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openstudio::contam::IndexModel Class Reference

#include <PrjModel.hpp>

Public Member Functions

Constructors and Destructors
 IndexModel ()
 Creates a new, empty PRJ model. More...
 IndexModel (openstudio::path path)
 Creates a new PRJ model from input file at specified path. More...
 IndexModel (std::string filename)
 Creates a new PRJ model from named input file. More...
 IndexModel (Reader &input)
 Creates a new PRJ model from an input object. More...
 IndexModel (const IndexModel &other)
 Creates a new PRJ model from another PRJ model. More...
 ~IndexModel ()=default
 Destroy the model. More...
IndexModeloperator= (const IndexModel &other)
 Copy operator. More...
bool operator== (const IndexModel &other) const
 Equality operator. More...
bool operator!= (const IndexModel &other) const
 Inequality operator. More...
Getters and Setters
std::string programName () const
 Returns the program name, should be "ContamW". More...
void setProgramName (const std::string &name)
 Sets the program name. More...
std::string version () const
 Returns the CONTAM version. More...
void setVersion (const std::string &version)
 Sets the CONTAM version. More...
int echo () const
 Returns the input echo flag: 0 - no echo, 1 - echo input files to the log file. More...
void setEcho (const int echo)
 Sets the input echo flag: 0 - no echo, 1 - echo input files to the log file. More...
std::string desc () const
 Returns the project description. More...
void setDesc (const std::string &prjdesc)
 Sets the project description. More...
int skheight () const
 Returns the SketchPad height [cells]. More...
void setSkheight (const int skheight)
 Sets the SketchPad height [cells]. More...
int skwidth () const
 Returns the SketchPad width [cells]. More...
void setSkwidth (const int skwidth)
 Sets the SketchPad width [cells]. More...
int def_units () const
 Returns the default display units: 0 = SI, 1 = US. More...
void setDef_units (const int def_units)
 Sets the default display units: 0 = SI, 1 = US. More...
int def_flows () const
 Returns the default flows: 0 = mass, 1 = volume. More...
void setDef_flows (const int def_flows)
 Sets the default flows: 0 = mass, 1 = volume. More...
double def_T () const
 Returns the default temperature for zones [K]. More...
bool setDef_T (const double def_T)
 Sets the default temperature for zones [K]. More...
bool setDef_T (const std::string &def_T)
 Sets the default temperature for zones [K]. More...
int udefT () const
 Returns the display units for temperature. More...
void setUdefT (const int udefT)
 Sets the display units for temperature. More...
double rel_N () const
 Returns the angle to true north [degrees]. More...
bool setRel_N (const double rel_N)
 Sets the angle to true north [degrees]. More...
bool setRel_N (const std::string &rel_N)
 Sets the angle to true north [degrees]. More...
double wind_H () const
 Returns the elevation for reference wind speed [m]. More...
bool setWind_H (const double wind_H)
 Sets the elevation for reference wind speed [m]. More...
bool setWind_H (const std::string &wind_H)
 Sets the elevation for reference wind speed [m]. More...
int uwH () const
 Returns the display units for elevation for reference wind speed. More...
void setUwH (const int uwH)
 Sets the display units for elevation for reference wind speed. More...
double wind_Ao () const
 Returns the local terrain constant for wind. More...
bool setWind_Ao (const double wind_Ao)
 Sets the local terrain constant for wind. More...
bool setWind_Ao (const std::string &wind_Ao)
 Sets the local terrain constant for wind. More...
double wind_a () const
 Returns the velocity profile exponent for wind. More...
bool setWind_a (const double wind_a)
 Sets the velocity profile exponent for wind. More...
bool setWind_a (const std::string &wind_a)
 Sets the velocity profile exponent for wind. More...
