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openstudio::model::PlantLoop Class Reference

#include <PlantLoop.hpp>

+ Inheritance diagram for openstudio::model::PlantLoop:

Public Member Functions

bool addAvailabilityManager (const AvailabilityManager &availabilityManager)
bool addAvailabilityManager (const AvailabilityManager &availabilityManager, unsigned priority)
bool addDemandBranchForComponent (HVACComponent hvacComponent, bool tertiary=false)
 Adds a new demand branch for component and returns a bool indicating success. More...
bool addSupplyBranchForComponent (HVACComponent hvacComponent)
 Adds a new demand branch for component and returns a bool indicating success. More...
void autocalculatePlantLoopVolume ()
boost::optional< double > autosizedMaximumLoopFlowRate () const
boost::optional< double > autosizedPlantLoopVolume () const
void autosizeMaximumLoopFlowRate ()
void autosizeMinimumLoopFlowRate ()
unsigned availabilityManagerPriority (const AvailabilityManager &availabilityManager) const
std::vector< AvailabilityManageravailabilityManagers () const
virtual ModelObject clone (Model model) const override
std::string commonPipeSimulation () const
boost::optional< SchedulecomponentSetpointOperationSchemeSchedule () const
Node demandInletNode () const override
std::vector< NodedemandInletNodes () const override
Mixer demandMixer ()
 Returns the demand side Mixer. More...
Node demandOutletNode () const override
Splitter demandSplitter ()
 Returns the demand side Splitter. More...
std::string fluidType ()
int glycolConcentration () const
bool isCommonPipeSimulationDefaulted () const
bool isMaximumLoopFlowRateAutosized ()
bool isMinimumLoopFlowRateAutosized ()
bool isPlantLoopVolumeAutocalculated ()
std::string loadDistributionScheme ()
 Prior to OS 1.11.0 the options where Optimal, Sequential, and Uniform. More...
Node loopTemperatureSetpointNode ()
boost::optional< double > maximumLoopFlowRate ()
double maximumLoopTemperature ()
boost::optional< double > minimumLoopFlowRate ()
double minimumLoopTemperature ()
PlantLoopoperator= (const PlantLoop &)=default
PlantLoopoperator= (PlantLoop &&)=default
< PlantEquipmentOperationCoolingLoad
plantEquipmentOperationCoolingLoad () const
boost::optional< ScheduleplantEquipmentOperationCoolingLoadSchedule () const
< PlantEquipmentOperationHeatingLoad
plantEquipmentOperationHeatingLoad () const
 In OpenStudio there are three levels of "priority" for PlantEquipmentOperationScheme instances. More...
boost::optional< ScheduleplantEquipmentOperationHeatingLoadSchedule () const
 PlantLoop (Model &model)
 Constructs a new PlantLoop object and places it inside the model. More...
 PlantLoop (const PlantLoop &other)=default
 PlantLoop (PlantLoop &&other)=default
boost::optional< double > plantLoopVolume ()
< PlantEquipmentOperationScheme
primaryPlantEquipmentOperationScheme () const
boost::optional< ScheduleprimaryPlantEquipmentOperationSchemeSchedule () const
virtual std::vector
< openstudio::IdfObject > 
remove () override
bool removeAvailabilityManager (const AvailabilityManager &avm)
bool removeAvailabilityManager (unsigned priority)
bool removeDemandBranchWithComponent (HVACComponent hvacComponent)
 Removes the demand side branch that contains the specified hvacComponent. More...
bool removeSupplyBranchWithComponent (HVACComponent hvacComponent)
 Removes the demand side branch that contains the specified hvacComponent. More...
void resetAvailabilityManagers ()
void resetCommonPipeSimulation ()
void resetComponentSetpointOperationSchemeSchedule ()
void resetPlantEquipmentOperationCoolingLoad ()
void resetPlantEquipmentOperationCoolingLoadSchedule ()
void resetPlantEquipmentOperationHeatingLoad ()
void resetPlantEquipmentOperationHeatingLoadSchedule ()
void resetPrimaryPlantEquipmentOperationScheme ()
void resetPrimaryPlantEquipmentOperationSchemeSchedule ()
bool setAvailabilityManagerPriority (const AvailabilityManager &availabilityManager, unsigned priority)
bool setAvailabilityManagers (const std::vector< AvailabilityManager > &avms)
bool setCommonPipeSimulation (const std::string &value)
bool setComponentSetpointOperationSchemeSchedule (Schedule &)
 Set the hours of operation for which the ComponentSetpointOperationScheme, if any, applies. More...
bool setFluidType (const std::string &value)
