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openstudio::model::SpaceType Class Reference

#include <SpaceType.hpp>

+ Inheritance diagram for openstudio::model::SpaceType:

Public Member Functions

Constructors and Destructors
 SpaceType (const Model &model)
virtual ~SpaceType ()=default
 SpaceType (const SpaceType &other)=default
 SpaceType (SpaceType &&other)=default
SpaceTypeoperator= (const SpaceType &)=default
SpaceTypeoperator= (SpaceType &&)=default
< DefaultConstructionSet
defaultConstructionSet () const
 Returns the default construction set. More...
< DefaultScheduleSet
defaultScheduleSet () const
 Returns the default schedule set. More...
boost::optional< RenderingColorrenderingColor () const
 Returns the rendering color. More...
boost::optional< std::string > standardsTemplate () const
 Returns the standards Template. More...
std::vector< std::string > suggestedStandardsTemplates () const
 Returns a list of suggestions from the openstudio-standards JSON data. More...
boost::optional< std::string > standardsBuildingType () const
 Returns the standards building type. More...
std::vector< std::string > suggestedStandardsBuildingTypes () const
 Returns a list of suggestions from the openstudio-standards JSON data. More...
boost::optional< std::string > standardsSpaceType () const
 Returns the standards space type. More...
std::vector< std::string > suggestedStandardsSpaceTypes () const
 Returns a list of suggestions from the openstudio-standards JSON data. More...
bool setDefaultConstructionSet (const DefaultConstructionSet &defaultConstructionSet)
 Sets the default construction set. More...
void resetDefaultConstructionSet ()
 Resets the default construction set. More...
bool setDefaultScheduleSet (const DefaultScheduleSet &defaultScheduleSet)
 Sets the default schedule set. More...
void resetDefaultScheduleSet ()
 Resets the default schedule set. More...
bool setRenderingColor (const RenderingColor &renderingColor)
 Sets the rendering color. More...
void resetRenderingColor ()
 Resets the rendering color. More...
bool setStandardsTemplate (const std::string &standardsTemplate)
 Sets the standards Template. More...
void resetStandardsTemplate ()
bool setStandardsBuildingType (const std::string &standardsBuildingType)
 Sets the standards building type. More...
void resetStandardsBuildingType ()
bool setStandardsSpaceType (const std::string &standardsSpaceType)
 Sets the standards space type. More...
void resetStandardsSpaceType ()
std::vector< Spacespaces () const
 Get all spaces of this space type, includes spaces that inherit this space type. More...
boost::optional< SchedulegetDefaultSchedule (const DefaultScheduleType &defaultScheduleType) const
 Returns the default schedule set for the specified type if available by searching (in order): This space types's default schedule set The building's default schedule set The building's space type's default schedule set. More...
std::vector< InternalMassinternalMass () const
 Returns all InternalMass in this space type. More...
std::vector< Peoplepeople () const
 Returns all People in this space type. More...
std::vector< Lightslights () const
 Returns all Lights in this space type. More...
std::vector< Luminaireluminaires () const
 Returns all Luminaires in this space type. More...
std::vector< ElectricEquipmentelectricEquipment () const
 Returns all ElectricEquipment in this space type. More...
< ElectricEquipmentITEAirCooled
electricEquipmentITEAirCooled () const
 Returns all ElectricEquipmentITEAirCooled in this space type. More...
std::vector< GasEquipmentgasEquipment () const
 Returns all GasEquipment in this space type. More...
std::vector< HotWaterEquipmenthotWaterEquipment () const
 Returns all HotWaterEquipment in this space type. More...
std::vector< SteamEquipmentsteamEquipment () const
 Returns all SteamEquipment in this space type. More...
std::vector< OtherEquipmentotherEquipment () const
 Returns all OtherEquipment in this space type. More...
< SpaceInfiltrationDesignFlowRate
spaceInfiltrationDesignFlowRates () const
 Returns all SpaceInfiltrationDesignFlowRate objects in this space type. More...
< SpaceInfiltrationEffectiveLeakageArea
spaceInfiltrationEffectiveLeakageAreas () const
 Returns all SpaceInfiltrationEffectiveLeakageArea objects in this space type. More...
< SpaceInfiltrationFlowCoefficient
spaceInfiltrationFlowCoefficients () const
