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openstudio::contam::RunControl Class Reference

#include <PrjObjects.hpp>

Public Member Functions

Constructors and Destructors
 RunControl ()
 Create a new object with default values. More...
 RunControl (const RunControl &other)
 Create a new object. More...
 ~RunControl ()=default
 Destroy the object. More...
RunControloperator= (const RunControl &other)
 Copy operator. More...
bool operator== (const RunControl &other) const
 Equality operator. More...
bool operator!= (const RunControl &other) const
 Inequality operator. More...
Input and Output
void read (Reader &input)
 Read an object from a Reader. More...
std::string write ()
 Write the object to a string. More...
Getters and Setters
int sim_af () const
 Returns the airflow simulation flag: 0 = steady, 1 = dynamic. More...
void setSim_af (const int sim_af)
 Sets the airflow simulation flag: 0 = steady, 1 = dynamic. More...
int afcalc () const
 Returns the N-R method for non-linear eqns: 0 = SUR, 1 = STR. More...
void setAfcalc (const int afcalc)
 Sets the N-R method for non-linear eqns: 0 = SUR, 1 = STR. More...
int afmaxi () const
 Returns the maximum number of N-R iterations. More...
void setAfmaxi (const int afmaxi)
 Sets the maximum number of N-R iterations. More...
double afrcnvg () const
 Returns the relative airflow convergence factor. More...
bool setAfrcnvg (const double afrcnvg)
 Sets the relative airflow convergence factor. More...
bool setAfrcnvg (const std::string &afrcnvg)
 Sets the relative airflow convergence factor. More...
double afacnvg () const
 Returns the absolute airflow convergence factor [1/s]. More...
bool setAfacnvg (const double afacnvg)
 Sets the absolute airflow convergence factor [1/s]. More...
bool setAfacnvg (const std::string &afacnvg)
 Sets the absolute airflow convergence factor [1/s]. More...
double afrelax () const
 Returns the flow under-relaxation coefficient (for SUR). More...
bool setAfrelax (const double afrelax)
 Sets the flow under-relaxation coefficient (for SUR). More...
bool setAfrelax (const std::string &afrelax)
 Sets the flow under-relaxation coefficient (for SUR). More...
int uac2 () const
 Returns the display units for afacnvg. More...
void setUac2 (const int uac2)
 Sets the display units for afacnvg. More...
double Pres () const
 Returns the pressure test pressure. More...
bool setPres (const double Pres)
 Sets the pressure test pressure. More...
bool setPres (const std::string &Pres)
 Sets the pressure test pressure. More...
int uPres () const
 Returns the display units of pressure test pressure. More...
void setUPres (const int uPres)
 Sets the pressure test pressure. More...
int afslae () const
 Returns the method for linear equations: 0 = SKY, 1 = PCG. More...
void setAfslae (const int afslae)
 Sets the method for linear equations: 0 = SKY, 1 = PCG. More...
int afrseq () const
 Returns the linear equation resequence flag: 0 = don't resequence, 1 = resequence. More...
void setAfrseq (const int afrseq)
 Sets the linear equation resequence flag: 0 = don't resequence, 1 = resequence. More...
int aflmaxi () const
 Returns the maximum number of iterations (PCG). More...
void setAflmaxi (const int aflmaxi)
 Sets the maximum number of iterations (PCG). More...
double aflcnvg () const
 Returns the relative convergence factor for (PCG). More...
bool setAflcnvg (const double aflcnvg)
 Sets the relative convergence factor for (PCG). More...
bool setAflcnvg (const std::string &aflcnvg)
 Sets the relative convergence factor for (PCG). More...
int aflinit () const
 Returns the linear airflow initialization flag: 0 = don't use, 1 = use. More...
void setAflinit (const int aflinit)
 Sets the linear airflow initialization flag: 0 = don't use, 1 = use. More...
int Tadj () const
 Returns the temperature adjustment flag: 0 = don't use, 1 = use. More...
void setTadj (const int Tadj)
 Sets the temperature adjustment flag: 0 = don't use, 1 = use. More...
int sim_mf () const
 Returns the mass fraction (contaminant) simulation method: 0 = none, 1 = steady, 2 = transient, 3 = cyclic. More...
void setSim_mf (const int sim_mf)
 Sets the mass fraction (contaminant) simulation method: 0 = none, 1 = steady, 2 = transient, 3 = cyclic. More...
int ccmaxi () const
 Returns the maximum number of cyclic iterations. More...
void setCcmaxi (const int ccmaxi)
 Sets the maximum number of cyclic iterations. More...
double ccrcnvg () const
 Returns the cyclic relative convergence factor. More...
bool setCcrcnvg (const double ccrcnvg)
 Sets the cyclic relative convergence factor. More...
bool setCcrcnvg (const std::string &ccrcnvg)
 Sets the cyclic relative convergence factor. More...
double ccacnvg () const
 Returns the cyclic absolute convergence factor [kg/kg]. More...
bool setCcacnvg (const double ccacnvg)
 Sets the cyclic absolute convergence factor [kg/kg]. More...
bool setCcacnvg (const std::string &ccacnvg)
 Sets the cyclic absolute convergence factor [kg/kg]. More...
double ccrelax () const
 Returns the cyclic (unused) over-relaxation coefficient. More...
bool setCcrelax (const double ccrelax)
 Sets the cyclic (unused) over-relaxation coefficient. More...
bool setCcrelax (const std::string &ccrelax)
 Sets the cyclic (unused) over-relaxation coefficient. More...
int uccc () const
 Returns the display units for ccacnvg. More...
void setUccc (const int uccc)
 Sets the display units for ccacnvg. More...
int mfnmthd () const
 Returns the non-trace contaminant simulation method: 0 = SKY, 1 = BCG, 2 = SOR, 3 = LU. More...
void setMfnmthd (const int mfnmthd)
 Sets the non-trace contaminant simulation method: 0 = SKY, 1 = BCG, 2 = SOR, 3 = LU. More...
int mfnrseq () const
 Returns the non-trace contaminant resequence flag: 0 = don't resequence, 1 = resequence. More...
void setMfnrseq (const int mfnrseq)
 Sets the non-trace contaminant resequence flag: 0 = don't resequence, 1 = resequence. More...
int mfnmaxi () const
 Returns the non-trace contaminant maximum iterations. More...
void setMfnmaxi (const int mfnmaxi)
 Sets the non-trace contaminant maximum iterations. More...
double mfnrcnvg () const
 Returns the non-trace contaminant relative convergence factor. More...
bool setMfnrcnvg (const double mfnrcnvg)
 Sets the non-trace contaminant relative convergence factor. More...
bool setMfnrcnvg (const std::string &mfnrcnvg)
 Sets the non-trace contaminant relative convergence factor. More...
double mfnacnvg () const
