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openstudio::contam::Species Class Reference

#include <PrjObjects.hpp>

Public Member Functions

Constructors and Destructors
 Species ()
 Create a new object with default values. More...
 Species (std::string molwt, std::string Dm, std::string ccdef, std::string Cp, std::string name, std::string desc)
 Create a new gaseous species object. More...
 Species (double molwt, double Dm, double ccdef, double Cp, std::string name, std::string desc)
 Create a new gaseous species object. More...
 Species (int nr, int sflag, int ntflag, std::string molwt, std::string mdiam, std::string edens, std::string decay, std::string Dm, std::string ccdef, std::string Cp, int uc, int umd, int ued, int udm, int ucp, std::string name, std::string desc)
 Create a new object. More...
 Species (int nr, int sflag, int ntflag, double molwt, double mdiam, double edens, double decay, double Dm, double ccdef, double Cp, int ucc, int umd, int ued, int udm, int ucp, std::string name, std::string desc)
 Create a new object. More...
 Species (const Species &other)
 Create a new object from another object. More...
 ~Species ()=default
 Destroy the object. More...
Speciesoperator= (const Species &other)
 Copy operator. More...
bool operator== (const Species &other) const
 Equality operator. More...
bool operator!= (const Species &other) const
 Inequality operator. More...
Input and Output
void read (Reader &input)
 Read an object from a Reader. More...
std::string write ()
 Write the object to a string. More...
Getters and Setters
int nr () const
 Returns the species number, in order from 1 to the number of species. More...
void setNr (const int nr)
 Sets the species number. More...
bool sflag () const
 Returns the simulation flag: true = simulated, false = unsimulated species. More...
void setSflag (const bool sflag)
 Sets the simulation flag: true = simulated, false = unsimulated species. More...
bool ntflag () const
 Returns the non-trace contaminant flag: true = non-trace, false = trace species. More...
void setNtflag (const bool ntflag)
 Sets the non-trace contaminant flag: true = non-trace, false = trace species. More...
double molwt () const
 Returns the molar mass [kg/kmol] for gas contaminants. More...
bool setMolwt (const double molwt)
 Sets the molar mass [kg/kmol] for gas contaminants. More...
bool setMolwt (const std::string &molwt)
 Sets the molar mass [kg/kmol] for gas contaminants. More...
double mdiam () const
 Returns the mean diameter [m] for particle contaminants. More...
bool setMdiam (const double mdiam)
 Sets the mean diameter [m] for particle contaminants. More...
bool setMdiam (const std::string &mdiam)
 Sets the mean diameter [m] for particle contaminants. More...
double edens () const
 Returns the effective density [kg/m^3] for particle contaminants. More...
bool setEdens (const double edens)
 Sets the effective density [kg/m^3] for particle contaminants. More...
bool setEdens (const std::string &edens)
 Sets the effective density [kg/m^3] for particle contaminants. More...
double decay () const
 Returns the contaminant decay constant [1/s]. More...
bool setDecay (const double decay)
 Sets the contaminant decay constant [1/s]. More...
bool setDecay (const std::string &decay)
 Sets the contaminant decay constant [1/s]. More...
double Dm () const
 Returns the contaminant molecular diffusion coefficient [m^2/s]. More...
bool setDm (const double Dm)
 Sets the contaminant molecular diffusion coefficient [m^2/s]. More...
bool setDm (const std::string &Dm)
 Sets the contaminant molecular diffusion coefficient [m^2/s]. More...
double ccdef () const
 Returns the default contaminant concentration [kg/kg air]. More...
bool setCcdef (const double ccdef)
 Sets the default contaminant concentration [kg/kg air]. More...
bool setCcdef (const std::string &ccdef)
 Sets the default contaminant concentration [kg/kg air]. More...
double Cp () const
 Returns the contaminant specific heat at constant pressure [J/kgK]. More...
bool setCp (const double Cp)
 Sets the contaminant specific heat at constant pressure [J/kgK]. More...
bool setCp (const std::string &Cp)
 Sets the contaminant specific heat at constant pressure [J/kgK]. More...
int ucc () const
 Returns the concentration display units. More...
void setUcc (const int ucc)
 Sets the concentration display units. More...
int umd () const
 Returns the mean diameter display units. More...
void setUmd (const int umd)
 Sets the mean diameter display units. More...
int ued () const
 Returns the effective density display units. More...
void setUed (const int ued)
 Sets the effective density display units. More...
int udm () const
 Returns the diffusion coefficient display units. More...
void setUdm (const int udm)
 Sets the diffusion coefficient display units. More...
int ucp () const
 Returns the specific heat display units. More...
void setUcp (const int ucp)
 Sets the specific heat display units. More...
std::string name () const
 Returns the species name. More...
void setName (const std::string &name)
 Sets the species name. More...
std::string desc () const
 Returns the species description. More...
void setDesc (const std::string &desc)
 Sets the species description. More...

Detailed Description

The Species object contains descriptive information about contaminants in a CONTAM model.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

openstudio::contam::Species::Species ( )

Create a new object with default values.

openstudio::contam::Species::Species ( std::string  molwt,
std::string  Dm,
std::string  ccdef,
std::string  Cp,
std::string  name,
std::string  desc 

Create a new gaseous species object.

openstudio::contam::Species::Species ( double  molwt,
double  Dm,
double  ccdef,
double  Cp,
std::string  name,
std::string  desc 

Create a new gaseous species object.

openstudio::contam::Species::Species ( int  nr,
int  sflag,
int  ntflag,
std::string  molwt,
std::string  mdiam,
std::string  edens,
std::string  decay,
std::string  Dm,
std::string  ccdef,
std::string  Cp,
int  uc,
int  umd,
int  ued,
int  udm,
int  ucp,
std::string  name,
std::string  desc 

Create a new object.

openstudio::contam::Species::Species ( int  nr,
int  sflag,
int  ntflag,
double  molwt,
double  mdiam,
double  edens,
double  decay,
double  Dm,
double  ccdef,
double  Cp,
int  ucc,
int  umd,
int  ued,
int  udm,
int  ucp,
std::string  name,
std::string  desc 

Create a new object.

openstudio::contam::Species::Species ( const Species other)

Create a new object from another object.

openstudio::contam::Species::~Species ( )

Destroy the object.