 Returns all SpaceInfiltrationFlowCoefficient objects in this space type. More...
< DesignSpecificationOutdoorAir
designSpecificationOutdoorAir () const
 Returns DesignSpecificationOutdoorAir for this space type. More...
bool isDesignSpecificationOutdoorAirDefaulted () const
 Returns true if DesignSpecificationOutdoorAir is not directly specified for this space type. More...
bool setDesignSpecificationOutdoorAir (const DesignSpecificationOutdoorAir &designSpecificationOutdoorAir)
 Sets DesignSpecificationOutdoorAir for this space type. More...
void resetDesignSpecificationOutdoorAir ()
 Resets DesignSpecificationOutdoorAir for this space type. More...
void hardApplySpaceLoadSchedules ()
 Set all schedules for child space loads to their default value if there is one. More...
boost::optional< double > peoplePerFloorArea () const
 Returns the total people per space floor area in this space type, if it can be calculated directly from the underlying people() data (without knowing floorArea). More...
bool setPeoplePerFloorArea (double peoplePerFloorArea)
 Sets the peoplePerFloorArea, using people()[0], if it exists, as a template for the remaining People and PeopleDefinition parameters. More...
bool setPeoplePerFloorArea (double peoplePerFloorArea, const People &templatePeople)
 Sets the peoplePerFloorArea, using templatePeople as a template for the remaining People and PeopleDefinition parameters. More...
boost::optional< double > spaceFloorAreaPerPerson () const
 Returns the floor area per person for this space type, if it can be calculated directly from the underlying people() data (without knowing floorArea). More...
bool setSpaceFloorAreaPerPerson (double spaceFloorAreaPerPerson)
 Sets the spaceFloorAreaPerPerson, using people()[0], if it exists, as a template for the remaining People and PeopleDefinition parameters. More...
bool setSpaceFloorAreaPerPerson (double spaceFloorAreaPerPerson, const People &templatePeople)
 Sets the spaceFloorAreaPerPerson, using templatePeople as a template for the remaining People and PeopleDefinition parameters. More...
double getNumberOfPeople (double floorArea) const
double getPeoplePerFloorArea (double floorArea) const
double getFloorAreaPerPerson (double floorArea) const
boost::optional< double > lightingPowerPerFloorArea () const
 Returns the total lighting power per space floor area, if possible. More...
bool setLightingPowerPerFloorArea (double lightingPowerPerFloorArea)
 Sets the lightingPowerPerFloorArea, using lights()[0], if it exists, as a template for the remaining Lights and LightsDefinition parameters. More...
bool setLightingPowerPerFloorArea (double lightingPowerPerFloorArea, const Lights &templateLights)
 Sets the lightingPowerPerFloorArea, using templateLights as a template for the remaining Lights and LightsDefinition parameters. More...
boost::optional< double > lightingPowerPerPerson () const
 Returns the total lighting power per person, if possible. More...
bool setLightingPowerPerPerson (double lightingPowerPerPerson)
 Sets the lightingPowerPerPerson, using lights()[0], if it exists, as a template for the remaining Lights and LightsDefinition parameters. More...
bool setLightingPowerPerPerson (double lightingPowerPerPerson, const Lights &templateLights)
 Sets the lightingPowerPerPerson, using templateLights as a template for the remaining Lights and LightsDefinition parameters. More...
double getLightingPower (double floorArea, double numPeople) const
 Returns total lighting power for this space type, including lights and luminaires, assuming floorArea (m^2) and numPeople. More...
double getLightingPowerPerFloorArea (double floorArea, double numPeople) const
 Returns the total lighting watts per space floor area for this space type, including lights and luminaires, assuming floorArea (m^2) and numPeople. More...
double getLightingPowerPerPerson (double floorArea, double numPeople) const
 Returns the total lighting watts per person for this space type, including lights and luminaires, assuming floorArea (m^2) and numPeople. More...
boost::optional< double > electricEquipmentPowerPerFloorArea () const
 Returns the total electric equipment power per space floor area, if it can be calculated directly from the underlying electricEquipment() data (without knowing floorArea and numPeople). More...
bool setElectricEquipmentPowerPerFloorArea (double electricEquipmentPowerPerFloorArea)
