygons.

std::vector< std::vector<Point3d> > openstudio::generateHipRoof ( std::vector< Point3d > &  polygon,
double  roofPitchDegrees 

Generate hip roof polygons.

std::vector< std::vector<Point3d> > openstudio::generateShedRoof ( std::vector< Point3d > &  polygon,
double  roofPitchDegrees,
double  directionDegrees 

Generate shed roof polygons.

double openstudio::getAngle ( const Vector3d &  vector1,
const Vector3d &  vector2 

return angle (in radians) between two vectors

openstudio::path openstudio::getApplicationBuildDirectory ( )
The directory the application was built in
openstudio::path openstudio::getApplicationDirectory ( )
The directory of the current executable application
openstudio::path openstudio::getApplicationPath ( )
The path to the current executable application
openstudio::path openstudio::getApplicationSourceDirectory ( )
The source directory the application was built from
boost::optional<double> openstudio::getArea ( const std::vector< Point3d > &  points)

compute area from surface as Point3dVector

boost::optional<Point3d> openstudio::getCentroid ( const std::vector< Point3d > &  points)

compute centroid from surface as Point3dVector

Point3d openstudio::getCombinedPoint ( const Point3d &  point3d,
std::vector< Point3d > &  allPoints,
double  tol = 0.001 

if point3d is within tol of any existing points then returns existing point otherwise adds point3d to allPoints and returns point3d

path openstudio::getCompanionFolder ( const path &  osmPath)
boost::optional<BCLComponent> openstudio::getComponent ( const std::string &  uid,
const std::string &  versionId = "" 

Uses LocalBCL and RemoteBCL to get a component from the BCL.

Will update LocalBCL with the downloaded component if that is appropriate. Ultimately returns a BCLComponent from the LocalBCL (existing or just downloaded).

double openstudio::getDistance ( const Point3d &  point1,
const Point3d &  point2 

return distance between two points

double openstudio::getDistanceLatLon ( double  lat1,
double  lon1,
double  lat2,
double  lon2 

compute distance in meters between two points on the Earth's surface lat and lon are specified in degrees

double openstudio::getDistancePointToLineSegment ( const Point3d &  point,
const std::vector< Point3d > &  lineSegment 

return distance between a point and a line segment returns 0 if lineSegment does not have length 2

double openstudio::getDistancePointToTriangle ( const Point3d &  point,
const std::vector< Point3d > &  triangle 

return distance between a point and a triangle returns 0 if triangle does not have length 3

double openstudio::getDistanceSquared ( const Point3d &  point1,
const Point3d &  point2 

return distance squared between two points faster than getDistance; can be used to compare distances

static std::shared_ptr<Vertex> openstudio::getEdgeInLav ( std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > &  lav,
std::shared_ptr< Edge >  oppositeEdge 
openstudio::path openstudio::getEnergyPlusDirectory ( )
The packaged EnergyPlus installation if it exists.
openstudio::path openstudio::getEnergyPlusExecutable ( )
The path to the EnergyPlus executable if it exists.
std::string openstudio::getFileExtension ( const path &  p)

Get p's extension as a string with the dot removed.

static std::vector<Point3d> openstudio::getGableTopAndBottomVertices ( std::vector< Point3d > &  surface)
path openstudio::getLastLevelDirectoryName ( const path &  directory)
boost::optional<BCLMeasure> openstudio::getMeasure ( const std::string &  uid,
const std::string &  versionId = "" 

Uses LocalBCL and RemoteBCL to get a measure from the BCL.

Will update LocalBCL with the downloaded measure if that is appropriate. Ultimately returns a BCLMeasure from the LocalBCL (existing or just downloaded).

boost::optional<Vector3d> openstudio::getNewallVector ( const std::vector< Point3d > &  points)

compute Newall vector from surface as Point3dVector, direction is same as outward normal magnitude is twice the area

std::string openstudio::getObjectThreeMaterialName ( const std::string &  iddObjectType,
const std::string &  name 

convert object name to material name

openstudio::path openstudio::getOpenStudioCLI ( )
The path to the OpenStudio Command Line Interface if it exists.
openstudio::path openstudio::getOpenStudioModule ( )
Will return path to the binary containing OpenStudio Utilities, could be openstudio.exe,, etc.
openstudio::path openstudio::getOpenStudioModuleDirectory ( )
Will return dir containing the binary containing OpenStudio Utilities, could be openstudio.exe,, etc.
static int openstudio::getOppositeGableIndex ( std::vector< std::vector< Point3d > > &  surfaces,
std::vector< unsigned >  connectedSurfaces,
unsigned  gableIndexNum 
boost::optional<Vector3d> openstudio::getOutwardNormal ( const std::vector< Point3d > &  points)

compute outward normal from surface as Point3dVector

openstudio::path openstudio::getPerlExecutable ( )
The path to the Perl executable if it exists.
openstudio::path openstudio::getRadianceDirectory ( )
The path to the Radiance installation if it exists.
static std::vector<Point3d> openstudio::getShedLine ( std::vector< Point3d > &  polygon,
double  directionDegrees 
std::string openstudio::getSurfaceTypeThreeMaterialName ( const std::string &  surfaceType)

convert surface type to material name

std::string openstudio::getThreeMaterialId ( const std::string &  materialName,
std::map< std::string, std::string > &  materialMap 

Get a material id out of material map.

const Scale& openstudio::giga ( )

Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^9.