double scale () const
 Returns the cell scaling factor. More...
bool setScale (const double scale)
 Sets the cell scaling factor. More...
bool setScale (const std::string &scale)
 Sets the cell scaling factor. More...
int uScale () const
 Returns the units of scaling factor: 0 = m, 1 = ft. More...
void setUScale (const int uScale)
 Sets the units of scaling factor: 0 = m, 1 = ft. More...
int orgRow () const
 Returns the row of the origin. More...
void setOrgRow (const int orgRow)
 Sets the row of the origin. More...
int orgCol () const
 Returns the column of the origin. More...
void setOrgCol (const int orgCol)
 Sets the column of the origin. More...
int invYaxis () const
 Returns the y-axis inversion flag: 0 = positive above origin, 1 = negative above origin. More...
void setInvYaxis (const int invYaxis)
 Sets the y-axis inversion flag: 0 = positive above origin, 1 = negative above origin. More...
int showGeom () const
 Returns the pseudo-geometry display flag: 0 = don't show, 1 = show in status bar. More...
void setShowGeom (const int showGeom)
 Sets the pseudo-geometry display flag: 0 = don't show, 1 = show in status bar. More...
WeatherData ssWeather () const
 Returns the weather data for steady-state simulation. More...
void setSsWeather (const WeatherData &ssWeather)
 Sets the weather data for steady-state simulation. More...
WeatherData wptWeather () const
 Returns the weather data the wind pressure test. More...
void setWptWeather (const WeatherData &wptWeather)
 Sets the weather data the wind pressure test. More...
std::string WTHpath () const
 Returns the full name of weather file. More...
void setWTHpath (const std::string &WTHpath)
 Sets the full name of weather file. More...
std::string CTMpath () const
 Returns the full name of contaminant file. More...
void setCTMpath (const std::string &CTMpath)
 Sets the full name of contaminant file. More...
std::string CVFpath () const
 Returns the full name of continuous values file. More...
void setCVFpath (const std::string &CVFpath)
 Sets the full name of continuous values file. More...
std::string DVFpath () const
 Returns the full name of discrete values file. More...
void setDVFpath (const std::string &DVFpath)
 Sets the full name of discrete values file. More...
std::string WPCfile () const
 Returns the full name of WPC file. More...
void setWPCfile (const std::string &WPCfile)
 Sets the full name of WPC file. More...
std::string EWCfile () const
 Returns the full name of EWC data source file. More...
void setEWCfile (const std::string &EWCfile)
 Sets the full name of EWC data source file. More...
std::string WPCdesc () const
 Returns the WPC description. More...
void setWPCdesc (const std::string &WPCdesc)
 Sets the WPC description. More...
double X0 () const
 Returns the X-value of ContamW origin in EWC coordinates [m]. More...
bool setX0 (const double X0)
 Sets the X-value of ContamW origin in EWC coordinates [m]. More...
bool setX0 (const std::string &X0)
 Sets the X-value of ContamW origin in EWC coordinates [m]. More...
double Y0 () const
 Returns the Y-value of ContamW origin in EWC coordinates [m]. More...
bool setY0 (const double Y0)
 Sets the Y-value of ContamW origin in EWC coordinates [m]. More...
bool setY0 (const std::string &Y0)
 Sets the Y-value of ContamW origin in EWC coordinates [m]. More...
double Z0 () const
 Returns the Z-value of ContamW origin in EWC coordinates [m]. More...
bool setZ0 (const double Z0)
 Sets the Z-value of ContamW origin in EWC coordinates [m]. More...
bool setZ0 (const std::string &Z0)
 Sets the Z-value of ContamW origin in EWC coordinates [m]. More...
double angle () const
 Returns the rotation of ContamW relative to EWC coordinates. More...
bool setAngle (const double angle)
 Sets the rotation of ContamW relative to EWC coordinates. More...
bool setAngle (const std::string &angle)
 Sets the rotation of ContamW relative to EWC coordinates. More...