 Returns the non-trace contaminant absolute convergence factor. More...
bool setMfnacnvg (const double mfnacnvg)
 Sets the non-trace contaminant absolute convergence factor. More...
bool setMfnacnvg (const std::string &mfnacnvg)
 Sets the non-trace contaminant absolute convergence factor. More...
double mfnrelax () const
 Returns the non-trace contaminant relaxation coefficient. More...
bool setMfnrelax (const double mfnrelax)
 Sets the non-trace contaminant relaxation coefficient. More...
bool setMfnrelax (const std::string &mfnrelax)
 Sets the non-trace contaminant relaxation coefficient. More...
double mfngamma () const
 Returns the non-trace contaminant trapezoidal integration factor. More...
bool setMfngamma (const double mfngamma)
 Sets the non-trace contaminant trapezoidal integration factor. More...
bool setMfngamma (const std::string &mfngamma)
 Sets the non-trace contaminant trapezoidal integration factor. More...
int uccn () const
 Returns the display units for mfnacnvg. More...
void setUccn (const int uccn)
 Sets the display units for mfnacnvg. More...
int mftmthd () const
 Returns the trace contaminant simulation method: 0 = SKY, 1 = BCG, 2 = SOR, 3 = LU. More...
void setMftmthd (const int mftmthd)
 Sets the trace contaminant simulation method: 0 = SKY, 1 = BCG, 2 = SOR, 3 = LU. More...
int mftrseq () const
 Returns the trace contaminant resequence flag: 0 = don't resequence, 1 = resequence. More...
void setMftrseq (const int mftrseq)
 Sets the trace contaminant resequence flag: 0 = don't resequence, 1 = resequence. More...
int mftmaxi () const
 Returns the trace contaminant maximum iterations. More...
void setMftmaxi (const int mftmaxi)
 Sets the trace contaminant maximum iterations. More...
double mftrcnvg () const
 Returns the trace contaminant relative convergence factor. More...
bool setMftrcnvg (const double mftrcnvg)
 Sets the trace contaminant relative convergence factor. More...
bool setMftrcnvg (const std::string &mftrcnvg)
 Sets the trace contaminant relative convergence factor. More...
double mftacnvg () const
 Returns the trace contaminant absolute convergence factor. More...
bool setMftacnvg (const double mftacnvg)
 Sets the trace contaminant absolute convergence factor. More...
bool setMftacnvg (const std::string &mftacnvg)
 Sets the trace contaminant absolute convergence factor. More...
double mftrelax () const
 Returns the trace contaminant relaxation coefficient. More...
bool setMftrelax (const double mftrelax)
 Sets the trace contaminant relaxation coefficient. More...
bool setMftrelax (const std::string &mftrelax)
 Sets the trace contaminant relaxation coefficient. More...
double mftgamma () const
 Returns the trace contaminant trapezoidal integration factor. More...
bool setMftgamma (const double mftgamma)
 Sets the trace contaminant trapezoidal integration factor. More...
bool setMftgamma (const std::string &mftgamma)
 Sets the trace contaminant trapezoidal integration factor. More...
int ucct () const
 Returns the display units for mfnacnvg. More...
void setUcct (const int ucct)
 Sets the display units for mfnacnvg. More...
int mfvmthd () const
 Returns the CVODE contaminant solver method: 0 = SKY, 2 = SOR, 3 = LU. More...
void setMfvmthd (const int mfvmthd)
 Sets the CVODE contaminant solver method: 0 = SKY, 2 = SOR, 3 = LU. More...
int mfvrseq () const
 Returns the CVODE contaminant solver resequence flag: 0 = don't resequence, 1 = resequence. More...
void setMfvrseq (const int mfvrseq)
 Sets the CVODE contaminant solver resequence flag: 0 = don't resequence, 1 = resequence. More...
int mfvmaxi () const
 Returns the CVODE contaminant solver maximum iterations. More...
void setMfvmaxi (const int mfvmaxi)
 Sets the CVODE contaminant solver maximum iterations. More...
double mfvrcnvg () const
 Returns the CVODE contaminant solver relative convergence factor. More...
bool setMfvrcnvg (const double mfvrcnvg)
 Sets the CVODE contaminant solver relative convergence factor. More...
bool setMfvrcnvg (const std::string &mfvrcnvg)
 Sets the CVODE contaminant solver relative convergence factor. More...
double mfvacnvg () const
 Returns the CVODE contaminant solver absolute convergence factor. More...
bool setMfvacnvg (const double mfvacnvg)
 Sets the CVODE contaminant solver absolute convergence factor. More...
bool setMfvacnvg (const std::string &mfvacnvg)
 Sets the CVODE contaminant solver absolute convergence factor. More...
double mfvrelax () const
 Returns the CVODE contaminant solver relaxation coefficient. More...
bool setMfvrelax (const double mfvrelax)
 Sets the CVODE contaminant solver relaxation coefficient. More...
bool setMfvrelax (const std::string &mfvrelax)
 Sets the CVODE contaminant solver relaxation coefficient. More...
int uccv () const
 Returns the display units for mfvacnvg. More...
void setUccv (const int uccv)
 Sets the display units for mfvacnvg. More...
int mf_solver () const
 Returns the mass fraction integration method: 0 = trapezoid, 1 = STS, 2 = CVODE. More...
void setMf_solver (const int mf_solver)
 Sets the mass fraction integration method: 0 = trapezoid, 1 = STS, 2 = CVODE. More...
int sim_1dz () const
 Returns the 1D zone flag: 0 = don't use, 1 = use. More...
void setSim_1dz (const int sim_1dz)
 Sets the 1D zone flag: 0 = don't use, 1 = use. More...
int sim_1dd () const
 Returns the 1D duct flag: 0 = don't use, 1 = use. More...
void setSim_1dd (const int sim_1dd)
 Sets the 1D duct flag: 0 = don't use, 1 = use. More...
double celldx () const
 Returns the default length of duct cells for C-D model [m]. More...
bool setCelldx (const double celldx)
 Sets the default length of duct cells for C-D model [m]. More...
bool setCelldx (const std::string &celldx)
 Sets the default length of duct cells for C-D model [m]. More...
int sim_vjt () const
 Returns the variable junction temperature flag: 0 = don't compute, 1 = compute. More...
void setSim_vjt (const int sim_vjt)
 Sets the variable junction temperature flag: 0 = don't compute, 1 = compute. More...
int udx () const
 Returns the display units of celldx. More...
void setUdx (const int udx)
 Sets the display units of celldx. More...
int cvode_mth () const
 Returns the CVODE contaminant solver multi-step method: 0 = am, 1 = bdf. More...
void setCvode_mth (const int cvode_mth)
 Sets the CVODE contaminant solver multi-step method: 0 = am, 1 = bdf. More...
double cvode_rcnvg () const
 Returns the CVODE contaminant solver multi-step relative convergence factor. More...