 Sets the electricEquipmentPowerPerFloorArea, using electricEquipment()[0], if it exists, as a template for the remaining ElectricEquipment and ElectricEquipmentDefinition parameters. More...
bool setElectricEquipmentPowerPerFloorArea (double electricEquipmentPowerPerFloorArea, const ElectricEquipment &templateElectricEquipment)
 Sets the electricEquipmentPowerPerFloorArea, using templateElectricEquipment as a template for the remaining ElectricEquipment and ElectricEquipmentDefinition parameters. More...
boost::optional< double > electricEquipmentPowerPerPerson () const
 Returns the total electric equipment power per person, if it can be calculated directly from the underlying electricEquipment() data (without knowing floorArea and numPeople). More...
bool setElectricEquipmentPowerPerPerson (double electricEquipmentPowerPerPerson)
 Sets the electricEquipmentPowerPerPerson, using electricEquipment()[0], if it exists, as a template for the remaining ElectricEquipment and ElectricEquipmentDefinition parameters. More...
bool setElectricEquipmentPowerPerPerson (double electricEquipmentPowerPerPerson, const ElectricEquipment &templateElectricEquipment)
 Sets the electricEquipmentPowerPerPerson, using templateElectricEquipment as a template for the remaining ElectricEquipment and ElectricEquipmentDefinition parameters. More...
double getElectricEquipmentDesignLevel (double floorArea, double numPeople) const
double getElectricEquipmentPowerPerFloorArea (double floorArea, double numPeople) const
double getElectricEquipmentPowerPerPerson (double floorArea, double numPeople) const
boost::optional< double > electricEquipmentITEAirCooledPowerPerFloorArea () const
 Returns the total IT equipment power per space floor area, if it can be calculated directly from the underlying electricEquipmentITEAirCooled() data (without knowing floorArea and numPeople). More...
boost::optional< double > gasEquipmentPowerPerFloorArea () const
 Returns the total gas equipment power per space floor area, if it can be calculated directly from the underlying gasEquipment() data (without knowing floorArea and numPeople). More...
bool setGasEquipmentPowerPerFloorArea (double gasEquipmentPowerPerFloorArea)
 Sets the gasEquipmentPowerPerFloorArea, using gasEquipment()[0], if it exists, as a template for the remaining GasEquipment and GasEquipmentDefinition parameters. More...
bool setGasEquipmentPowerPerFloorArea (double gasEquipmentPowerPerFloorArea, const GasEquipment &templateGasEquipment)
 Sets the gasEquipmentPowerPerFloorArea, using templateGasEquipment as a template for the remaining GasEquipment and GasEquipmentDefinition parameters. More...
boost::optional< double > gasEquipmentPowerPerPerson () const
 Returns the total gas equipment power per person, if it can be calculated directly from the underlying gasEquipment() data (without knowing floorArea and numPeople). More...
bool setGasEquipmentPowerPerPerson (double gasEquipmentPowerPerPerson)
 Sets the gasEquipmentPowerPerPerson, using gasEquipment()[0], if it exists, as a template for the remaining GasEquipment and GasEquipmentDefinition parameters. More...
bool setGasEquipmentPowerPerPerson (double gasEquipmentPowerPerPerson, const GasEquipment &templateGasEquipment)
 Sets the gasEquipmentPowerPerPerson, using templateGasEquipment as a template for the remaining GasEquipment and GasEquipmentDefinition parameters. More...
double getGasEquipmentDesignLevel (double floorArea, double numPeople) const
double getGasEquipmentPowerPerFloorArea (double floorArea, double numPeople) const
double getGasEquipmentPowerPerPerson (double floorArea, double numPeople) const
double floorArea () const
boost::optional< std::string > setNameProtected (const std::string &newName)
- Public Member Functions inherited from openstudio::model::ResourceObject
unsigned directUseCount (bool excludeChildren=false) const
 Returns the number of objects that use this resource directly. More...
unsigned nonResourceObjectUseCount (bool excludeChildren=false) const
 Returns the number of non-ResourceObjects that use this resource either directly or indirectly. More...
ResourceObjectoperator= (const ResourceObject &)=default
ResourceObjectoperator= (ResourceObject &&)=default
 ResourceObject (const ResourceObject &other)=default
 ResourceObject (ResourceObject &&other)=default
virtual ~ResourceObject ()=default
- Public Member Functions inherited from openstudio::model::ParentObject
std::vector< IddObjectType > allowableChildTypes () const