bool setGlycolConcentration (int glycolConcentration)
bool setLoadDistributionScheme (const std::string &scheme)
bool setLoopTemperatureSetpointNode (Node &node)
bool setMaximumLoopFlowRate (double value)
bool setMaximumLoopTemperature (double value)
bool setMinimumLoopFlowRate (double value)
bool setMinimumLoopTemperature (double value)
bool setPlantEquipmentOperationCoolingLoad (const PlantEquipmentOperationCoolingLoad &plantOperation)
bool setPlantEquipmentOperationCoolingLoadSchedule (Schedule &)
 Set the hours of operation for which the PlantEquipmentOperationCoolingLoad, if any, applies. More...
bool setPlantEquipmentOperationHeatingLoad (const PlantEquipmentOperationHeatingLoad &plantOperation)
bool setPlantEquipmentOperationHeatingLoadSchedule (Schedule &)
 Set the hours of operation for which the PlantEquipmentOperationHeatingLoad, if any, applies. More...
bool setPlantLoopVolume (double value)
bool setPrimaryPlantEquipmentOperationScheme (const PlantEquipmentOperationScheme &plantOperation)
bool setPrimaryPlantEquipmentOperationSchemeSchedule (Schedule &)
 Set the hours of operation for which the PrimaryPlantEquipmentOperationScheme, if any, applies. More...
SizingPlant sizingPlant () const
Node supplyInletNode () const override
Mixer supplyMixer () const
 Returns the supply side Mixer. More...
Node supplyOutletNode () const override
std::vector< NodesupplyOutletNodes () const override
Splitter supplySplitter () const
 Returns the supply side Splitter. More...
virtual ~PlantLoop ()=default
- Public Member Functions inherited from openstudio::model::Loop
std::vector< AppGFuelType > appGHeatingFuelTypes () const
void applySizingValues ()
void autosize ()
virtual std::vector< ModelObjectchildren () const
virtual boost::optional
< ModelObject
component (openstudio::Handle handle) const
 Returns an optional ModelObject with the given handle. More...
virtual std::vector< ModelObjectcomponents (openstudio::IddObjectType type=openstudio::IddObjectType("Catchall")) const
 Returns all of the HVAC equipment within the air loop including both the supply and demand sides of the loop. More...
std::vector< ModelObjectcomponents (const HVACComponent &inletComp, const HVACComponent &outletComp, openstudio::IddObjectType type=openstudio::IddObjectType("Catchall"))
 Returns supplyComponents() or demandComponents(), depending on if the inlet and outlet component arugments are on the supply or demand side. More...
ComponentType componentType () const
std::vector< FuelType > coolingFuelTypes () const
virtual boost::optional
< ModelObject
demandComponent (openstudio::Handle handle) const
 Returns an optional ModelObject with the given handle. More...
virtual std::vector< ModelObjectdemandComponents (const HVACComponent &inletComp, const HVACComponent &outletComp, openstudio::IddObjectType type=openstudio::IddObjectType("Catchall")) const
 Returns all of the demand side hvac equipment between inletComps and outletComps. More...
virtual std::vector< ModelObjectdemandComponents (openstudio::IddObjectType type=openstudio::IddObjectType("Catchall")) const
 Returns all of the demand side HVAC equipment within the air loop. More...
Mixer demandMixer () const
Splitter demandSplitter () const
std::vector< FuelType > heatingFuelTypes () const
 Loop (const Loop &other)=default
 Loop (Loop &&other)=default
Loopoperator= (const Loop &)=default
Loopoperator= (Loop &&)=default
virtual boost::optional
< ModelObject
supplyComponent (openstudio::Handle handle) const
 Returns an optional ModelObject with the given handle. More...
virtual std::vector< ModelObjectsupplyComponents (const HVACComponent &inletComp, const HVACComponent &outletComp, openstudio::IddObjectType type=openstudio::IddObjectType("Catchall")) const
 Returns all of the supply side hvac equipment between inletComps and outletComps. More...
virtual std::vector< ModelObjectsupplyComponents (openstudio::IddObjectType type=openstudio::IddObjectType("Catchall")) const
 Returns all of the supply side HVAC equipment within the air loop. More...
virtual ~Loop ()=default
- Public Member Functions inherited from openstudio::model::ParentObject
std::vector< IddObjectType > allowableChildTypes () const
 Returns a vector of allowable children types. More...
std::vector< ModelObjectchildren () const