bool setCvode_rcnvg (const double cvode_rcnvg)
 Sets the CVODE contaminant solver multi-step relative convergence factor. More...
bool setCvode_rcnvg (const std::string &cvode_rcnvg)
 Sets the CVODE contaminant solver multi-step relative convergence factor. More...
double cvode_acnvg () const
 Returns the CVODE contaminant solver multi-step absolute convergence factor. More...
bool setCvode_acnvg (const double cvode_acnvg)
 Sets the CVODE contaminant solver multi-step absolute convergence factor. More...
bool setCvode_acnvg (const std::string &cvode_acnvg)
 Sets the CVODE contaminant solver multi-step absolute convergence factor. More...
double cvode_dtmax () const
 Returns the CVODE contaminant solver maximum time step. More...
bool setCvode_dtmax (const double cvode_dtmax)
 Sets the CVODE contaminant solver maximum time step. More...
bool setCvode_dtmax (const std::string &cvode_dtmax)
 Sets the CVODE contaminant solver maximum time step. More...
int tsdens () const
 Returns the time-varying density flag: 0 = no variation during time step, 1 = vary density during time step. More...
void setTsdens (const int tsdens)
 Sets the time-varying density flag: 0 = no variation during time step, 1 = vary density during time step. More...
double tsrelax () const
 Returns the (inactive) under-relaxation factor for calculating dM/dt. More...
bool setTsrelax (const double tsrelax)
 Sets the (inactive) under-relaxation factor for calculating dM/dt. More...
bool setTsrelax (const std::string &tsrelax)
 Sets the (inactive) under-relaxation factor for calculating dM/dt. More...
int tsmaxi () const
 Returns the maximum number of iterations for density changes. More...
void setTsmaxi (const int tsmaxi)
 Sets the maximum number of iterations for density changes. More...
int cnvgSS () const
 Returns the density treatment during steady state initialization: 0 = don't converge, 1 = converge. More...
void setCnvgSS (const int cnvgSS)
 Sets the density treatment during steady state initialization: 0 = don't converge, 1 = converge. More...
int densZP () const
 Returns the density/zone pressure treatment: 0 = no requirement, 1 = require density = f(zone pressure). More...
void setDensZP (const int densZP)
 Sets the density/zone pressure treatment: 0 = no requirement, 1 = require density = f(zone pressure). More...
int stackD () const
 Returns the hydrostatic density treatment: 0 = no hydrostatic variation, 1 = density varies hydrostatically. More...
void setStackD (const int stackD)
 Sets the hydrostatic density treatment: 0 = no hydrostatic variation, 1 = density varies hydrostatically. More...
int dodMdt () const
 Returns the dM/dt treatment: 0 = don't include in airflow calculation, 1 = include in airflow calculation. More...
void setDodMdt (const int dodMdt)
 Sets the dM/dt treatment: 0 = don't include in airflow calculation, 1 = include in airflow calculation. More...
std::string date_st () const
 Returns the day-of-year to start steady simulation [mmmdd]. More...
void setDate_st (const std::string &date_st)
 Sets the day-of-year to start steady simulation [mmmdd]. More...
std::string time_st () const
 Returns the time-of-day to start steady simulation [hh:mm:ss]. More...
void setTime_st (const std::string &time_st)
 Sets the time-of-day to start steady simulation [hh:mm:ss]. More...
std::string date_0 () const
 Returns the day-of-year to start transient simulation [mmmdd]. More...
void setDate_0 (const std::string &date_0)
 Sets the day-of-year to start transient simulation [mmmdd]. More...
std::string time_0 () const
 Returns the time-of-day to start transient simulation [hh:mm:ss]. More...
void setTime_0 (const std::string &time_0)
 Sets the time-of-day to start transient simulation [hh:mm:ss]. More...
std::string date_1 () const
 Returns the day-of-year to end transient simulation [mmmdd]. More...
void setDate_1 (const std::string &date_1)
 Sets the day-of-year to end transient simulation [mmmdd]. More...
std::string time_1 () const
 Returns the time-of-day to end transient simulation [hh:mm:ss]. More...
void setTime_1 (const std::string &time_1)
 Sets the time-of-day to end transient simulation [hh:mm:ss]. More...
std::string time_step () const
 Returns the simulation time step [hh:mm:ss]. More...
void setTime_step (const std::string &time_step)
 Sets the simulation time step [hh:mm:ss]. More...
std::string time_list () const
 Returns the simulation output (results) time step [hh:mm:ss]. More...
void setTime_list (const std::string &time_list)
 Sets the simulation output (results) time step [hh:mm:ss]. More...
std::string time_scrn () const
 Returns simulation status time step (up to 1 day) [hh:mm:ss]. More...
void setTime_scrn (const std::string &time_scrn)
 Sets the simulation status time step (up to 1 day) [hh:mm:ss]. More...
int restart () const
 Returns the restart file flag: 0 = don't use, 1 = use. More...
void setRestart (const int restart)
 Sets the restart file flag: 0 = don't use, 1 = use. More...
std::string rstdate () const
 Returns the restart date [mmmdd]. More...
void setRstdate (const std::string &rstdate)
 Sets the restart date [mmmdd]. More...
std::string rsttime () const
 Returns the restart time [hh:mm:ss]. More...
void setRsttime (const std::string &rsttime)
 Sets the restart time [hh:mm:ss]. More...
int list () const
 Returns the data dump parameter: > 0 dump matrix analysis, = 2 dump SIM file output, > 2 dump lognotes. More...
void setList (const int list)
 Sets the data dump parameter: > 0 dump matrix analysis, = 2 dump SIM file output, > 2 dump lognotes. More...
int doDlg () const
 Returns the ContamX dialog box flag: 0 = don't display, 1 = display. More...
void setDoDlg (const int doDlg)
 Sets the ContamX dialog box flag: 0 = don't display, 1 = display. More...
int pfsave () const
 Returns the path flow results save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save to SIM file. More...
void setPfsave (const int pfsave)
 Sets the path flow results save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save to SIM file. More...
int zfsave () const
 Returns zone flow results the save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save to SIM file. More...
void setZfsave (const int zfsave)
 Sets the zone flow results save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save to SIM file. More...
int zcsave () const
 Returns the mass fraction results save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save to SIM file. More...
void setZcsave (const int zcsave)
