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openstudio::iddRegex Namespace Reference


const boost::regex & autocalculatableProperty ()
 Match a field autocalculatable property. More...
const boost::regex & automaticDefault ()
 Match a field default property with either autocalculate or autosize. More...
const boost::regex & autosizableProperty ()
 Match a field autosizable property. More...
const boost::regex & beginExtensible ()
 Match begin extensible. More...
const boost::regex & beginExtensibleProperty ()
 Match begin extensible. More...
const boost::regex & build ()
 Search for IDD build in line matches[1], build identifier. More...
const boost::regex & closingField ()
 Match the closing field in an idd object matches[1], all previous text matches[2], the last field. More...
const boost::regex & commentOnlyLine ()
 Match comment only line matches[1], comment. More...
const std::string & commentOnlyObjectName ()
 name of the comment only object automatically added to the idd More...
const std::string & commentOnlyObjectText ()
 text of the comment only object automatically added to the idd More...
const boost::regex & contentAndCommentLine ()
 Match content then comment matches[1], content matches[2], comment if any. More...
const boost::regex & defaultProperty ()
 Match a field default property matches[1], default value. More...
const boost::regex & deprecatedProperty ()
 Match a field deprecated property matches[1], reason for deprecated. More...
const boost::regex & extensibleProperty ()
 Match an object extensible property matches[1], number of last fields to extend. More...
const boost::regex & externalListProperty ()
 Match a field external-list property matches[1], external-list value. More...
const boost::regex & field ()
 Match a field declaration in the idd A or N, then one or more numbers then white space and then a ',' or ';' matches[1], alpha or numeric indicator matches[2], alpha or numeric number matches[3], after separator. More...
const boost::regex & formatProperty ()
 Match an object format property matches[1], format text. More...
const boost::regex & group ()
 Match group identifier matches[1], group name. More...
const boost::regex & hasurlProperty ()
 Match an object hasURL property. More...
const boost::regex & header ()
 Search for IDD header, each line must start with '!', no preceding whitespace matches[1], header. More...
const boost::regex & includeFile ()
 Match include-file identifier matches[1], included Idd file name. More...
const boost::regex & ipUnitsProperty ()
 Match a field ip units property matches[1], the field ip units. More...
const boost::regex & keyProperty ()
 Match a field key property matches[1], key value. More...
const boost::regex & lastField ()
 Match the last field declaration in a string, may or may not be the closing field matches[1], all previous text matches[2], the last field. More...
const boost::regex & line ()
 Match line with either a ',' or a ';' that are not preceded by '!' matches[1], before separator matches[2], after separator. More...
const boost::regex & maxExclusiveProperty ()
 Match a field exclusive maximum property matches[1], the field exclusive maximum. More...
const boost::regex & maxFieldsProperty ()
 Match an object max fields property matches[1], max number of fields. More...
const boost::regex & maxInclusiveProperty ()
 Match a field inclusive maximum property matches[1], the field inclusive maximum. More...
const boost::regex & memoProperty ()
 Match an object memo property matches[1], memo text. More...
const boost::regex & metaDataComment ()
 Match a field or object level comment matches[1], after '\' until next '\' matches[2], after second '\' (may be empty) More...
const boost::regex & minExclusiveProperty ()
 Match a field exclusive minimum property matches[1], the field exclusive minimum. More...
const boost::regex & minFieldsProperty ()
 Match an object min fields property matches[1], min number of fields. More...
const boost::regex & minInclusiveProperty ()
 Match a field inclusive minimum property matches[1], the field inclusive minimum. More...
const boost::regex & name ()
 Match a field name matches[1], the field name. More...
const boost::regex & nameProperty ()
 Match a field field name property matches[1], the field name. More...
const boost::regex & noteProperty ()
 Match an object note property matches[1], note text. More...
const boost::regex & numberAndPrecedingSpace ()
 Match IDD fields that contain a number and takes up the space before if any. More...
const boost::regex & objectAndFields ()
 Match an object with one or more fields in the idd matches[1], object text matches[2], field(s) text. More...
const boost::regex & objectListProperty ()
 Match a field object-list property matches[1], object-list value. More...
const boost::regex & objectNoFields ()
 Match an object with no fields in the idd matches[1], before separator matches[2], after separator. More...
const boost::regex & obsoleteProperty ()
 Match an object obsolete property matches[1], reason for obsolete. More...
const boost::regex & referenceClassNameProperty ()
 Match a field reference-class-name property matches[1], reference-class-name value. More...
const boost::regex & referenceProperty ()
 Match a field reference property matches[1], reference value. More...
const boost::regex & removeObject ()
 Match remove-object identifier matches[1], object in included Idd file that should not be included in this file. More...
const boost::regex & requiredFieldProperty ()
 Match a field required property. More...
const boost::regex & requiredObjectProperty ()
 Match an object required property. More...
const boost::regex & retaincaseProperty ()
 Match a field retaincase property. More...
const boost::regex & typeProperty ()
 Match a field type property matches[1], type. More...
const boost::regex & uniqueProperty ()
 Match an object unique property. More...
const boost::regex & unitsProperty ()
 Match a field units property matches[1], the field units. More...
const boost::regex & version ()
 Search for IDD version in line matches[1], version identifier. More...
const boost::regex & versionObjectName ()
 Match IDD names that correspond to a Version object. More...