int u_XYZ () const
 Returns the units of coordinates. More...
void setU_XYZ (const int u_XYZ)
 Sets the units of coordinates. More...
double epsPath () const
 Returns the tolerance for matching path locations. More...
bool setEpsPath (const double epsPath)
 Sets the tolerance for matching path locations. More...
bool setEpsPath (const std::string &epsPath)
 Sets the tolerance for matching path locations. More...
double epsSpcs () const
 Returns the tolerance for matching species. More...
bool setEpsSpcs (const double epsSpcs)
 Sets the tolerance for matching species. More...
bool setEpsSpcs (const std::string &epsSpcs)
 Sets the tolerance for matching species. More...
std::string tShift () const
 Returns the time shift of EWC data [hh:mm:ss]. More...
void setTShift (const std::string &tShift)
 Sets the time shift of EWC data [hh:mm:ss]. More...
std::string dStart () const
 Returns the date WPC data starts [mm/dd]. More...
void setDStart (const std::string &dStart)
 Sets the date WPC data starts [mm/dd]. More...
std::string dEnd () const
 Returns the date WPC data ends [mm/dd]. More...
void setDEnd (const std::string &dEnd)
 Sets the date WPC data ends [mm/dd]. More...
int useWPCwp () const
 Returns the WPC file wind pressure flag: 0 = don't use, 1 = use. More...
void setUseWPCwp (const int useWPCwp)
 Sets the WPC file wind pressure flag: 0 = don't use, 1 = use. More...
int useWPCmf () const
 Returns the WPC file mass fraction flag: 0 = don't use, 1 = use. More...
void setUseWPCmf (const int useWPCmf)
 Sets the WPC file mass fraction flag: 0 = don't use, 1 = use. More...
int wpctrig () const
 Returns the WPC trigger flag: 0 = don't trigger, 1 = trigger airflow calculation by WPC data. More...
void setWpctrig (const int wpctrig)
 Setss the WPC trigger flag: 0 = don't trigger, 1 = trigger airflow calculation by WPC data. More...
double latd () const
 Returns the latitude (degrees: north +, south -). More...
bool setLatd (const double latd)
 Sets the latitude (degrees: north +, south -). More...
bool setLatd (const std::string &latd)
 Sets the latitude (degrees: north +, south -). More...
double lgtd () const
 Returns the longitude (degrees: east +, west -). More...
bool setLgtd (const double lgtd)
 Sets the longitude (degrees: east +, west -). More...
bool setLgtd (const std::string &lgtd)
 Sets the longitude (degrees: east +, west -). More...
double Tznr () const
 Returns the time zone (Greenwich = 0, Eastern = -5, etc.). More...
bool setTznr (const double Tznr)
 Sets the time zone (Greenwich = 0, Eastern = -5, etc.). More...
bool setTznr (const std::string &Tznr)
 Sets the time zone (Greenwich = 0, Eastern = -5, etc.). More...
double altd () const
 Returns the elevation above sea level [m]. More...
bool setAltd (const double altd)
 Sets the elevation above sea level [m]. More...
bool setAltd (const std::string &altd)
 Sets the elevation above sea level [m]. More...
double Tgrnd () const
 Returns the ground temperature [K]. More...
bool setTgrnd (const double Tgrnd)
 Sets the ground temperature [K]. More...
bool setTgrnd (const std::string &Tgrnd)
 Sets the ground temperature [K]. More...
int utg () const
 Returns the display units for ground temperatures. More...
void setUtg (const int utg)
 Sets the display units for ground temperatures. More...
int u_a () const
 Returns the display units for elevation. More...
void setU_a (const int u_a)
 Sets the display units for elevation. More...
RunControl rc () const
 Returns the model run control object. More...
void setRc (const RunControl &rc)
 Sets the model run control object. More...
std::vector< int > contaminants () const
 Returns a vector of CONTAM indices of all the active species in the model. More...
std::vector< Speciesspecies () const
 Returns a vector of the species in the model. More...
void setSpecies (const std::vector< Species > &species)
 Sets the model species vector. More...
