boost | |
uuids | |
openstudio | |
energyplus | |
model | |
AdditionalProperties | |
AirConditionerVariableRefrigerantFlow | AirConditionerVariableRefrigerantFlow is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirConditioner:VariableRefrigerantFlow' |
AirConditionerVariableRefrigerantFlowFluidTemperatureControl | AirConditionerVariableRefrigerantFlowFluidTemperatureControl is a HVACComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirConditioner:VariableRefrigerantFlow:FluidTemperatureControl' |
AirConditionerVariableRefrigerantFlowFluidTemperatureControlHR | AirConditionerVariableRefrigerantFlowFluidTemperatureControlHR is a HVACComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirConditioner:VariableRefrigerantFlow:FluidTemperatureControl:HR' |
AirflowNetworkComponent | AirflowNetworkComponent is the base class for AirflowNetwork component objects that determine linkage flows in the pressure network |
AirflowNetworkConstantPressureDrop | AirflowNetworkConstantPressureDrop is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirflowNetwork:ConstantPressureDrop' |
AirflowNetworkCrack | AirflowNetworkCrack is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirflowNetworkCrack' |
AirflowNetworkDetailedOpening | AirflowNetworkDetailedOpening is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirflowNetworkDetailedOpening' |
AirflowNetworkDistributionLinkage | AirflowNetworkDistributionLinkage is a AirflowNetworkLinkage that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirflowNetworkDistributionLinkage' |
AirflowNetworkDistributionNode | AirflowNetworkDistributionNode is a AirflowNetworkNode that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirflowNetworkDistributionNode' |
AirflowNetworkDuct | AirflowNetworkDuct is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirflowNetwork:Duct' |
AirflowNetworkDuctViewFactors | AirflowNetworkDuctViewFactors is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirflowNetworkDuctViewFactors' |
AirflowNetworkEffectiveLeakageArea | AirflowNetworkEffectiveLeakageArea is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirflowNetworkEffectiveLeakageArea' |
AirflowNetworkEquivalentDuct | AirflowNetworkEquivalentDuct is a AirflowNetworkComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirflowNetwork:EquivalentDuct' |
AirflowNetworkExternalNode | AirflowNetworkExternalNode is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirflowNetworkExternalNode' |
AirflowNetworkFan | AirflowNetworkFan is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirflowNetwork:Fan' |
AirflowNetworkHorizontalOpening | AirflowNetworkHorizontalOpening is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirflowNetworkHorizontalOpening' |
AirflowNetworkLeakageRatio | AirflowNetworkLeakageRatio is a AirflowNetworkComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirflowNetwork:LeakageRatio' |
AirflowNetworkLinkage | AirflowNetworkLinkage is the base class for AirflowNetwork linkage objects that link nodes in the pressure network |
AirflowNetworkNode | AirflowNetworkNode is the base class for AirflowNetwork objects that are nodes in the pressure network |
AirflowNetworkOccupantVentilationControl | AirflowNetworkOccupantVentilationControl is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirflowNetworkOccupantVentilationControl' |
AirflowNetworkOutdoorAirflow | AirflowNetworkOutdoorAirflow is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirflowNetworkOutdoorAirflow' |
AirflowNetworkReferenceCrackConditions | AirflowNetworkReferenceCrackConditions is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirflowNetworkReferenceCrackConditions' |
AirflowNetworkSimpleOpening | AirflowNetworkSimpleOpening is a AirflowNetworkComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirflowNetworkSimpleOpening' |
AirflowNetworkSimulationControl | AirflowNetworkSimulationControl derives from ParentObject and is an interface to the OpenStudio IDD object named "AirflowNetwork:SimulationControl" |
AirflowNetworkSpecifiedFlowRate | AirflowNetworkSpecifiedFlowRate is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirflowNetworkSpecifiedFlowRate' |
AirflowNetworkSurface | AirflowNetworkSurface is a AirflowNetworkLinkage that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirflowNetwork:Surface' |
AirflowNetworkZone | AirflowNetworkZone is a AirflowNetworkNode that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirflowNetworkZone' |
AirflowNetworkZoneExhaustFan | AirflowNetworkZoneExhaustFan is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirflowNetworkZoneExhaustFan' |
AirGap | AirGap is a OpaqueMaterial that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Material:AirGap' |
AirLoopHVAC | AirLoopHVAC is an interface to the EnergyPlus IDD object named "AirLoopHVAC" |
AirLoopHVACDedicatedOutdoorAirSystem | AirLoopHVACDedicatedOutdoorAirSystem is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirLoopHVAC:DedicatedOutdoorAirSystem:MovableInsulation' |
AirLoopHVACOutdoorAirSystem | AirLoopHVACOutdoorAirSystem is an HVACComponent that wraps the IDD object named "OS:AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem" |
AirLoopHVACReturnPlenum | AirLoopHVACReturnPlenum is a Mixer that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirLoopHVAC:ReturnPlenum' |
AirLoopHVACSupplyPlenum | AirLoopHVACSupplyPlenum is a Splitter that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirLoopHVAC:SupplyPlenum' |
AirLoopHVACUnitaryHeatCoolVAVChangeoverBypass | AirLoopHVACUnitaryHeatCoolVAVChangeoverBypass is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirLoopHVAC:UnitaryHeatCool:VAVChangeoverBypass' |
AirLoopHVACUnitaryHeatPumpAirToAir | AirLoopHVACUnitaryHeatPumpAirToAir is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirLoopHVAC:UnitaryHeatPump:AirToAir' |
AirLoopHVACUnitaryHeatPumpAirToAirMultiSpeed | AirLoopHVACUnitaryHeatPumpAirToAirMultiSpeed is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirLoopHVAC:UnitaryHeatPump:AirToAir:MultiSpeed' |
AirLoopHVACUnitarySystem | AirLoopHVACUnitarySystem is a WaterToAirComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirLoopHVAC:UnitarySystem' |
AirLoopHVACZoneMixer | AirLoopHVACZoneMixer is an interface to the EnergyPlus IDD object named "AirLoopHVAC:ZoneMixer" |
AirLoopHVACZoneSplitter | AirLoopHVACZoneSplitter is an interface to the EnergyPlus IDD object named "AirLoopHVAC:ZoneSplitter" |
AirSupplyConstituent | This class implements a constituent |
AirTerminalDualDuctConstantVolume | AirTerminalDualDuctConstantVolume is a Mixer that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirTerminal:DualDuct:ConstantVolume' |
AirTerminalDualDuctVAV | AirTerminalDualDuctVAV is a Mixer that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirTerminal:DualDuct:VAV' |
AirTerminalDualDuctVAVOutdoorAir | AirTerminalDualDuctVAVOutdoorAir is a Mixer that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirTerminal:DualDuct:VAV:OutdoorAir' |
AirTerminalSingleDuctConstantVolumeCooledBeam | AirTerminalSingleDuctConstantVolumeCooledBeam is a ZoneHAVC that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirTerminal:SingleDuct:ConstantVolume:CooledBeam' |
AirTerminalSingleDuctConstantVolumeFourPipeBeam | AirTerminalSingleDuctConstantVolumeFourPipeBeam is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirTerminal:SingleDuct:ConstantVolume:FourPipeBeam' |
AirTerminalSingleDuctConstantVolumeFourPipeInduction | AirTerminalSingleDuctConstantVolumeFourPipeInduction is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirTerminal:SingleDuct:ConstantVolume:FourPipeInduction' |
AirTerminalSingleDuctConstantVolumeNoReheat | AirTerminalSingleDuctConstantVolumeNoReheat is an interface to the EnergyPlus IDD object named "AirTerminal:SingleDuct:ConstantVolume:NoReheat" |
AirTerminalSingleDuctConstantVolumeReheat | AirTerminalSingleDuctConstantVolumeReheat is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirTerminal:SingleDuct:ConstantVolume:Reheat' |
AirTerminalSingleDuctInletSideMixer | AirTerminalSingleDuctInletSideMixer is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirTerminal:SingleDuct:InletSideMixer' |
AirTerminalSingleDuctParallelPIUReheat | AirTerminalSingleDuctParallelPIUReheat is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirTerminal:SingleDuct:ParallelPIU:Reheat' |
AirTerminalSingleDuctSeriesPIUReheat | AirTerminalSingleDuctSeriesPIUReheat is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirTerminal:SingleDuct:SeriesPIU:Reheat' |
AirTerminalSingleDuctVAVHeatAndCoolNoReheat | AirTerminalSingleDuctVAVHeatAndCoolNoReheat is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:HeatAndCool:NoReheat' |
AirTerminalSingleDuctVAVHeatAndCoolReheat | AirTerminalSingleDuctVAVHeatAndCoolReheat is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:HeatAndCool:Reheat' |
AirTerminalSingleDuctVAVNoReheat | AirTerminalSingleDuctVAVNoReheat is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:NoReheat' |
AirTerminalSingleDuctVAVReheat | |
AirToAirComponent | AirToAirComponent is the base class for model objects which interact with two air streams |
AvailabilityManager | |
AvailabilityManagerAssignmentList | AvailabilityManagerAssignmentList is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AvailabilityManagerAssignmentList' |
AvailabilityManagerDifferentialThermostat | AvailabilityManagerDifferentialThermostat is a AvailabilityManager that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AvailabilityManager:DifferentialThermostat' |
AvailabilityManagerHighTemperatureTurnOff | AvailabilityManagerHighTemperatureTurnOff is a AvailabilityManager that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AvailabilityManager:HighTemperatureTurnOff' |
AvailabilityManagerHighTemperatureTurnOn | AvailabilityManagerHighTemperatureTurnOn is a AvailabilityManager that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AvailabilityManager:HighTemperatureTurnOn' |
AvailabilityManagerHybridVentilation | AvailabilityManagerHybridVentilation is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AvailabilityManager:HybridVentilation' |
AvailabilityManagerLowTemperatureTurnOff | AvailabilityManagerLowTemperatureTurnOff is a AvailabilityManager that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AvailabilityManager:LowTemperatureTurnOff' |
AvailabilityManagerLowTemperatureTurnOn | AvailabilityManagerLowTemperatureTurnOn is a AvailabilityManager that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AvailabilityManager:LowTemperatureTurnOn' |
AvailabilityManagerNightCycle | AvailabilityManagerNightCycle is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AvailabilityManager:NightCycle' |
AvailabilityManagerNightVentilation | AvailabilityManagerNightVentilation is a AvailabilityManager that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AvailabilityManager:NightVentilation' |
AvailabilityManagerOptimumStart | AvailabilityManagerOptimumStart is a AvailabilityManager that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AvailabilityManager:OptimumStart' |
AvailabilityManagerScheduled | AvailabilityManagerScheduled is a AvailabilityManager that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AvailabilityManager:Scheduled' |
