bool | addAvailabilityManager (const AvailabilityManager &availabilityManager) |
bool | addAvailabilityManager (const AvailabilityManager &availabilityManager, unsigned priority) |
bool | addDemandBranchForComponent (HVACComponent hvacComponent, bool tertiary=false) |
| Adds a new demand branch for component and returns a bool indicating success. More...
bool | addSupplyBranchForComponent (HVACComponent hvacComponent) |
| Adds a new demand branch for component and returns a bool indicating success. More...
void | autocalculatePlantLoopVolume () |
boost::optional< double > | autosizedMaximumLoopFlowRate () const |
boost::optional< double > | autosizedPlantLoopVolume () const |
void | autosizeMaximumLoopFlowRate () |
void | autosizeMinimumLoopFlowRate () |
OS_DEPRECATED boost::optional
< AvailabilityManager > | availabilityManager () const |
unsigned | availabilityManagerPriority (const AvailabilityManager &availabilityManager) const |
std::vector< AvailabilityManager > | availabilityManagers () const |
virtual ModelObject | clone (Model model) const override |
std::string | commonPipeSimulation () const |
boost::optional< Schedule > | componentSetpointOperationSchemeSchedule () const |
Node | demandInletNode () const override |
std::vector< Node > | demandInletNodes () const override |
Mixer | demandMixer () |
| Returns the demand side Mixer. More...
Node | demandOutletNode () const override |
Splitter | demandSplitter () |
| Returns the demand side Splitter. More...
std::string | fluidType () |
int | glycolConcentration () const |
bool | isCommonPipeSimulationDefaulted () const |
bool | isMaximumLoopFlowRateAutosized () |
bool | isMinimumLoopFlowRateAutosized () |
bool | isPlantLoopVolumeAutocalculated () |
std::string | loadDistributionScheme () |
| Prior to OS 1.11.0 the options where Optimal, Sequential, and Uniform. More...
Node | loopTemperatureSetpointNode () |
boost::optional< double > | maximumLoopFlowRate () |
double | maximumLoopTemperature () |
boost::optional< double > | minimumLoopFlowRate () |
double | minimumLoopTemperature () |
< PlantEquipmentOperationCoolingLoad > | plantEquipmentOperationCoolingLoad () const |
boost::optional< Schedule > | plantEquipmentOperationCoolingLoadSchedule () const |
< PlantEquipmentOperationHeatingLoad > | plantEquipmentOperationHeatingLoad () const |
| In OpenStudio there are three levels of "priority" for PlantEquipmentOperationScheme instances. More...
boost::optional< Schedule > | plantEquipmentOperationHeatingLoadSchedule () const |
| PlantLoop (Model &model) |
| Constructs a new PlantLoop object and places it inside the model. More...
boost::optional< double > | plantLoopVolume () |
< PlantEquipmentOperationScheme > | primaryPlantEquipmentOperationScheme () const |
boost::optional< Schedule > | primaryPlantEquipmentOperationSchemeSchedule () const |
virtual std::vector
< openstudio::IdfObject > | remove () override |
bool | removeAvailabilityManager (const AvailabilityManager &avm) |
bool | removeAvailabilityManager (unsigned priority) |
bool | removeDemandBranchWithComponent (HVACComponent hvacComponent) |
| Removes the demand side branch that contains the specified hvacComponent. More...
bool | removeSupplyBranchWithComponent (HVACComponent hvacComponent) |
| Removes the demand side branch that contains the specified hvacComponent. More...
OS_DEPRECATED void | resetAvailabilityManager () |
void | resetAvailabilityManagers () |
void | resetCommonPipeSimulation () |
void | resetComponentSetpointOperationSchemeSchedule () |
void | resetPlantEquipmentOperationCoolingLoad () |
void | resetPlantEquipmentOperationCoolingLoadSchedule () |
void | resetPlantEquipmentOperationHeatingLoad () |
void | resetPlantEquipmentOperationHeatingLoadSchedule () |
void | resetPrimaryPlantEquipmentOperationScheme () |
void | resetPrimaryPlantEquipmentOperationSchemeSchedule () |
OS_DEPRECATED bool | setAvailabilityManager (const AvailabilityManager &availabilityManager) |
bool | setAvailabilityManagerPriority (const AvailabilityManager &availabilityManager, unsigned priority) |
bool | setAvailabilityManagers (const std::vector< AvailabilityManager > &avms) |
bool | setCommonPipeSimulation (const std::string &value) |
bool | setComponentSetpointOperationSchemeSchedule (Schedule &) |
| Set the hours of operation for which the ComponentSetpointOperationScheme, if any, applies. More...
