| ChillerElectricEIR (const Model &model, const Curve &CCFofT, const Curve &EItoCORFofT, const Curve &EItoCORFofPLR) |
| ChillerElectricEIR (const Model &model) |
| ChillerElectricEIR (const ChillerElectricEIR &other)=default |
| ChillerElectricEIR (ChillerElectricEIR &&other)=default |
ChillerElectricEIR & | operator= (const ChillerElectricEIR &)=default |
ChillerElectricEIR & | operator= (ChillerElectricEIR &&)=default |
virtual | ~ChillerElectricEIR () override=default |
boost::optional< double > | referenceCapacity () const |
bool | isReferenceCapacityAutosized () const |
double | referenceCOP () const |
double | referenceLeavingChilledWaterTemperature () const |
bool | isReferenceLeavingChilledWaterTemperatureDefaulted () const |
double | referenceEnteringCondenserFluidTemperature () const |
bool | isReferenceEnteringCondenserFluidTemperatureDefaulted () const |
boost::optional< double > | referenceChilledWaterFlowRate () const |
bool | isReferenceChilledWaterFlowRateAutosized () const |
boost::optional< double > | referenceCondenserFluidFlowRate () const |
bool | isReferenceCondenserFluidFlowRateAutosized () const |
Curve | coolingCapacityFunctionOfTemperature () const |
Curve | electricInputToCoolingOutputRatioFunctionOfTemperature () const |
Curve | electricInputToCoolingOutputRatioFunctionOfPLR () const |
double | minimumPartLoadRatio () const |
bool | isMinimumPartLoadRatioDefaulted () const |
double | maximumPartLoadRatio () const |
bool | isMaximumPartLoadRatioDefaulted () const |
double | optimumPartLoadRatio () const |
bool | isOptimumPartLoadRatioDefaulted () const |
double | minimumUnloadingRatio () const |
bool | isMinimumUnloadingRatioDefaulted () const |
std::string | condenserType () const |
bool | isCondenserTypeDefaulted () const |
double | condenserFanPowerRatio () const |
bool | isCondenserFanPowerRatioDefaulted () const |
double | fractionofCompressorElectricConsumptionRejectedbyCondenser () const |
bool | isFractionofCompressorElectricConsumptionRejectedbyCondenserDefaulted () const |
double | leavingChilledWaterLowerTemperatureLimit () const |
bool | isLeavingChilledWaterLowerTemperatureLimitDefaulted () const |
std::string | chillerFlowMode () const |
bool | isChillerFlowModeDefaulted () const |
boost::optional< double > | designHeatRecoveryWaterFlowRate () const |
bool | isDesignHeatRecoveryWaterFlowRateAutosized () const |
double | sizingFactor () const |
bool | isSizingFactorDefaulted () const |
double | basinHeaterCapacity () const |
bool | isBasinHeaterCapacityDefaulted () const |
double | basinHeaterSetpointTemperature () const |
bool | isBasinHeaterSetpointTemperatureDefaulted () const |
boost::optional< Schedule > | basinHeaterSchedule () const |
double | condenserHeatRecoveryRelativeCapacityFraction () const |
boost::optional< Schedule > | heatRecoveryInletHighTemperatureLimitSchedule () const |
boost::optional< Node > | heatRecoveryLeavingTemperatureSetpointNode () const |
std::string | endUseSubcategory () const |
std::string | condenserFlowControl () const |
boost::optional< Curve > | condenserLoopFlowRateFractionFunctionofLoopPartLoadRatioCurve () const |
boost::optional< Schedule > | temperatureDifferenceAcrossCondenserSchedule () const |
double | condenserMinimumFlowFraction () const |
boost::optional< Curve > | thermosiphonCapacityFractionCurve () const |
double | thermosiphonMinimumTemperatureDifference () const |
bool | setReferenceCapacity (boost::optional< double > referenceCapacity) |
bool | setReferenceCapacity (double referenceCapacity) |
void | autosizeReferenceCapacity () |
bool | setReferenceCOP (double referenceCOP) |
bool | setReferenceLeavingChilledWaterTemperature (double referenceLeavingChilledWaterTemperature) |
void | resetReferenceLeavingChilledWaterTemperature () |
bool | setReferenceEnteringCondenserFluidTemperature (double referenceEnteringCondenserFluidTemperature) |
void | resetReferenceEnteringCondenserFluidTemperature () |
bool | setReferenceChilledWaterFlowRate (boost::optional< double > referenceChilledWaterFlowRate) |