void addSpecies (Species &species)
 Add a species to the model. More...
bool removeSpecies (const Species &species)
 Remove a species from the model. More...
std::vector< Levellevels () const
 Returns a vector of the levels in the model. More...
void setLevels (const std::vector< Level > &levels)
 Sets the model level vector. More...
void addLevel (Level &level)
 Add a level to the model. More...
std::vector< DayScheduledaySchedules () const
 Returns a vector of the day schedules in the model. More...
void setDaySchedules (const std::vector< DaySchedule > &daySchedules)
 Sets the model day schedule vector. More...
std::vector< WeekScheduleweekSchedules () const
 Returns a vector of the week schedules in the model. More...
void setWeekSchedules (const std::vector< WeekSchedule > &weekSchedules)
 Sets the model week schedule vector. More...
std::vector< WindPressureProfilewindPressureProfiles () const
 Returns a vector of the wind pressure profiles in the model. More...
void setWindPressureProfiles (const std::vector< WindPressureProfile > &windPressureProfiles)
 Sets the model wind pressure profiles vector. More...
std::vector< PlrTest1getPlrTest1 () const
 Returns a vector of all PlrTest1 airflow elements in the model. More...
std::vector< PlrTest2getPlrTest2 () const
 Returns a vector of all PlrTest2 airflow elements in the model. More...
std::vector< PlrLeak2getPlrLeak2 () const
 Returns a vector of all PlrLeak2 airflow elements in the model. More...
bool addAirflowElement (PlrTest1 element)
 Add a PlrTest1 airflow element to the model. More...
bool addAirflowElement (PlrLeak2 element)
 Add a PlrLeak2 airflow element to the model. More...
int airflowElementNrByName (std::string name) const
 Return the element number of the named airflow element. More...
bool replaceAirflowElement (int nr, PlrTest1 element)
 Replace an airflow element with a PlrTest1 airflow element. More...
std::vector< CvfDatgetCvfDat () const
 Returns a vector of all CvfDat control nodes in the model. More...
bool addControlNode (CvfDat element, bool sequence=true)
 Add an CvfDat airflow element to the model. More...
std::vector< Ahsahs () const
 Returns a vector of all simple air handling systems in the model. More...
void setAhs (const std::vector< Ahs > &ahs)
 Sets the model simple air handling systems vector. More...
void addAhs (Ahs ahs)
 Add a simple air handling system to the model. More...
std::vector< Zonezones () const
 Returns a vector of all airflow zones in the model. More...
void setZones (const std::vector< Zone > &zones)
 Sets the model airflow zones vector. More...
void addZone (Zone zone)
 Add an airflow zone to the model. More...
std::vector< AirflowPathairflowPaths () const
 Returns a vector of all airflow paths in the model. More...
void setAirflowPaths (const std::vector< AirflowPath > &paths)
 Sets the model airflow paths vector. More...
void addAirflowPath (AirflowPath path)
 Add an airflow path to the model. More...
bool valid () const
 Returns false if the model is not a legitimate PRJ model. More...
Input and Output
bool read (openstudio::path path)
 Creates a new PRJ model from input file at specified path. More...
bool read (std::string filename)
 Creates a new PRJ model from named input file. More...
bool read (Reader &input)
 Creates a new PRJ model from an input object. More...
std::string toString ()
 Write the model in PRJ format to a string. More...
Other Functions
std::vector< std::vector< int > > zoneExteriorFlowPaths ()
 Return a vector of vectors of the CONTAM indices of all plot paths to the exterior of each zone. More...
std::vector< TimeSeries > zoneInfiltration (SimFile *sim)
 Compute the infiltration on a per zone basis from simulation results. More...
std::vector< TimeSeries > pathInfiltration (std::vector< int > pathNrs, SimFile *sim)
 Compute the infiltration on a per path basis from simulation results. More...