 Returns a vector of allowable children types. More...
std::vector< ModelObjectchildren () const
 Return direct child objects in the Model. More...
ParentObjectoperator= (const ParentObject &)=default
ParentObjectoperator= (ParentObject &&)=default
 ParentObject (const ParentObject &other)=default
 ParentObject (ParentObject &&other)=default
virtual ~ParentObject ()=default
- Public Member Functions inherited from openstudio::model::ModelObject
virtual ~ModelObject ()=default
 ModelObject (const ModelObject &other)=default
 ModelObject (ModelObject &&other)=default
ModelObjectoperator= (const ModelObject &)=default
ModelObjectoperator= (ModelObject &&)=default
ModelObject clone () const
 Creates a deep copy of this object, placing it in this object's model(). More...
ModelObject clone (Model model) const
 Creates a deep copy of this object, placing it in model. More...
Component createComponent () const
 Method for creating sharable Model snippets. More...
Model model () const
 Returns the Model that contains this object. More...
boost::optional< ParentObjectparent () const
 Return this object's parent in the hierarchy, if it has one. More...
std::vector< ResourceObjectresources () const
 Get the resources directly used by this ModelObject. More...
template<typename T >
std::vector< T > getModelObjectSources () const
 Get all objects of type T that point to this object. More...
template<typename T >
std::vector< T > getModelObjectSources (IddObjectType iddObjectType) const
 Get all objects of type T that point to this object. More...
template<typename T >
boost::optional< T > getModelObjectTarget (unsigned index) const
 Get the object of type T pointed to by this object from field index. More...
template<typename T >
std::vector< T > getModelObjectTargets () const
 Get all objects of type T to which this object points. More...
const std::vector< std::string > & outputVariableNames () const
 Get all output variables names that could be associated with this object. More...
std::vector< OutputVariableoutputVariables () const
 Get all output variables associated with this object, must run simulation to generate data. More...
< openstudio::TimeSeries > 
getData (const OutputVariable &variable, const std::string &envPeriod) const
 Get data associated with this output variable and this object. More...
std::vector< LifeCycleCostlifeCycleCosts () const
 Returns the list of all LifeCycleCosts that refer to this object. More...
std::vector< IdfObject > removeLifeCycleCosts ()
 Removes all LifeCycleCosts that refer to this object. More...
IddObjectType iddObjectType () const
 This is a virtual function that will tell you the type of iddObject you are dealing with. More...
AdditionalProperties additionalProperties () const
 Returns this object's additional properties, constructing a new object if necessary. More...
bool hasAdditionalProperties () const
 Returns true if this object has additional properties. More...
std::vector< IdfObject > removeAdditionalProperties ()
 Removes all additional properties that refer to this object. More...
boost::optional< std::string > cadObjectId () const
bool setCADObjectId (const std::string &cadObjectId)
boost::optional< std::string > gbXMLId () const
bool setGBXMLId (const std::string &gbXMLId)
boost::optional< std::string > displayName () const
bool setDisplayName (const std::string &displayName)
bool setParent (ParentObject &newParent)
 set the parent, child may have to call non-const methods on the parent More...
bool operator< (const ModelObject &right) const
bool operator== (const ModelObject &other) const
 equality test More...
bool operator!= (const ModelObject &other) const
 inequality test More...
std::vector< ScheduleTypeKeygetScheduleTypeKeys (const Schedule &schedule) const
 Return the ScheduleTypeKeys indicating how schedule is used in this object. More...
boost::optional< double > getAutosizedValue (const std::string &valueName, const std::string &units) const
 Gets the autosized component value from the sql file. More...
virtual std::vector
< EMSActuatorNames
emsActuatorNames () const
 Return the names of the available ems actuators. More...
virtual std::vector< std::string > emsInternalVariableNames () const
 Return the names of the available ems internal variables. More...
boost::optional< ModelObjectconnectedObject (unsigned port) const
boost::optional< unsigned > connectedObjectPort (unsigned port) const