Member Function Documentation

double openstudio::contam::Species::ccdef ( ) const

Returns the default contaminant concentration [kg/kg air].

double openstudio::contam::Species::Cp ( ) const

Returns the contaminant specific heat at constant pressure [J/kgK].

This is not used by CONTAM.

double openstudio::contam::Species::decay ( ) const

Returns the contaminant decay constant [1/s].

std::string openstudio::contam::Species::desc ( ) const

Returns the species description.

double openstudio::contam::Species::Dm ( ) const

Returns the contaminant molecular diffusion coefficient [m^2/s].

double openstudio::contam::Species::edens ( ) const

Returns the effective density [kg/m^3] for particle contaminants.

double openstudio::contam::Species::mdiam ( ) const

Returns the mean diameter [m] for particle contaminants.

double openstudio::contam::Species::molwt ( ) const

Returns the molar mass [kg/kmol] for gas contaminants.

std::string openstudio::contam::Species::name ( ) const

Returns the species name.

int openstudio::contam::Species::nr ( ) const

Returns the species number, in order from 1 to the number of species.

bool openstudio::contam::Species::ntflag ( ) const

Returns the non-trace contaminant flag: true = non-trace, false = trace species.

bool openstudio::contam::Species::operator!= ( const Species other) const

Inequality operator.

Species& openstudio::contam::Species::operator= ( const Species other)

Copy operator.

bool openstudio::contam::Species::operator== ( const Species other) const

Equality operator.

void openstudio::contam::Species::read ( Reader input)

Read an object from a Reader.

bool openstudio::contam::Species::setCcdef ( const double  ccdef)

Sets the default contaminant concentration [kg/kg air].

bool openstudio::contam::Species::setCcdef ( const std::string &  ccdef)

Sets the default contaminant concentration [kg/kg air].

bool openstudio::contam::Species::setCp ( const double  Cp)

Sets the contaminant specific heat at constant pressure [J/kgK].

This is not used by CONTAM.

bool openstudio::contam::Species::setCp ( const std::string &  Cp)

Sets the contaminant specific heat at constant pressure [J/kgK].

This is not used by CONTAM.

bool openstudio::contam::Species::setDecay ( const double  decay)

Sets the contaminant decay constant [1/s].

bool openstudio::contam::Species::setDecay ( const std::string &  decay)

Sets the contaminant decay constant [1/s].

void openstudio::contam::Species::setDesc ( const std::string &  desc)

Sets the species description.

bool openstudio::contam::Species::setDm ( const double  Dm)

Sets the contaminant molecular diffusion coefficient [m^2/s].

bool openstudio::contam::Species::setDm ( const std::string &  Dm)

Sets the contaminant molecular diffusion coefficient [m^2/s].

bool openstudio::contam::Species::setEdens ( const double  edens)

Sets the effective density [kg/m^3] for particle contaminants.

bool openstudio::contam::Species::setEdens ( const std::string &  edens)

Sets the effective density [kg/m^3] for particle contaminants.

bool openstudio::contam::Species::setMdiam ( const double  mdiam)

Sets the mean diameter [m] for particle contaminants.

bool openstudio::contam::Species::setMdiam ( const std::string &  mdiam)

Sets the mean diameter [m] for particle contaminants.

bool openstudio::contam::Species::setMolwt ( const double  molwt)

Sets the molar mass [kg/kmol] for gas contaminants.

bool openstudio::contam::Species::setMolwt ( const std::string &  molwt)

Sets the molar mass [kg/kmol] for gas contaminants.

void openstudio::contam::Species::setName ( const std::string &  name)

Sets the species name.

void openstudio::contam::Species::setNr ( const int  nr)

Sets the species number.

This should only be done with care.

void openstudio::contam::Species::setNtflag ( const bool  ntflag)

Sets the non-trace contaminant flag: true = non-trace, false = trace species.

void openstudio::contam::Species::setSflag ( const bool  sflag)

Sets the simulation flag: true = simulated, false = unsimulated species.

void openstudio::contam::Species::setUcc ( const int  ucc)

Sets the concentration display units.

void openstudio::contam::Species::setUcp ( const int  ucp)

Sets the specific heat display units.

void openstudio::contam::Species::setUdm ( const int  udm)

Sets the diffusion coefficient display units.

void openstudio::contam::Species::setUed ( const int  ued)

Sets the effective density display units.

void openstudio::contam::Species::setUmd ( const int  umd)

Sets the mean diameter display units.

bool openstudio::contam::Species::sflag ( ) const

Returns the simulation flag: true = simulated, false = unsimulated species.

int openstudio::contam::Species::ucc ( ) const

Returns the concentration display units.

int openstudio::contam::Species::ucp ( ) const

Returns the specific heat display units.

int openstudio::contam::Species::udm ( ) const

Returns the diffusion coefficient display units.

int openstudio::contam::Species::ued ( ) const

Returns the effective density display units.

int openstudio::contam::Species::umd ( ) const

Returns the mean diameter display units.

std::string openstudio::contam::Species::write ( )

Write the object to a string.