Detailed Description

IndexModel is primarily a container for CONTAM airflow model data.

IndexModel contains CONTAM airflow model elements and has several methods to produce the PRJ file. The PRJ file is a positional text file and is the primary way in which data is provided to the ContamX solver. The format is documented here:

Note that the representation in this object is not very sophisticated. In particular, links between many items are based upon array indices, so modifications to the model should be made with care.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

openstudio::contam::IndexModel::IndexModel ( )

Creates a new, empty PRJ model.

openstudio::contam::IndexModel::IndexModel ( openstudio::path  path)

Creates a new PRJ model from input file at specified path.

openstudio::contam::IndexModel::IndexModel ( std::string  filename)

Creates a new PRJ model from named input file.

openstudio::contam::IndexModel::IndexModel ( Reader input)

Creates a new PRJ model from an input object.

openstudio::contam::IndexModel::IndexModel ( const IndexModel other)

Creates a new PRJ model from another PRJ model.

openstudio::contam::IndexModel::~IndexModel ( )

Destroy the model.

Member Function Documentation

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::addAhs ( Ahs  ahs)

Add a simple air handling system to the model.

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::addAirflowElement ( PlrTest1  element)

Add a PlrTest1 airflow element to the model.

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::addAirflowElement ( PlrLeak2  element)

Add a PlrLeak2 airflow element to the model.

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::addAirflowPath ( AirflowPath  path)

Add an airflow path to the model.

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::addControlNode ( CvfDat  element,
bool  sequence = true 

Add an CvfDat airflow element to the model.

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::addLevel ( Level level)

Add a level to the model.

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::addSpecies ( Species species)

Add a species to the model.

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::addZone ( Zone  zone)

Add an airflow zone to the model.

std::vector<Ahs> openstudio::contam::IndexModel::ahs ( ) const

Returns a vector of all simple air handling systems in the model.

int openstudio::contam::IndexModel::airflowElementNrByName ( std::string  name) const

Return the element number of the named airflow element.

std::vector<AirflowPath> openstudio::contam::IndexModel::airflowPaths ( ) const

Returns a vector of all airflow paths in the model.

double openstudio::contam::IndexModel::altd ( ) const

Returns the elevation above sea level [m].

double openstudio::contam::IndexModel::angle ( ) const

Returns the rotation of ContamW relative to EWC coordinates.

std::vector<int> openstudio::contam::IndexModel::contaminants ( ) const

Returns a vector of CONTAM indices of all the active species in the model.

std::string openstudio::contam::IndexModel::CTMpath ( ) const

Returns the full name of contaminant file.

std::string openstudio::contam::IndexModel::CVFpath ( ) const

Returns the full name of continuous values file.

std::vector<DaySchedule> openstudio::contam::IndexModel::daySchedules ( ) const

Returns a vector of the day schedules in the model.

int openstudio::contam::IndexModel::def_flows ( ) const

Returns the default flows: 0 = mass, 1 = volume.

double openstudio::contam::IndexModel::def_T ( ) const

Returns the default temperature for zones [K].

int openstudio::contam::IndexModel::def_units ( ) const

Returns the default display units: 0 = SI, 1 = US.

std::string openstudio::contam::IndexModel::dEnd ( ) const

Returns the date WPC data ends [mm/dd].

std::string openstudio::contam::IndexModel::desc ( ) const

Returns the project description.

std::string openstudio::contam::IndexModel::dStart ( ) const

Returns the date WPC data starts [mm/dd].

std::string openstudio::contam::IndexModel::DVFpath ( ) const

Returns the full name of discrete values file.

int openstudio::contam::IndexModel::echo ( ) const

Returns the input echo flag: 0 - no echo, 1 - echo input files to the log file.

double openstudio::contam::IndexModel::epsPath ( ) const

Returns the tolerance for matching path locations.

double openstudio::contam::IndexModel::epsSpcs ( ) const

Returns the tolerance for matching species.

std::string openstudio::contam::IndexModel::EWCfile ( ) const

Returns the full name of EWC data source file.

std::vector<CvfDat> openstudio::contam::IndexModel::getCvfDat ( ) const

Returns a vector of all CvfDat control nodes in the model.

std::vector<PlrLeak2> openstudio::contam::IndexModel::getPlrLeak2 ( ) const

Returns a vector of all PlrLeak2 airflow elements in the model.

std::vector<PlrTest1> openstudio::contam::IndexModel::getPlrTest1 ( ) const

Returns a vector of all PlrTest1 airflow elements in the model.

std::vector<PlrTest2> openstudio::contam::IndexModel::getPlrTest2 ( ) const

Returns a vector of all PlrTest2 airflow elements in the model.

int openstudio::contam::IndexModel::invYaxis ( ) const

Returns the y-axis inversion flag: 0 = positive above origin, 1 = negative above origin.

double openstudio::contam::IndexModel::latd ( ) const

Returns the latitude (degrees: north +, south -).

std::vector<Level> openstudio::contam::IndexModel::levels ( ) const

Returns a vector of the levels in the model.

double openstudio::contam::IndexModel::lgtd ( ) const

Returns the longitude (degrees: east +, west -).

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::operator!= ( const IndexModel other) const

Inequality operator.

IndexModel& openstudio::contam::IndexModel::operator= ( const IndexModel other)

Copy operator.

