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openstudio::contam::AirflowPath Class Reference

#include <PrjObjects.hpp>

Public Member Functions

Constructors and Destructors
 AirflowPath ()
 Create a new object with default values. More...
 AirflowPath (int flags, int pzn, int pe, int pw, int pld, std::string relHt, std::string mult, std::string wPset, std::string wPmod, std::string wazm, unsigned int icon)
 Create a new (exterior wall type) object. More...
 AirflowPath (int flags, int pzn, int pe, int pw, int pld, double relHt, double mult, double wPset, double wPmod, double wazm, unsigned int icon)
 Create a new (exterior wall type) object. More...
 AirflowPath (int flags, int pzn, int pzm, int pe, int pld, std::string relHt, std::string mult, unsigned int icon)
 Create a new (interior wall type) object. More...
 AirflowPath (int flags, int pzn, int pzm, int pe, int pld, double relHt, double mult, unsigned int icon)
 Create a new (interior wall type) object. More...
 AirflowPath (int nr, int flags, int pzn, int pzm, int pe, int pf, int pw, int pa, int ps, int pc, int pld, std::string X, std::string Y, std::string relHt, std::string mult, std::string wPset, std::string wPmod, std::string wazm, std::string Fahs, std::string Xmax, std::string Xmin, unsigned int icon, unsigned int dir, int u_Ht, int u_XY, int u_dP, int u_F, int cfd, std::string cfd_name, int cfd_ptype, int cfd_btype, int cfd_capp)
 Create a new object. More...
 AirflowPath (int nr, int flags, int pzn, int pzm, int pe, int pf, int pw, int pa, int ps, int pc, int pld, double X, double Y, double relHt, double mult, double wPset, double wPmod, double wazm, double Fahs, double Xmax, double Xmin, unsigned int icon, unsigned int dir, int u_Ht, int u_XY, int u_dP, int u_F, int cfd, std::string cfd_name, int cfd_ptype, int cfd_btype, int cfd_capp)
 Create a new object. More...
 AirflowPath (const AirflowPath &other)
 Create a new object from another object. More...
 ~AirflowPath ()=default
 Destroy the object. More...
AirflowPathoperator= (const AirflowPath &other)
 Copy operator. More...
bool operator== (const AirflowPath &other) const
 Equality operator. More...
bool operator!= (const AirflowPath &other) const
 Inequality operator. More...
Input and Output
void read (Reader &input)
 Read an object from a Reader. More...
std::string write ()
 Write the object to a string. More...
Getters and Setters
int nr () const
 Returns the path number, in order from 1 to the number of paths. More...
void setNr (const int nr)
 Sets the path number. More...
int flags () const
 Returns the airflow path flag value. More...
void setFlags (const int flags)
 Sets the airflow path flag value. More...
int pzn () const
 Returns the zone N index, with positive flow from N to M. More...
void setPzn (const int pzn)
 Sets the zone N index, with positive flow from N to M. More...
int pzm () const
 Returns the zone M index, with positive flow from N to M. More...
void setPzm (const int pzm)
 Sets the zone M index, with positive flow from N to M. More...
int pe () const
 Returns the flow element index. More...
void setPe (const int pe)
 Sets the flow element index. More...
int pf () const
 Returns the filter index. More...
void setPf (const int pf)
 Sets the filter index. More...
int pw () const
 Returns the wind coefficients index. More...
void setPw (const int pw)
 Sets the wind coefficients index. More...
int pa () const
 Returns the AHS index. More...
void setPa (const int pa)
 Sets the AHS index. More...
int ps () const
 Returns the schedule index. More...
void setPs (const int ps)
 Sets the schedule index. More...
int pc () const
 Returns the control node index. More...
void setPc (const int pc)
 Sets the control node index. More...
int pld () const
 Returns the level index. More...
void setPld (const int pld)
 Sets the level index. More...
double X () const
 Returns the X-coordinate of an envelope path [m] if set. More...
bool setX (const double X)
 Sets the X-coordinate of an envelope path [m]. More...
bool setX (const std::string &X)
 Sets the X-coordinate of an envelope path [m]. More...
double Y () const
 Returns the Y-coordinate of an envelope path [m] if set. More...
bool setY (const double Y)
 Sets the Y-coordinate of an envelope path [m]. More...
bool setY (const std::string &Y)
 Sets the Y-coordinate of an envelope path [m]. More...
double relHt () const
 Returns the height relative to current level [m]. More...