 Return direct child objects in the Model. More...
ParentObjectoperator= (const ParentObject &)=default
ParentObjectoperator= (ParentObject &&)=default
 ParentObject (const ParentObject &other)=default
 ParentObject (ParentObject &&other)=default
virtual ~ParentObject ()=default
- Public Member Functions inherited from openstudio::model::ModelObject
virtual ~ModelObject ()=default
 ModelObject (const ModelObject &other)=default
 ModelObject (ModelObject &&other)=default
ModelObjectoperator= (const ModelObject &)=default
ModelObjectoperator= (ModelObject &&)=default
ModelObject clone () const
 Creates a deep copy of this object, placing it in this object's model(). More...
ModelObject clone (Model model) const
 Creates a deep copy of this object, placing it in model. More...
Component createComponent () const
 Method for creating sharable Model snippets. More...
Model model () const
 Returns the Model that contains this object. More...
boost::optional< ParentObjectparent () const
 Return this object's parent in the hierarchy, if it has one. More...
std::vector< ResourceObjectresources () const
 Get the resources directly used by this ModelObject. More...
template<typename T >
std::vector< T > getModelObjectSources () const
 Get all objects of type T that point to this object. More...
template<typename T >
std::vector< T > getModelObjectSources (IddObjectType iddObjectType) const
 Get all objects of type T that point to this object. More...
template<typename T >
boost::optional< T > getModelObjectTarget (unsigned index) const
 Get the object of type T pointed to by this object from field index. More...
template<typename T >
std::vector< T > getModelObjectTargets () const
 Get all objects of type T to which this object points. More...
const std::vector< std::string > & outputVariableNames () const
 Get all output variables names that could be associated with this object. More...
std::vector< OutputVariableoutputVariables () const
 Get all output variables associated with this object, must run simulation to generate data. More...
< openstudio::TimeSeries > 
getData (const OutputVariable &variable, const std::string &envPeriod) const
 Get data associated with this output variable and this object. More...
std::vector< LifeCycleCostlifeCycleCosts () const
 Returns the list of all LifeCycleCosts that refer to this object. More...
std::vector< IdfObject > removeLifeCycleCosts ()
 Removes all LifeCycleCosts that refer to this object. More...
IddObjectType iddObjectType () const
 This is a virtual function that will tell you the type of iddObject you are dealing with. More...
AdditionalProperties additionalProperties () const
 Returns this object's additional properties, constructing a new object if necessary. More...
bool hasAdditionalProperties () const
 Returns true if this object has additional properties. More...
std::vector< IdfObject > removeAdditionalProperties ()
 Removes all additional properties that refer to this object. More...
boost::optional< std::string > cadObjectId () const
bool setCADObjectId (const std::string &cadObjectId)
boost::optional< std::string > gbXMLId () const
bool setGBXMLId (const std::string &gbXMLId)
boost::optional< std::string > displayName () const
bool setDisplayName (const std::string &displayName)
bool setParent (ParentObject &newParent)
 set the parent, child may have to call non-const methods on the parent More...
bool operator< (const ModelObject &right) const
bool operator== (const ModelObject &other) const
 equality test More...
bool operator!= (const ModelObject &other) const
 inequality test More...
std::vector< ScheduleTypeKeygetScheduleTypeKeys (const Schedule &schedule) const
 Return the ScheduleTypeKeys indicating how schedule is used in this object. More...
boost::optional< double > getAutosizedValue (const std::string &valueName, const std::string &units) const
 Gets the autosized component value from the sql file. More...
virtual std::vector
< EMSActuatorNames
emsActuatorNames () const
 Return the names of the available ems actuators. More...
virtual std::vector< std::string > emsInternalVariableNames () const
 Return the names of the available ems internal variables. More...
boost::optional< ModelObjectconnectedObject (unsigned port) const
boost::optional< unsigned > connectedObjectPort (unsigned port) const