bool | setReferenceChilledWaterFlowRate (double referenceChilledWaterFlowRate) |
void | resetReferenceChilledWaterFlowRate () |
void | autosizeReferenceChilledWaterFlowRate () |
bool | setReferenceCondenserFluidFlowRate (boost::optional< double > referenceCondenserFluidFlowRate) |
bool | setReferenceCondenserFluidFlowRate (double referenceCondenserFluidFlowRate) |
void | resetReferenceCondenserFluidFlowRate () |
void | autosizeReferenceCondenserFluidFlowRate () |
bool | setCoolingCapacityFunctionOfTemperature (const Curve &) |
bool | setElectricInputToCoolingOutputRatioFunctionOfTemperature (const Curve &) |
bool | setElectricInputToCoolingOutputRatioFunctionOfPLR (const Curve &) |
bool | setMinimumPartLoadRatio (double minimumPartLoadRatio) |
void | resetMinimumPartLoadRatio () |
bool | setMaximumPartLoadRatio (double maximumPartLoadRatio) |
void | resetMaximumPartLoadRatio () |
bool | setOptimumPartLoadRatio (double optimumPartLoadRatio) |
void | resetOptimumPartLoadRatio () |
bool | setMinimumUnloadingRatio (double minimumUnloadingRatio) |
void | resetMinimumUnloadingRatio () |
bool | setCondenserType (const std::string &condenserType) |
void | resetCondenserType () |
bool | setCondenserFanPowerRatio (double condenserFanPowerRatio) |
void | resetCondenserFanPowerRatio () |
bool | setFractionofCompressorElectricConsumptionRejectedbyCondenser (double fractionofCompressorElectricConsumptionRejectedbyCondenser) |
void | resetFractionofCompressorElectricConsumptionRejectedbyCondenser () |
bool | setLeavingChilledWaterLowerTemperatureLimit (double leavingChilledWaterLowerTemperatureLimit) |
void | resetLeavingChilledWaterLowerTemperatureLimit () |
bool | setChillerFlowMode (const std::string &chillerFlowMode) |
void | resetChillerFlowMode () |
bool | setDesignHeatRecoveryWaterFlowRate (double designHeatRecoveryWaterFlowRate) |
void | autosizeDesignHeatRecoveryWaterFlowRate () |
bool | setSizingFactor (double sizingFactor) |
void | resetSizingFactor () |
bool | setBasinHeaterCapacity (double basinHeaterCapacity) |
void | resetBasinHeaterCapacity () |
bool | setBasinHeaterSetpointTemperature (double basinHeaterSetpointTemperature) |
void | resetBasinHeaterSetpointTemperature () |
bool | setBasinHeaterSchedule (Schedule &s) |
void | resetBasinHeaterSchedule () |
bool | setCondenserHeatRecoveryRelativeCapacityFraction (double condenserHeatRecoveryRelativeCapacityFraction) |
bool | setHeatRecoveryInletHighTemperatureLimitSchedule (Schedule &s) |
void | resetHeatRecoveryInletHighTemperatureLimitSchedule () |
bool | setHeatRecoveryLeavingTemperatureSetpointNode (const Node &node) |
void | resetHeatRecoveryLeavingTemperatureSetpointNode () |
bool | setEndUseSubcategory (const std::string &endUseSubcategory) |
bool | setCondenserFlowControl (const std::string &condenserFlowControl) |
bool | setCondenserLoopFlowRateFractionFunctionofLoopPartLoadRatioCurve (const Curve &condenserLoopFlowRateFractionFunctionofLoopPartLoadRatioCurve) |
void | resetCondenserLoopFlowRateFractionFunctionofLoopPartLoadRatioCurve () |
bool | setTemperatureDifferenceAcrossCondenserSchedule (Schedule &temperatureDifferenceAcrossCondenserSchedule) |
void | resetTemperatureDifferenceAcrossCondenserSchedule () |
bool | setCondenserMinimumFlowFraction (double condenserMinimumFlowFraction) |
bool | setThermosiphonCapacityFractionCurve (const Curve &thermosiphonCapacityFractionCurve) |
void | resetThermosiphonCapacityFractionCurve () |
bool | setThermosiphonMinimumTemperatureDifference (double thermosiphonMinimumTemperatureDifference) |
boost::optional< double > | autosizedReferenceCapacity () const |
boost::optional< double > | autosizedReferenceChilledWaterFlowRate () const |
boost::optional< double > | autosizedReferenceCondenserFluidFlowRate () const |
boost::optional< double > | autosizedDesignHeatRecoveryWaterFlowRate () const |
boost::optional< PlantLoop > | chilledWaterLoop () const |
| Convenience Function to return the Chilled Water Loop (chiller on supply) More...