bool setRelHt (const double relHt)
 Sets the height relative to current level [m]. More...
bool setRelHt (const std::string &relHt)
 Sets the height relative to current level [m]. More...
double mult () const
 Return the element multiplier. More...
bool setMult (const double mult)
 Sets the element multiplier. More...
bool setMult (const std::string &mult)
 Sets the element multiplier. More...
double wPset () const
 Returns the constant wind pressure [Pa] (pw==NULL). More...
bool setWPset (const double wPset)
 Sets the constant wind pressure [Pa] (pw==NULL). More...
bool setWPset (const std::string &wPset)
 Sets the constant wind pressure [Pa] (pw==NULL). More...
double wPmod () const
 Returns the wind speed modifier (pw!=NULL). More...
bool setWPmod (const double wPmod)
 Sets the wind speed modifier (pw!=NULL). More...
bool setWPmod (const std::string &wPmod)
 Sets the wind speed modifier (pw!=NULL). More...
double wazm () const
 Returns the wall azimuth angle in degrees (pw!=NULL). More...
bool setWazm (const double wazm)
 Sets the wall azimuth angle in degrees (pw!=NULL). More...
bool setWazm (const std::string &wazm)
 Sets the wall azimuth angle in degrees (pw!=NULL). More...
double Fahs () const
 Returns the AHS path flow rate [kg/s] (pw==NULL). More...
bool setFahs (const double Fahs)
 Sets the AHS path flow rate [kg/s] (pw==NULL). More...
bool setFahs (const std::string &Fahs)
 Sets the AHS path flow rate [kg/s] (pw==NULL). More...
double Xmax () const
 Returns the flow or pressure maximum. More...
bool setXmax (const double Xmax)
 Sets the flow or pressure maximum. More...
bool setXmax (const std::string &Xmax)
 Sets the flow or pressure maximum. More...
double Xmin () const
 Returns the flow or pressure minimum. More...
bool setXmin (const double Xmin)
 Sets the flow or pressure minimum. More...
bool setXmin (const std::string &Xmin)
 Sets the flow or pressure minimum. More...
unsigned int icon () const
 Returns the icon used to represent flow path. More...
void setIcon (const unsigned int icon)
 Sets the icon used to represent flow path. More...
unsigned int dir () const
 Returns the positive flow direction on the sketchpad. More...
void setDir (const unsigned int dir)
 Sets the positive flow direction on the sketchpad. More...
int u_Ht () const
 Returns the height display units. More...
void setU_Ht (const int u_Ht)
 Sets the height display units. More...
int u_XY () const
 Returns the X and Y display units. More...
void setU_XY (const int u_XY)
 Sets the X and Y display units. More...
int u_dP () const
 Returns the pressure difference display units. More...
void setU_dP (const int u_dP)
 Sets the pressure difference display units. More...
int u_F () const
 Returns the flow display units. More...
void setU_F (const int u_F)
 Sets the flow display units. More...
int cfd () const
 Returns the CFD path flag (0=no, 1=yes). More...
void setCfd (const int cfd)
 Sets the CFD path flag (0=no, 1=yes). More...
std::string cfd_name () const
 Returns the CFD path id. More...
void setCfd_name (const std::string &cfd_name)
 Sets the CFD path id. More...
int cfd_ptype () const
 Returns the CFD boundary condition type (0=mass flow, 1=pressure). More...
void setCfd_ptype (const int cfd_ptype)
 Sets the CFD boundary condition type (0=mass flow, 1=pressure). More...
int cfd_btype () const
 Returns the pressure bc type (if ptype = 1, 0=linear, 1=stagnation pressure). More...
void setCfd_btype (const int cfd_btype)
 Sets the pressure bc type (if ptype = 1, 0=linear, 1=stagnation pressure). More...
int cfd_capp () const
 Returns the coupling approach (1=pressure-pressure). More...
void setCfd_capp (const int cfd_capp)
 Sets the coupling approach (1=pressure-pressure). More...
bool windPressure ()
 Returns true if wind pressure is applied to the path. More...
void setWindPressure (bool b)
 Sets the path's wind pressure flag. More...
bool system ()
 Returns true if the path is a HVAC system path. More...
void setSystem (bool b)
 Sets the path's system flag. More...
bool exhaust ()
 Returns true if the path is an exhaust path. More...
void setExhaust (bool b)
 Sets the path's exhaust flag. More...
bool recirculation ()
 Returns true if the path is a recirculation path. More...
void setRecirculation (bool b)
 Sets the path's recirculation flag. More...
bool outsideAir ()
 Returns true if the path is an outside air path. More...
void setOutsideAir (bool b)
 Sets the path's outside air flag. More...