 Sets the mass fraction results save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save to SIM file. More...
int achvol () const
 Returns the ACH calculation behavior: 0 = use std volumes, 1 = use true volumes. More...
void setAchvol (const int achvol)
 Sets the ACH calculation behavior: 0 = use std volumes, 1 = use true volumes. More...
int achsave () const
 Returns building air exchange rate transient data the save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save. More...
void setAchsave (const int achsave)
 Sets the building air exchange rate transient data save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save. More...
int abwsave () const
 Returns the air exchange save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save. More...
void setAbwsave (const int abwsave)
 Sets the air exchange save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save. More...
int cbwsave () const
 Returns the contaminant box-whisker data save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save. More...
void setCbwsave (const int cbwsave)
 Sets the contaminant box-whisker data save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save. More...
int expsave () const
 Returns the exposure transient data save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save. More...
void setExpsave (const int expsave)
 Sets the exposure transient data save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save. More...
int ebwsave () const
 Returns the exposure box-whisker data save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save. More...
void setEbwsave (const int ebwsave)
 Sets the exposure box-whisker data save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save. More...
int zaasave () const
 Returns the zones age-of-air transient data save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save. More...
void setZaasave (const int zaasave)
 Sets the zones age-of-air transient data save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save. More...
int zbwsave () const
 Returns the zones age-of-air box-whisker data save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save. More...
void setZbwsave (const int zbwsave)
 Sets the zones age-of-air box-whisker data save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save. More...
int rzfsave () const
 Returns the binary zone flow file flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save. More...
void setRzfsave (const int rzfsave)
 Sets the binary zone flow file flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save. More...
int rzmsave () const
 Returns the binary avg zone mass fraction file flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save. More...
void setRzmsave (const int rzmsave)
 Sets the binary avg zone mass fraction file flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save. More...
int rz1save () const
 Returns the binary 1D zone cell mass fraction file flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save. More...
void setRz1save (const int rz1save)
 Sets the binary 1D zone cell mass fraction file flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save. More...
int csmsave () const
 Returns the text contaminant summary file flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save. More...
void setCsmsave (const int csmsave)
 Sets the text contaminant summary file flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save. More...
int srfsave () const
 Returns the text surface result file flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save. More...
void setSrfsave (const int srfsave)
 Sets the text surface result file flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save. More...
int logsave () const
 Returns the text controls log file flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save. More...
void setLogsave (const int logsave)
 Sets the text controls log file flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save. More...
std::vector< int > save () const
 Returns the save vector - unused by CONTAM and subject to change without notice. More...
void setSave (const std::vector< int > &save)
 Sets the save vector - unused by CONTAM and subject to change without notice. More...
std::vector< double > rvals () const
 Returns the mysterious rvals vector. More...
bool setRvals (const std::vector< double > &rvals)
 Sets the mysterious rvals vector. More...
bool setRvals (const std::vector< std::string > &rvals)
 Sets the mysterious rvals vector. More...
int BldgFlowZ () const
 Returns the building airflow test (zones) flag: 0 = don't output, 1 = output. More...
void setBldgFlowZ (const int BldgFlowZ)
 Sets the building airflow test (zones) flag: 0 = don't output, 1 = output. More...
int BldgFlowD () const
 Returns the building airflow test (ducts) flag: 0 = don't output, 1 = output. More...
void setBldgFlowD (const int BldgFlowD)
 Sets the building airflow test (ducts) flag: 0 = don't output, 1 = output. More...
int BldgFlowC () const
 Returns the building airflow test (classified flows) flag: 0 = don't output, 1 = output. More...
void setBldgFlowC (const int BldgFlowC)
 Sets the building airflow test (classified flows) flag: 0 = don't output, 1 = output. More...
int cfd_ctype () const
 Returns the cfd coupling method: 0 = no cfd, 1 = post, 2 = quasi, 3 = dynamic. More...
void setCfd_ctype (const int cfd_ctype)
 Sets the cfd coupling method: 0 = no cfd, 1 = post, 2 = quasi, 3 = dynamic. More...
double cfd_convcpl () const
 Returns the convergence factor for dynamic coupling. More...
bool setCfd_convcpl (const double cfd_convcpl)
 Sets the convergence factor for dynamic coupling. More...
bool setCfd_convcpl (const std::string &cfd_convcpl)
 Sets the convergence factor for dynamic coupling. More...
int cfd_var () const
 Returns the .var file flag: 0 = don't use, 1 = use. More...
void setCfd_var (const int cfd_var)
 Sets the .var file flag: 0 = don't use, 1 = use. More...
int cfd_zref () const
 Returns the currently unused zref value. More...
void setCfd_zref (const int cfd_zref)
 Sets the the currently unused zref value. More...
int cfd_imax () const
 Returns the max number of dynamic coupling iterations. More...
void setCfd_imax (const int cfd_imax)
 Sets the max number of dynamic coupling iterations. More...
int cfd_dtcmo () const
 Returns the number of iterations between outputs to .cmo file. More...
void setCfd_dtcmo (const int cfd_dtcmo)
 Sets the number of iterations between outputs to .cmo file. More...

