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openstudio::model::ZoneMixing Class Reference

#include <ZoneMixing.hpp>

+ Inheritance diagram for openstudio::model::ZoneMixing:

Public Member Functions

bool hardSize ()
Constructors and Destructors
 ZoneMixing (const ThermalZone &thermalZone)
 ZoneMixing (const Space &space)
virtual ~ZoneMixing ()=default
 ZoneMixing (const ZoneMixing &other)=default
 ZoneMixing (ZoneMixing &&other)=default
ZoneMixingoperator= (const ZoneMixing &)=default
ZoneMixingoperator= (ZoneMixing &&)=default
boost::optional< ThermalZonezone () const
 Returns the ThermalZone which receives air from this mixing object. More...
boost::optional< Spacespace () const
ModelObject zoneOrSpace () const
Schedule schedule () const
 Returns fractional schedule which moderates amount of air flow from the design level. More...
std::string designFlowRateCalculationMethod () const
boost::optional< double > designFlowRate () const
OS_DEPRECATED boost::optional
< double > 
flowRateperZoneFloorArea () const
boost::optional< double > flowRateperFloorArea () const
boost::optional< double > flowRateperPerson () const
boost::optional< double > airChangesperHour () const
boost::optional< ThermalZonesourceZone () const
 Returns the ThermalZone which supplies air to this mixing object. More...
boost::optional< SpacesourceSpace () const
boost::optional< ModelObjectsourceZoneOrSpace () const
boost::optional< double > deltaTemperature () const
 Returns the constant temperature differential between source and receiving zones below which mixing is shutoff. More...
boost::optional< ScheduledeltaTemperatureSchedule () const
 Returns the temperature schedule containing the differential between source and receiving zones versus time below which mixing is shutoff. More...
boost::optional< ScheduleminimumReceivingTemperatureSchedule () const
 Returns the temperature schedule containing the receiving zone or space dry-bulb temperature below which mixing is shutoff. More...
OS_DEPRECATED boost::optional
< Schedule
minimumZoneTemperatureSchedule () const
boost::optional< SchedulemaximumReceivingTemperatureSchedule () const
 Returns the temperature schedule containing the receiving zone or space dry-bulb temperature above which mixing is shutoff. More...
OS_DEPRECATED boost::optional
< Schedule
maximumZoneTemperatureSchedule () const
boost::optional< ScheduleminimumSourceTemperatureSchedule () const
 Returns the temperature schedule containing the source zone or space dry-bulb temperature below which mixing is shutoff. More...
OS_DEPRECATED boost::optional
< Schedule
minimumSourceZoneTemperatureSchedule () const
boost::optional< SchedulemaximumSourceTemperatureSchedule () const
 Returns the temperature schedule containing the source zone or space dry-bulb temperature above which mixing is shutoff. More...
OS_DEPRECATED boost::optional
< Schedule
maximumSourceZoneTemperatureSchedule () const
boost::optional< ScheduleminimumOutdoorTemperatureSchedule () const
 Returns the temperature schedule containing the outdoor temperature below which mixing is shutoff. More...
boost::optional< SchedulemaximumOutdoorTemperatureSchedule () const
 Returns the temperature schedule containing the outdoor temperature above which mixing is shutoff. More...
bool setSchedule (Schedule &schedule)
 Sets the fractional schedule which moderates amount of air flow from the design level. More...
bool setDesignFlowRate (double designFlowRate)
bool setFlowRateperFloorArea (double flowRateperFloorArea)
OS_DEPRECATED bool setFlowRateperZoneFloorArea (double flowRateperZoneFloorArea)
bool setFlowRateperPerson (double flowRateperPerson)
bool setAirChangesperHour (double airChangesperHour)
bool setSourceZone (const ThermalZone &zone)
 Sets the ThermalZone which supplies air to this mixing object. More...
OS_DEPRECATED void resetSourceZone ()
bool setSourceSpace (const Space &space)
void resetSourceZoneOrSpace ()
bool setDeltaTemperature (double deltaTemperature)
 Sets the constant temperature differential between source and receiving zones below which mixing is shutoff. More...
void resetDeltaTemperature ()
bool setDeltaTemperatureSchedule (Schedule &schedule)
 Sets the temperature schedule containing the differential between source and receiving zones versus time below which mixing is shutoff. More...
void resetDeltaTemperatureSchedule ()
bool setMinimumReceivingTemperatureSchedule (Schedule &schedule)
 Sets the temperature schedule containing the receiving zone dry-bulb temperature below which mixing is shutoff. More...
void resetMinimumReceivingTemperatureSchedule ()
OS_DEPRECATED bool setMinimumZoneTemperatureSchedule (Schedule &schedule)
OS_DEPRECATED void resetMinimumZoneTemperatureSchedule ()
bool setMaximumReceivingTemperatureSchedule (Schedule &schedule)
 Sets the temperature schedule containing the receiving zone dry-bulb temperature above which mixing is shutoff. More...
void resetMaximumReceivingTemperatureSchedule ()
OS_DEPRECATED bool setMaximumZoneTemperatureSchedule (Schedule &schedule)
OS_DEPRECATED void resetMaximumZoneTemperatureSchedule ()
bool setMinimumSourceTemperatureSchedule (Schedule &schedule)