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::operator== ( const IndexModel other) const

Equality operator.

int openstudio::contam::IndexModel::orgCol ( ) const

Returns the column of the origin.

int openstudio::contam::IndexModel::orgRow ( ) const

Returns the row of the origin.

std::vector<TimeSeries> openstudio::contam::IndexModel::pathInfiltration ( std::vector< int >  pathNrs,
SimFile sim 

Compute the infiltration on a per path basis from simulation results.

std::string openstudio::contam::IndexModel::programName ( ) const

Returns the program name, should be "ContamW".

RunControl openstudio::contam::IndexModel::rc ( ) const

Returns the model run control object.

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::read ( openstudio::path  path)

Creates a new PRJ model from input file at specified path.

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::read ( std::string  filename)

Creates a new PRJ model from named input file.

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::read ( Reader input)

Creates a new PRJ model from an input object.

double openstudio::contam::IndexModel::rel_N ( ) const

Returns the angle to true north [degrees].

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::removeSpecies ( const Species species)

Remove a species from the model.

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::replaceAirflowElement ( int  nr,
PlrTest1  element 

Replace an airflow element with a PlrTest1 airflow element.

double openstudio::contam::IndexModel::scale ( ) const

Returns the cell scaling factor.

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setAhs ( const std::vector< Ahs > &  ahs)

Sets the model simple air handling systems vector.

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setAirflowPaths ( const std::vector< AirflowPath > &  paths)

Sets the model airflow paths vector.

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setAltd ( const double  altd)

Sets the elevation above sea level [m].

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setAltd ( const std::string &  altd)

Sets the elevation above sea level [m].

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setAngle ( const double  angle)

Sets the rotation of ContamW relative to EWC coordinates.

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setAngle ( const std::string &  angle)

Sets the rotation of ContamW relative to EWC coordinates.

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setCTMpath ( const std::string &  CTMpath)

Sets the full name of contaminant file.

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setCVFpath ( const std::string &  CVFpath)

Sets the full name of continuous values file.

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setDaySchedules ( const std::vector< DaySchedule > &  daySchedules)

Sets the model day schedule vector.

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setDef_flows ( const int  def_flows)

Sets the default flows: 0 = mass, 1 = volume.

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setDef_T ( const double  def_T)

Sets the default temperature for zones [K].

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setDef_T ( const std::string &  def_T)

Sets the default temperature for zones [K].

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setDef_units ( const int  def_units)

Sets the default display units: 0 = SI, 1 = US.

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setDEnd ( const std::string &  dEnd)

Sets the date WPC data ends [mm/dd].

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setDesc ( const std::string &  prjdesc)

Sets the project description.

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setDStart ( const std::string &  dStart)

Sets the date WPC data starts [mm/dd].

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setDVFpath ( const std::string &  DVFpath)

Sets the full name of discrete values file.

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setEcho ( const int  echo)

Sets the input echo flag: 0 - no echo, 1 - echo input files to the log file.

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setEpsPath ( const double  epsPath)

Sets the tolerance for matching path locations.

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setEpsPath ( const std::string &  epsPath)

Sets the tolerance for matching path locations.

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setEpsSpcs ( const double  epsSpcs)

Sets the tolerance for matching species.

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setEpsSpcs ( const std::string &  epsSpcs)

Sets the tolerance for matching species.

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setEWCfile ( const std::string &  EWCfile)

Sets the full name of EWC data source file.

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setInvYaxis ( const int  invYaxis)

Sets the y-axis inversion flag: 0 = positive above origin, 1 = negative above origin.

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setLatd ( const double  latd)

Sets the latitude (degrees: north +, south -).

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setLatd ( const std::string &  latd)

Sets the latitude (degrees: north +, south -).

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setLevels ( const std::vector< Level > &  levels)

Sets the model level vector.

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setLgtd ( const double  lgtd)

Sets the longitude (degrees: east +, west -).

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setLgtd ( const std::string &  lgtd)

Sets the longitude (degrees: east +, west -).

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setOrgCol ( const int  orgCol)

Sets the column of the origin.

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setOrgRow ( const int  orgRow)

Sets the row of the origin.

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setProgramName ( const std::string &  name)

Sets the program name.

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setRc ( const RunControl rc)

Sets the model run control object.

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setRel_N ( const double  rel_N)

Sets the angle to true north [degrees].

