OpenStudio SDD Translator is a conversion utility between SDD data files and OpenStudio Model (osm files). The translation is supported in both directions. The utility that converts from SDD format to the OpenStudio Model is called SDD ReverseTranslator. Similarly, SDD ForwardTransltor is the utility that converts from an OpenStudio Model to SDD format. The conversion from SDD to OpenStudio is comprehensive, encompassing all aspects of the building which relate to energy modeling, including geometry, loads, and HVAC. Translation from OpenStudio to SDD is partial, supporting only the geometric aspects of the building.
The implementation of both the forward and reverse translators is a series of procedural functions that are called hierarchically. Functions that translate high level building concepts are invoked first, and these functions in turn call other functions to translate lower level building concepts. The process begins at the project level, to the building, spaces, zones, space loads, and so forth.
ReverseTranslator.hpp defines the complete set of (private) translator functions for converting an SDD file to an OpenStudio Model. The method ReverseTranslate::loadModel(), is the public interface for carrying out the translation. The method simply accepts a path to the SDD file that is to be translated.
ForwardTransltor.hpp defines the complete set of translator functions for converting an OpenStudio Model to an SDD file. Translation is invoked by calling ForwardTranslate::modelToSDD(), passing the model to translate and the path to save the SDD file.