 Sets the temperature schedule containing the source zone dry-bulb temperature below which mixing is shutoff. More...
void resetMinimumSourceTemperatureSchedule ()
OS_DEPRECATED bool setMinimumSourceZoneTemperatureSchedule (Schedule &schedule)
OS_DEPRECATED void resetMinimumSourceZoneTemperatureSchedule ()
bool setMaximumSourceTemperatureSchedule (Schedule &schedule)
 Sets the temperature schedule containing the source zone dry-bulb temperature above which mixing is shutoff. More...
void resetMaximumSourceTemperatureSchedule ()
OS_DEPRECATED bool setMaximumSourceZoneTemperatureSchedule (Schedule &schedule)
OS_DEPRECATED void resetMaximumSourceZoneTemperatureSchedule ()
bool setMinimumOutdoorTemperatureSchedule (Schedule &schedule)
 Returns the temperature schedule containing the outdoor temperature below which mixing is shutoff. More...
void resetMinimumOutdoorTemperatureSchedule ()
bool setMaximumOutdoorTemperatureSchedule (Schedule &schedule)
 Returns the temperature schedule containing the outdoor temperature above which mixing is shutoff. More...
void resetMaximumOutdoorTemperatureSchedule ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from openstudio::model::ModelObject
virtual ~ModelObject ()=default
 ModelObject (const ModelObject &other)=default
 ModelObject (ModelObject &&other)=default
ModelObjectoperator= (const ModelObject &)=default
ModelObjectoperator= (ModelObject &&)=default
ModelObject clone () const
 Creates a deep copy of this object, placing it in this object's model(). More...
ModelObject clone (Model model) const
 Creates a deep copy of this object, placing it in model. More...
Component createComponent () const
 Method for creating sharable Model snippets. More...
Model model () const
 Returns the Model that contains this object. More...
boost::optional< ParentObjectparent () const
 Return this object's parent in the hierarchy, if it has one. More...
std::vector< ResourceObjectresources () const
 Get the resources directly used by this ModelObject. More...
template<typename T >
std::vector< T > getModelObjectSources () const
 Get all objects of type T that point to this object. More...
template<typename T >
std::vector< T > getModelObjectSources (IddObjectType iddObjectType) const
 Get all objects of type T that point to this object. More...
template<typename T >
boost::optional< T > getModelObjectTarget (unsigned index) const
 Get the object of type T pointed to by this object from field index. More...
template<typename T >
std::vector< T > getModelObjectTargets () const
 Get all objects of type T to which this object points. More...
const std::vector< std::string > & outputVariableNames () const
 Get all output variables names that could be associated with this object. More...
std::vector< OutputVariableoutputVariables () const
 Get all output variables associated with this object, must run simulation to generate data. More...
< openstudio::TimeSeries > 
getData (const OutputVariable &variable, const std::string &envPeriod) const
 Get data associated with this output variable and this object. More...
std::vector< LifeCycleCostlifeCycleCosts () const
 Returns the list of all LifeCycleCosts that refer to this object. More...
std::vector< IdfObject > removeLifeCycleCosts ()
 Removes all LifeCycleCosts that refer to this object. More...
IddObjectType iddObjectType () const
 This is a virtual function that will tell you the type of iddObject you are dealing with. More...
AdditionalProperties additionalProperties () const
 Returns this object's additional properties, constructing a new object if necessary. More...
bool hasAdditionalProperties () const
 Returns true if this object has additional properties. More...
std::vector< IdfObject > removeAdditionalProperties ()
 Removes all additional properties that refer to this object. More...
boost::optional< std::string > cadObjectId () const
bool setCADObjectId (const std::string &cadObjectId)
boost::optional< std::string > gbXMLId () const
bool setGBXMLId (const std::string &gbXMLId)
boost::optional< std::string > displayName () const
bool setDisplayName (const std::string &displayName)
bool setParent (ParentObject &newParent)
 set the parent, child may have to call non-const methods on the parent More...
bool operator< (const ModelObject &right) const
bool operator== (const ModelObject &other) const
 equality test More...
bool operator!= (const ModelObject &other) const
 inequality test More...
std::vector< ScheduleTypeKeygetScheduleTypeKeys (const Schedule &schedule) const
 Return the ScheduleTypeKeys indicating how schedule is used in this object. More...
boost::optional< double > getAutosizedValue (const std::string &valueName, const std::string &units) const
 Gets the autosized component value from the sql file. More...
virtual std::vector
< EMSActuatorNames
emsActuatorNames () const
 Return the names of the available ems actuators. More...
virtual std::vector< std::string > emsInternalVariableNames () const
 Return the names of the available ems internal variables. More...
boost::optional< ModelObjectconnectedObject (unsigned port) const
boost::optional< unsigned > connectedObjectPort (unsigned port) const