Static Public Member Functions

static IddObjectType iddObjectType ()

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

using OptionalSpaceType = boost::optional< SpaceType >
using SpaceTypeVector = std::vector< SpaceType >

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Types inherited from openstudio::model::ModelObject
using ImplType = detail::ModelObject_Impl
- Protected Member Functions inherited from openstudio::model::ResourceObject
 ResourceObject (IddObjectType type, const Model &model)
 Constructs a new PlanarSurface object in the model. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from openstudio::model::ParentObject
 ParentObject (IddObjectType type, const Model &model)
 Constructs a new ParentObject object in the model. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from openstudio::model::ModelObject
 ModelObject (IddObjectType type, const Model &model, bool fastName=false)
 ModelObject (std::shared_ptr< detail::ModelObject_Impl > impl)

Detailed Description

SpaceType is a ResourceObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_SpaceType'.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

openstudio::model::SpaceType::SpaceType ( const Model model)
virtual openstudio::model::SpaceType::~SpaceType ( )
openstudio::model::SpaceType::SpaceType ( const SpaceType other)
openstudio::model::SpaceType::SpaceType ( SpaceType &&  other)

Member Function Documentation

boost::optional<DefaultConstructionSet> openstudio::model::SpaceType::defaultConstructionSet ( ) const

Returns the default construction set.

boost::optional<DefaultScheduleSet> openstudio::model::SpaceType::defaultScheduleSet ( ) const

Returns the default schedule set.

boost::optional<DesignSpecificationOutdoorAir> openstudio::model::SpaceType::designSpecificationOutdoorAir ( ) const

Returns DesignSpecificationOutdoorAir for this space type.

std::vector<ElectricEquipment> openstudio::model::SpaceType::electricEquipment ( ) const

Returns all ElectricEquipment in this space type.

std::vector<ElectricEquipmentITEAirCooled> openstudio::model::SpaceType::electricEquipmentITEAirCooled ( ) const

Returns all ElectricEquipmentITEAirCooled in this space type.

boost::optional<double> openstudio::model::SpaceType::electricEquipmentITEAirCooledPowerPerFloorArea ( ) const

Returns the total IT equipment power per space floor area, if it can be calculated directly from the underlying electricEquipmentITEAirCooled() data (without knowing floorArea and numPeople).

boost::optional<double> openstudio::model::SpaceType::electricEquipmentPowerPerFloorArea ( ) const

Returns the total electric equipment power per space floor area, if it can be calculated directly from the underlying electricEquipment() data (without knowing floorArea and numPeople).

boost::optional<double> openstudio::model::SpaceType::electricEquipmentPowerPerPerson ( ) const

Returns the total electric equipment power per person, if it can be calculated directly from the underlying electricEquipment() data (without knowing floorArea and numPeople).

double openstudio::model::SpaceType::floorArea ( ) const
std::vector<GasEquipment> openstudio::model::SpaceType::gasEquipment ( ) const

Returns all GasEquipment in this space type.

boost::optional<double> openstudio::model::SpaceType::gasEquipmentPowerPerFloorArea ( ) const

Returns the total gas equipment power per space floor area, if it can be calculated directly from the underlying gasEquipment() data (without knowing floorArea and numPeople).

boost::optional<double> openstudio::model::SpaceType::gasEquipmentPowerPerPerson ( ) const

Returns the total gas equipment power per person, if it can be calculated directly from the underlying gasEquipment() data (without knowing floorArea and numPeople).

boost::optional<Schedule> openstudio::model::SpaceType::getDefaultSchedule ( const DefaultScheduleType defaultScheduleType) const

Returns the default schedule set for the specified type if available by searching (in order): This space types's default schedule set The building's default schedule set The building's space type's default schedule set.

double openstudio::model::SpaceType::getElectricEquipmentDesignLevel ( double  floorArea,
double  numPeople 
) const
double openstudio::model::SpaceType::getElectricEquipmentPowerPerFloorArea ( double  floorArea,
double  numPeople 
) const
double openstudio::model::SpaceType::getElectricEquipmentPowerPerPerson ( double  floorArea,
double  numPeople 
) const
double openstudio::model::SpaceType::getFloorAreaPerPerson ( double  floorArea) const
double openstudio::model::SpaceType::getGasEquipmentDesignLevel ( double  floorArea,
double  numPeople 
) const
double openstudio::model::SpaceType::getGasEquipmentPowerPerFloorArea ( double  floorArea,
double  numPeople 
) const
double openstudio::model::SpaceType::getGasEquipmentPowerPerPerson ( double  floorArea,
double  numPeople 
) const
double openstudio::model::SpaceType::getLightingPower ( double  floorArea,
double  numPeople 
) const

Returns total lighting power for this space type, including lights and luminaires, assuming floorArea (m^2) and numPeople.

double openstudio::model::SpaceType::getLightingPowerPerFloorArea ( double  floorArea,
double  numPeople 
) const

Returns the total lighting watts per space floor area for this space type, including lights and luminaires, assuming floorArea (m^2) and numPeople.

double openstudio::model::SpaceType::getLightingPowerPerPerson ( double  floorArea,
double  numPeople 
) const

