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openstudio::contam::WeatherData Class Reference

#include <PrjSubobjects.hpp>

Public Member Functions

Constructors and Destructors
 WeatherData ()
 Create a new object with default values. More...
 WeatherData (std::string Tambt, std::string barpres, std::string windspd, std::string winddir, std::string relhum, int daytyp, int uTa, int ubP, int uws, int uwd)
 Create a new object. More...
 WeatherData (double Tambt, double barpres, double windspd, double winddir, double relhum, int daytyp, int uTa, int ubP, int uws, int uwd)
 Create a new object. More...
 WeatherData (const WeatherData &other)
 Create a new object from another object. More...
 ~WeatherData ()=default
 Destroy the object. More...
WeatherDataoperator= (const WeatherData &other)
 Copy operator. More...
bool operator== (const WeatherData &other) const
 Equality operator. More...
bool operator!= (const WeatherData &other) const
 Inequality operator. More...
Input and Output
void read (Reader &input)
 Read an object from a Reader. More...
std::string write ()
 Write the object to a string. More...
Getters and Setters
double Tambt () const
 Returns the ambient temperature [K]. More...
bool setTambt (const double Tambt)
 Sets the ambient temperature [K]. More...
bool setTambt (const std::string &Tambt)
 Sets the ambient temperature [K]. More...
double barpres () const
 Returns the barometric pressure [Pa] NOT corrected to sea level. More...
bool setBarpres (const double barpres)
 Sets the barometric pressure [Pa] NOT corrected to sea level. More...
bool setBarpres (const std::string &barpres)
 Sets the barometric pressure [Pa] NOT corrected to sea level. More...
double windspd () const
 Returns the wind speed [m/s]. More...
bool setWindspd (const double windspd)
 Sets the wind speed [m/s]. More...
bool setWindspd (const std::string &windspd)
 Sets the wind speed [m/s]. More...
double winddir () const
 Returns the wind direction: 0 = N, 90 = E, 180 = S, ... More...
bool setWinddir (const double winddir)
 Sets the wind direction: 0 = N, 90 = E, 180 = S, ... More...
bool setWinddir (const std::string &winddir)
 Sets the wind direction: 0 = N, 90 = E, 180 = S, ... More...
double relhum () const
 Returns the relative humidity: 0.0 to 1.0. More...
bool setRelhum (const double relhum)
 Sets the relative humidity: 0.0 to 1.0. More...
bool setRelhum (const std::string &relhum)
 Sets the relative humidity: 0.0 to 1.0. More...
int daytyp () const
 Returns the type of day (1-12) More...
void setDaytyp (const int daytyp)
 Sets the type of day (1-12) More...
int uTa () const
 Returns the units for Tambt. More...
void setUTa (const int uTa)
 Sets the units for Tambt. More...
int ubP () const
 Returns the units for barometric pressure. More...
void setUbP (const int ubP)
 Sets the units for barometric pressure. More...
int uws () const
 Returns the units for wind speed. More...
void setUws (const int uws)
 Sets the units for wind speed. More...
int uwd () const
 Returns the units for wind direction. More...
void setUwd (const int uwd)
 Sets the units for wind speed. More...

Detailed Description

WeatherData objects contain the simplified weather data associated with a CONTAM model.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

openstudio::contam::WeatherData::WeatherData ( )

Create a new object with default values.

openstudio::contam::WeatherData::WeatherData ( std::string  Tambt,
std::string  barpres,
std::string  windspd,
std::string  winddir,
std::string  relhum,
int  daytyp,
int  uTa,
int  ubP,
int  uws,
int  uwd 

Create a new object.

openstudio::contam::WeatherData::WeatherData ( double  Tambt,
double  barpres,
double  windspd,
double  winddir,
double  relhum,
int  daytyp,
int  uTa,
int  ubP,
int  uws,
int  uwd 

Create a new object.

openstudio::contam::WeatherData::WeatherData ( const WeatherData other)

Create a new object from another object.

openstudio::contam::WeatherData::~WeatherData ( )

Destroy the object.

Member Function Documentation

double openstudio::contam::WeatherData::barpres ( ) const

Returns the barometric pressure [Pa] NOT corrected to sea level.

int openstudio::contam::WeatherData::daytyp ( ) const

Returns the type of day (1-12)

bool openstudio::contam::WeatherData::operator!= ( const WeatherData other) const

Inequality operator.

WeatherData& openstudio::contam::WeatherData::operator= ( const WeatherData other)

Copy operator.

bool openstudio::contam::WeatherData::operator== ( const WeatherData other) const

Equality operator.

void openstudio::contam::WeatherData::read ( Reader input)

Read an object from a Reader.

double openstudio::contam::WeatherData::relhum ( ) const

Returns the relative humidity: 0.0 to 1.0.

bool openstudio::contam::WeatherData::setBarpres ( const double  barpres)

Sets the barometric pressure [Pa] NOT corrected to sea level.

bool openstudio::contam::WeatherData::setBarpres ( const std::string &  barpres)

Sets the barometric pressure [Pa] NOT corrected to sea level.

void openstudio::contam::WeatherData::setDaytyp ( const int  daytyp)

Sets the type of day (1-12)

bool openstudio::contam::WeatherData::setRelhum ( const double  relhum)

Sets the relative humidity: 0.0 to 1.0.

bool openstudio::contam::WeatherData::setRelhum ( const std::string &  relhum)

Sets the relative humidity: 0.0 to 1.0.

bool openstudio::contam::WeatherData::setTambt ( const double  Tambt)

Sets the ambient temperature [K].

bool openstudio::contam::WeatherData::setTambt ( const std::string &  Tambt)

Sets the ambient temperature [K].

void openstudio::contam::WeatherData::setUbP ( const int  ubP)

Sets the units for barometric pressure.

void openstudio::contam::WeatherData::setUTa ( const int  uTa)

Sets the units for Tambt.

void openstudio::contam::WeatherData::setUwd ( const int  uwd)

Sets the units for wind speed.

void openstudio::contam::WeatherData::setUws ( const int  uws)

Sets the units for wind speed.

bool openstudio::contam::WeatherData::setWinddir ( const double  winddir)

Sets the wind direction: 0 = N, 90 = E, 180 = S, ...

bool openstudio::contam::WeatherData::setWinddir ( const std::string &  winddir)

Sets the wind direction: 0 = N, 90 = E, 180 = S, ...

bool openstudio::contam::WeatherData::setWindspd ( const double  windspd)

Sets the wind speed [m/s].

bool openstudio::contam::WeatherData::setWindspd ( const std::string &  windspd)

Sets the wind speed [m/s].

double openstudio::contam::WeatherData::Tambt ( ) const

Returns the ambient temperature [K].

int openstudio::contam::WeatherData::ubP ( ) const

Returns the units for barometric pressure.

int openstudio::contam::WeatherData::uTa ( ) const

Returns the units for Tambt.

int openstudio::contam::WeatherData::uwd ( ) const

Returns the units for wind direction.

int openstudio::contam::WeatherData::uws ( ) const

Returns the units for wind speed.

double openstudio::contam::WeatherData::winddir ( ) const

Returns the wind direction: 0 = N, 90 = E, 180 = S, ...

double openstudio::contam::WeatherData::windspd ( ) const

Returns the wind speed [m/s].

std::string openstudio::contam::WeatherData::write ( )

Write the object to a string.