Static Public Member Functions

static IddObjectType iddObjectType ()

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

using OptionalZoneMixing = boost::optional< ZoneMixing >
using ZoneMixingVector = std::vector< ZoneMixing >

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Types inherited from openstudio::model::ModelObject
using ImplType = detail::ModelObject_Impl
- Protected Member Functions inherited from openstudio::model::ModelObject
 ModelObject (IddObjectType type, const Model &model, bool fastName=false)
 ModelObject (std::shared_ptr< detail::ModelObject_Impl > impl)

Detailed Description

ZoneMixing is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ZoneMixing'.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::ZoneMixing ( const ThermalZone thermalZone)
openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::ZoneMixing ( const Space space)
virtual openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::~ZoneMixing ( )
openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::ZoneMixing ( const ZoneMixing other)
openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::ZoneMixing ( ZoneMixing &&  other)

Member Function Documentation

boost::optional<double> openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::airChangesperHour ( ) const
boost::optional<double> openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::deltaTemperature ( ) const

Returns the constant temperature differential between source and receiving zones below which mixing is shutoff.

boost::optional<Schedule> openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::deltaTemperatureSchedule ( ) const

Returns the temperature schedule containing the differential between source and receiving zones versus time below which mixing is shutoff.

boost::optional<double> openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::designFlowRate ( ) const
std::string openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::designFlowRateCalculationMethod ( ) const
boost::optional<double> openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::flowRateperFloorArea ( ) const
boost::optional<double> openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::flowRateperPerson ( ) const
OS_DEPRECATED boost::optional<double> openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::flowRateperZoneFloorArea ( ) const
bool openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::hardSize ( )
static IddObjectType openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::iddObjectType ( )
boost::optional<Schedule> openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::maximumOutdoorTemperatureSchedule ( ) const

Returns the temperature schedule containing the outdoor temperature above which mixing is shutoff.

boost::optional<Schedule> openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::maximumReceivingTemperatureSchedule ( ) const

Returns the temperature schedule containing the receiving zone or space dry-bulb temperature above which mixing is shutoff.

boost::optional<Schedule> openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::maximumSourceTemperatureSchedule ( ) const

Returns the temperature schedule containing the source zone or space dry-bulb temperature above which mixing is shutoff.

OS_DEPRECATED boost::optional<Schedule> openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::maximumSourceZoneTemperatureSchedule ( ) const
OS_DEPRECATED boost::optional<Schedule> openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::maximumZoneTemperatureSchedule ( ) const
boost::optional<Schedule> openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::minimumOutdoorTemperatureSchedule ( ) const

Returns the temperature schedule containing the outdoor temperature below which mixing is shutoff.

boost::optional<Schedule> openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::minimumReceivingTemperatureSchedule ( ) const

Returns the temperature schedule containing the receiving zone or space dry-bulb temperature below which mixing is shutoff.

boost::optional<Schedule> openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::minimumSourceTemperatureSchedule ( ) const

Returns the temperature schedule containing the source zone or space dry-bulb temperature below which mixing is shutoff.