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setRel_N ( const std::string &  rel_N)

Sets the angle to true north [degrees].

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setScale ( const double  scale)

Sets the cell scaling factor.

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setScale ( const std::string &  scale)

Sets the cell scaling factor.

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setShowGeom ( const int  showGeom)

Sets the pseudo-geometry display flag: 0 = don't show, 1 = show in status bar.

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setSkheight ( const int  skheight)

Sets the SketchPad height [cells].

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setSkwidth ( const int  skwidth)

Sets the SketchPad width [cells].

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setSpecies ( const std::vector< Species > &  species)

Sets the model species vector.

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setSsWeather ( const WeatherData ssWeather)

Sets the weather data for steady-state simulation.

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setTgrnd ( const double  Tgrnd)

Sets the ground temperature [K].

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setTgrnd ( const std::string &  Tgrnd)

Sets the ground temperature [K].

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setTShift ( const std::string &  tShift)

Sets the time shift of EWC data [hh:mm:ss].

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setTznr ( const double  Tznr)

Sets the time zone (Greenwich = 0, Eastern = -5, etc.).

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setTznr ( const std::string &  Tznr)

Sets the time zone (Greenwich = 0, Eastern = -5, etc.).

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setU_a ( const int  u_a)

Sets the display units for elevation.

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setU_XYZ ( const int  u_XYZ)

Sets the units of coordinates.

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setUdefT ( const int  udefT)

Sets the display units for temperature.

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setUScale ( const int  uScale)

Sets the units of scaling factor: 0 = m, 1 = ft.

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setUseWPCmf ( const int  useWPCmf)

Sets the WPC file mass fraction flag: 0 = don't use, 1 = use.

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setUseWPCwp ( const int  useWPCwp)

Sets the WPC file wind pressure flag: 0 = don't use, 1 = use.

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setUtg ( const int  utg)

Sets the display units for ground temperatures.

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setUwH ( const int  uwH)

Sets the display units for elevation for reference wind speed.

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setVersion ( const std::string &  version)

Sets the CONTAM version.

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setWeekSchedules ( const std::vector< WeekSchedule > &  weekSchedules)

Sets the model week schedule vector.

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setWind_a ( const double  wind_a)

Sets the velocity profile exponent for wind.

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setWind_a ( const std::string &  wind_a)

Sets the velocity profile exponent for wind.

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setWind_Ao ( const double  wind_Ao)

Sets the local terrain constant for wind.

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setWind_Ao ( const std::string &  wind_Ao)

Sets the local terrain constant for wind.

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setWind_H ( const double  wind_H)

Sets the elevation for reference wind speed [m].

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setWind_H ( const std::string &  wind_H)

Sets the elevation for reference wind speed [m].

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setWindPressureProfiles ( const std::vector< WindPressureProfile > &  windPressureProfiles)

Sets the model wind pressure profiles vector.

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setWPCdesc ( const std::string &  WPCdesc)

Sets the WPC description.

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setWPCfile ( const std::string &  WPCfile)

Sets the full name of WPC file.

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setWpctrig ( const int  wpctrig)

Setss the WPC trigger flag: 0 = don't trigger, 1 = trigger airflow calculation by WPC data.

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setWptWeather ( const WeatherData wptWeather)

Sets the weather data the wind pressure test.

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setWTHpath ( const std::string &  WTHpath)

Sets the full name of weather file.

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setX0 ( const double  X0)

Sets the X-value of ContamW origin in EWC coordinates [m].

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setX0 ( const std::string &  X0)

Sets the X-value of ContamW origin in EWC coordinates [m].

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setY0 ( const double  Y0)

Sets the Y-value of ContamW origin in EWC coordinates [m].

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setY0 ( const std::string &  Y0)

Sets the Y-value of ContamW origin in EWC coordinates [m].

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setZ0 ( const double  Z0)

Sets the Z-value of ContamW origin in EWC coordinates [m].