template<class T >
bool openstudio::greaterThanOrEqual ( val1,
tol = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon() 
static std::vector<LevelEvent> openstudio::groupLevelEvents ( std::vector< std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent > > &  levelEvents,
std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > > &  sLav 
template<class T , class U >
bool openstudio::handleEquals ( const T &  object,
const U &  handle 
const Scale& openstudio::hecto ( )

Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^2.

const Scale& openstudio::hectokilo ( )

Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^5.

std::string openstudio::iddObjectNameToIdfObjectName ( const std::string &  s)

Convert IDD object name to default name for IDF objects of this type.

static void openstudio::initEvents ( std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > > &  sLav,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent > > &  queue,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Edge > > &  edges 
static double openstudio::initPolygon ( std::vector< Point3d > &  polygon)
static void openstudio::initSlav ( std::vector< Point3d > &  polygon,
std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > > &  sLav,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Edge > > &  edges,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Face > > &  faces 
double openstudio::interp ( const Vector &  x,
const Vector &  y,
const Matrix &  v,
double  xi,
double  yi,
InterpMethod  interpMethod = LinearInterp,
ExtrapMethod  extrapMethod = NoneExtrap 

common methods

linear interpolation of the function v = f(x, y) at point xi, yi assumes that x and y are strictly increasing

Vector openstudio::interp ( const Vector &  x,
const Vector &  y,
const Matrix &  v,
const Vector &  xi,
double  yi,
InterpMethod  interpMethod = LinearInterp,
ExtrapMethod  extrapMethod = NoneExtrap 

linear interpolation of the function v = f(x, y) at points xi, yi assumes that x and y are strictly increasing

Vector openstudio::interp ( const Vector &  x,
const Vector &  y,
const Matrix &  v,
double  xi,
const Vector &  yi,
InterpMethod  interpMethod = LinearInterp,
ExtrapMethod  extrapMethod = NoneExtrap 

linear interpolation of the function v = f(x, y) at points xi, yi assumes that x and y are strictly increasing

Matrix openstudio::interp ( const Vector &  x,
const Vector &  y,
const Matrix &  v,
const Vector &  xi,
const Vector &  yi,
InterpMethod  interpMethod = LinearInterp,
ExtrapMethod  extrapMethod = NoneExtrap 

linear interpolation of the function v = f(x, y) at points xi, yi assumes that x and y are strictly increasing

double openstudio::interp ( const Vector &  x,
const Vector &  y,
double  xi,
InterpMethod  interpMethod = LinearInterp,
ExtrapMethod  extrapMethod = NoneExtrap 

Linear interpolation of the function y = f(x) at point xi.

Assumes that x is strictly increasing

Vector openstudio::interp ( const Vector &  x,
const Vector &  y,
const Vector &  xi,
InterpMethod  interpMethod = LinearInterp,
ExtrapMethod  extrapMethod = NoneExtrap 

Linear interpolation of the function y = f(x) at points xi.

Assumes that x is strictly increasing.

InterpInfo openstudio::interpInfo ( const Vector &  x,
double  xi 

Linear interpolation of the function y = f(x) at point xi.

Assumes that x is strictly increasing.

boost::optional<IntersectionResult> openstudio::intersect ( const std::vector< Point3d > &  polygon1,
const std::vector< Point3d > &  polygon2,
double  tol 

intersect two polygons, requires that all vertices are in clockwise order on the z = 0 plane (i.e. in face coordinates but reversed)

bool openstudio::intersects ( const std::vector< Point3d > &  polygon1,
const std::vector< Point3d > &  polygon2,
double  tol 

returns true if polygon1 intersects polygon2, requires that all vertices are in clockwise order on the z = 0 plane (i.e.

in face coordinates but reversed) returns false if either polygon has less than three vertices

template<class T >
bool openstudio::invert ( const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< T > &  input,
boost::numeric::ublas::matrix< T > &  inverse 

Matrix inversion routine, using lu_factorize and lu_substitute in uBLAS to invert a matrix */.

bool openstudio::isAtomicUnit ( const std::string &  s)

Returns true if s is an atomic unit.

No other text is tolerated, including whitespace.

static bool openstudio::isClockwisePolygon ( std::vector< Point3d > &  polygon)
bool openstudio::isCompoundUnit ( const std::string &  s)

Returns true if s is a compound unit.

No other text is tolerated, including whitespace.

bool openstudio::isDirectScaledUnit ( const std::string &  s)

Returns true if s is a direct scaled unit.

No other text is tolerated, including whitespaces.

bool openstudio::isEmptyDirectory ( const path &  dirName)

Determines if a directory is empty, returns false if directory does not exist, not subject to MAX_PATH.

bool openstudio::isFixedPrecisionValue ( const std::string &  s)

Returns true if s is a FixedPrecisionValue.

No other text is tolerated, including whitespace.

static bool openstudio::isInEdgeChain ( std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent >  split,
Chain &  chain 
static bool openstudio::isInsidePolygon ( Point3d &  point,
std::vector< Point3d > &  points 

Test if point is inside polygon.

template<class _enum_name >
bool openstudio::isMember ( const _enum_name &  e,
const StringVector &  strValues 
bool openstudio::isNetworkPath ( const path &  p)

Determines if a path is on a network drive.

Returns false if path is not absolute. Currently only implemented for Windows, returns false on other platforms.

bool openstudio::isNetworkPathAvailable ( const path &  p)

Determines if a path is on a network drive and if that network resources is available.

Returns false if path is not absolute or if path is not a network path. Currently only implemented for Windows, returns false on other platforms.

template<class T >
bool openstudio::isPrime ( val)
bool openstudio::isQuantity ( const std::string &  s)

Returns true if s is a quantity.