OS_DEPRECATED boost::optional<Schedule> openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::minimumSourceZoneTemperatureSchedule ( ) const
OS_DEPRECATED boost::optional<Schedule> openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::minimumZoneTemperatureSchedule ( ) const
ZoneMixing& openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::operator= ( const ZoneMixing )
ZoneMixing& openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::operator= ( ZoneMixing &&  )
void openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::resetDeltaTemperature ( )
void openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::resetDeltaTemperatureSchedule ( )
void openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::resetMaximumOutdoorTemperatureSchedule ( )
void openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::resetMaximumReceivingTemperatureSchedule ( )
void openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::resetMaximumSourceTemperatureSchedule ( )
OS_DEPRECATED void openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::resetMaximumSourceZoneTemperatureSchedule ( )
OS_DEPRECATED void openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::resetMaximumZoneTemperatureSchedule ( )
void openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::resetMinimumOutdoorTemperatureSchedule ( )
void openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::resetMinimumReceivingTemperatureSchedule ( )
void openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::resetMinimumSourceTemperatureSchedule ( )
OS_DEPRECATED void openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::resetMinimumSourceZoneTemperatureSchedule ( )
OS_DEPRECATED void openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::resetMinimumZoneTemperatureSchedule ( )
OS_DEPRECATED void openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::resetSourceZone ( )
void openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::resetSourceZoneOrSpace ( )
Schedule openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::schedule ( ) const

Returns fractional schedule which moderates amount of air flow from the design level.

bool openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::setAirChangesperHour ( double  airChangesperHour)
bool openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::setDeltaTemperature ( double  deltaTemperature)

Sets the constant temperature differential between source and receiving zones below which mixing is shutoff.

bool openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::setDeltaTemperatureSchedule ( Schedule schedule)

Sets the temperature schedule containing the differential between source and receiving zones versus time below which mixing is shutoff.

bool openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::setDesignFlowRate ( double  designFlowRate)
bool openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::setFlowRateperFloorArea ( double  flowRateperFloorArea)
bool openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::setFlowRateperPerson ( double  flowRateperPerson)
OS_DEPRECATED bool openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::setFlowRateperZoneFloorArea ( double  flowRateperZoneFloorArea)
bool openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::setMaximumOutdoorTemperatureSchedule ( Schedule schedule)

Returns the temperature schedule containing the outdoor temperature above which mixing is shutoff.

bool openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::setMaximumReceivingTemperatureSchedule ( Schedule schedule)

Sets the temperature schedule containing the receiving zone dry-bulb temperature above which mixing is shutoff.

bool openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::setMaximumSourceTemperatureSchedule ( Schedule schedule)

Sets the temperature schedule containing the source zone dry-bulb temperature above which mixing is shutoff.

OS_DEPRECATED bool openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::setMaximumSourceZoneTemperatureSchedule ( Schedule schedule)
OS_DEPRECATED bool openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::setMaximumZoneTemperatureSchedule ( Schedule schedule)
bool openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::setMinimumOutdoorTemperatureSchedule ( Schedule schedule)

Returns the temperature schedule containing the outdoor temperature below which mixing is shutoff.

bool openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::setMinimumReceivingTemperatureSchedule ( Schedule schedule)

Sets the temperature schedule containing the receiving zone dry-bulb temperature below which mixing is shutoff.

bool openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::setMinimumSourceTemperatureSchedule ( Schedule schedule)

Sets the temperature schedule containing the source zone dry-bulb temperature below which mixing is shutoff.

OS_DEPRECATED bool openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::setMinimumSourceZoneTemperatureSchedule ( Schedule schedule)
OS_DEPRECATED bool openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::setMinimumZoneTemperatureSchedule ( Schedule schedule)
bool openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::setSchedule ( Schedule schedule)

Sets the fractional schedule which moderates amount of air flow from the design level.

bool openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::setSourceSpace ( const Space space)
bool openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::setSourceZone ( const ThermalZone zone)

Sets the ThermalZone which supplies air to this mixing object.

boost::optional<Space> openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::sourceSpace ( ) const
boost::optional<ThermalZone> openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::sourceZone ( ) const

Returns the ThermalZone which supplies air to this mixing object.

boost::optional<ModelObject> openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::sourceZoneOrSpace ( ) const
boost::optional<Space> openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::space ( ) const
boost::optional<ThermalZone> openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::zone ( ) const

Returns the ThermalZone which receives air from this mixing object.

ModelObject openstudio::model::ZoneMixing::zoneOrSpace ( ) const

Friends And Related Function Documentation

using OptionalZoneMixing = boost::optional<ZoneMixing>
using ZoneMixingVector = std::vector<ZoneMixing>