Detailed Description

The RunControl object stores most of the information related to how CONTAM solves the airflow network problem.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

openstudio::contam::RunControl::RunControl ( )

Create a new object with default values.

openstudio::contam::RunControl::RunControl ( const RunControl other)

Create a new object.

RunControl(int sim_af,int afcalc,int afmaxi,std::string afrcnvg,std::string afacnvg,std::string afrelax,int uac2, std::string Pres,int uPres,int afslae,int afrseq,int aflmaxi,std::string aflcnvg,int aflinit,int Tadj, int sim_mf,int ccmaxi,std::string ccrcnvg,std::string ccacnvg,std::string ccrelax,int uccc,int mfnmthd, int mfnrseq,int mfnmaxi,std::string mfnrcnvg,std::string mfnacnvg,std::string mfnrelax,std::string mfngamma, int uccn,int mftmthd,int mftrseq,int mftmaxi,std::string mftrcnvg,std::string mftacnvg,std::string mftrelax, std::string mftgamma,int ucct,int mfvmthd,int mfvrseq,int mfvmaxi,std::string mfvrcnvg,std::string mfvacnvg, std::string mfvrelax,int uccv,int mf_solver,int sim_1dz,int sim_1dd,std::string celldx,int sim_vjt, int udx,int cvode_mth,std::string cvode_rcnvg,std::string cvode_acnvg,std::string cvode_dtmax,int tsdens, std::string tsrelax,int tsmaxi,int cnvgSS,int densZP,int stackD,int dodMdt,std::string date_st, std::string time_st,std::string date_0,std::string time_0,std::string date_1,std::string time_1,std::string time_step, std::string time_list,std::string time_scrn,int restart,std::string rstdate,std::string rsttime,int list, int doDlg,int pfsave,int zfsave,int zcsave,int achvol,int achsave,int abwsave,int cbwsave, int expsave,int ebwsave,int zaasave,int zbwsave,int rzfsave,int rzmsave,int rz1save, int csmsave,int srfsave,int logsave,std::vector<int> save,std::vector<std::string> rvals,int BldgFlowZ, int BldgFlowD,int BldgFlowC,int cfd_ctype,std::string cfd_convcpl,int cfd_var,int cfd_zref, int cfd_imax,int cfd_dtcmo); Create a new object from another object.

openstudio::contam::RunControl::~RunControl ( )

Destroy the object.

Member Function Documentation

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::abwsave ( ) const

Returns the air exchange save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::achsave ( ) const

Returns building air exchange rate transient data the save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::achvol ( ) const

Returns the ACH calculation behavior: 0 = use std volumes, 1 = use true volumes.

double openstudio::contam::RunControl::afacnvg ( ) const

Returns the absolute airflow convergence factor [1/s].

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::afcalc ( ) const

Returns the N-R method for non-linear eqns: 0 = SUR, 1 = STR.

double openstudio::contam::RunControl::aflcnvg ( ) const

Returns the relative convergence factor for (PCG).

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::aflinit ( ) const

Returns the linear airflow initialization flag: 0 = don't use, 1 = use.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::aflmaxi ( ) const

Returns the maximum number of iterations (PCG).

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::afmaxi ( ) const

Returns the maximum number of N-R iterations.

double openstudio::contam::RunControl::afrcnvg ( ) const

Returns the relative airflow convergence factor.

double openstudio::contam::RunControl::afrelax ( ) const

Returns the flow under-relaxation coefficient (for SUR).

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::afrseq ( ) const

Returns the linear equation resequence flag: 0 = don't resequence, 1 = resequence.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::afslae ( ) const

Returns the method for linear equations: 0 = SKY, 1 = PCG.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::BldgFlowC ( ) const

Returns the building airflow test (classified flows) flag: 0 = don't output, 1 = output.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::BldgFlowD ( ) const

Returns the building airflow test (ducts) flag: 0 = don't output, 1 = output.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::BldgFlowZ ( ) const

Returns the building airflow test (zones) flag: 0 = don't output, 1 = output.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::cbwsave ( ) const

Returns the contaminant box-whisker data save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save.

double openstudio::contam::RunControl::ccacnvg ( ) const

Returns the cyclic absolute convergence factor [kg/kg].

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::ccmaxi ( ) const

Returns the maximum number of cyclic iterations.

double openstudio::contam::RunControl::ccrcnvg ( ) const

Returns the cyclic relative convergence factor.

double openstudio::contam::RunControl::ccrelax ( ) const

Returns the cyclic (unused) over-relaxation coefficient.

double openstudio::contam::RunControl::celldx ( ) const

Returns the default length of duct cells for C-D model [m].

double openstudio::contam::RunControl::cfd_convcpl ( ) const

Returns the convergence factor for dynamic coupling.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::cfd_ctype ( ) const

Returns the cfd coupling method: 0 = no cfd, 1 = post, 2 = quasi, 3 = dynamic.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::cfd_dtcmo ( ) const

Returns the number of iterations between outputs to .cmo file.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::cfd_imax ( ) const

Returns the max number of dynamic coupling iterations.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::cfd_var ( ) const

Returns the .var file flag: 0 = don't use, 1 = use.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::cfd_zref ( ) const

Returns the currently unused zref value.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::cnvgSS ( ) const

Returns the density treatment during steady state initialization: 0 = don't converge, 1 = converge.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::csmsave ( ) const

Returns the text contaminant summary file flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save.

double openstudio::contam::RunControl::cvode_acnvg ( ) const

Returns the CVODE contaminant solver multi-step absolute convergence factor.

double openstudio::contam::RunControl::cvode_dtmax ( ) const

Returns the CVODE contaminant solver maximum time step.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::cvode_mth ( ) const

Returns the CVODE contaminant solver multi-step method: 0 = am, 1 = bdf.

double openstudio::contam::RunControl::cvode_rcnvg ( ) const

Returns the CVODE contaminant solver multi-step relative convergence factor.

std::string openstudio::contam::RunControl::date_0 ( ) const

Returns the day-of-year to start transient simulation [mmmdd].

std::string openstudio::contam::RunControl::date_1 ( ) const

Returns the day-of-year to end transient simulation [mmmdd].

std::string openstudio::contam::RunControl::date_st ( ) const

Returns the day-of-year to start steady simulation [mmmdd].

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::densZP ( ) const

Returns the density/zone pressure treatment: 0 = no requirement, 1 = require density = f(zone pressure).

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::doDlg ( ) const

Returns the ContamX dialog box flag: 0 = don't display, 1 = display.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::dodMdt ( ) const

Returns the dM/dt treatment: 0 = don't include in airflow calculation, 1 = include in airflow calculation.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::ebwsave ( ) const

Returns the exposure box-whisker data save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::expsave ( ) const

Returns the exposure transient data save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::list ( ) const

Returns the data dump parameter: > 0 dump matrix analysis, = 2 dump SIM file output, > 2 dump lognotes.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::logsave ( ) const

Returns the text controls log file flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::mf_solver ( ) const

Returns the mass fraction integration method: 0 = trapezoid, 1 = STS, 2 = CVODE.

double openstudio::contam::RunControl::mfnacnvg ( ) const

Returns the non-trace contaminant absolute convergence factor.

double openstudio::contam::RunControl::mfngamma ( ) const

Returns the non-trace contaminant trapezoidal integration factor.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::mfnmaxi ( ) const

Returns the non-trace contaminant maximum iterations.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::mfnmthd ( ) const

Returns the non-trace contaminant simulation method: 0 = SKY, 1 = BCG, 2 = SOR, 3 = LU.

double openstudio::contam::RunControl::mfnrcnvg ( ) const

Returns the non-trace contaminant relative convergence factor.

double openstudio::contam::RunControl::mfnrelax ( ) const

Returns the non-trace contaminant relaxation coefficient.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::mfnrseq ( ) const

