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Object List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 CEmbeddedRubyMeasureInfoGetterShould only be instantiated in C++ Applications
 CEnergyPlusMeasureEnergyPlusMeasure is an abstract base class for OSMeasures that operate on EnergyPlus Workspaces
 CMeasureInfoBindingInterface class for rendering the ruby readme via ERB, parent class for the RubyMeasureInfoBinding declared in ruby/bindings/InitRubyBindings.cpp so we can use it from C++
 CModelMeasureModelMeasure is an abstract base class for UserScripts that operate on OpenStudio Models
 COSArgumentOSArgument is an argument to an OSMeasure
 COSArgumentTypeListing of OSArgument data types
 COSDomainTypeMethods for restricting the domain of an OSArgument
 COSMeasureOSMeasure is an abstract base class for a user script
 COSMeasureInfoOSMeasureInfo contains information that can be extracted from an OSMeasure by a parser
 COSMeasureInfoGetterInterface class for using embedded Ruby to extract arguments from an OSMeasure
 COSOutputOSOutput is an output of an OSMeasure
 COSOutputTypeListing of OSOutput data types, values match OSArgumentType
 COSRunnerOSRunner is a concrete base class for application-specific classes that run OSMeasures
 CReportingMeasureReportingMeasure is an abstract base class for UserScripts that generate reports