No other text is tolerated, including whitespace.

bool openstudio::isScaledUnit ( const std::string &  s)

Returns true if s is a scaled unit.

No other text is tolerated, including whitespace.

bool openstudio::isScientificNotationValue ( const std::string &  s)

Returns true if s is a ScientificNotationValue.

No other text is tolerated, including whitespace.

bool openstudio::istringEqual ( const std::string &  x,
const std::string &  y 

Test equality between two strings without regard to case.

bool openstudio::istringLess ( const std::string &  x,
const std::string &  y 

Compare two strings without regard to case.

bool openstudio::isUnit ( const std::string &  s)

Returns true if s is a unit.

No other text is tolerated, including whitespace.

boost::optional<std::vector<Point3d> > openstudio::join ( const std::vector< Point3d > &  polygon1,
const std::vector< Point3d > &  polygon2,
double  tol 

compute the union of two overlapping polygons, requires that all vertices are in clockwise order on the z = 0 plane (i.e. in face coordinates but reversed)

std::vector<std::vector<Point3d> > openstudio::joinAll ( const std::vector< std::vector< Point3d > > &  polygons,
double  tol 

compute the union of many polygons, requires that all vertices are in clockwise order on the z = 0 plane (i.e. in face coordinates but reversed)

const Scale& openstudio::kilo ( )

Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^3.

template<class T >
bool openstudio::lessThanOrEqual ( val1,
tol = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon() 
Vector openstudio::linspace ( double  a,
double  b,
unsigned  N 

Generates a Vector of N points linearly spaced between and including a and b.

static std::vector<LevelEvent> openstudio::loadAndGroupLevelEvents ( std::vector< std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent > > &  queue,
std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > > &  sLav 
static std::vector< std::shared_ptr<QueueEvent> > openstudio::loadLevelEvents ( std::vector< std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent > > &  queue)
Matrix openstudio::log ( const Matrix &  v)

take the natural logarithm of Matrix elements, componentwise

Matrix openstudio::log ( const Matrix &  v,
double  base 

take the logarithm of Matrix elements with respect to base, componentwise

Vector openstudio::log ( const Vector &  x)

Take the natural logarithm of elements of a Vector.

Vector openstudio::log ( const Vector &  x,
double  base 

Take the logarithm of elements of a Vector with certain base.

static openstudio::LogChannel openstudio::logChannel ( )
void openstudio::logFree ( LogLevel  level,
const std::string &  channel,
const std::string &  message 

convenience function for SWIG, prefer macros in C++

Vector openstudio::logspace ( double  a,
double  b,
unsigned  N,
double  base = 10.0 

Generates a Vector of N points logarithmically spaced between and including base^a and base^b.

static void openstudio::makeCounterClockwise ( std::vector< Point3d > &  polygon)
bool openstudio::makeParentFolder ( const path &  p,
const path &  base = path(),
bool  recursive = false 

As necessary, makes the parent folder for path p.

If recursive == false, only one folder may be constructed. If recursive == true, any number of folders may be constructed. Returns false if parent folder does not exist after calling this function.

std::vector<ThreeMaterial> openstudio::makeStandardThreeMaterials ( )

Create the standard ThreeMaterials.

ThreeMaterial openstudio::makeThreeMaterial ( const std::string &  name,
unsigned  color,
double  opacity,
unsigned  side,
unsigned  shininess = 50,
const std::string &  type = "MeshPhongMaterial" 

Create a ThreeMaterial.

double openstudio::maximum ( const Matrix &  matrix)

maximum of all elements

double openstudio::maximum ( const Vector &  vector)

Returns the largest element of vector.

double openstudio::mean ( const Matrix &  matrix)

mean of all elements

double openstudio::mean ( const Vector &  vector)

Returns the mean of vector's values.

const Scale& openstudio::mega ( )

Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^6.

static void openstudio::mergeBeforeBaseVertex ( std::shared_ptr< Vertex >  base,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > &  baseList,
std::shared_ptr< Vertex >  merged,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > &  mergedList 

Add all vertex from "merged" lav into "base" lav.

Vertex are added before base vertex. Merged vertex order is reversed.

const Scale& openstudio::micro ( )

Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^{-6}.

const Scale& openstudio::milli ( )

Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^{-3}.

double openstudio::minimum ( const Matrix &  matrix)

minimum of all elements

double openstudio::minimum ( const Vector &  vector)

Returns the smallest element of vector.

std::string openstudio::modelFileExtension ( )

Single location for storing the default extension for Model serialization files.

(That is, the file extension to be used for Idf files following the IddFileType::OpenStudio Idd, or a subset thereof.)

bool openstudio::moduleIsRunningFromBuildDirectory ( )
True if the OpenStudio Module is running from the build directory
unsigned openstudio::month ( MonthOfYear  monthOfYear)

convert MonthOfYear to unsigned

MonthOfYear openstudio::monthOfYear ( const std::string &  month)

Converts string to MonthOfYear. Accepts full string or first three letters.

MonthOfYear openstudio::monthOfYear ( unsigned  month)

convert unsigned to MonthOfYear

static void openstudio::moveNodes ( std::shared_ptr< FaceNode >  firstNode,
std::shared_ptr< FaceNode >  secondNode 
std::vector<Point3d> openstudio::moveVerticesTowardsPoint ( const std::vector< Point3d > &  vertices,
const Point3d &  point,
double  distance 

move all vertices towards point by distance, pass negative distance to move away from point no guarantee that resulting polygon will be valid

static void openstudio::multiEdgeEvent ( LevelEvent &  event,
std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > > &  sLav,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent > > &  queue,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Edge > > &  edges,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Face > > &  faces 
static void openstudio::multiSplitEvent ( LevelEvent &  event,
std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > > &  sLav,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent > > &  queue,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Edge > > &  edges,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Face > > &  faces 
const Scale& openstudio::myria ( )

Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^4.

const Scale& openstudio::nano ( )

Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^{-9}.

const Scale& openstudio::notDefined ( )

Static constant indicating that the scale was not found.