Returns the total lighting watts per person for this space type, including lights and luminaires, assuming floorArea (m^2) and numPeople.

double openstudio::model::SpaceType::getNumberOfPeople ( double  floorArea) const
double openstudio::model::SpaceType::getPeoplePerFloorArea ( double  floorArea) const
void openstudio::model::SpaceType::hardApplySpaceLoadSchedules ( )

Set all schedules for child space loads to their default value if there is one.

std::vector<HotWaterEquipment> openstudio::model::SpaceType::hotWaterEquipment ( ) const

Returns all HotWaterEquipment in this space type.

static IddObjectType openstudio::model::SpaceType::iddObjectType ( )
std::vector<InternalMass> openstudio::model::SpaceType::internalMass ( ) const

Returns all InternalMass in this space type.

bool openstudio::model::SpaceType::isDesignSpecificationOutdoorAirDefaulted ( ) const

Returns true if DesignSpecificationOutdoorAir is not directly specified for this space type.

boost::optional<double> openstudio::model::SpaceType::lightingPowerPerFloorArea ( ) const

Returns the total lighting power per space floor area, if possible.

Only works if there are no luminaires in the space type, and if all lights are defined on a per space floor area basis.

boost::optional<double> openstudio::model::SpaceType::lightingPowerPerPerson ( ) const

Returns the total lighting power per person, if possible.

Only works if there are no luminaires in the space type, and if all lights are defined on a per person basis.

std::vector<Lights> openstudio::model::SpaceType::lights ( ) const

Returns all Lights in this space type.

std::vector<Luminaire> openstudio::model::SpaceType::luminaires ( ) const

Returns all Luminaires in this space type.

SpaceType& openstudio::model::SpaceType::operator= ( const SpaceType )
SpaceType& openstudio::model::SpaceType::operator= ( SpaceType &&  )
std::vector<OtherEquipment> openstudio::model::SpaceType::otherEquipment ( ) const

Returns all OtherEquipment in this space type.

std::vector<People> openstudio::model::SpaceType::people ( ) const

Returns all People in this space type.

boost::optional<double> openstudio::model::SpaceType::peoplePerFloorArea ( ) const

Returns the total people per space floor area in this space type, if it can be calculated directly from the underlying people() data (without knowing floorArea).

boost::optional<RenderingColor> openstudio::model::SpaceType::renderingColor ( ) const

Returns the rendering color.

void openstudio::model::SpaceType::resetDefaultConstructionSet ( )

Resets the default construction set.

void openstudio::model::SpaceType::resetDefaultScheduleSet ( )

Resets the default schedule set.

void openstudio::model::SpaceType::resetDesignSpecificationOutdoorAir ( )

Resets DesignSpecificationOutdoorAir for this space type.

void openstudio::model::SpaceType::resetRenderingColor ( )

Resets the rendering color.

void openstudio::model::SpaceType::resetStandardsBuildingType ( )
void openstudio::model::SpaceType::resetStandardsSpaceType ( )
void openstudio::model::SpaceType::resetStandardsTemplate ( )
bool openstudio::model::SpaceType::setDefaultConstructionSet ( const DefaultConstructionSet defaultConstructionSet)

Sets the default construction set.

bool openstudio::model::SpaceType::setDefaultScheduleSet ( const DefaultScheduleSet defaultScheduleSet)

Sets the default schedule set.

bool openstudio::model::SpaceType::setDesignSpecificationOutdoorAir ( const DesignSpecificationOutdoorAir designSpecificationOutdoorAir)

Sets DesignSpecificationOutdoorAir for this space type.

bool openstudio::model::SpaceType::setElectricEquipmentPowerPerFloorArea ( double  electricEquipmentPowerPerFloorArea)

Sets the electricEquipmentPowerPerFloorArea, using electricEquipment()[0], if it exists, as a template for the remaining ElectricEquipment and ElectricEquipmentDefinition parameters.

All other electricEquipment() in this SpaceType will be removed.

bool openstudio::model::SpaceType::setElectricEquipmentPowerPerFloorArea ( double  electricEquipmentPowerPerFloorArea,
const ElectricEquipment templateElectricEquipment 

Sets the electricEquipmentPowerPerFloorArea, using templateElectricEquipment as a template for the remaining ElectricEquipment and ElectricEquipmentDefinition parameters.