AvailabilityManagerScheduledOff | AvailabilityManagerScheduledOff is a AvailabilityManager that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AvailabilityManager:ScheduledOff' |
AvailabilityManagerScheduledOn | AvailabilityManagerScheduledOn is a AvailabilityManager that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AvailabilityManager:ScheduledOn' |
BillingPeriod | BillingPeriod is a ModelExtensibleGroup that represents a single billing period in the UtilityBill ModelObject |
Blind | Blind is a ShadingMaterial that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:WindowMaterial:Blind' |
BoilerHotWater | BoilerHotWater is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Boiler:HotWater' |
BoilerSteam | BoilerSteam is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Boiler:Steam' |
Building | Building derives from ParentObject and is an interface to the OpenStudio IDD object named "Building" |
BuildingStory | BuildingStory is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_BuildingStory' |
BuildingUnit | |
CentralHeatPumpSystem | CentralHeatPumpSystem is a WaterToWaterComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:CentralHeatPumpSystem' |
CentralHeatPumpSystemModule | CentralHeatPumpSystemModule is a ParentObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:CentralHeatPumpSystem:Module' |
CFactorUndergroundWallConstruction | CFactorUndergroundWallConstruction is a ConstructionBase object that wraps EnergyPlus IDD object 'Construction:CfactorUndergroundWall' |
ChillerAbsorption | ChillerAbsorption is a WaterToWaterComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Chiller:Absorption' |
ChillerAbsorptionIndirect | ChillerAbsorptionIndirect is a WaterToWaterComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Chiller:Absorption:Indirect' |
ChillerElectricASHRAE205 | ChillerElectricASHRAE205 is a WaterToWaterComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Chiller:Electric:ASHRAE205' |
ChillerElectricEIR | ChillerElectricEIR is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Chiller:Electric:EIR' |
ChillerElectricReformulatedEIR | ChillerElectricReformulatedEIR is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Chiller:Electric:EIR' |
ChillerHeaterPerformanceElectricEIR | ChillerHeaterPerformanceElectricEIR is a ParentObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ChillerHeaterPerformance:Electric:EIR' |
ClimateZone | ClimateZone is a ModelExtensibleGroup that represents a single climate zone definition contained in the unique ClimateZones ModelObject |
ClimateZones | ClimateZones is a unque ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ClimateZones' |
CoilCoolingCooledBeam | CoilCoolingCooledBeam is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Cooling:CooledBeam' |
CoilCoolingDX | CoilCoolingDX is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Cooling:DX' |
CoilCoolingDXCurveFitOperatingMode | CoilCoolingDXCurveFitOperatingMode is a ResourceObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Cooling:DX:CurveFit:OperatingMode' |
CoilCoolingDXCurveFitPerformance | CoilCoolingDXCurveFitPerformance is a ResourceObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Cooling:DX:CurveFit:Performance' |
CoilCoolingDXCurveFitSpeed | CoilCoolingDXCurveFitSpeed is a ResourceObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Cooling:DX:CurveFit:Speed' |
CoilCoolingDXMultiSpeed | CoilCoolingDXMultiSpeed is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Cooling:DX:MultiSpeed' |
CoilCoolingDXMultiSpeedStageData | CoilCoolingDXMultiSpeedStageData is a ParentObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Cooling:DX:MultiSpeed:StageData' |
CoilCoolingDXSingleSpeed | CoilCoolingDXSingleSpeed is an interface to the IDD object named "OS:Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed" |
CoilCoolingDXTwoSpeed | CoilCoolingDXTwoSpeed is an interface to the IDD object named "OS:Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed" |
CoilCoolingDXTwoStageWithHumidityControlMode | CoilCoolingDXTwoStageWithHumidityControlMode is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Cooling:DX:TwoStageWithHumidityControlMode' |
CoilCoolingDXVariableRefrigerantFlow | CoilCoolingDXVariableRefrigerantFlow is a HVACComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Cooling:DX:VariableRefrigerantFlow' |
CoilCoolingDXVariableRefrigerantFlowFluidTemperatureControl | CoilCoolingDXVariableRefrigerantFlowFluidTemperatureControl is a HVACComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Cooling:DX:VariableRefrigerantFlow:FluidTemperatureControl' |
CoilCoolingDXVariableSpeed | CoilCoolingDXVariableSpeed is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Cooling:DX:VariableSpeed' |
CoilCoolingDXVariableSpeedSpeedData | CoilCoolingDXVariableSpeedSpeedData is a ParentObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Cooling:DX:VariableSpeed:SpeedData' |
CoilCoolingFourPipeBeam | CoilCoolingFourPipeBeam is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Cooling:FourPipeBeam' |
CoilCoolingLowTempRadiantConstFlow | CoilCoolingLowTempRadiantConstFlow is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Cooling:LowTemperatureRadiant:ConstantFlow' |
CoilCoolingLowTempRadiantVarFlow | CoilCoolingLowTempRadiantVarFlow is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Cooling:LowTemperatureRadiant:VariableFlow' |
CoilCoolingWater | CoilCoolingWater is a WaterToAirComponent that wraps the IDD object named "OS:Coil:Cooling:Water" |
CoilCoolingWaterPanelRadiant | CoilCoolingWaterPanelRadiant is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Cooling:Water:Panel:Radiant' |
CoilCoolingWaterToAirHeatPumpEquationFit | CoilCoolingWaterToAirHeatPumpEquationFit is a WaterToAirComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Cooling:WaterToAirHeatPump:EquationFit' |
CoilCoolingWaterToAirHeatPumpVariableSpeedEquationFit | CoilCoolingWaterToAirHeatPumpVariableSpeedEquationFit is a WaterToAirComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Cooling:WaterToAirHeatPump:VariableSpeedEquationFit' |
CoilCoolingWaterToAirHeatPumpVariableSpeedEquationFitSpeedData | CoilCoolingWaterToAirHeatPumpVariableSpeedEquationFitSpeedData is a ParentObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Cooling:WaterToAirHeatPump:VariableSpeedEquationFit:SpeedData' |
CoilHeatingDesuperheater | CoilHeatingDesuperheater is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Heating:Desuperheater' |
CoilHeatingDXMultiSpeed | CoilHeatingDXMultiSpeed is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Heating:DX:MultiSpeed' |
CoilHeatingDXMultiSpeedStageData | CoilHeatingDXMultiSpeedStageData is a ParentObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Heating:DX:MultiSpeed:StageData' |
CoilHeatingDXSingleSpeed | CoilHeatingDXSingleSpeed is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Heating:DX:SingleSpeed' |
CoilHeatingDXVariableRefrigerantFlow | CoilHeatingDXVariableRefrigerantFlow is a HVACComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Heating:DX:VariableRefrigerantFlow' |
CoilHeatingDXVariableRefrigerantFlowFluidTemperatureControl | CoilHeatingDXVariableRefrigerantFlowFluidTemperatureControl is a HVACComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Heating:DX:VariableRefrigerantFlow:FluidTemperatureControl' |
CoilHeatingDXVariableSpeed | CoilHeatingDXVariableSpeed is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Heating:DX:VariableSpeed' |
CoilHeatingDXVariableSpeedSpeedData | CoilHeatingDXVariableSpeedSpeedData is a ParentObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Heating:DX:VariableSpeed:SpeedData' |
CoilHeatingElectric | CoilHeatingElectric is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_Coil_Heating_Electric' |
CoilHeatingElectricMultiStage | CoilHeatingElectricMultiStage is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Heating:Electric:MultiStage' |
CoilHeatingElectricMultiStageStageData | CoilHeatingElectricMultiStageStageData is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Heating:Electric:MultiStage:StageData' |
CoilHeatingFourPipeBeam | CoilHeatingFourPipeBeam is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Heating:FourPipeBeam' |
CoilHeatingGas | CoilHeatingGas is an interface to the IDD object named "OS:Coil:Heating:Gas" |
CoilHeatingGasMultiStage | CoilHeatingGasMultiStage is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Heating:Gas:MultiStage' |
CoilHeatingGasMultiStageStageData | CoilHeatingGasMultiStageStageData is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Heating:Gas:MultiStage:StageData' |
CoilHeatingLowTempRadiantConstFlow | CoilHeatingLowTempRadiantConstFlow is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Heating:LowTemperatureRadiant:ConstantFlow' |
CoilHeatingLowTempRadiantVarFlow | CoilHeatingLowTempRadiantVarFlow is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Heating:LowTemperatureRadiant:VariableFlow' |
CoilHeatingWater | CoilHeatingWater is a WaterToAirComponent that wraps the IDD object named "OS:Coil:Heating:Water" |
CoilHeatingWaterBaseboard | CoilHeatingWaterBaseboard is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Heating:Water:Baseboard' |
CoilHeatingWaterBaseboardRadiant | CoilHeatingWaterBaseboardRadiant is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Heating:Water:Baseboard:Radiant' |
CoilHeatingWaterToAirHeatPumpEquationFit | CoilHeatingWaterToAirHeatPumpEquationFit is a WaterToAirComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Heating:WaterToAirHeatPump:EquationFit' |
CoilHeatingWaterToAirHeatPumpVariableSpeedEquationFit | CoilHeatingWaterToAirHeatPumpVariableSpeedEquationFit is a WaterToAirComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Heating:WaterToAirHeatPump:VariableSpeedEquationFit' |
CoilHeatingWaterToAirHeatPumpVariableSpeedEquationFitSpeedData | CoilHeatingWaterToAirHeatPumpVariableSpeedEquationFitSpeedData is a ParentObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Heating:WaterToAirHeatPump:VariableSpeedEquationFit:SpeedData' |
CoilPerformanceDXCooling | CoilPerformanceDXCooling is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:CoilPerformance:DX:Cooling' |
CoilSystemCoolingDXHeatExchangerAssisted | CoilSystemCoolingDXHeatExchangerAssisted is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:CoilSystem:Cooling:DX:HeatExchangerAssisted' |
CoilSystemCoolingWaterHeatExchangerAssisted | CoilSystemCoolingWaterHeatExchangerAssisted is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:CoilSystem:Cooling:Water:HeatExchangerAssisted' |
CoilSystemIntegratedHeatPumpAirSource | CoilSystemIntegratedHeatPumpAirSource is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:CoilSystem:IntegratedHeatPump:AirSource' |
CoilUserDefined | CoilUserDefined is a WaterToAirComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:UserDefined' |
CoilWaterHeatingAirToWaterHeatPump | CoilWaterHeatingAirToWaterHeatPump is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:WaterHeating:AirToWaterHeatPump' |
CoilWaterHeatingAirToWaterHeatPumpVariableSpeed | CoilWaterHeatingAirToWaterHeatPumpVariableSpeed is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:WaterHeating:AirToWaterHeatPump:VariableSpeed' |