NthDayOfWeekInMonth openstudio::nthDayOfWeekInMonth ( const std::string &  nth)

Convert string to NthDayOfWeekInMonth. Accepts full string, also accepts 1, 1st, 2, 2nd, etc.

NthDayOfWeekInMonth openstudio::nthDayOfWeekInMonth ( const Date &  date)

return nthDayOfWeekInMonth for given date

unsigned openstudio::numFractionalDigits ( const std::string &  str)

Returns the number of digits past the decimal point in str.

unsigned openstudio::numFractionalDigits ( double  value,
unsigned  numSigFigs 

Returns the number of significant digits past the decimal point in value, given numSigFigs.

Throws if numSigFigs == 0.

std::pair<unsigned,unsigned> openstudio::numFractionalDigits ( const std::vector< double > &  values,
unsigned  numSigFigs 

Returns the minimum and maximum number of significant digits past the decimal point in values, given numSigFigs.

Throws if numSigFigs == 0.

std::string openstudio::objectName ( const IdfObject &  obj)

Returns if it exists.

Otherwise, returns the, which is a good choice for unique objects.

const Scale& openstudio::one ( )

Static constant defining no scale (1.0).

unsigned openstudio::openstudioFaceFormatId ( )

identifies ThreeJS faces in OpenStudio format (e.g. unlimited number of vertices)

bool openstudio::operator!= ( const Matrix &  lhs,
const Matrix &  rhs 
bool openstudio::operator!= ( const UUID &  lhs,
const UUID &  rhs 
bool openstudio::operator!= ( const Scale &  firstScale,
const Scale &  secondScale 

Inequality operator for Scales.

Checks exponent and abbreviation.

bool openstudio::operator!= ( const Vector &  lhs,
const Vector &  rhs 
bool openstudio::operator!= ( const Quantity &  lQuantity,
const Quantity &  rQuantity 
bool openstudio::operator!= ( const Unit &  lUnit,
const Unit &  rUnit 

Inequality for units.

Does not compare scales or prettyStrings.

ScaleOpReturnType openstudio::operator* ( const Scale &  firstScale,
const Scale &  secondScale 

Multiplication of scales.

If result implied by adding exponents is not available, .second is amount multiplication of values should be multiplied by so result will be correct when using .first.

Vector3d openstudio::operator* ( double  mult,
const Vector3d &  vec 

multiplication by a scalar

Quantity openstudio::operator* ( const Quantity &  lQuantity,
const Quantity &  rQuantity 

Multiply Quantities.

Used with base class Quantities and mixed Quantity types.

Quantity openstudio::operator* ( const Quantity &  lQuantity,
double  d 

Multiply a Quantity by a double.

Quantity openstudio::operator* ( double  d,
const Quantity &  rQuantity 

Multiply a Quantity by a double.

Unit openstudio::operator* ( const Unit &  lUnit,
const Unit &  rUnit 

Unit multiplication.

Adds exponents on baseUnits and scales. Returned scale exponent may differ from expectation based on initialization of openstudio::ScaleFactory, see Scale operators declared in ScaleFactory.hpp.

TimeSeries openstudio::operator* ( double  d,
const TimeSeries &  series 

double * TimeSeries

Quantity openstudio::operator+ ( const Quantity &  lQuantity,
const Quantity &  rQuantity 

Add Quantities.

Used with base class Quantities and mixed Quantity types.

Vector3d openstudio::operator- ( const Vector3d &  vec)


Quantity openstudio::operator- ( const Quantity &  rQuantity)

Negate a Quantity.

Quantity openstudio::operator- ( const Quantity &  lQuantity,
const Quantity &  rQuantity 

Subtract Quantities.

Used with base class Quantities and mixed Quantity types.

ScaleOpReturnType openstudio::operator/ ( const Scale &  firstScale,
const Scale &  secondScale 

Division of scales.

If result implied by subtracting exponents is not available, .second is amount final value should be multiplied by so result will be correct when using .first.

Quantity openstudio::operator/ ( const Quantity &  lQuantity,
const Quantity &  rQuantity 

Divide Quantities.

Used with base class Quantities and mixed Quantity types.

Quantity openstudio::operator/ ( const Quantity &  lQuantity,
double  d 

Divide a Quantity by a double.

Quantity openstudio::operator/ ( double  d,
const Quantity &  rQuantity 

Divide a double by a Quantity.

Unit openstudio::operator/ ( const Unit &  lUnit,
const Unit &  rUnit 

Unit division.

Subtracts exponents on rUnit's baseUnits and scales from lUnits's. Returned scale exponent may differ from expectation based on initialization of openstudio::ScaleFactory, see Scale operators declared in ScaleFactory.hpp.

bool openstudio::operator< ( const UUID &  lhs,
const UUID &  rhs 
bool openstudio::operator< ( const Scale &  firstScale,
const Scale &  secondScale 

Less than operator for Scales.

Compares exponents.

::std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( ::std::ostream &  os,
const path &  p 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const boost::optional< double > &  x 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const boost::optional< unsigned > &  x 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const boost::optional< int > &  x 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const boost::optional< std::string > &  x 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const StrictnessLevel &  e 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const DocumentFormat &  e 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const InstallLocationType &  e 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const VariantType &  e 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const UUID &  uuid 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const ReportingFrequency &  e 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Scale &  s 

Outputs all information about Scale s.