bool | setFluidType (const std::string &value) |
bool | setGlycolConcentration (int glycolConcentration) |
bool | setLoadDistributionScheme (std::string scheme) |
bool | setLoopTemperatureSetpointNode (Node &node) |
bool | setMaximumLoopFlowRate (double value) |
bool | setMaximumLoopTemperature (double value) |
bool | setMinimumLoopFlowRate (double value) |
bool | setMinimumLoopTemperature (double value) |
bool | setPlantEquipmentOperationCoolingLoad (const PlantEquipmentOperationCoolingLoad &plantOperation) |
bool | setPlantEquipmentOperationCoolingLoadSchedule (Schedule &) |
| Set the hours of operation for which the PlantEquipmentOperationCoolingLoad, if any, applies. More...
bool | setPlantEquipmentOperationHeatingLoad (const PlantEquipmentOperationHeatingLoad &plantOperation) |
bool | setPlantEquipmentOperationHeatingLoadSchedule (Schedule &) |
| Set the hours of operation for which the PlantEquipmentOperationHeatingLoad, if any, applies. More...
bool | setPlantLoopVolume (double value) |
bool | setPrimaryPlantEquipmentOperationScheme (const PlantEquipmentOperationScheme &plantOperation) |
bool | setPrimaryPlantEquipmentOperationSchemeSchedule (Schedule &) |
| Set the hours of operation for which the PrimaryPlantEquipmentOperationScheme, if any, applies. More...
SizingPlant | sizingPlant () const |
Node | supplyInletNode () const override |
Mixer | supplyMixer () const |
| Returns the supply side Mixer. More...
Node | supplyOutletNode () const override |
std::vector< Node > | supplyOutletNodes () const override |
Splitter | supplySplitter () const |
| Returns the supply side Splitter. More...
virtual | ~PlantLoop () |
void | applySizingValues () |
void | autosize () |
virtual std::vector< ModelObject > | children () const |
virtual boost::optional
< ModelObject > | component (openstudio::Handle handle) |
| Returns an optional ModelObject with the given handle. More...
virtual std::vector< ModelObject > | components (openstudio::IddObjectType type=openstudio::IddObjectType("Catchall")) |
| Returns all of the HVAC equipment within the air loop including both the supply and demand sides of the loop. More...
std::vector< ModelObject > | components (HVACComponent inletComp, HVACComponent outletComp, openstudio::IddObjectType type=openstudio::IddObjectType("Catchall")) |
| Returns supplyComponents() or demandComponents(), depending on if the inlet and outlet component arugments are on the supply or demand side. More...
virtual boost::optional
< ModelObject > | demandComponent (openstudio::Handle handle) const |
| Returns an optional ModelObject with the given handle. More...
virtual std::vector< ModelObject > | demandComponents (std::vector< HVACComponent > inletComps, std::vector< HVACComponent > outletComps, openstudio::IddObjectType type=openstudio::IddObjectType("Catchall")) const |
| Returns all of the demand side hvac equipment between inletComps and outletComps. More...
virtual std::vector< ModelObject > | demandComponents (HVACComponent inletComp, HVACComponent outletComp, openstudio::IddObjectType type=openstudio::IddObjectType("Catchall")) const |
| Returns all of the demand side hvac equipment between inletComp and outletComp. More...
virtual std::vector< ModelObject > | demandComponents (openstudio::IddObjectType type=openstudio::IddObjectType("Catchall")) const |
| Returns all of the demand side HVAC equipment within the air loop. More...
