static openstudio::Point3dVector | getPolygon (const openstudio::model::SubSurface &subSurface) |
| convert subsurface vertices to absolute coodinates More...
static openstudio::Point3dVector | getPolygon (const openstudio::model::ShadingSurface &shadingSurface) |
| convert shading surface vertices to absolute coodinates More...
static openstudio::Point3dVector | getPolygon (const openstudio::model::InteriorPartitionSurface &interiorPartitionSurface) |
| convert interior partition surface vertices to absolute coodinates More...
static openstudio::Point3dVector | getPolygon (const openstudio::model::Luminaire &luminaire) |
| convert luminaire to absolute coodinates More...
openstudio::Point3dVectorVector | getPolygons (const openstudio::model::Surface &surface) |
| subtract subsurfaces from surface polygon and return resulting polygons as vector of Point3dVector, these vertices will be in absolute coodinates More...
static openstudio::Point3d | getReferencePoint (const openstudio::model::DaylightingControl &control) |
| get daylighting control reference point More...
static openstudio::Point3d | getReferencePoint (const openstudio::model::GlareSensor &sensor) |
| get glare sensor reference point More...
static openstudio::Point3dVector | getReferencePoints (const openstudio::model::IlluminanceMap &IlluminanceMap) |
| get output illuminance map reference points More...
static openstudio::Vector3d | getSensorVector (const openstudio::model::DaylightingControl &control) |
| get sensor vector More...
static openstudio::Vector3d | getSensorVector (const openstudio::model::GlareSensor &sensor) |
| get sensor vector More...
static openstudio::Vector3d | getSensorVector (const openstudio::model::IlluminanceMap &IlluminanceMap) |
| get sensor vector, this is the same for all points More...
static openstudio::Vector3dVector | getViewVectors (const openstudio::model::DaylightingControl &control) |
| get view vectors, number is determined by the Number of Daylighting Views parameter More...
static openstudio::Vector3dVector | getViewVectors (const openstudio::model::GlareSensor &sensor) |
| get glare sensor view vectors, number is determined by the Number of Glare View Vectors parameter More...