CoilWaterHeatingAirToWaterHeatPumpVariableSpeedSpeedData | CoilWaterHeatingAirToWaterHeatPumpVariableSpeedSpeedData is a ParentObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:WaterHeating:AirToWaterHeatPump:VariableSpeed:SpeedData' |
CoilWaterHeatingAirToWaterHeatPumpWrapped | CoilWaterHeatingAirToWaterHeatPumpWrapped is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:WaterHeating:AirToWaterHeatPump:Wrapped' |
CoilWaterHeatingDesuperheater | CoilWaterHeatingDesuperheater is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:WaterHeating:Desuperheater' |
ColorRGB | |
Component | Component is a Model that contains exactly one ComponentData object |
ComponentCostAdjustments | ComponentCostAdjustments derives from ParentObject and is an interface to the OpenStudio IDD object named "OS:ComponentCost:Adjustments" |
ComponentData | ComponentData is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ComponentData' |
ComponentWatcher | ComponentWatcher uses signals and slots to monitor the data associated with a Component |
Connection | |
ConnectorMixer | Mixer is an interface to the IDD object named "OS:Connector:Mixer" |
ConnectorSplitter | ConnectorSplitter is an interface to the EnergyPlus IDD object named "OS:Connector:Splitter" |
Construction | Construction is a LayeredConstruction that wraps the EnergyPlus IDD object 'Construction' |
ConstructionAirBoundary | ConstructionAirBoundary is a ConstructionBase that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Construction:AirBoundary' |
ConstructionBase | ConstructionBase is a ResourceObject that serves as a base class for several objects that can be used to specify a construction for a PlanarSurface |
ConstructionWithInternalSource | ConstructionWithInternalSource is a LayeredConstruction that wraps EnergyPlus IDD object 'Construction:InternalSource' |
ControllerMechanicalVentilation | ControllerMechanicalVentilation is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Controller:MechanicalVentilation' |
ControllerOutdoorAir | |
ControllerWaterCoil | ControllerWaterCoil is a HVACComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Controller:WaterCoil' |
ConvergenceLimits | ConvergenceLimits is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ConvergenceLimits' |
CoolingTowerPerformanceCoolTools | CoolingTowerPerformanceCoolTools is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:CoolingTowerPerformance:CoolTools' |
CoolingTowerPerformanceYorkCalc | CoolingTowerPerformanceYorkCalc is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:CoolingTowerPerformance:YorkCalc' |
CoolingTowerSingleSpeed | CoolingTowerSingleSpeed is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:CoolingTower:SingleSpeed' |
CoolingTowerTwoSpeed | CoolingTowerTwoSpeed is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:CoolingTower:TwoSpeed' |
CoolingTowerVariableSpeed | CoolingTowerVariableSpeed is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:CoolingTower:VariableSpeed' |
CurrencyType | CurrencyType derives from ParentObject and is an interface to the OpenStudio IDD object named "OS:CurrencyType" |
Curve | Curve is a ModelObject that serves as a base class for a number of specific types of curves, each of which is a function of one, two, or three variables |
CurveBicubic | CurveBicubic is a Curve that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Curve:Bicubic' |
CurveBiquadratic | CurveBiquadratic is a Curve that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Curve:Biquadratic' |
CurveCubic | CurveCubic is a Curve that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Curve:Cubic' |
CurveDoubleExponentialDecay | CurveDoubleExponentialDecay is a Curve that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Curve:DoubleExponentialDecay' |
CurveExponent | CurveExponent is a Curve that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Curve:Exponent' |
CurveExponentialDecay | CurveExponentialDecay is a Curve that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Curve:ExponentialDecay' |
CurveExponentialSkewNormal | CurveExponentialSkewNormal is a Curve that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Curve:ExponentialSkewNormal' |
CurveFanPressureRise | CurveFanPressureRise is a Curve that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Curve:FanPressureRise' |
CurveFunctionalPressureDrop | CurveFunctionalPressureDrop is a Curve that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Curve:Functional:PressureDrop' |
CurveLinear | CurveLinear is a Curve that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Curve:Linear' |
CurveQuadLinear | CurveQuadLinear is a Curve that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Curve:QuadLinear' |
CurveQuadratic | CurveQuadratic is a Curve that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Curve:Quadratic' |
CurveQuadraticLinear | CurveQuadraticLinear is a Curve that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Curve:QuadraticLinear' |
CurveQuartic | CurveQuartic is a Curve that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Curve:Quartic' |
CurveQuintLinear | CurveQuintLinear is a Curve that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Curve:QuintLinear' |
CurveRectangularHyperbola1 | CurveRectangularHyperbola1 is a Curve that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Curve:RectangularHyperbola1' |
CurveRectangularHyperbola2 | CurveRectangularHyperbola2 is a Curve that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Curve:RectangularHyperbola2' |
CurveSigmoid | CurveSigmoid is a Curve that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Curve:Sigmoid' |
CurveTriquadratic | CurveTriquadratic is a Curve that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Curve:Triquadratic' |
CustomBlock | This class implements a custom block |
DaylightingControl | DaylightingControl is a SpaceItem that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Daylighting:Control' |
DaylightingDeviceLightWell | DaylightingDeviceLightWell is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_DaylightingDevice_LightWell' |
DaylightingDeviceShelf | DaylightingDeviceShelf is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_DaylightingDevice_Shelf' |
DaylightingDeviceTubular | DaylightingDeviceTubular is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_DaylightingDevice_Tubular' |
DaylightRedirectionDevice | DaylightRedirectionDevice is a ShadingMaterial that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:WindowMaterial:DaylightRedirectionDevice' |
DefaultConstructionSet | DefaultConstructionSet is a ResourceObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_DefaultConstructionSet' |
DefaultScheduleSet | DefaultScheduleSet is a ResourceObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:DefaultScheduleSet' |
DefaultScheduleType | |
DefaultSubSurfaceConstructions | DefaultSubSurfaceConstructions is a ResourceObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_DefaultSubSurfaceConstructions' |
DefaultSurfaceConstructions | DefaultSurfaceConstructions is a ResourceObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_DefaultSurfaceConstructions' |
DesignDay | |
DesignSpecificationOutdoorAir | DesignSpecificationOutdoorAir is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:DesignSpecification:OutdoorAir' |
DesignSpecificationZoneAirDistribution | DesignSpecificationZoneAirDistribution is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:DesignSpecification:ZoneAirDistribution' |
DetailedOpeningFactorData | |
DistrictCooling | DistrictCooling is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:DistrictCooling' |
DistrictHeatingSteam | DistrictHeatingSteam is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:DistrictHeatingSteam' |
DistrictHeatingWater | DistrictHeatingWater is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:DistrictHeating:Water' |
Duct | |
ElectricalStorage | ElectricStorage is a ParentObject |
ElectricEquipment | ElectricEquipment is a SpaceLoadInstance that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ElectricEquipment' |
ElectricEquipmentDefinition | ElectricEquipmentDefinition is a SpaceLoadDefinition that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_ElectricEquipment_Definition' |
ElectricEquipmentITEAirCooled | ElectricEquipmentITEAirCooled is a SpaceLoadInstance that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ElectricEquipment:ITE:AirCooled' |
ElectricEquipmentITEAirCooledDefinition | ElectricEquipmentITEAirCooledDefinition is a SpaceLoadDefinition that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ElectricEquipment:ITE:AirCooled:Definition' |
ElectricLoadCenterDistribution | ElectricLoadCenterDistribution is a ParentObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ElectricLoadCenter:Distribution' |
ElectricLoadCenterInverterLookUpTable | ElectricLoadCenterInverterLookUpTable is a Inverter that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ElectricLoadCenter:Inverter:LookUpTable' |
ElectricLoadCenterInverterPVWatts | ElectricLoadCenterInverterPVWatts is a Inverter that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ElectricLoadCenter:Inverter:PVWatts' |
ElectricLoadCenterInverterSimple | ElectricLoadCenterInverterSimple is a Inverter that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ElectricLoadCenter:Inverter:Simple' |
ElectricLoadCenterStorageConverter | ElectricLoadCenterStorageConverter is a ParentObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ElectricLoadCenter:Storage:Converter' |
ElectricLoadCenterStorageLiIonNMCBattery | ElectricLoadCenterStorageLiIonNMCBattery is a ElectricalStorage that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ElectricLoadCenter:Storage:LiIonNMCBattery' |
ElectricLoadCenterStorageSimple | ElectricLoadCenterStorageSimple is a ElectricalStorage that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ElectricLoadCenter:Storage:Simple' |
ElectricLoadCenterTransformer | ElectricLoadCenterTransformer is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ElectricLoadCenter:Transformer' |
EMSActuatorNames | |
EnergyManagementSystemActuator | EnergyManagementSystemActuator is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:EnergyManagementSystem:Actuator' |
EnergyManagementSystemConstructionIndexVariable | EnergyManagementSystemConstructionIndexVariable is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:EnergyManagementSystem:ConstructionIndexVariable' |
EnergyManagementSystemCurveOrTableIndexVariable | EnergyManagementSystemCurveOrTableIndexVariable is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:EnergyManagementSystem:CurveOrTableIndexVariable' |
EnergyManagementSystemGlobalVariable | EnergyManagementSystemGlobalVariable is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:EnergyManagementSystem:GlobalVariable' |
EnergyManagementSystemInternalVariable | EnergyManagementSystemInternalVariable is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:EnergyManagementSystem:InternalVariable' |
EnergyManagementSystemMeteredOutputVariable | EnergyManagementSystemMeteredOutputVariable is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:EnergyManagementSystem:MeteredOutputVariable' |
EnergyManagementSystemOutputVariable | EnergyManagementSystemOutputVariable is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:EnergyManagementSystem:OutputVariable' |