boost::optional< Node > | chilledWaterInletNode () const |
boost::optional< Node > | chilledWaterOutletNode () const |
boost::optional< PlantLoop > | condenserWaterLoop () const |
| Convenience Function to return the Condenser Water Loop (chiller on demand side) More...
boost::optional< Node > | condenserInletNode () const |
boost::optional< Node > | condenserOutletNode () const |
boost::optional< PlantLoop > | heatRecoveryLoop () const |
| Convenience Function to return the Heat Recovery Loop (chiller on demand side - tertiary) More...
boost::optional< Node > | heatRecoveryInletNode () const |
boost::optional< Node > | heatRecoveryOutletNode () const |
virtual bool | addToNode (Node &node) |
virtual bool | addToTertiaryNode (Node &node) |
| Add this WaterToWaterComponent to a tertiaryPlantLoop by making connections to the tertiary inlet and outlet. More...
virtual ModelObject | clone (Model model) const |
virtual boost::optional
< ModelObject > | demandInletModelObject () const |
| Returns the optional ModelObject connected to the demand inlet port. More...
virtual unsigned | demandInletPort () const |
| Returns the demand inlet port. More...
virtual boost::optional
< ModelObject > | demandOutletModelObject () const |
| Returns the optional ModelObject connected to the demand outlet port. More...
virtual unsigned | demandOutletPort () const |
| Returns the demand outlet port. More...
WaterToWaterComponent & | operator= (const WaterToWaterComponent &)=default |
WaterToWaterComponent & | operator= (WaterToWaterComponent &&)=default |
boost::optional< PlantLoop > | plantLoop () const |
| Returns the optional PlantLoop object that the HVAC component is a supply component on. More...
virtual std::vector
< openstudio::IdfObject > | remove () |
bool | removeFromPlantLoop () |
| Removes the component from the plantLoop if one is attached. More...
bool | removeFromSecondaryPlantLoop () |
| Removes the component from the secondaryPlantLoop if one is attached. More...
bool | removeFromTertiaryPlantLoop () |
| Removes the component from the tertiaryPlantLoop if one is attached. More...
boost::optional< PlantLoop > | secondaryPlantLoop () const |
| Returns the optional PlantLoop object that the HVAC component is a demand component on. More...
virtual boost::optional
< ModelObject > | supplyInletModelObject () const |
| Returns the optional ModelObject connected to the supply inlet port. More...
virtual unsigned | supplyInletPort () const |
| Returns the supply inlet port. More...
virtual boost::optional
< ModelObject > | supplyOutletModelObject () const |
| Returns the optional ModelObject connected to the supply outlet port. More...
virtual unsigned | supplyOutletPort () const |
| Returns the supply outlet port. More...
boost::optional< ModelObject > | tertiaryInletModelObject () const |
| Returns the optional ModelObject connected to the tertiary inlet. More...
boost::optional< ModelObject > | tertiaryOutletModelObject () const |
| Returns the optional ModelObject connected to the tertiary outlet. More...