Function Documentation

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::autocalculatableProperty ( )

Match a field autocalculatable property.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::automaticDefault ( )

Match a field default property with either autocalculate or autosize.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::autosizableProperty ( )

Match a field autosizable property.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::beginExtensible ( )

Match begin extensible.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::beginExtensibleProperty ( )

Match begin extensible.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::build ( )

Search for IDD build in line matches[1], build identifier.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::closingField ( )

Match the closing field in an idd object matches[1], all previous text matches[2], the last field.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::commentOnlyLine ( )

Match comment only line matches[1], comment.

const std::string& openstudio::iddRegex::commentOnlyObjectName ( )

name of the comment only object automatically added to the idd

const std::string& openstudio::iddRegex::commentOnlyObjectText ( )

text of the comment only object automatically added to the idd

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::contentAndCommentLine ( )

Match content then comment matches[1], content matches[2], comment if any.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::defaultProperty ( )

Match a field default property matches[1], default value.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::deprecatedProperty ( )

Match a field deprecated property matches[1], reason for deprecated.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::extensibleProperty ( )

Match an object extensible property matches[1], number of last fields to extend.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::externalListProperty ( )

Match a field external-list property matches[1], external-list value.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::field ( )

Match a field declaration in the idd A or N, then one or more numbers then white space and then a ',' or ';' matches[1], alpha or numeric indicator matches[2], alpha or numeric number matches[3], after separator.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::formatProperty ( )

Match an object format property matches[1], format text.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::group ( )

Match group identifier matches[1], group name.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::hasurlProperty ( )

Match an object hasURL property.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::header ( )

Search for IDD header, each line must start with '!', no preceding whitespace matches[1], header.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::includeFile ( )

Match include-file identifier matches[1], included Idd file name.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::ipUnitsProperty ( )

Match a field ip units property matches[1], the field ip units.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::keyProperty ( )

Match a field key property matches[1], key value.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::lastField ( )

Match the last field declaration in a string, may or may not be the closing field matches[1], all previous text matches[2], the last field.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::line ( )

Match line with either a ',' or a ';' that are not preceded by '!' matches[1], before separator matches[2], after separator.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::maxExclusiveProperty ( )

Match a field exclusive maximum property matches[1], the field exclusive maximum.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::maxFieldsProperty ( )

Match an object max fields property matches[1], max number of fields.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::maxInclusiveProperty ( )

Match a field inclusive maximum property matches[1], the field inclusive maximum.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::memoProperty ( )

Match an object memo property matches[1], memo text.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::metaDataComment ( )

Match a field or object level comment matches[1], after '\' until next '\' matches[2], after second '\' (may be empty)

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::minExclusiveProperty ( )

Match a field exclusive minimum property matches[1], the field exclusive minimum.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::minFieldsProperty ( )

Match an object min fields property matches[1], min number of fields.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::minInclusiveProperty ( )

Match a field inclusive minimum property matches[1], the field inclusive minimum.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::name ( )

Match a field name matches[1], the field name.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::nameProperty ( )

Match a field field name property matches[1], the field name.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::noteProperty ( )

Match an object note property matches[1], note text.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::numberAndPrecedingSpace ( )

Match IDD fields that contain a number and takes up the space before if any.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::objectAndFields ( )

Match an object with one or more fields in the idd matches[1], object text matches[2], field(s) text.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::objectListProperty ( )

Match a field object-list property matches[1], object-list value.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::objectNoFields ( )

Match an object with no fields in the idd matches[1], before separator matches[2], after separator.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::obsoleteProperty ( )

Match an object obsolete property matches[1], reason for obsolete.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::referenceClassNameProperty ( )

Match a field reference-class-name property matches[1], reference-class-name value.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::referenceProperty ( )

Match a field reference property matches[1], reference value.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::removeObject ( )

Match remove-object identifier matches[1], object in included Idd file that should not be included in this file.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::requiredFieldProperty ( )

Match a field required property.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::requiredObjectProperty ( )

Match an object required property.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::retaincaseProperty ( )

Match a field retaincase property.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::typeProperty ( )

Match a field type property matches[1], type.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::uniqueProperty ( )

Match an object unique property.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::unitsProperty ( )

Match a field units property matches[1], the field units.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::version ( )

Search for IDD version in line matches[1], version identifier.

const boost::regex& openstudio::iddRegex::versionObjectName ( )

Match IDD names that correspond to a Version object.