Scale s = {"T", "tera",12,1.0E12};
std::cout << s;
boost::ofstream f(path);
f << s;
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const OSAttributeVariant &  attribute 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const MeasureType &  e 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const BCLXMLType &  e 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Scope &  e 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const StepResult &  e 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const MeasureBadgeType &  e 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const FileReferenceType &  e 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const DayOfWeek &  e 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const EulerAngles &  angles 

ostream operator

std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const EnvironmentType &  e 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const UnitSystem &  e 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Point3d &  point 

ostream operator

std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const AttributeValueType &  e 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const FuelType &  e 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const ScaleFactorySingleton &  factory 

Prints scales that are registered in the factory (and thus available for use in Units and Quantities).

Outputs the scales registered in the factory.

std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const std::vector< Point3d > &  pointVector 

ostream operator

std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const StandardsJSON &  standardsJSON 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Variant &  variant 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const EndUseFuelType &  e 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const MonthOfYear &  e 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Vector3d &  vec 

ostream operator

std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const RunOptions &  runOptions 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const DataErrorType &  e 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Plane &  plane 

ostream operator

std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const PointLatLon &  point 

ostream operator

std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const std::vector< Vector3d > &  vecVector 

ostream operator

std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const std::vector< PointLatLon > &  pointVector 

ostream operator

std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Transformation &  t 

ostream operator

std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const ImfFile &  imfFile 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const EpwDataField &  e 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const EpwComputedField &  e 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const NthDayOfWeekInMonth &  e 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const CSVFile &  csvFile 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const EndUseCategoryType &  e 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const WorkflowStep &  workflowStep 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const DateTime &  dateTime 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const VersionString &  version 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Time &  time 

std::ostream operator<<

std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const EndUseType &  e 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const SqlFileTimeSeriesQuery &  query 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const BuildingSector &  e 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const EpwDesignField &  e 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const IdfFile &  idfFile 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Unit &  u 

Print u to a stream.

Scale abbreviation, if any, is printed before prettyString (if non-empty) or standardString.

std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const WorkflowJSON &  workflowJSON 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Date &  date 
std::ostream& openstudio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const WorkflowStepResult &  workflowStepResult 
bool openstudio::operator<= ( const Scale &  firstScale,
const Scale &  secondScale 

Less than or equal operator for Scales.

Compares exponents.

bool openstudio::operator== ( const Matrix &  lhs,
const Matrix &  rhs 

new operators

bool openstudio::operator== ( const UUID &  lhs,
const UUID &  rhs 
bool openstudio::operator== ( const Scale &  firstScale,
const Scale &  secondScale 

Equality operator for Scales.

Checks exponent and abbreviation.

bool openstudio::operator== ( const Vector &  lhs,
const Vector &  rhs 
bool openstudio::operator== ( const Quantity &  lQuantity,
const Quantity &  rQuantity 
bool openstudio::operator> ( const UUID &  lhs,
const UUID &  rhs 
bool openstudio::operator> ( const Scale &  firstScale,
const Scale &  secondScale 

Greater than operator for Scales.

Compares exponents.

bool openstudio::operator>= ( const Scale &  firstScale,
const Scale &  secondScale 

Greater than or equal operator for Scales.

Compares exponents.

static Vector3d openstudio::orthogonalProjection ( Vector3d &  unitVector,
Vector3d &  vectorToProject 
Matrix openstudio::outerProd ( const Vector &  lhs,
const Vector &  rhs 

outer product

Unit openstudio::parseUnitString ( const std::string &  unitString)

Parses unit string into a Unit object.

Precondition: isUnit == true. Otherwise, throws. Be forewarned–this does dumb parsing. Doesn't work to extract scales from expressions like "kN", doesn't match base units up with unit systems.

Postcondition: prettyString() == "".

See also
bool openstudio::pathBeginsWith ( const openstudio::path t_shorter,
const openstudio::path t_longer 

Helper to determine if a path begins with another path.

const char openstudio::pathDelimiter ( )

Returns the delimiter for the $PATH env variable.

Basically ";" on windows, ":" otherwise

template<class T >
std::vector<unsigned> openstudio::permutation ( const T &  original,
const T &  newOrder 

Returns the permutation that transforms sequence container original into newOrder.

T is required to have .size() and [i] defined. The type of element held by T must have == defined. original and newOrder should contain the same elements, jut in a different order.

template<class T >
T openstudio::permute ( const T &  original,
const std::vector< unsigned > &  order 

Returns the contents of original reorders as per order.

That is, result[order[i]] = original[i]. T is required to have .size() and [i] defined. T must also be constructable from .size().

const Scale& openstudio::peta ( )

Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^15.

static void openstudio::pickEvent ( LevelEvent &  event,
std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > > &  sLav,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent > > &  queue,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Edge > > &  edges,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Face > > &  faces 
const Scale& openstudio::pico ( )

Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^{-12}.

bool openstudio::pointInPolygon ( const Point3d &  point,
const std::vector< Point3d > &  polygon,
double  tol 

returns true if point is inside polygon, requires that all vertices are in clockwise order on the z = 0 plane (i.e. in face coordinates but reversed)

ScaleOpReturnType openstudio::pow ( const Scale &  scale,
int  expNum,
int  expDenom = 1 

Raise scale to an integer power.

If result implied by the operation is not available, .second is amount final value should be multiplied by so result will be correct when using .first.