EnergyManagementSystemProgram | EnergyManagementSystemProgram is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:EnergyManagementSystem:Program' |
EnergyManagementSystemProgramCallingManager | EnergyManagementSystemProgramCallingManager is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:EnergyManagementSystem:ProgramCallingManager' |
EnergyManagementSystemSensor | EnergyManagementSystemSensor is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:EnergyManagementSystem:Sensor' |
EnergyManagementSystemSubroutine | EnergyManagementSystemSubroutine is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:EnergyManagementSystem:Subroutine' |
EnergyManagementSystemTrendVariable | EnergyManagementSystemTrendVariable is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:EnergyManagementSystem:TrendVariable' |
EnvironmentalImpactFactors | EnvironmentalImpactFactors is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:EnvironmentalImpactFactors' |
EvaporativeCoolerDirectResearchSpecial | EvaporativeCoolerDirectResearchSpecial is a StraightComponent that wraps the IDD object named "OS:EvaporativeCooler:Direct:ResearchSpecial" |
EvaporativeCoolerIndirectResearchSpecial | EvaporativeCoolerIndirectResearchSpecial is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:EvaporativeCooler:Indirect:ResearchSpecial' |
EvaporativeFluidCoolerSingleSpeed | EvaporativeFluidCoolerSingleSpeed is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:EvaporativeFluidCooler:SingleSpeed' |
EvaporativeFluidCoolerTwoSpeed | EvaporativeFluidCoolerTwoSpeed is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:EvaporativeFluidCooler:TwoSpeed' |
ExteriorFuelEquipment | ExteriorFuelEquipment is a ExteriorLoadInstance that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Exterior:FuelEquipment' |
ExteriorFuelEquipmentDefinition | ExteriorFuelEquipmentDefinition is a ExteriorLoadDefinition that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Exterior:FuelEquipment:Definition' |
ExteriorLights | ExteriorLights is a ExteriorLoadInstance that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Exterior:Lights' |
ExteriorLightsDefinition | ExteriorLightsDefinition is a ExteriorLoadDefinition that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Exterior:Lights:Definition' |
ExteriorLoadDefinition | ExteriorLoadDefinition is an abstract class derived from ResourceObject |
ExteriorLoadInstance | ExteriorLoadInstance is an abstract class derived from ModelObject |
ExteriorWaterEquipment | ExteriorWaterEquipment is a ExteriorLoadInstance that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Exterior:WaterEquipment' |
ExteriorWaterEquipmentDefinition | ExteriorWaterEquipmentDefinition is a ExteriorLoadDefinition that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Exterior:WaterEquipment:Definition' |
ExternalFile | ExternalFile is a ResourceObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:External:File' |
ExternalInterface | ExternalInterface is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ExternalInterface' |
ExternalInterfaceActuator | ExternalInterfaceActuator is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ExternalInterface:Actuator' |
ExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitExportFromVariable | ExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitExportFromVariable is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ExternalInterface:FunctionalMockupUnitExport:From:Variable' |
ExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitExportToActuator | ExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitExportToActuator is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ExternalInterface:FunctionalMockupUnitExport:To:Actuator' |
ExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitExportToSchedule | ExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitExportToSchedule is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ExternalInterface:FunctionalMockupUnitExport:To:Schedule' |
ExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitExportToVariable | ExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitExportToVariable is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ExternalInterface:FunctionalMockupUnitExport:To:Variable' |
ExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitImport | ExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitImport is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ExternalInterface:FunctionalMockupUnitImport' |
ExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitImportFromVariable | ExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitImportFromVariable is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ExternalInterface:FunctionalMockupUnitImport:From:Variable' |
ExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitImportToActuator | ExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitImportToActuator is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ExternalInterface:FunctionalMockupUnitImport:To:Actuator' |
ExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitImportToSchedule | ExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitImportToSchedule is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ExternalInterface:FunctionalMockupUnitImport:To:Schedule' |
ExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitImportToVariable | ExternalInterfaceFunctionalMockupUnitImportToVariable is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ExternalInterface:FunctionalMockupUnitImport:To:Variable' |
ExternalInterfaceSchedule | ExternalInterfaceSchedule is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ExternalInterface:Schedule' |
ExternalInterfaceVariable | ExternalInterfaceVariable is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ExternalInterface:Variable' |
Facility | Facility derives from ParentObject and is an interface to the OpenStudio IDD object named "OS:Facility" |
FanComponentModel | FanComponentModel is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Fan:ComponentModel' |
FanConstantVolume | FanConstantVolume is a StraightComponent that wraps the IDD object named "OS:Fan:ConstantVolume" |
FanOnOff | FanOnOff is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Fan:OnOff' |
FanSystemModel | FanSystemModel is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Fan:SystemModel' |
FanSystemModelSpeed | This class implements a speed |
FanVariableVolume | FanVariableVolume is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Fan:VariableVolume' |
FanZoneExhaust | FanZoneExhaust is a ZoneHVACComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Fan:ZoneExhaust' |
FenestrationMaterial | FenestrationMaterial is a Material that serves as a base class for materials that can be used in fenestration constructions |
FFactorGroundFloorConstruction | FFactorGroundFloorConstruction is a ConstructionBase that wraps EnergyPlus IDD object 'Construction:FfactorGroundFloor' |
FloorplanJSForwardTranslator | FloorplanJSForwardTranslator updates a FloorspaceJS JSON with content from an OpenStudio Model |
FloorspaceReverseTranslator | |
FluidCoolerSingleSpeed | FluidCoolerSingleSpeed is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:FluidCooler:SingleSpeed' |
FluidCoolerTwoSpeed | FluidCoolerTwoSpeed is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:FluidCooler:TwoSpeed' |
FoundationKiva | FoundationKiva is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Foundation:Kiva' |
FoundationKivaSettings | FoundationKivaSettings is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Foundation:Kiva:Settings' |
FuelFactors | FuelFactors is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:FuelFactors' |
FuelSupplyConstituent | This class implements a constituent |
Gas | Gas is a GasLayer that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:WindowMaterial:Gas' |
GasEquipment | GasEquipment is a SpaceLoadInstance that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:GasEquipment' |
GasEquipmentDefinition | GasEquipmentDefinition is a SpaceLoadDefinition that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_GasEquipment_Definition' |
GasLayer | GasLayer is a FenestrationMaterial that serves as a base class for gaseous layers in fenestration LayeredConstructions |
GasMixture | GasMixture is a GasLayer that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:WindowMaterial:GasMixture' |
Generator | Generator is the base class for generators |
GeneratorFuelCell | GeneratorFuelCell is a Generator that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Generator:FuelCell' |
GeneratorFuelCellAirSupply | GeneratorFuelCellAirSupply is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Generator:FuelCell:AirSupply' |
GeneratorFuelCellAuxiliaryHeater | GeneratorFuelCellAuxiliaryHeater is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Generator:FuelCell:AuxiliaryHeater' |
GeneratorFuelCellElectricalStorage | GeneratorFuelCellElectricalStorage is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Generator:FuelCell:ElectricalStorage' |
GeneratorFuelCellExhaustGasToWaterHeatExchanger | GeneratorFuelCellExhaustGasToWaterHeatExchanger is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Generator:FuelCell:ExhaustGasToWaterHeatExchanger' |
GeneratorFuelCellInverter | GeneratorFuelCellInverter is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Generator:FuelCell:Inverter' |
GeneratorFuelCellPowerModule | GeneratorFuelCellPowerModule is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Generator:FuelCell:PowerModule' |
GeneratorFuelCellStackCooler | GeneratorFuelCellStackCooler is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Generator:FuelCell:StackCooler' |
GeneratorFuelCellWaterSupply | GeneratorFuelCellWaterSupply is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Generator:FuelCell:WaterSupply' |
GeneratorFuelSupply | GeneratorFuelSupply is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Generator:FuelSupply' |
GeneratorMicroTurbine | GeneratorMicroTurbine is a Generator that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Generator:MicroTurbine' |
GeneratorMicroTurbineHeatRecovery | GeneratorMicroTurbineHeatRecovery is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Generator:MicroTurbine:HeatRecovery' |
GeneratorPhotovoltaic | GeneratorPhotovoltaic is a Generator that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Generator:Photovoltaic' |
GeneratorPVWatts | GeneratorPVWatts is a Generator that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Generator:PVWatts' |
GeneratorWindTurbine | GeneratorWindTurbine is a Generator that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Generator:WindTurbine' |
GenericModelObject | GenericModelObject is a generic interface for ModelObjects that do not yet have a customized interface |
GFunction | |
GlareSensor | GlareSensor is a SpaceItem that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Glare:Sensor' |
Glazing | Glazing is a FenestrationMaterial that serves as a base class for several types of glass layers in fenestration LayeredConstructions |
GroundHeatExchangerHorizontalTrench | GroundHeatExchangerHorizontalTrench is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:GroundHeatExchanger:HorizontalTrench' |
