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Object Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Copenstudio::AirStateThe AirState object represents a moist air state
 Copenstudio::AttributeAn attribute is a name value pair where the value can be a bool, double, int, string, or vector of other attributes
 Copenstudio::AttributeDescriptionAttributeDescription describes what an acceptable Attribute is in a given context
 Copenstudio::baseUnitConversionFactorA struct to store all the information necessary to convert from one base unit to another
 Copenstudio::BCLThis is a generic interface that can be used for searching either the local or remote bcl
 Copenstudio::BCLCostThis gives information about a cost in a BCL search result
 Copenstudio::BCLFacetThis gives information about items from a BCL facet from a meta search result
 Copenstudio::BCLFileThis gives information about a single file in a BCL search result
 Copenstudio::BCLFileReferenceBCLFileReference is a class for tracking files that come with BCL components and measures
 Copenstudio::BCLMeasureBCLMeasure is a class for managing the contents of a BCL Measure directory including the xml description file
 Copenstudio::BCLMeasureArgumentBCLMeasureArgument is a class representing an argument of a measure
 Copenstudio::BCLMeasureOutputBCLMeasureOutput is a class representing an output of a measure
 Copenstudio::BCLMetaSearchResultThis gives information about a meta search result
 Copenstudio::BCLProvenanceThis gives information about the provenance of a single file in a BCL search result
 Copenstudio::BCLSearchResultThis gives information about an item in a BCL search result
 Copenstudio::BCLTaxonomyTermThis gives information about a taxonomy term from the taxonomy
 Copenstudio::BCLXMLBCLXML is a class for accessing the common XML structures of BCLComponent and BCLMeasure
 Copenstudio::BoundingBoxBoundingBox is an axis aligned cuboid that can check for intersections with another BoundingBox
 Copenstudio::BTUExpntStructure to hold BTUUnit exponents needed for BTUUnit construction
 Copenstudio::CalendarCalendar is a description of a year, noting special days like holidays, special periods like seasons, and daylight savings time
 Copenstudio::CalibrationBillingPeriodCalibrationBillingPeriod is wrapper around Attribute for storing information about model calibration
 Copenstudio::CalibrationResultCalibrationResult is wrapper around Attribute for storing information about model calibration
 Copenstudio::CalibrationUtilityBillCalibrationUtilityBill is wrapper around Attribute for storing information about model calibration
 Copenstudio::CFMExpntStructure to hold CFMUnit exponents needed for CFMUnit construction
 Copenstudio::CSVFileClass for reading and writing CSV files
 Copenstudio::DataErrorLessSet comparator for DataError
 Copenstudio::DateDate is an absolute unit of time, resolution to the day Date is simple wrapper around boost::gregorian::date
 Copenstudio::DateCompareDateCompare compares two dates, returns true if lhs is less than rhs
 Copenstudio::DateTimeDateTime is an absolute unit of time, resolution to the second date is a valid Date time is normalized to 0 <= time < 24 hrs
 Copenstudio::EndUsesEndUses is wrapper around Attribute for storing information about end uses
 Copenstudio::EnvironmentIdentifierSmall class to let users identify a SqlFile environment period either by type or by name
 Copenstudio::EpwDataPointEpwDataPoint is one line from the EPW file
 Copenstudio::EpwDesignConditionEpwDesignCondition is one line from the EPW file
 Copenstudio::EpwFileEpwFile parses a weather file in EPW format
 Copenstudio::EulerAnglesEuler angles specify an orientation in space, they characterize: a rotation of psi radians about the x-axis followed by a rotation of theta radians about the y-axis followed by a rotation of phi radians about the z-axis
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Copenstudio::FieldIndexLess< T >
 Copenstudio::FirstOfPairLess< T >
 Copenstudio::FloorplanJSFloorplanJS is an adapter for the FloorspaceJS JSON format