Quantity openstudio::pow ( const Quantity &  rQuantity,
int  expNum,
int  expDenom = 1 

Raise rQuantity to a rational power.

Throws openstudio::Exception if the scale exponent or any base unit exponent is not cleanly divisible by expDenom.

Unit openstudio::pow ( const Unit &  rUnit,
int  expNum,
int  expDenom = 1 

Calculate rUnit^(expNum/expDenom).

Throws openstudio::Exception if expDenom is not a common divisor for all baseUnit and scale exponents. Returned scale exponent may differ from expectation based on initialization of openstudio::ScaleFactory, see Scale operators declared in ScaleFactory.hpp.

std::ostream& openstudio::printPathInformation ( std::ostream &  os,
const path &  p 

Print information about path p available through openstudio::filesystem.

std::string openstudio::printScales ( )

Wrapper around << for SWIG bindings.

Prints each scale registered in ScaleFactory, and thus available for use in Units, Quantities, and bare Scale operations.

static void openstudio::processTwoNodeLavs ( std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > > &  sLav,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent > > &  queue,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Face > > &  faces 
Matrix openstudio::prod ( const Matrix &  lop,
const Matrix &  rop 

matrix product

Vector openstudio::prod ( const Matrix &  m,
const Vector &  v 

vector product

double openstudio::radToDeg ( double  radians)

convert radians to degrees

Matrix openstudio::randMatrix ( double  a,
double  b,
unsigned  M,
unsigned  N 

generates a M x N Matrix whose elements come from the uniform distribution on [a,b].

Vector openstudio::randVector ( double  a,
double  b,
unsigned  N 

Generates a Vector of N points randomly drawn between and including a and b.

const boost::regex& openstudio::regexAtomicUnit ( )

Atomic unit: kN^2, s, ms. Limits unit strings to 10 characters.

const boost::regex& openstudio::regexBaseUnit ( )

Base unit: kg, kN, etc. Limits unit strings to 10 characters.

const boost::regex& openstudio::regexCompoundUnit ( )

Compound unit: kg*m^2/s^2, kN, s, 1/s.

An atomic unit is a compound unit. A compound unit is not surrounded by Scale.abbr( ).

const boost::regex& openstudio::regexDirectScaledUnit ( )

Textual scaled unit: people/1000 ft^2.

A compound unit with 10+ embedded in the denominator.

match[1] = "numerator units/" match[2] = "10+" match[3] = "denominator units"

const boost::regex& openstudio::regexEmbeddedAtomicUnit ( )

Atomic unit embedded in larger string.

Must be set off with spaces, newline characters, *, /, (, or )

const boost::regex& openstudio::regexEmbeddedCompoundUnit ( )

Compound unit embedded in larger string.

Must be set off with spaces, newline characters, or ( ). May be terminated with a '. ', ', ', or ';'.

const boost::regex& openstudio::regexEmbeddedDirectScaledUnit ( )

Textual scaled unit embedded in larger string.

Must be set off with spaces, newline characters, or matching parentheses or brackets. Match will be in [1], [5], [9], or [13].

const boost::regex& openstudio::regexEmbeddedFixedPrecisionValue ( )

Fixed precision value embedded in larger string.

Must be set off with spaces or newline characters. May be terminated with a '. ', ', ', or ';'.

const boost::regex& openstudio::regexEmbeddedQuantity ( )

Quantity embedded in larger string.

Must be set off with spaces or newline characters. May be terminated with a '. ', ', ', or ';'.

const boost::regex& openstudio::regexEmbeddedScaledUnit ( )

Scaled unit embedded in larger string.

Must be set off with spaces or newline characters. May be terminated with a '. ', ', ', or ';'.

const boost::regex& openstudio::regexEmbeddedScientificNotationValue ( )
const boost::regex& openstudio::regexEmbeddedUnit ( )

Unit embedded in larger string.

Must be set off with spaces, newline characters, or matching parentheses or brackets. May be terminated with a '. ', ', ', or ';'.

const boost::regex& openstudio::regexExponent ( )

Exponent: 0, 1, -2, etc.

const boost::regex& openstudio::regexFixedPrecisionValue ( )

Fixed precision values: 23, 0.126, .1.

const boost::regex& openstudio::regexQuantity ( )

Quantity: 3 kN, -1.021D-2 k(m^2), 2 Hz, 3.0 1/ms, 3.0/ms.

A value (fixed precision, or scientific noation) and a unit separated by a space or a '/'.

  • matches[1] - value
  • matches[2] - one character–space or '/'
  • matches[3] - unit string
const boost::regex& openstudio::regexScaledUnit ( )

Scaled unit: k(kg^2/m^2).

A compound unit surrounded by Scale.abbr().

const boost::regex& openstudio::regexScientificNotationValue ( )

Scientific notation values: 23E10, 1.2E+0, 0.361D-32, .3E100.

const boost::regex& openstudio::regexUnit ( )

Unit: kg/s, kBtu/h, k(m^2), 1/m^2.

A compound unit (which includes atomic units) or a scaled unit.

template<class T >
double openstudio::relativeError ( expected,
tol = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon() 
path openstudio::relativePath ( const path &  p,
const path &  base 

Determines the relative path to p from base, if possible.