GroundHeatExchangerVertical | GroundHeatExchangerVertical is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:GroundHeatExchanger:Vertical' |
GroundSurfaceGroup | This class implements an extensible group |
HeaderedPumpsConstantSpeed | HeaderedPumpsConstantSpeed is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:HeaderedPumps:ConstantSpeed' |
HeaderedPumpsVariableSpeed | HeaderedPumpsVariableSpeed is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:HeaderedPumps:VariableSpeed' |
HeatBalanceAlgorithm | HeatBalanceAlgorithm derives from ModelObject and is an interface to the OpenStudio IDD object named "HeatBalanceAlgorithm" |
HeatExchangerAirToAirSensibleAndLatent | HeatExchangerAirToAirSensibleAndLatent is a AirToAirComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:HeatExchanger:AirToAir:SensibleAndLatent' |
HeatExchangerDesiccantBalancedFlow | HeatExchangerDesiccantBalancedFlow is a AirToAirComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:HeatExchanger:AirToAir:SensibleAndLatent' |
HeatExchangerDesiccantBalancedFlowPerformanceDataType1 | HeatExchangerDesiccantBalancedFlowPerformanceDataType1 is a ResourceObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Coil:Cooling:DX:CurveFit:Performance' |
HeatExchangerFluidToFluid | HeatExchangerFluidToFluid is a WaterToWaterComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:HeatExchanger:FluidToFluid' |
HeatPumpAirToWaterFuelFiredCooling | HeatPumpAirToWaterFuelFiredCooling is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:HeatPump:AirToWater:FuelFired:Cooling' |
HeatPumpAirToWaterFuelFiredHeating | HeatPumpAirToWaterFuelFiredHeating is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:HeatPump:AirToWater:FuelFired:Heating' |
HeatPumpPlantLoopEIRCooling | HeatPumpPlantLoopEIRCooling is a WaterToWaterComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:HeatPump:PlantLoop:EIR:Cooling' |
HeatPumpPlantLoopEIRHeating | HeatPumpPlantLoopEIRHeating is a WaterToWaterComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:HeatPump:PlantLoop:EIR:Heating' |
HeatPumpWaterToWaterEquationFitCooling | HeatPumpWaterToWaterEquationFitCooling is a WaterToWaterComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:HeatPump:WaterToWater:EquationFit:Cooling' |
HeatPumpWaterToWaterEquationFitHeating | HeatPumpWaterToWaterEquationFitHeating is a WaterToWaterComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:HeatPump:WaterToWater:EquationFit:Heating' |
HotWaterEquipment | HotWaterEquipment is a SpaceLoadInstance that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:HotWaterEquipment' |
HotWaterEquipmentDefinition | HotWaterEquipmentDefinition is a SpaceLoadDefinition that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:HotWaterEquipment:Definition' |
HumidifierSteamElectric | HumidifierSteamElectric is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Humidifier:Steam:Electric' |
HumidifierSteamGas | HumidifierSteamGas is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Humidifier:Steam:Gas' |
HVACComponent | HVACComponent is the base class for objects related to HVAC systems |
IlluminanceMap | IlluminanceMap is a SpaceItem and is an interface to the OpenStudio IDD object named "OS:IlluminanceMap" |
InfraredTransparentMaterial | InfraredTransparentMaterial is a ModelPartitionMaterial that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Material:InfraredTransparent' |
InsideSurfaceConvectionAlgorithm | InsideSurfaceConvectionAlgorithm derives from ModelObject and is an interface to the OpenStudio IDD object named "SurfaceConvectionAlgorithm:Inside" |
InteriorPartitionSurface | InteriorPartitionSurface is a PlanarSurface that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_InteriorPartitionSurface' |
InteriorPartitionSurfaceGroup | InteriorPartitionSurfaceGroup is a PlanarSurfaceGroup that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_InteriorPartitionSurfaceGroup' |
InternalMass | InternalMass is a SpaceLoadInstance that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_InternalMass' |
InternalMassDefinition | InternalMassDefinition is a SpaceLoadDefinition that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_InternalMass_Definition' |
Inverter | Inverter is the base class for inverters |
LayeredConstruction | LayeredConstruction is a ConstructionBase that serves as a base class to concrete construction classes that are composed of Material layers |
LifeCycleCost | LifeCycleCost derives from ModelObject and is an interface to the OpenStudio IDD object named "OS:LifeCycleCost" |
LifeCycleCostParameters | LifeCycleCostParameters derives from ParentObject and is an interface to the OpenStudio IDD object named "OS:LifeCycleCost:Parameters" |
LifeCycleCostUsePriceEscalation | LifeCycleCostUsePriceEscalation derives from ParentObject and is an interface to the OpenStudio IDD object named "OS:LifeCycleCost:UsePriceEscalation" |
LightingDesignDay | LightingDesignDay is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_LightingDesignDay' |
LightingSimulationControl | LightingSimulationControl is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_LightingSimulationControl' |
LightingSimulationZone | LightingSimulationZone is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_LightingSimulationZone' |
Lights | Lights is a SpaceLoadInstance that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Lights' |
LightsDefinition | LightsDefinition is a SpaceLoadDefinition that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_Lights_Definition' |
LoadingIndex | LoadingIndex is a ParentObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:AirConditioner:VariableRefrigerantFlow:FluidTemperatureControl:LoadingIndex' |
LoadProfilePlant | LoadProfilePlant is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:LoadProfile:Plant' |
Loop | Loop is the base class for HVAC air and water loops |
Luminaire | Luminaire is a SpaceLoadInstance that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Luminaire' |
LuminaireDefinition | LuminaireDefinition is a SpaceLoadDefinition that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_Luminaire_Definition' |
MasslessOpaqueMaterial | MasslessOpaqueMaterial is a OpaqueMaterial that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Material:NoMass' |
Material | A Material is a ResourceObject that serves as a base class for all objects that can be used in LayeredConstructions |
MaterialPropertyGlazingSpectralData | MaterialPropertyGlazingSpectralData is a ResourceObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:MaterialProperty:GlazingSpectralData' |
MaterialPropertyMoisturePenetrationDepthSettings | MaterialPropertyMoisturePenetrationDepthSettings is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:MaterialProperty:MoisturePenetrationDepth:Settings' |
MaterialPropertyPhaseChange | MaterialPropertyPhaseChange is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:MaterialProperty:PhaseChange' |
MaterialPropertyPhaseChangeHysteresis | MaterialPropertyPhaseChangeHysteresis is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:MaterialProperty:PhaseChangeHysteresis' |
MeterCustom | MeterCustom is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Meter:Custom' |
MeterCustomDecrement | MeterCustomDecrement is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Meter:Custom' |
Mixer | |
Model | Model derives from Workspace and is a container for ModelObjects as defined by the OpenStudio IDD |
ModelExtensibleGroup | ModelExtensibleGroup is a WorkspaceExtensibleGroup with additional methods added to support extensible ModelObjects |
ModelMerger | ModelMerger updates content in a current OpenStudio Model based on data from a new OpenStudio Model |
ModelObject | Base class for the OpenStudio Building Model hierarchy |
ModelObjectList | ModelObjectList is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ModelObjectList' |
ModelPartitionMaterial | ModelPartitionMaterial is an abstract class derived from Material |
Node | Node is a ModelObject that defines a point in an EnergyPlus HVAC topology where fluid conditions are known and control devices can be applied |
OpaqueMaterial | OpaqueMaterial is a Material that serves as a base class for all LayeredConstructions for which isOpaque |
OtherEquipment | OtherEquipment is a SpaceLoadInstance that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:OtherEquipment' |
OtherEquipmentDefinition | OtherEquipmentDefinition is a SpaceLoadDefinition that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:OtherEquipment:Definition' |
OutputConstructions | OutputConstructions is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Output:Constructions' |
OutputControlFiles | OutputControlFiles is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:OutputControl:Files' |
OutputControlReportingTolerances | OutputControlReportingTolerances is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:OutputControl:ReportingTolerances' |
OutputControlTableStyle | OutputControlTableStyle is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:OutputControl:Table:Style' |
OutputControlTimestamp | OutputControlTimestamp is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:OutputControl:Timestamp' |
OutputDebuggingData | OutputDebuggingData is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Output:DebuggingData' |
OutputDiagnostics | OutputDiagnostics is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Output:Diagnostics' |
OutputEnergyManagementSystem | OutputEnergyManagementSystem is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Output:EnergyManagementSystem' |
OutputEnvironmentalImpactFactors | OutputEnvironmentalImpactFactors is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Output:EnvironmentalImpactFactors' |
OutputJSON | OutputJSON is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Output:JSON' |
OutputMeter | OutputMeter is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_Output_Meter' |
OutputSchedules | OutputSchedules is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Output:Schedules' |
OutputSQLite | OutputSQLite is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Output:SQLite' |
OutputTableSummaryReports | OutputTableSummaryReports is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Output:Table:SummaryReports' |
OutputVariable | OutputVariable derives from ModelObject and is an interface to the OpenStudio IDD object named "OS:Output:Variable" |
OutsideSurfaceConvectionAlgorithm | OutsideSurfaceConvectionAlgorithm derives from ModelObject and is an interface to the OpenStudio IDD object named "SurfaceConvectionAlgorithm:Outside" |
ParentObject | ParentObject is an abstract class derived from ModelObject |
People | People is a SpaceLoadInstance that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_People' |
PeopleDefinition | PeopleDefinition is a SpaceLoadDefinition that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_People_Definition' |
PerformancePrecisionTradeoffs | PerformancePrecisionTradeoffs is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:PerformancePrecisionTradeoffs' |
PhotovoltaicPerformance | PhotovoltaicPerformance is the base class for photovoltaic performance objects |