boost::optional< PlantLoop > | tertiaryPlantLoop () const |
| Tertiary plant loop applies to a limited number of WaterToWaterComponent types that interact with three plant systems. More...
| WaterToWaterComponent (IddObjectType type, const Model &model) |
| WaterToWaterComponent (const WaterToWaterComponent &other)=default |
| WaterToWaterComponent (WaterToWaterComponent &&other)=default |
virtual | ~WaterToWaterComponent () override=default |
bool | addToNode (Node &node) |
| Adds this object to a new system node and returns a boolean indicating if the addition was successful. More...
bool | addToSplitter (Splitter &splitter) |
| Adds this object to a splitter by creating a new branch. More...
boost::optional< AirLoopHVAC > | airLoopHVAC () const |
| Returns the optional AirLoopHVAC object that the HVAC component is attached to. More...
< AirLoopHVACOutdoorAirSystem > | airLoopHVACOutdoorAirSystem () const |
| Returns the optional AirLoopHVACOutdoorAirSystem that the HVAC component is attached to. More...
std::vector< AppGFuelType > | appGHeatingFuelTypes () const |
void | applySizingValues () |
void | autosize () |
| Returns the optional ModelObject connected to this object's port. More...
ComponentType | componentType () const |
boost::optional< HVACComponent > | containingHVACComponent () const |
| EnergyPlus unitary equipment and air terminals are typically composed of other HVAC components. More...
< StraightComponent > | containingStraightComponent () const |
< ZoneHVACComponent > | containingZoneHVACComponent () const |
| Returns any ZoneHVACComponent that contains this HVACComponent. More...
std::vector< FuelType > | coolingFuelTypes () const |
void | disconnect () |
| Removes all connections to other HVACComponent objects. More...
std::vector< FuelType > | heatingFuelTypes () const |
| HVACComponent (const HVACComponent &other)=default |
| HVACComponent (HVACComponent &&other)=default |
bool | isRemovable () const |
| Indicates if the HVACComponent can be removed from the model. More...
boost::optional< Loop > | loop () const |
| Returns the optional Loop object that the HVAC component is attached to. More...
HVACComponent & | operator= (const HVACComponent &)=default |
HVACComponent & | operator= (HVACComponent &&)=default |
boost::optional< PlantLoop > | plantLoop () const |
| Returns the optional PlantLoop object that the HVAC component is attached to. More...
std::vector< IdfObject > | remove () |
| Removes the HVACComponent from the model only if isRemovable() return true. More...
virtual | ~HVACComponent () override=default |
std::vector< IddObjectType > | allowableChildTypes () const |
| Returns a vector of allowable children types. More...
std::vector< ModelObject > | children () const |
| Return direct child objects in the Model. More...
ParentObject & | operator= (const ParentObject &)=default |
ParentObject & | operator= (ParentObject &&)=default |
| ParentObject (const ParentObject &other)=default |
| ParentObject (ParentObject &&other)=default |
virtual | ~ParentObject () override=default |
virtual | ~ModelObject () override=default |
| ModelObject (const ModelObject &other)=default |
| ModelObject (ModelObject &&other)=default |
ModelObject & | operator= (const ModelObject &)=default |
ModelObject & | operator= (ModelObject &&)=default |
ModelObject | clone () const |
| Creates a deep copy of this object, placing it in this object's model(). More...
ModelObject | clone (Model model) const |
| Creates a deep copy of this object, placing it in model. More...
Component | createComponent () const |
| Method for creating sharable Model snippets. More...
Model | model () const |
| Returns the Model that contains this object. More...
boost::optional< ParentObject > | parent () const |
| Return this object's parent in the hierarchy, if it has one. More...
std::vector< ResourceObject > | resources () const |
| Get the resources directly used by this ModelObject. More...
template<typename T > |
std::vector< T > | getModelObjectSources () const |
| Get all objects of type T that point to this object. More...
template<typename T > |
std::vector< T > | getModelObjectSources (IddObjectType iddObjectType) const |
| Get all objects of type T that point to this object. More...
template<typename T > |
boost::optional< T > | getModelObjectTarget (unsigned index) const |
| Get the object of type T pointed to by this object from field index. More...
template<typename T > |
std::vector< T > | getModelObjectTargets () const |
| Get all objects of type T to which this object points. More...
const std::vector< std::string > & | outputVariableNames () const |
| Get all output variables names that could be associated with this object. More...
std::vector< OutputVariable > | outputVariables () const |
| Get all output variables associated with this object, must run simulation to generate data. More...