Otherwise, returns empty path.

path openstudio::relocatePath ( const path &  originalPath,
const path &  originalBase,
const path &  newBase 
std::string openstudio::removeBraces ( const UUID &  uuid)

create a std::string without curly brackets from a UUID

std::vector<Point3d> openstudio::removeCollinear ( const std::vector< Point3d > &  points,
double  tol = 0.001 

removes collinear points

std::vector<Point3d> openstudio::removeCollinearLegacy ( const std::vector< Point3d > &  points,
double  tol = 0.001 

removes collinear points, tolerance is for length of cross product after normalizing each line segment

bool openstudio::removeDirectory ( const path &  dirName)

Recursively remove a directory, not subject to MAX_PATH.

static void openstudio::removeEmptyLav ( std::vector< std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Vertex > > > &  sLav)
static void openstudio::removeEventsUnderHeight ( std::vector< std::shared_ptr< QueueEvent > > &  queue,
double  levelHeight 
std::vector<Point3d> openstudio::removeSpikes ( const std::vector< Point3d > &  polygon,
double  tol 

removes spikes from a polygon, requires that all vertices are in clockwise order on the z = 0 plane (i.e. in face coordinates but reversed)

std::vector<Point3d> openstudio::reorderULC ( const std::vector< Point3d > &  points)

reorder points to upper-left-corner convention

std::string openstudio::replace ( std::string  input,
const std::string &  before,
const std::string &  after 
std::set<openstudio::ReportingFrequency> openstudio::reportingFrequencies ( const std::vector< openstudio::SqlFileTimeSeriesQuery > &  queries)

If all queries have been vetted, returns the set of unique ReportingFrequencies .

Otherwise, returns an empty set.

std::vector<Point3d> openstudio::reverse ( const std::vector< Point3d > &  vertices)

reverse order of vertices

std::string openstudio::rulesetFileExtension ( )

Single location for storing the default extension for rulesengine::Ruleset serialization files.

ScaleOpReturnType openstudio::scaleOpHelperFunction ( int  desiredExponent)

Returns scale with desiredExponent, if possible.

Otherwise backtracks to nearby scale, and returns that scale along with a factor that the value should be multiplied by to make the end result consistent with the returned scale.

template<class T , class U >
bool openstudio::secondOfPairEqual ( const std::pair< T, U > &  pair,
const U &  value 

Test equality of provided value with second element in a pair.

template<class T >
bool openstudio::secondOfPairIStringEqual ( const std::pair< T, std::string > &  pair,
const std::string &  value 

Test equality of provided value with second element in a pair.

bool openstudio::selfIntersects ( const std::vector< Point3d > &  polygon,
double  tol 

returns true polygon intersects iteself, requires that all vertices are in clockwise order on the z = 0 plane (i.e.

in face coordinates but reversed) returns false if polygon has less than three vertices

path openstudio::setFileExtension ( const path &  p,
const std::string &  ext,
bool  replaceOnMismatch = false,
bool  warnOnMismatch = true 

Set p's extension to ext.

If p has an extension not equal to ext, p's extension can be replaced and/or a warning can be issued. Returns an empty path if there is a mismatch and replaceOnMismatch == false.

static void openstudio::setZcoordsToZero ( std::vector< Point3d > &  polygon)
std::vector<Point3d> openstudio::simplify ( const std::vector< Point3d > &  vertices,
bool  removeCollinear,
double  tol 

simplify a list of vertices, requires that all vertices are in clockwise order on the z = 0 plane (i.e. in face coordinates)

template<typename T >
std::vector<T> openstudio::sortByObjectName ( std::vector< T >  objects)
std::vector<std::string> openstudio::splitEMSLineToTokens ( const std::string &  line,
const std::string &  delimiters = " +-*/^=<>&|" 

This takes the line of an EMS Program or Subroutine, and will split it into tokens, Before returning, it filters out the reserved keywords (IF, WHILE, RETURN, RUN, etc) and any function (starts with '@') As a result, what is returned is the only "words" that could be potential objects for UUID substitution.

Note: JM 2018-08-16: The second parameters defaults to the operators currently accepted as of 8.9.0. The reserved keywords are hardcoded per the same 8.9.0 version.

std::vector<std::string> openstudio::splitString ( const std::string &  string,
char  delimiter 

Split a string into a vector of strings given a delimiter character.

An empty string results in an empty vector, strings that begin or end with the delimiter will result in a vector beginning or ending with an empty string, and non-empty strings with no delimiters returns a vector with the input string as the only element.

double openstudio::stdDev ( const Vector &  vector)

Returns the standard deviation of vector's values.

boost::regex openstudio::subscript ( )
std::vector<std::vector<Point3d> > openstudio::subtract ( const std::vector< Point3d > &  polygon,
const std::vector< std::vector< Point3d > > &  holes,
double  tol 

subtract all holes from polygon, requires that all vertices are in clockwise order on the z = 0 plane (i.e. in face coordinates but reversed)

double openstudio::sum ( const Matrix &  matrix)

sum of all elements

double openstudio::sum ( const Vector &  vector)

Returns the sum of vector's values.

TimeSeries openstudio::sum ( const std::vector< TimeSeries > &  timeSeriesVector)
boost::function1<TimeSeries, const std::vector<TimeSeries>&> openstudio::sumTimeSeriesFunctor ( )

Returns std::function pointer to sum(const std::vector<TimeSeries>&).

boost::regex openstudio::superscript ( )
std::string openstudio::tableFileExtension ( )
path openstudio::tempDir ( )

path to a temporary directory.

const Scale& openstudio::tera ( )

Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^12.

std::set<std::string> openstudio::timeSeriesNames ( const std::vector< SqlFileTimeSeriesQuery > &  queries)

If all queries have been vetted, returns the set of unique time series names.

Otherwise, returns an empty set.

std::string openstudio::toCamelCase ( const std::string &  s)

Replace all non-letters and digits with spaces, and then remove spaces by to make camel case.