PhotovoltaicPerformanceEquivalentOneDiode | PhotovoltaicPerformanceEquivalentOneDiode is a PhotovoltaicPerformance that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:PhotovoltaicPerformance:EquivalentOne-Diode' |
PhotovoltaicPerformanceSandia | PhotovoltaicPerformanceSandia is a PhotovoltaicPerformance that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:PhotovoltaicPerformance:Sandia' |
PhotovoltaicPerformanceSimple | PhotovoltaicPerformanceSimple is a PhotovoltaicPerformance that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:PhotovoltaicPerformance:Simple' |
PipeAdiabatic | PipeAdiabatic is an interface to the IDD object named "OS:Pipe:Adiabatic" |
PipeIndoor | PipeIndoor is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Pipe:Indoor' |
PipeOutdoor | PipeOutdoor is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Pipe:Outdoor' |
PlanarSurface | PlanarSurface is an abstract class derived from ParentObject |
PlanarSurfaceGroup | PlanarSurfaceGroup is an abstract class representing a group that holds many PlanarSurfaces |
PlantComponentTemperatureSource | PlantComponentTemperatureSource is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:PlantComponent:TemperatureSource' |
PlantComponentUserDefined | PlantComponentUserDefined is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:PlantComponent:UserDefined' |
PlantEquipmentOperationCoolingLoad | PlantEquipmentOperationCoolingLoad is a PlantEquipmentOperationRangeBasedScheme that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:PlantEquipmentOperation:CoolingLoad' |
PlantEquipmentOperationHeatingLoad | PlantEquipmentOperationHeatingLoad is a PlantEquipmentOperationRangeBasedScheme that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:PlantEquipmentOperation:HeatingLoad' |
PlantEquipmentOperationOutdoorDewpoint | PlantEquipmentOperationOutdoorDewpoint is a PlantEquipmentOperationRangeBasedScheme that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:PlantEquipmentOperation:OutdoorDewpoint' |
PlantEquipmentOperationOutdoorDewpointDifference | PlantEquipmentOperationOutdoorDewpointDifference is a PlantEquipmentOperationRangeBasedScheme that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:PlantEquipmentOperation:OutdoorDewpointDifference' |
PlantEquipmentOperationOutdoorDryBulb | PlantEquipmentOperationOutdoorDryBulb is a PlantEquipmentOperationRangeBasedScheme that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:PlantEquipmentOperation:OutdoorDryBulb' |
PlantEquipmentOperationOutdoorDryBulbDifference | PlantEquipmentOperationOutdoorDryBulbDifference is a PlantEquipmentOperationRangeBasedScheme that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:PlantEquipmentOperation:OutdoorDryBulbDifference' |
PlantEquipmentOperationOutdoorRelativeHumidity | PlantEquipmentOperationOutdoorRelativeHumidity is a PlantEquipmentOperationRangeBasedScheme that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:PlantEquipmentOperation:OutdoorRelativeHumidity' |
PlantEquipmentOperationOutdoorWetBulb | PlantEquipmentOperationOutdoorWetBulb is a PlantEquipmentOperationRangeBasedScheme that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:PlantEquipmentOperation:OutdoorWetBulb' |
PlantEquipmentOperationOutdoorWetBulbDifference | PlantEquipmentOperationOutdoorWetBulbDifference is a PlantEquipmentOperationRangeBasedScheme that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:PlantEquipmentOperation:OutdoorWetBulbDifference' |
PlantEquipmentOperationRangeBasedScheme | PlantEquipmentOperationRangeBasedScheme instances will be created with a single continuous load range between a minimum and maximum bound |
PlantEquipmentOperationScheme | |
PlantLoop | PlantLoop is an interface to the EnergyPlus IDD object named "PlantLoop" |
PortList | PortList is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:PortList' |
ProgramControl | ProgramControl is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ProgramControl' |
PumpConstantSpeed | PumpConstantSpeed is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Pump:ConstantSpeed' |
PumpVariableSpeed | PumpVariableSpeed is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Pump:VariableSpeed' |
PythonPluginInstance | PythonPluginInstance is a ResourceObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:PythonPlugin:Instance' |
PythonPluginOutputVariable | PythonPluginOutputVariable is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:PythonPlugin:OutputVariable' |
PythonPluginTrendVariable | PythonPluginTrendVariable is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:PythonPlugin:TrendVariable' |
PythonPluginVariable | PythonPluginVariable is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:PythonPlugin:Variable' |
RadianceParameters | RadianceParameters is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:RadianceParameters' |
RefractionExtinctionGlazing | RefractionExtinctionGlazing is a Glazing that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:WindowMaterial:Glazing:RefractionExtinctionMethod' |
RefrigerationAirChiller | RefrigerationAirChiller is a ZoneHVACComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ZoneHVAC:Refrigeration:AirChiller' |
RefrigerationCase | RefrigerationCase is a ParentObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Refrigeration:Case' |
RefrigerationCompressor | RefrigerationCompressor is a ParentObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Refrigeration:Compressor' |
RefrigerationCompressorRack | RefrigerationCompressorRack is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Refrigeration:CompressorRack' |
RefrigerationCondenserAirCooled | RefrigerationCondenserAirCooled is a ParentObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Refrigeration:Condenser:AirCooled' |
RefrigerationCondenserCascade | RefrigerationCondenserCascade is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Refrigeration:Condenser:Cascade' |
RefrigerationCondenserEvaporativeCooled | RefrigerationCondenserEvaporativeCooled is a ParentObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Refrigeration:Condenser:EvaporativeCooled' |
RefrigerationCondenserWaterCooled | RefrigerationCondenserWaterCooled is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Refrigeration:Condenser:WaterCooled' |
RefrigerationDefrostCycleParameters | RefrigerationDefrostCycleParameters is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Refrigeration:DefrostCycleParameters' |
RefrigerationGasCoolerAirCooled | RefrigerationGasCoolerAirCooled is a ParentObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Refrigeration:GasCooler:AirCooled' |
RefrigerationSecondarySystem | RefrigerationSecondarySystem is a ParentObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Refrigeration:SecondarySystem' |
RefrigerationSubcoolerLiquidSuction | RefrigerationSubcoolerLiquidSuction is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Refrigeration:Subcooler:LiquidSuction' |
RefrigerationSubcoolerMechanical | RefrigerationSubcoolerMechanical is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Refrigeration:Subcooler:Mechanical' |
RefrigerationSystem | RefrigerationSystem is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Refrigeration:System' |
RefrigerationTranscriticalSystem | RefrigerationTranscriticalSystem is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Refrigeration:TranscriticalSystem' |
RefrigerationWalkIn | RefrigerationWalkIn is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Refrigeration:WalkIn' |
RefrigerationWalkInZoneBoundary | RefrigerationWalkInZoneBoundary is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Refrigeration:WalkIn:ZoneBoundary' |
RenderingColor | RenderingColor is a ResourceObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_Rendering_Color' |
ResourceObject | ResourceObject is an abstract class derived from ParentObject |
RoofVegetation | RoofVegetation is a OpaqueMaterial that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Material:RoofVegetation' |
RunPeriod | RunPeriod derives from ParentObject and is an interface to the unique OpenStudio IDD object named "RunPeriod" |
RunPeriodControlDaylightSavingTime | RunPeriodControlDaylightSavingTime is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_RunPeriodControl_DaylightSavingTime' |
RunPeriodControlSpecialDays | RunPeriodControlSpecialDays derives from ModelObject and is an interface to the OpenStudio IDD object named "OS:RunPeriodControl:SpecialDays" |
Schedule | Schedule is a ScheduleBase abstract class that represents the reference list 'ScheduleNames' |
ScheduleBase | ScheduleBase is a ResourceObject that serves as a base class for Schedule and ScheduleDay, that is, objects with ScheduleTypeLimits |
ScheduleCompact | ScheduleCompact is a Schedule that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Schedule:Compact' |
ScheduleConstant | ScheduleConstant is a Schedule that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Schedule:Constant' |
ScheduleDay | ScheduleDay is a ScheduleBase that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_Schedule_Day' |
ScheduleFile | ScheduleFile is a ScheduleInterval that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Schedule:File' |
ScheduleFixedInterval | ScheduleFixedInterval is a ScheduleInterval that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_Schedule_FixedInterval' |
ScheduleInterval | ScheduleInterval is a Schedule that serves as an abstract base class for ScheduleFixedInterval and ScheduleVariableInterval |
ScheduleRule | ScheduleRule is a ParentObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Schedule:Rule' |
ScheduleRuleset | ScheduleRuleset is a Schedule that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_Schedule_Ruleset' |
ScheduleType | Data structure for registering and viewing a specific type of schedule that can exist in a Model |
ScheduleTypeKey | Simple class for ScheduleTypeRegistry key |
ScheduleTypeLimits | ScheduleTypeLimits is a ResourceObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ScheduleTypeLimits' |
ScheduleTypeRegistrySingleton | Singleton class that contains a registry of all types of schedules that can exist in a Model |
ScheduleVariableInterval | ScheduleVariableInterval is a ScheduleInterval that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_Schedule_VariableInterval' |
ScheduleWeek | ScheduleWeek is a ResourceObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_Schedule_Week' |
ScheduleYear | ScheduleYear is a Schedule that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_Schedule_Year' |
Screen | Screen is a ShadingMaterial that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:WindowMaterial:Screen' |
SetpointManager | SetpointManager is the base class for setpoint managers |
SetpointManagerColdest | SetpointManagerColdest is a SetpointManager that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SetpointManager:Coldest' |
SetpointManagerFollowGroundTemperature | SetpointManagerFollowGroundTemperature is a SetpointManager that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SetpointManager:FollowGroundTemperature' |
SetpointManagerFollowOutdoorAirTemperature | SetpointManagerFollowOutdoorAirTemperature is an SetpointManager that wraps the IDD object named "OS:SetpointManager:FollowOutdoorAirTemperature" |