Returns the non-trace contaminant resequence flag: 0 = don't resequence, 1 = resequence.

double openstudio::contam::RunControl::mftacnvg ( ) const

Returns the trace contaminant absolute convergence factor.

double openstudio::contam::RunControl::mftgamma ( ) const

Returns the trace contaminant trapezoidal integration factor.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::mftmaxi ( ) const

Returns the trace contaminant maximum iterations.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::mftmthd ( ) const

Returns the trace contaminant simulation method: 0 = SKY, 1 = BCG, 2 = SOR, 3 = LU.

double openstudio::contam::RunControl::mftrcnvg ( ) const

Returns the trace contaminant relative convergence factor.

double openstudio::contam::RunControl::mftrelax ( ) const

Returns the trace contaminant relaxation coefficient.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::mftrseq ( ) const

Returns the trace contaminant resequence flag: 0 = don't resequence, 1 = resequence.

double openstudio::contam::RunControl::mfvacnvg ( ) const

Returns the CVODE contaminant solver absolute convergence factor.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::mfvmaxi ( ) const

Returns the CVODE contaminant solver maximum iterations.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::mfvmthd ( ) const

Returns the CVODE contaminant solver method: 0 = SKY, 2 = SOR, 3 = LU.

double openstudio::contam::RunControl::mfvrcnvg ( ) const

Returns the CVODE contaminant solver relative convergence factor.

double openstudio::contam::RunControl::mfvrelax ( ) const

Returns the CVODE contaminant solver relaxation coefficient.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::mfvrseq ( ) const

Returns the CVODE contaminant solver resequence flag: 0 = don't resequence, 1 = resequence.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::operator!= ( const RunControl other) const

Inequality operator.

RunControl& openstudio::contam::RunControl::operator= ( const RunControl other)

Copy operator.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::operator== ( const RunControl other) const

Equality operator.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::pfsave ( ) const

Returns the path flow results save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save to SIM file.

double openstudio::contam::RunControl::Pres ( ) const

Returns the pressure test pressure.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::read ( Reader input)

Read an object from a Reader.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::restart ( ) const

Returns the restart file flag: 0 = don't use, 1 = use.

std::string openstudio::contam::RunControl::rstdate ( ) const

Returns the restart date [mmmdd].

std::string openstudio::contam::RunControl::rsttime ( ) const

Returns the restart time [hh:mm:ss].

std::vector<double> openstudio::contam::RunControl::rvals ( ) const

Returns the mysterious rvals vector.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::rz1save ( ) const

Returns the binary 1D zone cell mass fraction file flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::rzfsave ( ) const

Returns the binary zone flow file flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::rzmsave ( ) const

Returns the binary avg zone mass fraction file flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save.

std::vector<int> openstudio::contam::RunControl::save ( ) const

Returns the save vector - unused by CONTAM and subject to change without notice.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setAbwsave ( const int  abwsave)

Sets the air exchange save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setAchsave ( const int  achsave)

Sets the building air exchange rate transient data save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setAchvol ( const int  achvol)

Sets the ACH calculation behavior: 0 = use std volumes, 1 = use true volumes.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setAfacnvg ( const double  afacnvg)

Sets the absolute airflow convergence factor [1/s].

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setAfacnvg ( const std::string &  afacnvg)

Sets the absolute airflow convergence factor [1/s].

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setAfcalc ( const int  afcalc)

Sets the N-R method for non-linear eqns: 0 = SUR, 1 = STR.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setAflcnvg ( const double  aflcnvg)

Sets the relative convergence factor for (PCG).

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setAflcnvg ( const std::string &  aflcnvg)

Sets the relative convergence factor for (PCG).

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setAflinit ( const int  aflinit)

Sets the linear airflow initialization flag: 0 = don't use, 1 = use.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setAflmaxi ( const int  aflmaxi)

Sets the maximum number of iterations (PCG).

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setAfmaxi ( const int  afmaxi)

Sets the maximum number of N-R iterations.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setAfrcnvg ( const double  afrcnvg)

Sets the relative airflow convergence factor.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setAfrcnvg ( const std::string &  afrcnvg)

Sets the relative airflow convergence factor.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setAfrelax ( const double  afrelax)

Sets the flow under-relaxation coefficient (for SUR).

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setAfrelax ( const std::string &  afrelax)

Sets the flow under-relaxation coefficient (for SUR).

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setAfrseq ( const int  afrseq)

Sets the linear equation resequence flag: 0 = don't resequence, 1 = resequence.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setAfslae ( const int  afslae)

Sets the method for linear equations: 0 = SKY, 1 = PCG.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setBldgFlowC ( const int  BldgFlowC)

Sets the building airflow test (classified flows) flag: 0 = don't output, 1 = output.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setBldgFlowD ( const int  BldgFlowD)

Sets the building airflow test (ducts) flag: 0 = don't output, 1 = output.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setBldgFlowZ ( const int  BldgFlowZ)

Sets the building airflow test (zones) flag: 0 = don't output, 1 = output.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setCbwsave ( const int  cbwsave)

Sets the contaminant box-whisker data save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setCcacnvg ( const double  ccacnvg)

Sets the cyclic absolute convergence factor [kg/kg].

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setCcacnvg ( const std::string &  ccacnvg)

Sets the cyclic absolute convergence factor [kg/kg].

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setCcmaxi ( const int  ccmaxi)

Sets the maximum number of cyclic iterations.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setCcrcnvg ( const double  ccrcnvg)

Sets the cyclic relative convergence factor.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setCcrcnvg ( const std::string &  ccrcnvg)

Sets the cyclic relative convergence factor.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setCcrelax ( const double  ccrelax)

Sets the cyclic (unused) over-relaxation coefficient.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setCcrelax ( const std::string &  ccrelax)

Sets the cyclic (unused) over-relaxation coefficient.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setCelldx ( const double  celldx)

Sets the default length of duct cells for C-D model [m].

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setCelldx ( const std::string &  celldx)

Sets the default length of duct cells for C-D model [m].