All other electricEquipment() in this SpaceType will be removed.

bool openstudio::model::SpaceType::setElectricEquipmentPowerPerPerson ( double  electricEquipmentPowerPerPerson)

Sets the electricEquipmentPowerPerPerson, using electricEquipment()[0], if it exists, as a template for the remaining ElectricEquipment and ElectricEquipmentDefinition parameters.

All other electricEquipment() in this SpaceType will be removed.

bool openstudio::model::SpaceType::setElectricEquipmentPowerPerPerson ( double  electricEquipmentPowerPerPerson,
const ElectricEquipment templateElectricEquipment 

Sets the electricEquipmentPowerPerPerson, using templateElectricEquipment as a template for the remaining ElectricEquipment and ElectricEquipmentDefinition parameters.

All other electricEquipment() in this SpaceType will be removed.

bool openstudio::model::SpaceType::setGasEquipmentPowerPerFloorArea ( double  gasEquipmentPowerPerFloorArea)

Sets the gasEquipmentPowerPerFloorArea, using gasEquipment()[0], if it exists, as a template for the remaining GasEquipment and GasEquipmentDefinition parameters.

All other gasEquipment() in this SpaceType will be removed.

bool openstudio::model::SpaceType::setGasEquipmentPowerPerFloorArea ( double  gasEquipmentPowerPerFloorArea,
const GasEquipment templateGasEquipment 

Sets the gasEquipmentPowerPerFloorArea, using templateGasEquipment as a template for the remaining GasEquipment and GasEquipmentDefinition parameters.

All other gasEquipment() in this SpaceType will be removed.

bool openstudio::model::SpaceType::setGasEquipmentPowerPerPerson ( double  gasEquipmentPowerPerPerson)

Sets the gasEquipmentPowerPerPerson, using gasEquipment()[0], if it exists, as a template for the remaining GasEquipment and GasEquipmentDefinition parameters.

All other gasEquipment() in this SpaceType will be removed.

bool openstudio::model::SpaceType::setGasEquipmentPowerPerPerson ( double  gasEquipmentPowerPerPerson,
const GasEquipment templateGasEquipment 

Sets the gasEquipmentPowerPerPerson, using templateGasEquipment as a template for the remaining GasEquipment and GasEquipmentDefinition parameters.

All other gasEquipment() in this SpaceType will be removed.

bool openstudio::model::SpaceType::setLightingPowerPerFloorArea ( double  lightingPowerPerFloorArea)

Sets the lightingPowerPerFloorArea, using lights()[0], if it exists, as a template for the remaining Lights and LightsDefinition parameters.

All other lights() and luminaires() in this SpaceType will be removed.

bool openstudio::model::SpaceType::setLightingPowerPerFloorArea ( double  lightingPowerPerFloorArea,
const Lights templateLights 

Sets the lightingPowerPerFloorArea, using templateLights as a template for the remaining Lights and LightsDefinition parameters.

All lights() and luminaires() in this SpaceType (except for templateLights, if applicable), will be removed.

bool openstudio::model::SpaceType::setLightingPowerPerPerson ( double  lightingPowerPerPerson)

Sets the lightingPowerPerPerson, using lights()[0], if it exists, as a template for the remaining Lights and LightsDefinition parameters.

All other lights() and luminaires() in this SpaceType will be removed.

bool openstudio::model::SpaceType::setLightingPowerPerPerson ( double  lightingPowerPerPerson,
const Lights templateLights 

Sets the lightingPowerPerPerson, using templateLights as a template for the remaining Lights and LightsDefinition parameters.

All lights() and luminaires() in this SpaceType (except for templateLights, if applicable), will be removed.

boost::optional<std::string> openstudio::model::SpaceType::setNameProtected ( const std::string &  newName)
bool openstudio::model::SpaceType::setPeoplePerFloorArea ( double  peoplePerFloorArea)

Sets the peoplePerFloorArea, using people()[0], if it exists, as a template for the remaining People and PeopleDefinition parameters.

All other people() in this SpaceType will be removed.

bool openstudio::model::SpaceType::setPeoplePerFloorArea ( double  peoplePerFloorArea,
const People templatePeople 

Sets the peoplePerFloorArea, using templatePeople as a template for the remaining People and PeopleDefinition parameters.

All people() in this SpaceType (except for templatePeople, if applicable), will be removed.

bool openstudio::model::SpaceType::setRenderingColor ( const RenderingColor renderingColor)

Sets the rendering color.

bool openstudio::model::SpaceType::setSpaceFloorAreaPerPerson ( double  spaceFloorAreaPerPerson)

Sets the spaceFloorAreaPerPerson, using people()[0], if it exists, as a template for the remaining People and PeopleDefinition parameters.