SetpointManagerFollowSystemNodeTemperature | SetpointManagerFollowSystemNodeTemperature is a SetpointManager that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SetpointManager:FollowSystemNodeTemperature' |
SetpointManagerMixedAir | SetpointManagerMixedAir is an interface to the IDD object named "OS:SetpointManager:MixedAir" |
SetpointManagerMultiZoneCoolingAverage | SetpointManagerMultiZoneCoolingAverage is a SetpointManager that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SetpointManager:MultiZone:Cooling:Average' |
SetpointManagerMultiZoneHeatingAverage | SetpointManagerMultiZoneHeatingAverage is a SetpointManager that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SetpointManager:MultiZone:Heating:Average' |
SetpointManagerMultiZoneHumidityMaximum | SetpointManagerMultiZoneHumidityMaximum is a SetpointManager that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SetpointManager:MultiZone:Humidity:Maximum' |
SetpointManagerMultiZoneHumidityMinimum | SetpointManagerMultiZoneHumidityMinimum is a SetpointManager that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SetpointManager:MultiZone:Humidity:Minimum' |
SetpointManagerMultiZoneMaximumHumidityAverage | SetpointManagerMultiZoneMaximumHumidityAverage is a SetpointManager that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SetpointManager:MultiZone:MaximumHumidity:Average' |
SetpointManagerMultiZoneMinimumHumidityAverage | SetpointManagerMultiZoneMinimumHumidityAverage is a SetpointManager that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SetpointManager:MultiZone:MinimumHumidity:Average' |
SetpointManagerOutdoorAirPretreat | SetpointManagerOutdoorAirPretreat is a SetpointManager that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SetpointManager:OutdoorAirPretreat' |
SetpointManagerOutdoorAirReset | SetpointManagerOutdoorAirReset is a SetpointManager that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SetpointManager:OutdoorAirReset' |
SetpointManagerScheduled | SetpointManagerScheduled is an interface to theIDD object named "OS:SetpointManager:Scheduled" |
SetpointManagerScheduledDualSetpoint | SetpointManagerScheduledDualSetpoint is a SetpointManager that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SetpointManager:Scheduled:DualSetpoint' |
SetpointManagerSingleZoneCooling | SetpointManagerSingleZoneCooling is a SetpointManager that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SetpointManager:SingleZone:Cooling' |
SetpointManagerSingleZoneHeating | SetpointManagerSingleZoneHeating is a SetpointManager that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SetpointManager:SingleZone:Heating' |
SetpointManagerSingleZoneHumidityMaximum | SetpointManagerSingleZoneHumidityMaximum is a SetpointManager that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SetpointManager:SingleZone:Humidity:Maximum' |
SetpointManagerSingleZoneHumidityMinimum | SetpointManagerSingleZoneHumidityMinimum is a SetpointManager that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SetpointManager:SingleZone:Humidity:Minimum' |
SetpointManagerSingleZoneOneStageCooling | SetpointManagerSingleZoneOneStageCooling is a SetpointManager that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SetpointManager:SingleZone:OneStageCooling' |
SetpointManagerSingleZoneOneStageHeating | SetpointManagerSingleZoneOneStageHeating is a SetpointManager that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SetpointManager:SingleZone:OneStageHeating' |
SetpointManagerSingleZoneReheat | SetpointManagerSingleZoneReheat is an interface to theIDD object named "OS:SetpointManager:SingleZone:Reheat" |
SetpointManagerSystemNodeResetHumidity | SetpointManagerSystemNodeResetHumidity is a SetpointManager that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SetpointManager:SystemNodeReset:Humidity' |
SetpointManagerSystemNodeResetTemperature | SetpointManagerSystemNodeResetTemperature is a SetpointManager that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SetpointManager:SystemNodeReset:Temperature' |
SetpointManagerWarmest | SetpointManagerWarmest is a SetpointManager that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SetpointManager:Warmest' |
SetpointManagerWarmestTemperatureFlow | SetpointManagerWarmestTemperatureFlow is a SetpointManager that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SetpointManager:WarmestTemperatureFlow' |
Shade | Shade is a ShadingMaterial that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:WindowMaterial:Shade' |
ShadingControl | ShadingControl is a ResourceObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ShadingControl' |
ShadingMaterial | ShadingMaterial is a FenestrationMaterial that serves as a base class for objects like Blind, Screen, and Shade |
ShadingSurface | ShadingSurface is a PlanarSurface that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ShadingSurface' |
ShadingSurfaceGroup | ShadingSurfaceGroup is a PlanarSurfaceGroup that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_ShadingSurfaceGroup' |
ShadowCalculation | ShadowCalculation derives from ModelObject and is an interface to the OpenStudio IDD object named "ShadowCalculation" |
SimpleGlazing | SimpleGlazing is a Glazing that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:WindowMaterial:SimpleGlazingSystem' |
SimulationControl | SimulationControl derives from ParentObject and is an interface to the OpenStudio IDD object named "SimulationControl" |
Site | Site is a ParentObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_Site' |
SiteGroundReflectance | SiteGroundReflectance is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Site:GroundReflectance' |
SiteGroundTemperatureBuildingSurface | SiteGroundTemperatureBuildingSurface is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_Site_GroundTemperature_BuildingSurface' |
SiteGroundTemperatureDeep | SiteGroundTemperatureDeep is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_Site_GroundTemperature_Deep' |
SiteGroundTemperatureFCfactorMethod | SiteGroundTemperatureFCfactorMethod is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_Site_GroundTemperature_FCfactorMethod' |
SiteGroundTemperatureShallow | SiteGroundTemperatureShallow is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_Site_GroundTemperature_Shallow' |
SiteGroundTemperatureUndisturbedKusudaAchenbach | SiteGroundTemperatureUndisturbedKusudaAchenbach is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_Site_GroundTemperature_UndisturbedKusudaAchenbach' |
SiteGroundTemperatureUndisturbedXing | SiteGroundTemperatureUndisturbedXing is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_Site_GroundTemperature_UndisturbedXing' |
SiteWaterMainsTemperature | SiteWaterMainsTemperature is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Site:WaterMainsTemperature' |
SizingParameters | SizingParameters is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Sizing:Parameters' |
SizingPeriod | |
SizingPlant | SizingPlant is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Sizing:Plant' |
SizingSystem | SizingSystem is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Sizing:System' |
SizingZone | SizingZone is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Sizing:Zone' |
SkyTemperature | |
SolarCollectorFlatPlatePhotovoltaicThermal | SolarCollectorFlatPlatePhotovoltaicThermal is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SolarCollector:FlatPlate:PhotovoltaicThermal' |
SolarCollectorFlatPlateWater | SolarCollectorFlatPlateWater is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SolarCollector:FlatPlate:Water' |
SolarCollectorIntegralCollectorStorage | SolarCollectorIntegralCollectorStorage is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SolarCollector:IntegralCollectorStorage' |
SolarCollectorPerformanceFlatPlate | SolarCollectorPerformanceFlatPlate is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SolarCollectorPerformance:FlatPlate' |
SolarCollectorPerformanceIntegralCollectorStorage | SolarCollectorPerformanceIntegralCollectorStorage is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SolarCollectorPerformance:IntegralCollectorStorage' |
SolarCollectorPerformancePhotovoltaicThermalBIPVT | SolarCollectorPerformancePhotovoltaicThermalBIPVT is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SolarCollectorPerformance:PhotovoltaicThermal:BIPVT' |
SolarCollectorPerformancePhotovoltaicThermalSimple | SolarCollectorPerformancePhotovoltaicThermalSimple is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SolarCollectorPerformance:PhotovoltaicThermal:Simple' |
Space | Space is a PlanarSurfaceGroup that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_Space' |
SpaceInfiltrationDesignFlowRate | SpaceInfiltrationDesignFlowRate is a SpaceLoad that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SpaceInfiltration:DesignFlowRate' |
SpaceInfiltrationEffectiveLeakageArea | SpaceInfiltrationEffectiveLeakageArea is a SpaceLoad that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SpaceInfiltration:EffectiveLeakageArea' |
SpaceInfiltrationFlowCoefficient | SpaceInfiltrationFlowCoefficient is a SpaceLoad that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SpaceInfiltration:FlowCoefficient' |
SpaceItem | SpaceItem is an abstract class derived from ModelObject |
SpaceLoad | SpaceLoad is an abstract class derived from SpaceItem |
SpaceLoadDefinition | SpaceLoadDefinition is an abstract class derived from ResourceObject |
SpaceLoadInstance | SpaceLoadInstance is an abstract class derived from SpaceLoad |
SpaceType | SpaceType is a ResourceObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_SpaceType' |
SpectralDataField | |
Splitter | |
StandardGlazing | StandardGlazing is a Glazing that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:WindowMaterial:Glazing' |
StandardOpaqueMaterial | StandardOpaqueMaterial is a OpaqueMaterial that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:OpaqueMaterial' |
StandardsInformationConstruction | StandardsInformationConstruction is the ModelObject that wraps OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:StandardsInformation:ConstructionFields' |
StandardsInformationMaterial | StandardsInformationMaterial is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:StandardsInformation:Material' |
SteamEquipment | SteamEquipment is a SpaceLoadInstance that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SteamEquipment' |
SteamEquipmentDefinition | SteamEquipmentDefinition is a SpaceLoadDefinition that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SteamEquipment:Definition' |
StraightComponent | StraightComponent is the base class for HVACComponent objects which have precisely one inlet port and one outlet port |
SubSurface | SubSurface is a PlanarSurface that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_SubSurface' |
SupplyAirflowRatioField | |
Surface | Surface is a PlanarSurface that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_Surface' |
SurfaceControlMovableInsulation | SurfaceControlMovableInsulation is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SurfaceControl:MovableInsulation' |
SurfaceIntersection | SurfaceIntersection contains detailed information about a surface intersection |
SurfacePropertyConvectionCoefficients | SurfacePropertyConvectionCoefficients is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SurfaceProperty:ConvectionCoefficients' |