IdfObject openstudio::toIdfObject ( const EpwFile &  epwFile)
std::string openstudio::toLowerCamelCase ( const std::string &  s)

Make camel case then downcase the first letter.

std::string openstudio::toNeatString ( double  value,
unsigned  numFractionalDigits = 0,
bool  applyCommas = true 

Prints value with numFractionalDigits, inserting commas to separate into thousands, millions, etc.

if desired.

std::string openstudio::toNeatStringBySigFigs ( double  value,
unsigned  numSigFigs = 3,
bool  applyCommas = true 

Prints value in numSigFigs, inserting commas to separate into thousands, millions, etc.

if desired.

double openstudio::toNumSigFigs ( double  value,
unsigned  numSigFigs 

Rounds value to a number of significant figures (rather than to a particular decimal place).

Throws if numSigFigs == 0.

path openstudio::toPath ( const char *  s)

UTF-8 encoded char* to path.

path openstudio::toPath ( const std::string &  s)

UTF-8 encoded std::string to path.

std::vector<double> openstudio::toStandardVector ( const Vector &  values)
std::string openstudio::toString ( const std::string &  s)

string to std::string.

std::string openstudio::toString ( const char *  s)

char* to std::string.

std::string openstudio::toString ( const path &  p)

path to std::string.

std::string openstudio::toString ( const UUID &  uuid)

create a std::string from a UUID

std::string openstudio::toString ( const std::wstring &  w)

wstring to std::string.

std::string openstudio::toString ( const wchar_t *  w)

wchar_t* to std::string.

std::string openstudio::toString ( double  v)

Double to std::string at full precision.

std::string openstudio::toString ( std::istream &  s)

Load data in istream into string.

std::string openstudio::toSystemFilename ( const path &  p)

UTF-8 encoded std::string for opening fstreams.

unsigned openstudio::toThreeColor ( unsigned  r,
unsigned  g,
unsigned  b 

convert RGB to unsigned

unsigned openstudio::toThreeColor ( const std::string &  s)

convert string to unsigned

std::vector<double> openstudio::toThreeMatrix ( const Transformation &  matrix)

format a Transformation matrix

Transformation openstudio::toThreeMatrix ( const std::vector< double > &  matrix)
std::string openstudio::toThreeUUID ( const std::string &  uuid)

format a UUID, to limit dependencies UUIDs must be generated outside of this code

std::vector<double> openstudio::toThreeVector ( const Point3dVector &  vertices)

format a list of vertices

std::string openstudio::toUnderscoreCase ( const std::string &  s)

Make underscore case.

std::string openstudio::toUpperCamelCase ( const std::string &  s)

Make camel case then upcase the first letter.

UUID openstudio::toUUID ( const std::string &  str)

create a UUID from a std::string, does not throw, may return a null UUID

std::wstring openstudio::toWString ( const std::string &  s)

string to std::wstring.

template<class T , class U >
bool openstudio::uuidEquals ( const T &  object,
const U &  uuid 
const boost::regex& openstudio::uuidInString ( )

Find version 4 UUIDs in a string.

template<class T , class U >
bool openstudio::uuidsAndVersionsEqual ( const T &  left,
const U &  right 
template<class T , class U >
bool openstudio::uuidsEqual ( const T &  left,
const U &  right 
double openstudio::variance ( const Vector &  vector)

Returns the sample variance of vector's values.

boost::optional<std::string> openstudio::windowsDriveLetter ( const path &  p)

Returns the drive letter, e.g.

if path is "C:\temp" returns "C".

bool openstudio::within ( const Point3d &  point1,
const std::vector< Point3d > &  polygon2,
double  tol 

returns true if geometry1 is completely within polygon2, requires that all vertices are in clockwise order on the z = 0 plane (i.e.

in face coordinates but reversed) geometry1 can be a point or a polygon currently only tests that all points of geometry1 are within polygon2, better support when upgrade to boost 1.57

bool openstudio::within ( const std::vector< Point3d > &  geometry1,
const std::vector< Point3d > &  polygon2,
double  tol 
const Scale& openstudio::yocto ( )

Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^{-24}.

const Scale& openstudio::yotta ( )

Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^24.

const Scale& openstudio::zepto ( )

Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^{-21}.

const Scale& openstudio::zetta ( )

Static constant defining SI prefix for 10^21.

Variable Documentation

constexpr double openstudio::DAYS_PER_SECOND = HOURS_PER_SECOND/24.0
constexpr double openstudio::EPSILON = 1E-10
constexpr unsigned openstudio::HOURS_PER_DAY = 24
constexpr double openstudio::HOURS_PER_SECOND = MINUTES_PER_SECOND/60.0
std::function<double (const Vector&)> openstudio::maximumVectorFunctor()

Returns std::function pointer to maximum(const Vector&).

std::function<double (const Vector&)> openstudio::meanVectorFunctor()

Returns std::function pointer to mean(const Vector&).

std::function<double (const Vector&)> openstudio::minimumVectorFunctor()

Returns std::function pointer to minimum(const Vector&).

constexpr unsigned openstudio::MINUTES_PER_HOUR = 60
constexpr double openstudio::MINUTES_PER_SECOND = 1.0/60.0
constexpr unsigned openstudio::SECONDS_PER_MINUTE = 60
std::function<double (const Vector&)> openstudio::stdDevVectorFunctor()

Returns std::function pointer to stdDev(const Vector&).

std::function<double (const Vector&)> openstudio::sumVectorFunctor()

Returns std::function pointer to sum(const Vector&).

std::function<double (const Vector&)> openstudio::varianceVectorFunctor()

Returns std::function pointer to variance(const Vector&).