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setZ0 ( const std::string &  Z0)

Sets the Z-value of ContamW origin in EWC coordinates [m].

void openstudio::contam::IndexModel::setZones ( const std::vector< Zone > &  zones)

Sets the model airflow zones vector.

int openstudio::contam::IndexModel::showGeom ( ) const

Returns the pseudo-geometry display flag: 0 = don't show, 1 = show in status bar.

int openstudio::contam::IndexModel::skheight ( ) const

Returns the SketchPad height [cells].

int openstudio::contam::IndexModel::skwidth ( ) const

Returns the SketchPad width [cells].

std::vector<Species> openstudio::contam::IndexModel::species ( ) const

Returns a vector of the species in the model.

WeatherData openstudio::contam::IndexModel::ssWeather ( ) const

Returns the weather data for steady-state simulation.

double openstudio::contam::IndexModel::Tgrnd ( ) const

Returns the ground temperature [K].

std::string openstudio::contam::IndexModel::toString ( )

Write the model in PRJ format to a string.

std::string openstudio::contam::IndexModel::tShift ( ) const

Returns the time shift of EWC data [hh:mm:ss].

double openstudio::contam::IndexModel::Tznr ( ) const

Returns the time zone (Greenwich = 0, Eastern = -5, etc.).

int openstudio::contam::IndexModel::u_a ( ) const

Returns the display units for elevation.

int openstudio::contam::IndexModel::u_XYZ ( ) const

Returns the units of coordinates.

int openstudio::contam::IndexModel::udefT ( ) const

Returns the display units for temperature.

int openstudio::contam::IndexModel::uScale ( ) const

Returns the units of scaling factor: 0 = m, 1 = ft.

int openstudio::contam::IndexModel::useWPCmf ( ) const

Returns the WPC file mass fraction flag: 0 = don't use, 1 = use.

int openstudio::contam::IndexModel::useWPCwp ( ) const

Returns the WPC file wind pressure flag: 0 = don't use, 1 = use.

int openstudio::contam::IndexModel::utg ( ) const

Returns the display units for ground temperatures.

int openstudio::contam::IndexModel::uwH ( ) const

Returns the display units for elevation for reference wind speed.

bool openstudio::contam::IndexModel::valid ( ) const

Returns false if the model is not a legitimate PRJ model.

std::string openstudio::contam::IndexModel::version ( ) const

Returns the CONTAM version.

std::vector<WeekSchedule> openstudio::contam::IndexModel::weekSchedules ( ) const

Returns a vector of the week schedules in the model.

double openstudio::contam::IndexModel::wind_a ( ) const

Returns the velocity profile exponent for wind.

double openstudio::contam::IndexModel::wind_Ao ( ) const

Returns the local terrain constant for wind.

double openstudio::contam::IndexModel::wind_H ( ) const

Returns the elevation for reference wind speed [m].

std::vector<WindPressureProfile> openstudio::contam::IndexModel::windPressureProfiles ( ) const

Returns a vector of the wind pressure profiles in the model.

std::string openstudio::contam::IndexModel::WPCdesc ( ) const

Returns the WPC description.

std::string openstudio::contam::IndexModel::WPCfile ( ) const

Returns the full name of WPC file.

int openstudio::contam::IndexModel::wpctrig ( ) const

Returns the WPC trigger flag: 0 = don't trigger, 1 = trigger airflow calculation by WPC data.

WeatherData openstudio::contam::IndexModel::wptWeather ( ) const

Returns the weather data the wind pressure test.

std::string openstudio::contam::IndexModel::WTHpath ( ) const

Returns the full name of weather file.

double openstudio::contam::IndexModel::X0 ( ) const

Returns the X-value of ContamW origin in EWC coordinates [m].

double openstudio::contam::IndexModel::Y0 ( ) const

Returns the Y-value of ContamW origin in EWC coordinates [m].

double openstudio::contam::IndexModel::Z0 ( ) const

Returns the Z-value of ContamW origin in EWC coordinates [m].

std::vector<std::vector<int> > openstudio::contam::IndexModel::zoneExteriorFlowPaths ( )

Return a vector of vectors of the CONTAM indices of all plot paths to the exterior of each zone.

std::vector<TimeSeries> openstudio::contam::IndexModel::zoneInfiltration ( SimFile sim)

Compute the infiltration on a per zone basis from simulation results.

std::vector<Zone> openstudio::contam::IndexModel::zones ( ) const

Returns a vector of all airflow zones in the model.