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setCfd_convcpl ( const double  cfd_convcpl)

Sets the convergence factor for dynamic coupling.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setCfd_convcpl ( const std::string &  cfd_convcpl)

Sets the convergence factor for dynamic coupling.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setCfd_ctype ( const int  cfd_ctype)

Sets the cfd coupling method: 0 = no cfd, 1 = post, 2 = quasi, 3 = dynamic.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setCfd_dtcmo ( const int  cfd_dtcmo)

Sets the number of iterations between outputs to .cmo file.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setCfd_imax ( const int  cfd_imax)

Sets the max number of dynamic coupling iterations.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setCfd_var ( const int  cfd_var)

Sets the .var file flag: 0 = don't use, 1 = use.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setCfd_zref ( const int  cfd_zref)

Sets the the currently unused zref value.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setCnvgSS ( const int  cnvgSS)

Sets the density treatment during steady state initialization: 0 = don't converge, 1 = converge.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setCsmsave ( const int  csmsave)

Sets the text contaminant summary file flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setCvode_acnvg ( const double  cvode_acnvg)

Sets the CVODE contaminant solver multi-step absolute convergence factor.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setCvode_acnvg ( const std::string &  cvode_acnvg)

Sets the CVODE contaminant solver multi-step absolute convergence factor.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setCvode_dtmax ( const double  cvode_dtmax)

Sets the CVODE contaminant solver maximum time step.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setCvode_dtmax ( const std::string &  cvode_dtmax)

Sets the CVODE contaminant solver maximum time step.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setCvode_mth ( const int  cvode_mth)

Sets the CVODE contaminant solver multi-step method: 0 = am, 1 = bdf.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setCvode_rcnvg ( const double  cvode_rcnvg)

Sets the CVODE contaminant solver multi-step relative convergence factor.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setCvode_rcnvg ( const std::string &  cvode_rcnvg)

Sets the CVODE contaminant solver multi-step relative convergence factor.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setDate_0 ( const std::string &  date_0)

Sets the day-of-year to start transient simulation [mmmdd].

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setDate_1 ( const std::string &  date_1)

Sets the day-of-year to end transient simulation [mmmdd].

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setDate_st ( const std::string &  date_st)

Sets the day-of-year to start steady simulation [mmmdd].

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setDensZP ( const int  densZP)

Sets the density/zone pressure treatment: 0 = no requirement, 1 = require density = f(zone pressure).

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setDoDlg ( const int  doDlg)

Sets the ContamX dialog box flag: 0 = don't display, 1 = display.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setDodMdt ( const int  dodMdt)

Sets the dM/dt treatment: 0 = don't include in airflow calculation, 1 = include in airflow calculation.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setEbwsave ( const int  ebwsave)

Sets the exposure box-whisker data save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setExpsave ( const int  expsave)

Sets the exposure transient data save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setList ( const int  list)

Sets the data dump parameter: > 0 dump matrix analysis, = 2 dump SIM file output, > 2 dump lognotes.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setLogsave ( const int  logsave)

Sets the text controls log file flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setMf_solver ( const int  mf_solver)

Sets the mass fraction integration method: 0 = trapezoid, 1 = STS, 2 = CVODE.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setMfnacnvg ( const double  mfnacnvg)

Sets the non-trace contaminant absolute convergence factor.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setMfnacnvg ( const std::string &  mfnacnvg)

Sets the non-trace contaminant absolute convergence factor.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setMfngamma ( const double  mfngamma)

Sets the non-trace contaminant trapezoidal integration factor.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setMfngamma ( const std::string &  mfngamma)

Sets the non-trace contaminant trapezoidal integration factor.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setMfnmaxi ( const int  mfnmaxi)

Sets the non-trace contaminant maximum iterations.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setMfnmthd ( const int  mfnmthd)

Sets the non-trace contaminant simulation method: 0 = SKY, 1 = BCG, 2 = SOR, 3 = LU.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setMfnrcnvg ( const double  mfnrcnvg)

Sets the non-trace contaminant relative convergence factor.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setMfnrcnvg ( const std::string &  mfnrcnvg)

Sets the non-trace contaminant relative convergence factor.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setMfnrelax ( const double  mfnrelax)

Sets the non-trace contaminant relaxation coefficient.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setMfnrelax ( const std::string &  mfnrelax)

Sets the non-trace contaminant relaxation coefficient.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setMfnrseq ( const int  mfnrseq)

Sets the non-trace contaminant resequence flag: 0 = don't resequence, 1 = resequence.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setMftacnvg ( const double  mftacnvg)

Sets the trace contaminant absolute convergence factor.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setMftacnvg ( const std::string &  mftacnvg)

Sets the trace contaminant absolute convergence factor.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setMftgamma ( const double  mftgamma)

Sets the trace contaminant trapezoidal integration factor.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setMftgamma ( const std::string &  mftgamma)

Sets the trace contaminant trapezoidal integration factor.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setMftmaxi ( const int  mftmaxi)

Sets the trace contaminant maximum iterations.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setMftmthd ( const int  mftmthd)

Sets the trace contaminant simulation method: 0 = SKY, 1 = BCG, 2 = SOR, 3 = LU.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setMftrcnvg ( const double  mftrcnvg)

Sets the trace contaminant relative convergence factor.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setMftrcnvg ( const std::string &  mftrcnvg)

Sets the trace contaminant relative convergence factor.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setMftrelax ( const double  mftrelax)

Sets the trace contaminant relaxation coefficient.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setMftrelax ( const std::string &  mftrelax)

Sets the trace contaminant relaxation coefficient.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setMftrseq ( const int  mftrseq)

Sets the trace contaminant resequence flag: 0 = don't resequence, 1 = resequence.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setMfvacnvg ( const double  mfvacnvg)

Sets the CVODE contaminant solver absolute convergence factor.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setMfvacnvg ( const std::string &  mfvacnvg)

Sets the CVODE contaminant solver absolute convergence factor.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setMfvmaxi ( const int  mfvmaxi)

Sets the CVODE contaminant solver maximum iterations.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setMfvmthd ( const int  mfvmthd)

Sets the CVODE contaminant solver method: 0 = SKY, 2 = SOR, 3 = LU.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setMfvrcnvg ( const double  mfvrcnvg)

Sets the CVODE contaminant solver relative convergence factor.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setMfvrcnvg ( const std::string &  mfvrcnvg)

Sets the CVODE contaminant solver relative convergence factor.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setMfvrelax ( const double  mfvrelax)

Sets the CVODE contaminant solver relaxation coefficient.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setMfvrelax ( const std::string &  mfvrelax)

Sets the CVODE contaminant solver relaxation coefficient.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setMfvrseq ( const int  mfvrseq)

Sets the CVODE contaminant solver resequence flag: 0 = don't resequence, 1 = resequence.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setPfsave ( const int  pfsave)

Sets the path flow results save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save to SIM file.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setPres ( const double  Pres)

Sets the pressure test pressure.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setPres ( const std::string &  Pres)

Sets the pressure test pressure.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setRestart ( const int  restart)

Sets the restart file flag: 0 = don't use, 1 = use.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setRstdate ( const std::string &  rstdate)

Sets the restart date [mmmdd].