All other people() in this SpaceType will be removed.

bool openstudio::model::SpaceType::setSpaceFloorAreaPerPerson ( double  spaceFloorAreaPerPerson,
const People templatePeople 

Sets the spaceFloorAreaPerPerson, using templatePeople as a template for the remaining People and PeopleDefinition parameters.

All people() in this SpaceType (except for templatePeople, if applicable), will be removed.

bool openstudio::model::SpaceType::setStandardsBuildingType ( const std::string &  standardsBuildingType)

Sets the standards building type.

This is a freeform field used to identify the building type for standards. Standards applied to this model will use this field to determine correct levels for lighting, occupancy, etc. More information can be found at

bool openstudio::model::SpaceType::setStandardsSpaceType ( const std::string &  standardsSpaceType)

Sets the standards space type.

This is a freeform field used to identify the space type for standards. Standards applied to this model will use this field to determine correct levels for lighting, occupancy, etc. More information can be found at

bool openstudio::model::SpaceType::setStandardsTemplate ( const std::string &  standardsTemplate)

Sets the standards Template.

This is a freeform field used to identify the energy standard template for standards. Standards applied to this model will use this field to determine correct levels for lighting, occupancy, etc. More information can be found at

boost::optional<double> openstudio::model::SpaceType::spaceFloorAreaPerPerson ( ) const

Returns the floor area per person for this space type, if it can be calculated directly from the underlying people() data (without knowing floorArea).

std::vector<SpaceInfiltrationDesignFlowRate> openstudio::model::SpaceType::spaceInfiltrationDesignFlowRates ( ) const

Returns all SpaceInfiltrationDesignFlowRate objects in this space type.

std::vector<SpaceInfiltrationEffectiveLeakageArea> openstudio::model::SpaceType::spaceInfiltrationEffectiveLeakageAreas ( ) const

Returns all SpaceInfiltrationEffectiveLeakageArea objects in this space type.

std::vector<SpaceInfiltrationFlowCoefficient> openstudio::model::SpaceType::spaceInfiltrationFlowCoefficients ( ) const

Returns all SpaceInfiltrationFlowCoefficient objects in this space type.

std::vector<Space> openstudio::model::SpaceType::spaces ( ) const

Get all spaces of this space type, includes spaces that inherit this space type.

boost::optional<std::string> openstudio::model::SpaceType::standardsBuildingType ( ) const

Returns the standards building type.

This is a freeform field used to identify the building type for standards. Standards applied to this model will use this field to determine correct levels for lighting, occupancy, etc. More information can be found at If Not set, tries to inherit from the Building

boost::optional<std::string> openstudio::model::SpaceType::standardsSpaceType ( ) const

Returns the standards space type.

This is a freeform field used to identify the space type for standards. Standards applied to this model will use this field to determine correct levels for lighting, occupancy, etc. More information can be found at

boost::optional<std::string> openstudio::model::SpaceType::standardsTemplate ( ) const

Returns the standards Template.

This is a freeform field used to identify the energy standard template for standards. Standards applied to this model will use this field to determine correct levels for lighting, occupancy, etc. More information can be found at If Not set, tries to inherit from the Building

std::vector<SteamEquipment> openstudio::model::SpaceType::steamEquipment ( ) const

Returns all SteamEquipment in this space type.

std::vector<std::string> openstudio::model::SpaceType::suggestedStandardsBuildingTypes ( ) const

Returns a list of suggestions from the openstudio-standards JSON data.

If standardsBuildingType is not empty, and not already present in the suggestions, it is added to the list of suggestion

std::vector<std::string> openstudio::model::SpaceType::suggestedStandardsSpaceTypes ( ) const

Returns a list of suggestions from the openstudio-standards JSON data.

If standardsSpaceType is not empty, and not already present in the suggestions, it is added to the list of suggestion

std::vector<std::string> openstudio::model::SpaceType::suggestedStandardsTemplates ( ) const

Returns a list of suggestions from the openstudio-standards JSON data.

If standardsTemplate is not empty, and not already present in the suggestions, it is added to the list of suggestion

Friends And Related Function Documentation

using OptionalSpaceType = boost::optional<SpaceType>
using SpaceTypeVector = std::vector<SpaceType>