SurfacePropertyConvectionCoefficientsMultipleSurface | SurfacePropertyConvectionCoefficientsMultipleSurface is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SurfaceProperty:ConvectionCoefficients:MultipleSurface' |
SurfacePropertyExposedFoundationPerimeter | SurfacePropertyExposedFoundationPerimeter is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SurfaceProperty:ExposedFoundationPerimeter' |
SurfacePropertyGroundSurfaces | SurfacePropertyGroundSurfaces is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SurfaceProperty:GroundSurfaces' |
SurfacePropertyIncidentSolarMultiplier | SurfacePropertyIncidentSolarMultiplier is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SurfaceProperty:IncidentSolarMultiplier' |
SurfacePropertyLocalEnvironment | SurfacePropertyLocalEnvironment is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SurfaceProperty:LocalEnvironment' |
SurfacePropertyOtherSideCoefficients | SurfacePropertyOtherSideCoefficients is a ResourceObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SurfaceProperty:OtherSideCoefficients' |
SurfacePropertyOtherSideConditionsModel | SurfacePropertyOtherSideConditionsModel is a ResourceObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SurfaceProperty:OtherSideConditionsModel' |
SurfacePropertySurroundingSurfaces | SurfacePropertySurroundingSurfaces is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SurfaceProperty:SurroundingSurfaces' |
SurroundingSurfaceGroup | This class implements an extensible group |
SwimmingPoolIndoor | SwimmingPoolIndoor is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:SwimmingPool:Indoor' |
TableIndependentVariable | TableIndependentVariable is a ResourceObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Table:IndependentVariable' |
TableLookup | TableLookup is a Curve that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Table:Lookup' |
TableMultiVariableLookup | TableMultiVariableLookup is a Curve that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:Table:MultiVariableLookup' |
TableMultiVariableLookupPoint | This class implements a single point of a TableMultiVariableLookup |
TemperatureEnthalpy | This class implements a temperature enthalpy |
TemperingValve | TemperingValve is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:TemperingValve' |
ThermalStorageChilledWaterStratified | ThermalStorageChilledWaterStratified is a WaterToWaterComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ThermalStorage:ChilledWater:Stratified' |
ThermalStorageIceDetailed | ThermalStorageIceDetailed is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ThermalStorage:Ice:Detailed' |
ThermalZone | ThermalZone is a HVACComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_ThermalZone' |
ThermochromicGlazing | ThermochromicGlazing is a Glazing that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:WindowMaterial:GlazingGroup:Thermochromic' |
Thermostat | Thermostat is the base class for all types of thermostats |
ThermostatSetpointDualSetpoint | ThermostatSetpointDualSetpoint is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint' |
ThreeJSForwardTranslator | ThreeJSForwardTranslator converts an OpenStudio Model to ThreeJS format |
ThreeJSReverseTranslator | ThreeJSReverseTranslator converts a ThreeJS JSON to OpenStudio Model |
Timestep | Timestep derives from ModelObject and is an interface to the OpenStudio IDD object named "Timestep" |
TransitionZone | This class implements a transition zone, for DaylightingDeviceTubular |
UnitarySystemPerformanceMultispeed | UnitarySystemPerformanceMultispeed is a WaterToAirComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:UnitarySystemPerformance:Multispeed' |
UtilityBill | UtilityBill is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:UtilityBill' |
Version | |
ViewFactor | This class implements a view factor |
ViewFactorData | This class implements a single point of a viewFactors, meant to replace std::pair<PlanarSurface, double> |
WaterHeaterHeatPump | WaterHeaterHeatPump is a ZoneHVACComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:WaterHeater:HeatPump' |
WaterHeaterHeatPumpWrappedCondenser | WaterHeaterHeatPumpWrappedCondenser is a ZoneHVACComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:WaterHeater:HeatPump:WrappedCondenser' |
WaterHeaterMixed | WaterHeaterMixed is a WaterToWaterComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:WaterHeater:Mixed' |
WaterHeaterSizing | WaterHeaterSizing is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:WaterHeater:Sizing' |
WaterHeaterStratified | WaterHeaterStratified is a WaterToWaterComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:WaterHeater:Stratified' |
WaterToAirComponent | WaterToAirComponent is the base class for model objects which interact with an air stream and a water stream |
WaterToWaterComponent | WaterToWaterComponent is the base class for HVACComponent objects which interact with two water loops |
WaterUseConnections | WaterUseConnections is a StraightComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:WaterUse:Connections' |
WaterUseEquipment | WaterUseEquipment is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:WaterUse:Equipment' |
WaterUseEquipmentDefinition | WaterUseEquipmentDefinition is a SpaceLoadDefinition that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:WaterUse:Equipment:Definition' |
WeatherFile | WeatherFile derives from ModelObject and is an interface to the OpenStudio IDD object named "OS:WeatherFile" |
WeatherFileConditionType | |
WeatherFileDays | |
WindowDataFile | WindowDataFile is a ConstructionBase that wraps EnergyPlus IDD object 'Construction:WindowDataFile' |
WindowPropertyFrameAndDivider | WindowPropertyFrameAndDivider is a ResourceObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:WindowProperty:FrameAndDivider' |
YearDescription | YearDescription is a ParentObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS_YearDescription' |
ZoneAirContaminantBalance | ZoneAirContaminantBalance is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ZoneAirContaminantBalance' |
ZoneAirHeatBalanceAlgorithm | ZoneAirHeatBalanceAlgorithm is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ZoneAirHeatBalanceAlgorithm' |
ZoneAirMassFlowConservation | ZoneAirMassFlowConservation is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ZoneAirMassFlowConservation' |
ZoneCapacitanceMultiplierResearchSpecial | ZoneCapacitanceMultiplierResearchSpecial is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ZoneCapacitanceMultiplier:ResearchSpecial' |
ZoneControlContaminantController | ZoneControlContaminantController is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ZoneControl:ContaminantController' |
ZoneControlHumidistat | ZoneControlHumidistat is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ZoneControl:Humidistat' |
ZoneControlThermostatStagedDualSetpoint | ZoneControlThermostatStagedDualSetpoint is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ZoneControl:Thermostat:StagedDualSetpoint' |
ZoneHVACBaseboardConvectiveElectric | ZoneHVACBaseboardConvectiveElectric is a ZoneHVACComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:Convective:Electric' |
ZoneHVACBaseboardConvectiveWater | ZoneHVACBaseboardConvectiveWater is a ZoneHVACComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:Convective:Water' |
ZoneHVACBaseboardRadiantConvectiveElectric | ZoneHVACBaseboardRadiantConvectiveElectric is a ZoneHVACComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:RadiantConvective:Electric' |
ZoneHVACBaseboardRadiantConvectiveWater | ZoneHVACBaseboardRadiantConvectiveWater is a ZoneHVACComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:RadiantConvective:Water' |
ZoneHVACComponent | ZoneHVACComponent is the base class for HVAC related objects that exclusively condition a single zone |
ZoneHVACCoolingPanelRadiantConvectiveWater | ZoneHVACCoolingPanelRadiantConvectiveWater is a ZoneHVACComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ZoneHVAC:CoolingPanel:RadiantConvective:Water' |
ZoneHVACDehumidifierDX | ZoneHVACDehumidifierDX is a ZoneHVACComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ZoneHVAC:Dehumidifier:DX' |
ZoneHVACEnergyRecoveryVentilator | ZoneHVACEnergyRecoveryVentilator is a ZoneHVACComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ZoneHVAC:EnergyRecoveryVentilator' |
ZoneHVACEnergyRecoveryVentilatorController | ZoneHVACEnergyRecoveryVentilatorController is a ParentObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ZoneHVAC:EnergyRecoveryVentilator:Controller' |
ZoneHVACEquipmentList | ZoneHVACEquipmentList is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList' |
ZoneHVACFourPipeFanCoil | ZoneHVACFourPipeFanCoil is a ZoneHVACComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ZoneHVAC:FourPipeFanCoil' |
ZoneHVACHighTemperatureRadiant | ZoneHVACHighTemperatureRadiant is a ZoneHVACComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ZoneHVAC:HighTemperatureRadiant' |
ZoneHVACIdealLoadsAirSystem | ZoneHVACIdealLoadsAirSystem is a ZoneHVACComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem' |
ZoneHVACLowTemperatureRadiantElectric | ZoneHVACLowTemperatureRadiantElectric is a ZoneHVACComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:Electric' |
ZoneHVACLowTempRadiantConstFlow | ZoneHVACLowTempRadiantConstFlow is a ZoneHVACComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:ConstantFlow' |
ZoneHVACLowTempRadiantVarFlow | ZoneHVACLowTempRadiantVarFlow is a ZoneHVACComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:VariableFlow' |
ZoneHVACPackagedTerminalAirConditioner | ZoneHVACPackagedTerminalAirConditioner is a ZoneHVACComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ZoneHVAC:PackagedTerminalAirConditioner' |
ZoneHVACPackagedTerminalHeatPump | ZoneHVACPackagedTerminalHeatPump is a ZoneHVACComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ZoneHVAC:PackagedTerminalHeatPump' |
ZoneHVACTerminalUnitVariableRefrigerantFlow | ZoneHVACTerminalUnitVariableRefrigerantFlow is a ZoneHVACComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ZoneHVAC:TerminalUnit:VariableRefrigerantFlow' |
ZoneHVACUnitHeater | ZoneHVACUnitHeater is a ZoneHVACComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ZoneHVAC:UnitHeater' |
ZoneHVACUnitVentilator | ZoneHVACUnitVentilator is a ZoneHVACComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ZoneHVAC:UnitVentilator' |
ZoneHVACWaterToAirHeatPump | ZoneHVACWaterToAirHeatPump is a ZoneHVACComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ZoneHVAC:WaterToAirHeatPump' |
ZoneMixing | ZoneMixing is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ZoneMixing' |
ZonePropertyUserViewFactorsBySurfaceName | ZonePropertyUserViewFactorsBySurfaceName is a ModelObject that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ZoneProperty:UserViewFactors:BySurfaceName' |
ZoneVentilationDesignFlowRate | ZoneVentilationDesignFlowRate is a ZoneHVACComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate' |
ZoneVentilationWindandStackOpenArea | ZoneVentilationWindandStackOpenArea is a ZoneHVACComponent that wraps the OpenStudio IDD object 'OS:ZoneVentilation:WindandStackOpenArea' |
std | STL namespace |
conditional | |
FilmResistanceType | |