< openstudio::TimeSeries > | getData (const OutputVariable &variable, const std::string &envPeriod) const |
| Get data associated with this output variable and this object. More...
std::vector< LifeCycleCost > | lifeCycleCosts () const |
| Returns the list of all LifeCycleCosts that refer to this object. More...
std::vector< IdfObject > | removeLifeCycleCosts () |
| Removes all LifeCycleCosts that refer to this object. More...
IddObjectType | iddObjectType () const |
| This is a virtual function that will tell you the type of iddObject you are dealing with. More...
AdditionalProperties | additionalProperties () const |
| Returns this object's additional properties, constructing a new object if necessary. More...
bool | hasAdditionalProperties () const |
| Returns true if this object has additional properties. More...
std::vector< IdfObject > | removeAdditionalProperties () |
| Removes all additional properties that refer to this object. More...
boost::optional< std::string > | cadObjectId () const |
bool | setCADObjectId (const std::string &cadObjectId) |
boost::optional< std::string > | gbXMLId () const |
bool | setGBXMLId (const std::string &gbXMLId) |
boost::optional< std::string > | displayName () const |
bool | setDisplayName (const std::string &displayName) |
bool | setParent (ParentObject &newParent) |
| set the parent, child may have to call non-const methods on the parent More...
bool | operator< (const ModelObject &right) const |
bool | operator== (const ModelObject &other) const |
| equality test More...
bool | operator!= (const ModelObject &other) const |
| inequality test More...
std::vector< ScheduleTypeKey > | getScheduleTypeKeys (const Schedule &schedule) const |
| Return the ScheduleTypeKeys indicating how schedule is used in this object. More...
boost::optional< double > | getAutosizedValue (const std::string &valueName, const std::string &units) const |
| Gets the autosized component value from the sql file. More...
virtual std::vector
< EMSActuatorNames > | emsActuatorNames () const |
| Return the names of the available ems actuators. More...
virtual std::vector< std::string > | emsInternalVariableNames () const |
| Return the names of the available ems internal variables. More...
boost::optional< ModelObject > | connectedObject (unsigned port) const |
boost::optional< unsigned > | connectedObjectPort (unsigned port) const |
bool | canBeSource () const |
bool | canBeSource (unsigned index, const std::vector< std::string > &refLists=std::vector< std::string >()) const |
std::vector< std::string > | canBeTarget () const |
std::vector< unsigned > | getSourceIndices (const Handle &targetHandle) const |
std::vector< WorkspaceObject > | getSources (IddObjectType type) const |
boost::optional< WorkspaceObject > | getTarget (unsigned index) const |
IdfObject | idfObject () |
IdfObject | idfObject () const |
bool | initialized () const |
bool | isSource () const |
bool | isTarget () const |
unsigned | numSources () const |
bool | objectListFieldsEqual (const WorkspaceObject &other) const |
bool | objectListFieldsNonConflicting (const WorkspaceObject &other) const |
bool | operator< (const WorkspaceObject &right) const |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const WorkspaceObject &workspaceObject) |
WorkspaceObject & | operator= (WorkspaceObject &&)=default |
WorkspaceObject & | operator= (const WorkspaceObject &)=default |
< openstudio::IdfObject > | remove () |
bool | setPointer (unsigned index, const Handle &targetHandle) |
std::vector< WorkspaceObject > | sources () const |
std::vector< WorkspaceObject > | targets () const |
Workspace | workspace () const |
| WorkspaceObject (const WorkspaceObject &other)=default |
| WorkspaceObject (WorkspaceObject &&other)=default |
virtual | ~WorkspaceObject () override=default |
std::string | briefDescription () const |
T | cast () const |
std::vector< T > | castVector (const std::vector< U > &objects) |
std::vector< std::vector