 Copenstudio::FloorplanObjectFloorplanObject is used to update data in a FloorplanJS object
 Copenstudio::GetFirstOfPair< T, U >
 Copenstudio::GetSecondOfPair< T, U >
 Copenstudio::GPDExpntStructure to hold GPDUnit exponents needed for GPDUnit construction
 Copenstudio::IcharCompareSmall functor object for case insensitive char compare
 Copenstudio::IdfExtensibleGroupIdfExtensibleGroup wraps a single set of extensible fields in an IdfObject
 Copenstudio::IdfFileIdfFile provides parsing and printing of text files in EnergyPlus Input Data File (IDF) format
 Copenstudio::IdfObjectIdfObject holds and manipulates data in the EnergyPlus Idd/Idf format
 Copenstudio::IdfObjectDiffIdfObjectDiff represents a change to an IdfObject
 Copenstudio::IdfObjectImplLessFunction object for sorting objects by impl
 Copenstudio::IdfObjectNameLessFunction object for sorting objects by name
 Copenstudio::IdfObjectTypeLessFunction object for sorting by IddObjectType
 Copenstudio::ImfFileImfFile represents an Imf file
 Copenstudio::IndexLess< T >
 Copenstudio::InterpInfoData structure for holding interpolation information
 Copenstudio::IntersectionResultIntersectionResult contains detailed information about an intersection
 Copenstudio::IPExpntStructure to hold IPUnit exponents needed for IPUnit construction
 Copenstudio::IstringCompareSmall functor object for case insensitive std::string compare
 Copenstudio::IstringEqualSmall functor object for case insensitive std::string equality
 Copenstudio::IstringFindSmall functor object for case insensitive std::string equality
 Copenstudio::IstringPairCompareSmall functor object for case insensitive std::string compare in pairs of std::string, tests first strings then seconds
 Copenstudio::KeyValueIdentifierSmall class to let users identify one or more key values by name or regex
 Copenstudio::LogMessageLogMessage encapsulates a single logging message
 Copenstudio::LogSinkLogSink is a class for managing sinks for log messages, e.g. files, streams, etc
 Copenstudio::Misc1ExpntStructure to hold Misc1Unit exponents needed for Misc1Unit construction
 Copenstudio::MPHExpntStructure to hold MPHUnit exponents needed for MPHUnit construction
 Copenstudio::NameFinder< T >Functor object for finding objects by name
 Copenstudio::ObjectOrderBaseBase class for ordering objects
 Copenstudio::ObjectPointer< T, U >Data structure for specifying connections between IdfWorkspace and other object collections
 Copenstudio::OSOptionalQuantityOSOptionalQuantity class to be used in OpenStudio ModelObject properties
 Copenstudio::OSQuantityVectorRepresents a vector of quantities all with the same units
 Copenstudio::PlanePlane defines an infinite plane in 3D space
 Copenstudio::ProgressBarProgressBar is a pure virtual class providing virtual methods setRange, setValue, and setWindowTitle which may be overridden
 Copenstudio::QuantityQuantity class defines value, unit pairs
 Copenstudio::QuantityConverterSingletonSingleton for converting quantities to different unit systems or to targeted units
 Copenstudio::Queue< T >Thread safe Queue for message processing
 Copenstudio::RemoteQueryResponseThis class is used to capture the xml response of a query and store it for later processing
 Copenstudio::RunOptionsBase class for defining a run options for a OpenStudio Workflow
 Copenstudio::ScaleStructure for holding scale prefixes such as kilo and centi
 Copenstudio::ScaleFactorySingletonSingleton that creates scales based on std::string or exponent
 Copenstudio::SecondOfPairLess< T >
 Copenstudio::SIExpntStructure to hold SIUnit exponents needed for SIUnit construction
 Copenstudio::Singleton< T >
 Copenstudio::SqlFileSqlFile class is a transaction script around the sql output of EnergyPlus
 Copenstudio::SqlFileTimeSeriesQueryClass to hold information about one or more SqlFile time series of interest
 Copenstudio::StandardsJSONClass for accessing the OpenStudio Standards (OSW) JSON format
 CStaticInitializer< T >This template should be used as a base class for a class that has static data to initialize