Static Public Member Functions

static std::vector< std::string > commonPipeSimulationValues ()
static std::vector< std::string > fluidTypeValues ()
static IddObjectType iddObjectType ()
static std::vector< std::string > loadDistributionSchemeValues ()
static std::vector< std::string > validCommonPipeSimulationValues ()
static std::vector< std::string > validFluidTypeValues ()
static std::vector< std::string > validLoadDistributionSchemeValues ()

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

using OptionalPlantLoop = boost::optional< PlantLoop >

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Types inherited from openstudio::model::ModelObject
using ImplType = detail::ModelObject_Impl
- Protected Member Functions inherited from openstudio::model::ParentObject
 ParentObject (IddObjectType type, const Model &model)
 Constructs a new ParentObject object in the model. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from openstudio::model::ModelObject
 ModelObject (IddObjectType type, const Model &model, bool fastName=false)
 ModelObject (std::shared_ptr< detail::ModelObject_Impl > impl)

Detailed Description

PlantLoop is an interface to the EnergyPlus IDD object named "PlantLoop".

The purpose of this class is to simplify the construction and manipulation of the EnergyPlus PlantLoop object.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

openstudio::model::PlantLoop::PlantLoop ( Model model)

Constructs a new PlantLoop object and places it inside the model.

The loop is fully initialized with all companion objects.

virtual openstudio::model::PlantLoop::~PlantLoop ( )
openstudio::model::PlantLoop::PlantLoop ( const PlantLoop other)
openstudio::model::PlantLoop::PlantLoop ( PlantLoop &&  other)

Member Function Documentation

bool openstudio::model::PlantLoop::addAvailabilityManager ( const AvailabilityManager availabilityManager)
bool openstudio::model::PlantLoop::addAvailabilityManager ( const AvailabilityManager availabilityManager,
unsigned  priority 
bool openstudio::model::PlantLoop::addDemandBranchForComponent ( HVACComponent  hvacComponent,
bool  tertiary = false 

Adds a new demand branch for component and returns a bool indicating success.

This method will create a new ControllerWaterCoil if hvacComponent is a CoilCoolingWater or a CoilHeatingWater.

bool openstudio::model::PlantLoop::addSupplyBranchForComponent ( HVACComponent  hvacComponent)

Adds a new demand branch for component and returns a bool indicating success.

void openstudio::model::PlantLoop::autocalculatePlantLoopVolume ( )
boost::optional<double> openstudio::model::PlantLoop::autosizedMaximumLoopFlowRate ( ) const
boost::optional<double> openstudio::model::PlantLoop::autosizedPlantLoopVolume ( ) const
void openstudio::model::PlantLoop::autosizeMaximumLoopFlowRate ( )
void openstudio::model::PlantLoop::autosizeMinimumLoopFlowRate ( )
unsigned openstudio::model::PlantLoop::availabilityManagerPriority ( const AvailabilityManager availabilityManager) const
std::vector<AvailabilityManager> openstudio::model::PlantLoop::availabilityManagers ( ) const
virtual ModelObject openstudio::model::PlantLoop::clone ( Model  model) const

Reimplemented from openstudio::model::Loop.

std::string openstudio::model::PlantLoop::commonPipeSimulation ( ) const
static std::vector<std::string> openstudio::model::PlantLoop::commonPipeSimulationValues ( )
boost::optional<Schedule> openstudio::model::PlantLoop::componentSetpointOperationSchemeSchedule ( ) const
Node openstudio::model::PlantLoop::demandInletNode ( ) const

Reimplemented from openstudio::model::Loop.

std::vector<Node> openstudio::model::PlantLoop::demandInletNodes ( ) const

Reimplemented from openstudio::model::Loop.

Mixer openstudio::model::PlantLoop::demandMixer ( )

Returns the demand side Mixer.

Node openstudio::model::PlantLoop::demandOutletNode ( ) const

Reimplemented from openstudio::model::Loop.

Splitter openstudio::model::PlantLoop::demandSplitter ( )

Returns the demand side Splitter.

std::string openstudio::model::PlantLoop::fluidType ( )
static std::vector<std::string> openstudio::model::PlantLoop::fluidTypeValues ( )
int openstudio::model::PlantLoop::glycolConcentration ( ) const
static IddObjectType openstudio::model::PlantLoop::iddObjectType ( )
bool openstudio::model::PlantLoop::isCommonPipeSimulationDefaulted ( ) const
bool openstudio::model::PlantLoop::isMaximumLoopFlowRateAutosized ( )
bool openstudio::model::PlantLoop::isMinimumLoopFlowRateAutosized ( )
bool openstudio::model::PlantLoop::isPlantLoopVolumeAutocalculated ( )
std::string openstudio::model::PlantLoop::loadDistributionScheme ( )

Prior to OS 1.11.0 the options where Optimal, Sequential, and Uniform.