Detailed Description

The AirflowPath object stores one flow linkage in the airflow network.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::AirflowPath ( )

Create a new object with default values.

openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::AirflowPath ( int  flags,
int  pzn,
int  pe,
int  pw,
int  pld,
std::string  relHt,
std::string  mult,
std::string  wPset,
std::string  wPmod,
std::string  wazm,
unsigned int  icon 

Create a new (exterior wall type) object.

openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::AirflowPath ( int  flags,
int  pzn,
int  pe,
int  pw,
int  pld,
double  relHt,
double  mult,
double  wPset,
double  wPmod,
double  wazm,
unsigned int  icon 

Create a new (exterior wall type) object.

openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::AirflowPath ( int  flags,
int  pzn,
int  pzm,
int  pe,
int  pld,
std::string  relHt,
std::string  mult,
unsigned int  icon 

Create a new (interior wall type) object.

openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::AirflowPath ( int  flags,
int  pzn,
int  pzm,
int  pe,
int  pld,
double  relHt,
double  mult,
unsigned int  icon 

Create a new (interior wall type) object.

openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::AirflowPath ( int  nr,
int  flags,
int  pzn,
int  pzm,
int  pe,
int  pf,
int  pw,
int  pa,
int  ps,
int  pc,
int  pld,
std::string  X,
std::string  Y,
std::string  relHt,
std::string  mult,
std::string  wPset,
std::string  wPmod,
std::string  wazm,
std::string  Fahs,
std::string  Xmax,
std::string  Xmin,
unsigned int  icon,
unsigned int  dir,
int  u_Ht,
int  u_XY,
int  u_dP,
int  u_F,
int  cfd,
std::string  cfd_name,
int  cfd_ptype,
int  cfd_btype,
int  cfd_capp 

Create a new object.

openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::AirflowPath ( int  nr,
int  flags,
int  pzn,
int  pzm,
int  pe,
int  pf,
int  pw,
int  pa,
int  ps,
int  pc,
int  pld,
double  X,
double  Y,
double  relHt,
double  mult,
double  wPset,
double  wPmod,
double  wazm,
double  Fahs,
double  Xmax,
double  Xmin,
unsigned int  icon,
unsigned int  dir,
int  u_Ht,
int  u_XY,
int  u_dP,
int  u_F,
int  cfd,
std::string  cfd_name,
int  cfd_ptype,
int  cfd_btype,
int  cfd_capp 

Create a new object.

openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::AirflowPath ( const AirflowPath other)

Create a new object from another object.

openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::~AirflowPath ( )

Destroy the object.