 CStaticInitializer< AppGFuelType >
 CStaticInitializer< AttributeValueType >
 CStaticInitializer< BCLXMLType >
 CStaticInitializer< BuildingSector >
 CStaticInitializer< ComponentType >
 CStaticInitializer< DataErrorType >
 CStaticInitializer< DayOfWeek >
 CStaticInitializer< DocumentFormat >
 CStaticInitializer< EndUseCategoryType >
 CStaticInitializer< EndUseFuelType >
 CStaticInitializer< EndUseType >
 CStaticInitializer< Enum >
 CStaticInitializer< EnvironmentType >
 CStaticInitializer< EpwComputedField >
 CStaticInitializer< EpwDataField >
 CStaticInitializer< EpwDesignField >
 CStaticInitializer< FileReferenceType >
 CStaticInitializer< FuelType >
 CStaticInitializer< InstallLocationType >
 CStaticInitializer< MeasureBadgeType >
 CStaticInitializer< MeasureLanguage >
 CStaticInitializer< MeasureType >
 CStaticInitializer< MonthOfYear >
 CStaticInitializer< NthDayOfWeekInMonth >
 CStaticInitializer< ReportingFrequency >
 CStaticInitializer< Scope >
 CStaticInitializer< StepResult >
 CStaticInitializer< StrictnessLevel >
 CStaticInitializer< UnitSystem >
 CStaticInitializer< VariantType >
 Copenstudio::StructNameFinder< T >Functor object for finding objects by name
 Copenstudio::ThermExpntStructure to hold ThermUnit exponents needed for ThermUnit construction
 Copenstudio::ThreadSafeDeque< T >
 Copenstudio::ThreeBoundingBoxThreeBoundingBox includes information about a bounding box
 Copenstudio::ThreeGeometryThreeGeometry holds the geometry for an object
 Copenstudio::ThreeGeometryDataThreeGeometryData holds the geometry data for an object
 Copenstudio::ThreeMaterialThreeMaterial defines a rendering material
 Copenstudio::ThreeModelObjectMetadataThreeModelObjectMetadata includes metadata about an OpenStudio ModelObject not associated with a ThreeSceneChild in the ThreeJS scene
 Copenstudio::ThreeSceneThreeScene is an adapter for a scene in the three.js geometry format, defined at:
 Copenstudio::ThreeSceneChildThreeSceneChild is a child object of a ThreeSceneObject
 Copenstudio::ThreeSceneMetadataThreeSceneMetadata includes metadata about an OpenStudio Model Object
 Copenstudio::ThreeSceneObjectThreeSceneObject is the root object in a ThreeScene
 Copenstudio::ThreeUserDataThreeUserData decorates a ThreeSceneChild with additional information
 Copenstudio::TimeTime is a relative unit of time, resolution to the second Time is simple wrapper around boost::posix_time::time_duration Internally totalSeconds is the primary definition of time (i.e
 Copenstudio::TimeCompareTimeCompare compares two times, returns true if lhs is less than rhs
 Copenstudio::TimeSeriesTimeSeries is a series of values each reported at a single time
 Copenstudio::TimeSeriesIdentifierSmall class to let users identify a time series by name, or a set of time series by regex
 Copenstudio::UnitBase class that holds unit information in the form of (string,exponent) pairs
 Copenstudio::UnitFactorySingletonSingleton that creates units based on std::string representation
 Copenstudio::ValueFinder< T, U >Functor object for finding objects by value
 Copenstudio::VariantA Variant is a flexible type that can hold several types of values
 Copenstudio::VectorStructWorkaround to get Vector typedef,
 Copenstudio::WhExpntStructure to hold WhUnit exponents needed for WhUnit construction
 Copenstudio::WorkflowJSONClass for accessing the OpenStudio Workflow (OSW) JSON format
 Copenstudio::WorkflowStepBase class for defining a step in an OpenStudio Workflow
 Copenstudio::WorkflowStepResultClass for documenting the outcome of running a UserScript or a Ruleset
 Copenstudio::WorkflowStepValueClass for storing a value set by OSRunner::registerValue
 Copenstudio::WorkspaceWorkspace holds a collection of interconnected WorkspaceObjects
 Copenstudio::WorkspaceObjectOrderPublic interface of WorkspaceObjectOrder
 Copenstudio::WorkspaceWatcherWorkspaceWatcher watches a Workspace for signals emitted on changes
 Copenstudio::YearDescriptionYearDescription describes a year with several optional parameters