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setRsttime ( const std::string &  rsttime)

Sets the restart time [hh:mm:ss].

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setRvals ( const std::vector< double > &  rvals)

Sets the mysterious rvals vector.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setRvals ( const std::vector< std::string > &  rvals)

Sets the mysterious rvals vector.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setRz1save ( const int  rz1save)

Sets the binary 1D zone cell mass fraction file flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setRzfsave ( const int  rzfsave)

Sets the binary zone flow file flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setRzmsave ( const int  rzmsave)

Sets the binary avg zone mass fraction file flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setSave ( const std::vector< int > &  save)

Sets the save vector - unused by CONTAM and subject to change without notice.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setSim_1dd ( const int  sim_1dd)

Sets the 1D duct flag: 0 = don't use, 1 = use.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setSim_1dz ( const int  sim_1dz)

Sets the 1D zone flag: 0 = don't use, 1 = use.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setSim_af ( const int  sim_af)

Sets the airflow simulation flag: 0 = steady, 1 = dynamic.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setSim_mf ( const int  sim_mf)

Sets the mass fraction (contaminant) simulation method: 0 = none, 1 = steady, 2 = transient, 3 = cyclic.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setSim_vjt ( const int  sim_vjt)

Sets the variable junction temperature flag: 0 = don't compute, 1 = compute.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setSrfsave ( const int  srfsave)

Sets the text surface result file flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setStackD ( const int  stackD)

Sets the hydrostatic density treatment: 0 = no hydrostatic variation, 1 = density varies hydrostatically.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setTadj ( const int  Tadj)

Sets the temperature adjustment flag: 0 = don't use, 1 = use.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setTime_0 ( const std::string &  time_0)

Sets the time-of-day to start transient simulation [hh:mm:ss].

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setTime_1 ( const std::string &  time_1)

Sets the time-of-day to end transient simulation [hh:mm:ss].

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setTime_list ( const std::string &  time_list)

Sets the simulation output (results) time step [hh:mm:ss].

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setTime_scrn ( const std::string &  time_scrn)

Sets the simulation status time step (up to 1 day) [hh:mm:ss].

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setTime_st ( const std::string &  time_st)

Sets the time-of-day to start steady simulation [hh:mm:ss].

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setTime_step ( const std::string &  time_step)

Sets the simulation time step [hh:mm:ss].

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setTsdens ( const int  tsdens)

Sets the time-varying density flag: 0 = no variation during time step, 1 = vary density during time step.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setTsmaxi ( const int  tsmaxi)

Sets the maximum number of iterations for density changes.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setTsrelax ( const double  tsrelax)

Sets the (inactive) under-relaxation factor for calculating dM/dt.

bool openstudio::contam::RunControl::setTsrelax ( const std::string &  tsrelax)

Sets the (inactive) under-relaxation factor for calculating dM/dt.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setUac2 ( const int  uac2)

Sets the display units for afacnvg.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setUccc ( const int  uccc)

Sets the display units for ccacnvg.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setUccn ( const int  uccn)

Sets the display units for mfnacnvg.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setUcct ( const int  ucct)

Sets the display units for mfnacnvg.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setUccv ( const int  uccv)

Sets the display units for mfvacnvg.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setUdx ( const int  udx)

Sets the display units of celldx.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setUPres ( const int  uPres)

Sets the pressure test pressure.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setZaasave ( const int  zaasave)

Sets the zones age-of-air transient data save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setZbwsave ( const int  zbwsave)

Sets the zones age-of-air box-whisker data save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setZcsave ( const int  zcsave)

Sets the mass fraction results save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save to SIM file.

void openstudio::contam::RunControl::setZfsave ( const int  zfsave)

Sets the zone flow results save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save to SIM file.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::sim_1dd ( ) const

Returns the 1D duct flag: 0 = don't use, 1 = use.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::sim_1dz ( ) const

Returns the 1D zone flag: 0 = don't use, 1 = use.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::sim_af ( ) const

Returns the airflow simulation flag: 0 = steady, 1 = dynamic.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::sim_mf ( ) const

Returns the mass fraction (contaminant) simulation method: 0 = none, 1 = steady, 2 = transient, 3 = cyclic.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::sim_vjt ( ) const

Returns the variable junction temperature flag: 0 = don't compute, 1 = compute.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::srfsave ( ) const

Returns the text surface result file flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::stackD ( ) const

Returns the hydrostatic density treatment: 0 = no hydrostatic variation, 1 = density varies hydrostatically.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::Tadj ( ) const

Returns the temperature adjustment flag: 0 = don't use, 1 = use.

std::string openstudio::contam::RunControl::time_0 ( ) const

Returns the time-of-day to start transient simulation [hh:mm:ss].

std::string openstudio::contam::RunControl::time_1 ( ) const

Returns the time-of-day to end transient simulation [hh:mm:ss].

std::string openstudio::contam::RunControl::time_list ( ) const

Returns the simulation output (results) time step [hh:mm:ss].

std::string openstudio::contam::RunControl::time_scrn ( ) const

Returns simulation status time step (up to 1 day) [hh:mm:ss].

std::string openstudio::contam::RunControl::time_st ( ) const

Returns the time-of-day to start steady simulation [hh:mm:ss].

std::string openstudio::contam::RunControl::time_step ( ) const

Returns the simulation time step [hh:mm:ss].

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::tsdens ( ) const

Returns the time-varying density flag: 0 = no variation during time step, 1 = vary density during time step.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::tsmaxi ( ) const

Returns the maximum number of iterations for density changes.

double openstudio::contam::RunControl::tsrelax ( ) const

Returns the (inactive) under-relaxation factor for calculating dM/dt.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::uac2 ( ) const

Returns the display units for afacnvg.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::uccc ( ) const

Returns the display units for ccacnvg.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::uccn ( ) const

Returns the display units for mfnacnvg.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::ucct ( ) const

Returns the display units for mfnacnvg.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::uccv ( ) const

Returns the display units for mfvacnvg.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::udx ( ) const

Returns the display units of celldx.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::uPres ( ) const

Returns the display units of pressure test pressure.

std::string openstudio::contam::RunControl::write ( )

Write the object to a string.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::zaasave ( ) const

Returns the zones age-of-air transient data save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::zbwsave ( ) const

Returns the zones age-of-air box-whisker data save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::zcsave ( ) const

Returns the mass fraction results save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save to SIM file.

int openstudio::contam::RunControl::zfsave ( ) const

Returns zone flow results the save flag: 0 = don't save, 1 = save to SIM file.