E+ changed the available options to. Optimal, SequentialLoad, UniformLoad, UniformPLR, SequentialUniformPLR in version 8.2.0.

OS did not catch up to the new options until 1.11.0. In 1.11.0 existing OS files will be upgraded to use the new options. Sequential will be version translated to SequentialLoad and Uniform will be translated to UniformLoad.

Existing API clients may continue using the old enumerations of Sequential and Uniform, however these options are deprecated.

The current options supported by OS are now consisitent with E+, Optimal, SequentialLoad, UniformLoad, UniformPLR, SequentialUniformPLR

static std::vector<std::string> openstudio::model::PlantLoop::loadDistributionSchemeValues ( )
Node openstudio::model::PlantLoop::loopTemperatureSetpointNode ( )
boost::optional<double> openstudio::model::PlantLoop::maximumLoopFlowRate ( )
double openstudio::model::PlantLoop::maximumLoopTemperature ( )
boost::optional<double> openstudio::model::PlantLoop::minimumLoopFlowRate ( )
double openstudio::model::PlantLoop::minimumLoopTemperature ( )
PlantLoop& openstudio::model::PlantLoop::operator= ( const PlantLoop )
PlantLoop& openstudio::model::PlantLoop::operator= ( PlantLoop &&  )
boost::optional<PlantEquipmentOperationCoolingLoad> openstudio::model::PlantLoop::plantEquipmentOperationCoolingLoad ( ) const
boost::optional<Schedule> openstudio::model::PlantLoop::plantEquipmentOperationCoolingLoadSchedule ( ) const
boost::optional<PlantEquipmentOperationHeatingLoad> openstudio::model::PlantLoop::plantEquipmentOperationHeatingLoad ( ) const

In OpenStudio there are three levels of "priority" for PlantEquipmentOperationScheme instances.

Priority here means that if there are multiple operation schemes that list the same equipment, the one with the highest priority will define operation for that equipment. The operation scheme defined for primaryPlantEquipmentOperationScheme() is the highest priority, followed by any component setpoint operation. Heating and cooling load operation, defined by plantEquipmentOperationHeatingLoad() and plantEquipmentOperationCoolingLoad() has the lowest priority.

No operation scheme is required for plant operation. OpenStudio will provide suitable defaults if none are provied. If any operation schemes, including primary, heating load, or cooling load, are defined then the default logic is entirely disabled.

OpenStudio does not define a PlantEquipmentOperationComponentSetpoint, which is defined in EnergyPlus, but the funcitonality is supported. In OpenStudio placing a setpoint manager on a component outlet node will trigger OpenStudio to produce a component setpoint operation scheme on export to EnergyPlus. This component setpoint behavior is in place even if there are other primary, heating load, or cooling load schemes defined.

boost::optional<Schedule> openstudio::model::PlantLoop::plantEquipmentOperationHeatingLoadSchedule ( ) const
boost::optional<double> openstudio::model::PlantLoop::plantLoopVolume ( )
boost::optional<PlantEquipmentOperationScheme> openstudio::model::PlantLoop::primaryPlantEquipmentOperationScheme ( ) const
boost::optional<Schedule> openstudio::model::PlantLoop::primaryPlantEquipmentOperationSchemeSchedule ( ) const
virtual std::vector<openstudio::IdfObject> openstudio::model::PlantLoop::remove ( )

Reimplemented from openstudio::model::Loop.

bool openstudio::model::PlantLoop::removeAvailabilityManager ( const AvailabilityManager avm)
bool openstudio::model::PlantLoop::removeAvailabilityManager ( unsigned  priority)
bool openstudio::model::PlantLoop::removeDemandBranchWithComponent ( HVACComponent  hvacComponent)

Removes the demand side branch that contains the specified hvacComponent.

Does not remove the component from the model, but may remove surrounding, components on the branch if they are not attached to other HVAC objects.

bool openstudio::model::PlantLoop::removeSupplyBranchWithComponent ( HVACComponent  hvacComponent)

Removes the demand side branch that contains the specified hvacComponent.