Member Function Documentation

int openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::cfd ( ) const

Returns the CFD path flag (0=no, 1=yes).

int openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::cfd_btype ( ) const

Returns the pressure bc type (if ptype = 1, 0=linear, 1=stagnation pressure).

int openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::cfd_capp ( ) const

Returns the coupling approach (1=pressure-pressure).

std::string openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::cfd_name ( ) const

Returns the CFD path id.

int openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::cfd_ptype ( ) const

Returns the CFD boundary condition type (0=mass flow, 1=pressure).

unsigned int openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::dir ( ) const

Returns the positive flow direction on the sketchpad.

bool openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::exhaust ( )

Returns true if the path is an exhaust path.

double openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::Fahs ( ) const

Returns the AHS path flow rate [kg/s] (pw==NULL).

int openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::flags ( ) const

Returns the airflow path flag value.

unsigned int openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::icon ( ) const

Returns the icon used to represent flow path.

double openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::mult ( ) const

Return the element multiplier.

int openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::nr ( ) const

Returns the path number, in order from 1 to the number of paths.

bool openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::operator!= ( const AirflowPath other) const

Inequality operator.

AirflowPath& openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::operator= ( const AirflowPath other)

Copy operator.

bool openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::operator== ( const AirflowPath other) const

Equality operator.

bool openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::outsideAir ( )

Returns true if the path is an outside air path.

int openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::pa ( ) const

Returns the AHS index.

It is converted to pointer by CONTAM.

int openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::pc ( ) const

Returns the control node index.

It is converted to pointer by CONTAM.

int openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::pe ( ) const

Returns the flow element index.

It is converted to pointer by CONTAM.

int openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::pf ( ) const

Returns the filter index.

It is converted to pointer by CONTAM.

int openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::pld ( ) const

Returns the level index.

It is converted to pointer by CONTAM.

int openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::ps ( ) const

Returns the schedule index.

It is converted to pointer by CONTAM.

int openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::pw ( ) const

Returns the wind coefficients index.

It is converted to pointer by CONTAM.

int openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::pzm ( ) const

Returns the zone M index, with positive flow from N to M.

It is converted to pointer by CONTAM.

int openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::pzn ( ) const

Returns the zone N index, with positive flow from N to M.

It is converted to pointer by CONTAM.

void openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::read ( Reader input)

Read an object from a Reader.

bool openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::recirculation ( )

Returns true if the path is a recirculation path.

double openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::relHt ( ) const

Returns the height relative to current level [m].

void openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setCfd ( const int  cfd)

Sets the CFD path flag (0=no, 1=yes).

void openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setCfd_btype ( const int  cfd_btype)

Sets the pressure bc type (if ptype = 1, 0=linear, 1=stagnation pressure).

void openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setCfd_capp ( const int  cfd_capp)

Sets the coupling approach (1=pressure-pressure).

void openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setCfd_name ( const std::string &  cfd_name)

Sets the CFD path id.

void openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setCfd_ptype ( const int  cfd_ptype)

Sets the CFD boundary condition type (0=mass flow, 1=pressure).

void openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setDir ( const unsigned int  dir)

Sets the positive flow direction on the sketchpad.

void openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setExhaust ( bool  b)

Sets the path's exhaust flag.

bool openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setFahs ( const double  Fahs)

Sets the AHS path flow rate [kg/s] (pw==NULL).

bool openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setFahs ( const std::string &  Fahs)

Sets the AHS path flow rate [kg/s] (pw==NULL).

void openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setFlags ( const int  flags)

Sets the airflow path flag value.

void openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setIcon ( const unsigned int  icon)

Sets the icon used to represent flow path.

bool openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setMult ( const double  mult)

Sets the element multiplier.

bool openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setMult ( const std::string &  mult)

Sets the element multiplier.

void openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setNr ( const int  nr)

Sets the path number.

This should only be done with care.

void openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setOutsideAir ( bool  b)

Sets the path's outside air flag.

void openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setPa ( const int  pa)

Sets the AHS index.

It is converted to pointer by CONTAM.

void openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setPc ( const int  pc)

Sets the control node index.