< std::string > > | clearExtensibleGroups () |
IdfObject | clone (bool keepHandle=false) const |
std::string | comment () const |
boost::optional< std::string > | createName (bool overwrite=true) |
std::vector< unsigned > | dataFields () const |
bool | dataFieldsEqual (const IdfObject &other) const |
std::vector< std::string > | eraseExtensibleGroup (unsigned groupIndex) |
std::vector< IdfExtensibleGroup > | extensibleGroups () const |
boost::optional< std::string > | fieldComment (unsigned index, bool returnDefault=false) const |
boost::optional< double > | getDouble (unsigned index, bool returnDefault=false) const |
IdfExtensibleGroup | getExtensibleGroup (unsigned groupIndex) const |
boost::optional< std::string > | getField (unsigned index, bool returnDefault=false) const |
std::vector< Handle > | getHandles (const std::vector< T > &objects) |
boost::optional< int > | getInt (unsigned index, bool returnDefault=false) const |
OSOptionalQuantity | getQuantity (unsigned index, bool returnDefault=false, bool returnIP=false) const |
boost::optional< std::string > | getString (unsigned index, bool returnDefault=false, bool returnUninitializedEmpty=false) const |
boost::optional< unsigned > | getUnsigned (unsigned index, bool returnDefault=false) const |
Handle | handle () const |
IddObject | iddObject () const |
| IdfObject (IddObjectType type, bool fastName=false) |
| IdfObject (const IdfObject &other) |
| IdfObject (const IddObject &, bool fastName=false) |
| IdfObject (IdfObject &&other) noexcept |
IdfExtensibleGroup | insertExtensibleGroup (unsigned groupIndex) |
IdfExtensibleGroup | insertExtensibleGroup (unsigned groupIndex, const std::vector< std::string > &values) |
bool | isDataField (unsigned index) const |
bool | isEmpty (unsigned index) const |
bool | isObjectListField (unsigned index) const |
bool | isValid (StrictnessLevel level, bool checkNames=false) const |
boost::optional< unsigned > | maxExtensibleGroups () const |
boost::optional< unsigned > | maxFields () const |
unsigned | minExtensibleGroups () const |
unsigned | minFields () const |
boost::optional< std::string > | name (bool returnDefault=false) const |
std::string | nameString (bool returnDefault=false) const |
unsigned | numExtensibleGroups () const |
unsigned | numFields () const |
unsigned | numNonextensibleFields () const |
std::vector< unsigned > | objectListFields () const |
bool | objectListFieldsEqual (const IdfObject &other) const |
bool | objectListFieldsNonConflicting (const IdfObject &other) const |
bool | operator!= (const IdfObject &other) const |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const IdfObject &IdfObject) |
IdfObject & | operator= (IdfObject &&other) noexcept |
IdfObject & | operator= (const IdfObject &other) |
bool | operator== (const IdfObject &other) const |
boost::optional< T > | optionalCast () const |
std::vector< std::string > | popExtensibleGroup () |
std::ostream & | print (std::ostream &os) const |
std::ostream & | printField (std::ostream &os, unsigned index, bool isLastField=false) const |
std::ostream & | printName (std::ostream &os, bool hasFields=true) const |
IdfExtensibleGroup | pushExtensibleGroup (const std::vector< std::string > &values) |
IdfExtensibleGroup | pushExtensibleGroup () |
std::vector< unsigned > | requiredFields () const |
void | setComment (const std::string &msg) |
bool | setDouble (unsigned index, double value) |
bool | setFieldComment (unsigned index, const std::string &cmnt) |
bool | setInt (unsigned index, int value) |
boost::optional< std::string > | setName (const std::string &newName) |
bool | setQuantity (unsigned index, const Quantity &q) |
bool | setString (unsigned index, const std::string &value) |
bool | setUnsigned (unsigned index, unsigned value) |
std::vector< T > | subsetCastVector (const std::vector< U > &original) |
ValidityReport | validityReport (StrictnessLevel level, bool checkNames=false) const |
virtual | ~IdfObject ()=default |