Mixer | demandMixer () const |
Splitter | demandSplitter () const |
virtual boost::optional
< ModelObject > | supplyComponent (openstudio::Handle handle) |
| Returns an optional ModelObject with the given handle. More...
virtual std::vector< ModelObject > | supplyComponents (std::vector< HVACComponent > inletComps, std::vector< HVACComponent > outletComps, openstudio::IddObjectType type=openstudio::IddObjectType("Catchall")) const |
| Returns all of the supply side hvac equipment between inletComps and outletComps. More...
virtual std::vector< ModelObject > | supplyComponents (HVACComponent inletComp, HVACComponent outletComp, openstudio::IddObjectType type=openstudio::IddObjectType("Catchall")) const |
| Returns all of the supply side hvac equipment between inletComp and outletComp. More...
virtual std::vector< ModelObject > | supplyComponents (openstudio::IddObjectType type=openstudio::IddObjectType("Catchall")) const |
| Returns all of the supply side HVAC equipment within the air loop. More...
virtual | ~Loop () |
std::vector< IddObjectType > | allowableChildTypes () const |
| Returns a vector of allowable children types. More...
std::vector< ModelObject > | children () const |
| Return direct child objects in the Model. More...
virtual | ~ParentObject () |
virtual | ~ModelObject () |
ModelObject | clone () const |
| Creates a deep copy of this object, placing it in this object's model(). More...
ModelObject | clone (Model model) const |
| Creates a deep copy of this object, placing it in model. More...
Component | createComponent () const |
| Method for creating sharable Model snippets. More...
Model | model () const |
| Returns the Model that contains this object. More...
boost::optional< ParentObject > | parent () const |
| Return this object's parent in the hierarchy, if it has one. More...
std::vector< ResourceObject > | resources () const |
| Get the resources directly used by this ModelObject. More...
template<typename T > |
std::vector< T > | getModelObjectSources () const |
| Get all objects of type T that point to this object. More...
template<typename T > |
std::vector< T > | getModelObjectSources (IddObjectType iddObjectType) const |
| Get all objects of type T that point to this object. More...
template<typename T > |
boost::optional< T > | getModelObjectTarget (unsigned index) const |
| Get the object of type T pointed to by this object from field index. More...
template<typename T > |
std::vector< T > | getModelObjectTargets () const |
| Get all objects of type T to which this object points. More...
const std::vector< std::string > & | outputVariableNames () const |
| Get all output variables names that could be associated with this object. More...
std::vector< OutputVariable > | outputVariables () const |
| Get all output variables associated with this object, must run simulation to generate data. More...
< openstudio::TimeSeries > | getData (const OutputVariable &variable, const std::string &envPeriod) const |
| Get data associated with this output variable and this object. More...
std::vector< LifeCycleCost > | lifeCycleCosts () const |
| Returns the list of all LifeCycleCosts that refer to this object. More...
std::vector< IdfObject > | removeLifeCycleCosts () |
| Removes all LifeCycleCosts that refer to this object. More...
IddObjectType | iddObjectType () const |
| This is a virtual function that will tell you the type of iddObject you are dealing with. More...
AdditionalProperties | additionalProperties () const |
| Returns this object's additional properties, constructing a new object if necessary. More...
bool | hasAdditionalProperties () const |
| Returns true if this object has additional properties. More...
std::vector< IdfObject > | removeAdditionalProperties () |
| Removes all additional properties that refer to this object. More...
boost::optional< std::string > | cadObjectId () const |
bool | setCADObjectId (const std::string &cadObjectId) |
boost::optional< std::string > | gbXMLId () const |
bool | setGBXMLId (const std::string &gbXMLId) |
boost::optional< std::string > | displayName () const |
bool | setDisplayName (const std::string &displayName) |
bool | setParent (ParentObject &newParent) |
| set the parent, child may have to call non-const methods on the parent More...
bool | operator< (const ModelObject &right) const |
bool | operator== (const ModelObject &other) const |
| equality test More...
bool | operator!= (const ModelObject &other) const |
| inequality test More...
std::vector< ScheduleTypeKey > | getScheduleTypeKeys (const Schedule &schedule) const |
| Return the ScheduleTypeKeys indicating how schedule is used in this object. More...
boost::optional< double > | getAutosizedValue (std::string valueName, std::string unitString) const |
| Gets the autosized component value from the sql file. More...
virtual std::vector
< EMSActuatorNames > | emsActuatorNames () const |
| Return the names of the available ems actuators. More...
virtual std::vector< std::string > | emsInternalVariableNames () const |
| Return the names of the available ems internal variables. More...
boost::optional< ModelObject > | connectedObject (unsigned port) const |
boost::optional< unsigned > | connectedObjectPort (unsigned port) const |