It is converted to pointer by CONTAM.

void openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setPe ( const int  pe)

Sets the flow element index.

It is converted to pointer by CONTAM.

void openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setPf ( const int  pf)

Sets the filter index.

It is converted to pointer by CONTAM.

void openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setPld ( const int  pld)

Sets the level index.

It is converted to pointer by CONTAM.

void openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setPs ( const int  ps)

Sets the schedule index.

It is converted to pointer by CONTAM.

void openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setPw ( const int  pw)

Sets the wind coefficients index.

It is converted to pointer by CONTAM.

void openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setPzm ( const int  pzm)

Sets the zone M index, with positive flow from N to M.

It is converted to pointer by CONTAM.

void openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setPzn ( const int  pzn)

Sets the zone N index, with positive flow from N to M.

It is converted to pointer by CONTAM.

void openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setRecirculation ( bool  b)

Sets the path's recirculation flag.

bool openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setRelHt ( const double  relHt)

Sets the height relative to current level [m].

bool openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setRelHt ( const std::string &  relHt)

Sets the height relative to current level [m].

void openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setSystem ( bool  b)

Sets the path's system flag.

void openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setU_dP ( const int  u_dP)

Sets the pressure difference display units.

void openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setU_F ( const int  u_F)

Sets the flow display units.

void openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setU_Ht ( const int  u_Ht)

Sets the height display units.

void openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setU_XY ( const int  u_XY)

Sets the X and Y display units.

bool openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setWazm ( const double  wazm)

Sets the wall azimuth angle in degrees (pw!=NULL).

bool openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setWazm ( const std::string &  wazm)

Sets the wall azimuth angle in degrees (pw!=NULL).

void openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setWindPressure ( bool  b)

Sets the path's wind pressure flag.

bool openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setWPmod ( const double  wPmod)

Sets the wind speed modifier (pw!=NULL).

bool openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setWPmod ( const std::string &  wPmod)

Sets the wind speed modifier (pw!=NULL).

bool openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setWPset ( const double  wPset)

Sets the constant wind pressure [Pa] (pw==NULL).

bool openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setWPset ( const std::string &  wPset)

Sets the constant wind pressure [Pa] (pw==NULL).

bool openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setX ( const double  X)

Sets the X-coordinate of an envelope path [m].

bool openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setX ( const std::string &  X)

Sets the X-coordinate of an envelope path [m].

bool openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setXmax ( const double  Xmax)

Sets the flow or pressure maximum.

bool openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setXmax ( const std::string &  Xmax)

Sets the flow or pressure maximum.

bool openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setXmin ( const double  Xmin)

Sets the flow or pressure minimum.

bool openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setXmin ( const std::string &  Xmin)

Sets the flow or pressure minimum.

bool openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setY ( const double  Y)

Sets the Y-coordinate of an envelope path [m].

bool openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::setY ( const std::string &  Y)

Sets the Y-coordinate of an envelope path [m].

bool openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::system ( )

Returns true if the path is a HVAC system path.

int openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::u_dP ( ) const

Returns the pressure difference display units.

int openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::u_F ( ) const

Returns the flow display units.

int openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::u_Ht ( ) const

Returns the height display units.

int openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::u_XY ( ) const

Returns the X and Y display units.

double openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::wazm ( ) const

Returns the wall azimuth angle in degrees (pw!=NULL).

bool openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::windPressure ( )

Returns true if wind pressure is applied to the path.

double openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::wPmod ( ) const

Returns the wind speed modifier (pw!=NULL).

double openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::wPset ( ) const

Returns the constant wind pressure [Pa] (pw==NULL).

std::string openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::write ( )

Write the object to a string.

double openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::X ( ) const

Returns the X-coordinate of an envelope path [m] if set.

double openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::Xmax ( ) const

Returns the flow or pressure maximum.

double openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::Xmin ( ) const

Returns the flow or pressure minimum.

double openstudio::contam::AirflowPath::Y ( ) const

Returns the Y-coordinate of an envelope path [m] if set.