Does not remove the component from the model, but may remove surrounding, components on the branch if they are not attached to other HVAC objects.

void openstudio::model::PlantLoop::resetAvailabilityManagers ( )
void openstudio::model::PlantLoop::resetCommonPipeSimulation ( )
void openstudio::model::PlantLoop::resetComponentSetpointOperationSchemeSchedule ( )
void openstudio::model::PlantLoop::resetPlantEquipmentOperationCoolingLoad ( )
void openstudio::model::PlantLoop::resetPlantEquipmentOperationCoolingLoadSchedule ( )
void openstudio::model::PlantLoop::resetPlantEquipmentOperationHeatingLoad ( )
void openstudio::model::PlantLoop::resetPlantEquipmentOperationHeatingLoadSchedule ( )
void openstudio::model::PlantLoop::resetPrimaryPlantEquipmentOperationScheme ( )
void openstudio::model::PlantLoop::resetPrimaryPlantEquipmentOperationSchemeSchedule ( )
bool openstudio::model::PlantLoop::setAvailabilityManagerPriority ( const AvailabilityManager availabilityManager,
unsigned  priority 
bool openstudio::model::PlantLoop::setAvailabilityManagers ( const std::vector< AvailabilityManager > &  avms)
bool openstudio::model::PlantLoop::setCommonPipeSimulation ( const std::string &  value)
bool openstudio::model::PlantLoop::setComponentSetpointOperationSchemeSchedule ( Schedule )

Set the hours of operation for which the ComponentSetpointOperationScheme, if any, applies.

The existance of ComponentSetpointOperationSchemes is controlled by the existance of setpoint managers on the plant component outlet nodes.

bool openstudio::model::PlantLoop::setFluidType ( const std::string &  value)
bool openstudio::model::PlantLoop::setGlycolConcentration ( int  glycolConcentration)
bool openstudio::model::PlantLoop::setLoadDistributionScheme ( const std::string &  scheme)
bool openstudio::model::PlantLoop::setLoopTemperatureSetpointNode ( Node node)
bool openstudio::model::PlantLoop::setMaximumLoopFlowRate ( double  value)
bool openstudio::model::PlantLoop::setMaximumLoopTemperature ( double  value)
bool openstudio::model::PlantLoop::setMinimumLoopFlowRate ( double  value)
bool openstudio::model::PlantLoop::setMinimumLoopTemperature ( double  value)
bool openstudio::model::PlantLoop::setPlantEquipmentOperationCoolingLoad ( const PlantEquipmentOperationCoolingLoad plantOperation)
bool openstudio::model::PlantLoop::setPlantEquipmentOperationCoolingLoadSchedule ( Schedule )

Set the hours of operation for which the PlantEquipmentOperationCoolingLoad, if any, applies.

bool openstudio::model::PlantLoop::setPlantEquipmentOperationHeatingLoad ( const PlantEquipmentOperationHeatingLoad plantOperation)
bool openstudio::model::PlantLoop::setPlantEquipmentOperationHeatingLoadSchedule ( Schedule )

Set the hours of operation for which the PlantEquipmentOperationHeatingLoad, if any, applies.

bool openstudio::model::PlantLoop::setPlantLoopVolume ( double  value)
bool openstudio::model::PlantLoop::setPrimaryPlantEquipmentOperationScheme ( const PlantEquipmentOperationScheme plantOperation)
bool openstudio::model::PlantLoop::setPrimaryPlantEquipmentOperationSchemeSchedule ( Schedule )

Set the hours of operation for which the PrimaryPlantEquipmentOperationScheme, if any, applies.

SizingPlant openstudio::model::PlantLoop::sizingPlant ( ) const
Node openstudio::model::PlantLoop::supplyInletNode ( ) const

Reimplemented from openstudio::model::Loop.

Mixer openstudio::model::PlantLoop::supplyMixer ( ) const

Returns the supply side Mixer.

Node openstudio::model::PlantLoop::supplyOutletNode ( ) const

Reimplemented from openstudio::model::Loop.

std::vector<Node> openstudio::model::PlantLoop::supplyOutletNodes ( ) const

Reimplemented from openstudio::model::Loop.

Splitter openstudio::model::PlantLoop::supplySplitter ( ) const

Returns the supply side Splitter.

static std::vector<std::string> openstudio::model::PlantLoop::validCommonPipeSimulationValues ( )
static std::vector<std::string> openstudio::model::PlantLoop::validFluidTypeValues ( )
static std::vector<std::string> openstudio::model::PlantLoop::validLoadDistributionSchemeValues ( )

Friends And Related Function Documentation

using OptionalPlantLoop = boost::optional<PlantLoop>